The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 17, 1889, Image 3

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— . '. ' ■ ' ' • • - ! AT SPECIAL BARGAINS In order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., \ye offer special inducements in the way of prices, in everv de nartment of our two larg< partment stpres. A NEW DEPARTURES A Bargain The Ladies will take ad vantage of the .good things to be found on our bargain counter. Dont fail to sec our BARGAIN COUNTER. H.Wolff&Bro The attention of the get* tlemen is called to the^plen- did bargains we offer in Cloth ing, Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. We are offering Goods cheap in order to reduce our 1 immense stock. You are respectfully invited to call early and inspect. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE ALBERT WINTER City Editor. FRIOAY. MAY 17, 1889 . Local Schedule. Fafct trail for Savannah. .Ar ‘ “from “ ...Ar... 131 p m “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 p Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am “ front " Ar... 520pm “ “ •* for Savannah Lv... 050 pm Freight and aeeoin. from Waye..Ar... 3 45 p m for Chatt. 1/ from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a m •• ** •• for Albany Lv... 4 25p •* “ •• from “ Ar... 7 65 a TIFOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv.. .8 45 a in from ..Ar...6 20 p ..LV...2 06 p m .. Ar..l2 10 p in We Bow Thanks. The general make up, sparklin news, variety of matter ami general appearance of the Times-Enterprise was the subject of general commen datiou and comment yesterday. We propose to give the people a first-class paper and hope to meet with, encour agement commensurate with our ef forts. Times-Enterprise. The Thotnasville Times and Enter- prise have been consolidated, and hereafter the papers will be issued daily and weekly under ihc name of the Times-Enterprise. Thiseis very sensible consummation,tor Thom asville is not able to sustain two daily papers, and the proprietors, by uniting their establishments, ability and ener gy, will give the people one paper, filled with all the current events ol the day, and edited with ability. We wish both'parties great success in the con solidaiion.—Constitution, Monticello. CITIZEN’S MEETING. Delegates to the Road Congress Appointed. Immediately after the able address of Hun. Ben. Terrell was concluded, yesterday, Rev. J. M. Bushin moved that Mr. Wayne Ivey be requested to preside over a citizen’s meeting, call ed for the purpose of appointing four delegates to the road congress that assembles in Atlanta May 22nd, and Mr. Albert Winter was requested to act as secretary. Mr. Rushin moved that a committee of fourba appointed to suggest the names of suitable dele gates. The chair appointed hs this committee, Dr, E.X. McTyre, Judge W. D. Mitchell, J. A. Pope, Esq., and Hon. A. T. McIntyre, Jr. After consultation tlje committee reported the following as delegates; Messrs Albert Winter, B. H. Pope; M, R Mallette and John A. Harvin. These delegates were, bv resolution, given the right to name their alternates. While the committee was in consulta tion, Mr. Alex. II. Jones offorod the following resolution: Resolved, That the sincere thanks of tlja people of Thomas county are tendored the Ron. Ben. Terrell, for his able and manly address of to-dav, and that they will gladly and hpartily coropcratc with him and his order in the work ns outlined ill said address. The resolution was adopted by a rising vote. After the resolution had been adopted, Mr. Terrell returned thanks tor the compliment paid him nut} the alliance, and remarked, that if such a resolution had been adopted in all the counties In which lie had spoken, it would have done much t" disabuse the minds ot the public of mistakes ns to the objects of the order he represented. The meeting then adjourned. Thomasvillp as ? Summer Resort, A prominent real estate agent told a Tiraes-Entei'piitc reporter yesterday, that there were a grent many people from Florida in Thomusville, who had come here to spend the summer. Continuing, iie said that it was im possible for him to supply the demand for dwellings. This set the reporter to thinking. There is no reason why Thomusville should not do a popular summer re sort for people from Florida. A great many that leave the StAtc in summer do so because they cau have better health and keep cooler. Thomas- viJlc, enthroned in her high hills, sur- rouuded by cooling forests, fanned by breezes that coma from the gulf, with splendid artesian water, is in a posi tion to offer these seekers after health and comfort just what they want. The expenses of a summer residence in our city are light when compared with those of any of the fashionable resorts, and with a great many people CORDELE GOES WILD NO A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Over a Through Line to Atlanta.—Will Thomasviire Hitch On ? Oordele, Ga., May 14.—The ex citement in Cordelc to-day has bean 1.V...12topm simply immense, and to-niglit the demonstration in honor of the exten sion of the Atlanta and Florida rail road excelled auything of the kind that ever happened in Cordelc. It ttspm was known by many of our citizens that the meeting in Atlanta last night would settle the matter and all were in suspense to-day until definite news was heard. The first intimation received here of the truth was the following tele gram to Col. J. E. D. Shipp, presi dent of the lihuk of Cordelc and di rector of the Savannah, Americusand Montgomery railroad, in answer to one sent by him for information : We just gobbled you up. We are unanimously for a clsoe alliance. E. P. Howei.i. Knowing that Capt. Howell had been one of the principal opposers of the investment company’sproposit" this news as coining from him was considered autlioritivc, and the doubting Thomases at once gave up all doubt. The nows flew like wild fire. lu a minutes Col. Shipp’s office was crowd ed by people who wished to see and hear for themselves the good news, To-night fire works arc displayed everywhere, and the whole city is illuminated, A baud of music is serenading the town. Speeches were indulged in, and there was general rejoicing. This new road gives Cordelc im portant connections, and it will soon nave the advantages enjoyed by few cities in the south. t Col. Shipp thinks Cordelc lias a brighter future than auy city he knows, and at no distant day it will rank with the important cities of the south. With an independent line from here to Cordclo, Thoinasville would be out of the woods. The subject is one of supreme importance to this place. Eighteen hundred and eighty- nine, is the pivotal period with Thoinasville. Shall wc go forward or backward? We enunot nflord to do the former, and thtfh: being, with towns, is with individuals, no stand ing still period, we must go forward. Prompt, systematic concert < f action, should be the watch-word. At Quincy. We alluded a day or two since to the fact that nn entertainment was on the tapis nt Quincy, Fla., for the ben efit of the Episcopal church building fund. The following is the cast of characters: • Princess Snowflake—.Miss Elia Love Prince Sunbeam—Mr. I). A. Fin? laysoc, of Monticello. Arctic Queen—Miss Sallic David son, Arctic King—C. Curtis, Tropic Queen—Miss Sallic Bird, of Monticello. Tropic King—Geo. Munroc. . Princess Peivdron — Miss Bessie Bibbs. Jack Frost—Harper Davidson. Lord High C'haiiiberlin-—-ltobt. Da- vidsojj. C'horous, Huntsmen, Scientists, Ac., —Misses C. and M. Love, Muuroe, Curtis, Sterns, Mitchell,with Turnbull aod Biinkins, of Monticello; Messrs Munroc, Burghard, Ellis, Sharon, Cox, Shaw, Dorr, Mitchell, Love,. R. and H. Davidson. Bad willi Kvzrnin. Hair all Clone*. Hen lp covered with eruption*,Thought hie hair would nuVcr g'ow. .inmfby rented 1cm. Hair splendid and not pimple on him. I cannot s«» enough In prairie of the Cutlcura Remedies. My l>oy» who when one year of age, was so batl with eczema that he lost all his hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions. which the doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began the use of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple on him. I recommend the Cuticur i Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M. K. WOODSUM, Norway, Me A Fever More Eight Years Cured. I must extend to you the thanks of one of iny customers, who has been eured by using Cuticu- **a Remedies, of ah old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago! bad he was fearful he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happy-to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to uso his name, which Is H. H. Cason, merchant of this nlace. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Clainsbbro,Tcun. ScTfrc ttcnlc Disease Cured, A few weeks ago iny wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of tho scalp, aud re ceived no relief from the various remedios she used until she tried Cuticura. The disease dromptiy yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entire y well. There has /l n ilv nf' been no return or the disease and Cuticura ua, v» Consisting QJ ranks x°- 1 hi our estimation for diseases of the skin. v. J. 1’RRSSlKV BARRETT, I). D. Raleigh, N. C. : ■ lie S. F. k W R. R. will give low excursion rates from all points on its line of road w itlnn tae state of G^o/gia to Savannah during the May fcstivitiis. % *K iftftMiM Also proposes to give the same opportunity to parties buying good® from now nr- tub not less than 10 per cent discount on all goods in their line. We also call your attention to their clothing stock which they can boast of the styles and fits. Facts and convince all that we offer the opportunity of the season in genteel clothing tor men. bov and children, C A Ij ON Ugl. Take a look through our Immense Tailoring Department, where our Mr. O. Helms, will pay bis special attention to nil who will call, and see that ever/ Lady and Gentleman is satisfied with the style and fit of every garment tha goes out. Fiilirtirn Remedies. positive cure for every form of skin, scalp, and blood diseases, with loss of hair, from ’ to serofular, except possibly -itchthyo scaip. i pimple Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 5oo.; Soap, ».; Resolvent. SI. Prepared by tho Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Ala carsenr - RflRV'Q ‘ s kii» and sculp preserved and beauti- DBDl 0 flen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. • EVERY MUSCLE ACHED. Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- M ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain l’las- ne drst and only Instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. Pimples, Seres, Aches and Pains When a hundred bottles of sarsaparilla or other pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-born scrgfula or contajriuns blood poison, reinetilber that B. B.B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable instances. Send » the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga., for Book of Wonder 0 ,” and be convinced is the only true blood purifier. G. W. Messer, Howell’s X Roads, Ga writes: “I was afflicted nine yeers with sores. All *hc medicine 1 could take did me no good. I then tried B. B. 15., and 8 bottles cured me sound.” Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Mountain,Texa: rites: J 1 A la^y friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and neck. She took three bottles of B. B. B.,and her skin got soft and smooth, pimples disap pcared, and her health improved greatly.” Jas. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga., writes .Some years ago 1 contracted blood poison I had no appetite, my digestion was ruined rheumatism drew up my limbs so I could hardly walk, throat was cauterized five times. Hot Springs gavo me no benefit, and my life was one torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and, suprising as it may seem, tho use of fivi bottles cured me.” ^ may JO, lm Iii order to make room for cash groceries, we find that we must offer some rare bargains in shoes. We mean business when wc say bargains and if you need shoes don’t fail to call M. P. Pickett. y/ r- The Leaders of Styles. tins would bo q controlling consider ation Property owners can get a valuable pointer from the fact stated that resi dences are bard to get. Nice cot tages command a good rent, and will pay a handsome return on the money invested in them. Build, then; make Thoinasville a summer resort for Florida ggopje, and we will have a steady, ail the year business. The Quitman ‘correspondent ol the Constitution, in speaking of the Ar* rington trial, sa>s: “Had ’Captain Hammond closed last night, the prisoner at the bar might now have been a free man. His four-hour speech of the morning was a masterful appeal for law, order and the supremacy of justice, and public opinion is that it has had much Inhure Voi r Life in the Mutual Ret Fund Life Association, of New York. (Jet a policy with no restrictions upou travel resilience or occupation, in the largest nat ural premium company in tlje world, plain simple insurance with banking at such nas- onablo-pricc that nil can carry a polio Represented by L 11. Wood. 1 tf LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, For hil oust can and constipation, take on Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomaehc, take Lem on Elix c. For sick and nervous headache, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take 1 Foi on Elixir. For fevers, chilis and malaria, take Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in an; above diseases, all of whi<*b arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidney blood. Prepared only by Di. 11. Mozelev. Atlanta, r 50c, and 81,00 per bottle. Sold by druggists A Prouiiueut 31 mister Wute*. Alter ten years of great suffering from Bid gcation, with great nervous prostration, Ml outness, disordcre l ki. ncysand constipation. I have been cured by l3r, Mozelcy’s'Leraoji Eljuir, ami • in now a well man. Rev. C. r. Davis, EM. M. K. Church South No. 28, Tatnall, St. Atlanta, Ga. May 14, d3m. O.ld ladies tine low cut Buskin hand made, low heel, soft noiseless bottoms, easy to the tired feet. Cost you 82 anywlicrc else. Cau get thenf at I’ickett’s for 81.25, Got to make weight with the jury. Shari. Sims, of this county, Mr. A. V brought in two loads of slmd last week, which were caught iu a trap in the Withlacooeliee river. The flesh seems to be one mass of bones. .Some fish experts say it is the white slmd, whileothers are equally sure that they are another kind—the hickory shad. We learn that specimens have been sent to tho fish commissioner at Washington for ciasslficutioii. There arc millions of them in the Within- coochcc river.—Quitman Herald. E P 0. ' Don’t waste time anil money ami undergo needless torture with the knife when Ethio pia!! Pile Ointment will afford instant re lief and certain cure Ip eypry case qf blind, bleeding, itching, internal and external piles. Jtangum Hoot Medicine Company, Nashville, Tenn. M cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by McRae k Mardre and H. J. Cassais, Reid k Culpepper are keeping up with the procession, they have secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the finest preparation known for dyspepsia. It is gu.ranteei) .to cure. ’ 4 «tf room for cash groceries. 5-1 1-tf. Men’s hand sewed, best American call, Congress and Balmorals. Sold everywhere for 85.50 to 80. Sold at I’ickett’s for 84. More room for cheap groceries, Ladies fine kid button shoe, box toe uud worked hole, worth 82, sold ut I’ickett’s for 81.10. Takes lots of room for cheap cash groceries. Our Underwear, Shirts and Neckwear Is the admiration of all who have seen them. TO THE LADIES. Wc wish to call your attention to the Hue of Dress Goods wc arc receiving ily, consisting of 6 Summer Silks, Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths,; Satines, Chaliies, Edging, Lacs Wc are selling lower than any house in An 1 everything the ladies desire, the city. Very respectfully, L. STEYERMAN & BRO. had ’em all,;’ said a rubicund, _iny-fnced gentleman. ‘‘All what ?” asked his' friend. “Why, all the symptoms of malaria, viz: lame back, aching joints, sleeplessness, in digcs'lou, dizzv fits, cold extremi ties, rush of blmnl to the head, con- slant fatigue, no appctilo, pains in Hie breast after eating, night sweats, alternate chills uud fevers, etc., but Brown’s Iron Bitters cured me, and I yccomtncnd it as being the best tonic made.” A FRIENDLY MEETING. “How uro you feeling, old follow t" “Oh, I don’t foci weli; can’t cat. I am languid, tnd feel generally good-for- nothing." “Well, my friend, there is no use for you to feeling tliut wuy, You need something to do away with that torpid ity of tlie liver, and any impurity of the blood." Such a remedial agent is in reach of you every day, and you pass by your drug store three or four times a day and neyor think Jo ask your druggist what will bcneflt'you. If you did, lie would answer nt once: “Westmore land’s Callsayn Tonic Is tho very thing you need. It !s on salo ut overy drug store in tho oountry. and the bottles cost only 50c or $1.00. TIIE WOMEN PRAISE B. It. 11. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is It. It. It. (Bo- tunic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., -itlanla, fta., for proofs. It. L. Cassidy, Kcnncsaw, (la., writes: “Three bottles of 11.11.11. cured my wife of scrofula.” Mrs. It. M. Laws, Xalnbr. Fla., writes: “I huqc never used anything to equal 11.11,11.” Mrs. C. II. (lay, Rocky Mount, N. C., writes: “Not r (far fo 15 years was 1 free from headache. It. H. 11. entirely relieved me. I feel like mother person.”* Jas. W. Lancaster, ltawkinsvillc, (is., writes: “Mywifowasin bad health for eight years. Fire doctors and many patent medicines had done her no good, Nix bottles of B. II. 11. cured iter.” Miss S, Tomlinson, -Itlnnte, (in., says: “For years I suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney troublo and indigestion, I was also feeble and nervous. 11. II. II. re lieved me nt once, although several other medicines had failed.” “Rev. .1 M. Richardson, Clarkston. Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my church had been cured bv B. B. 1). She persuaded my wife to try it, nliq non; says there is nothing like 11.11. tirlrli- rrnvn hop rnlinf ” WHOLESALE AND RETAIL —a/aALEKH iv— Hay, « Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Gouda Delivered Prnmvtlrj. • Prices as Low as the Lowest! Give us a call and )ve promise to pleaso you. B. D. FUDGE, THOM ASVILLE, GA., DEALER in HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, lb, as it quickly gave her relief.” LAUNDRY. Hem] its your luumlry. Collars, .02 1 J each, etills, .05 per pair, shirts, .10 each. Wc guarantee all work to lie neat ami clean. 8eml beforo 8 o’clock a. in. Wednesdays. C. II. You mi Co. ’ of all kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. MI LLIJffERY. C. F. COLLINS. KILL FLIES. Insect I’owder Fly Paper. Dashkos’ Pharmacy, 118 Broad street. JERSEY MILK. I'urties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied,'iu any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April Id, 1889, Young gentlemen will lind our stock of novelties in ties and scarfs, Simply immense, and the styles simply superb. Conic to headquarters. C. ih Yoc.vo, k Co., The Popular Clothiers. Mother, to etirc chafing, relievii g baby, use Boracine Toilet aod Nursery Powder. It costs no nnro, is super:or and highly perfumed. Me live .‘c Mardre, Th inaavUle; A. Bra lord, Co'mnbus: Alexander Dreg amt Seed (*■>., An gus a | If. Von Oyc: , < hartest .n, Agoats. SEASON GOODS. (it* to Reese ami Eason’s for Fruit Jars, iJellic Glasses, lee l’react Frerxere, Water Coolers and Refrigerator., Best goods and lowest prices is our motto. tiic-thur-sa-ltt CATARIUI OCRED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol'sCatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free TAILORING. There in un end to nil things, so the people say, but there is no end to tho splendid lilting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in ♦lie neatest manner. Give mo a call. John Kenny. PIANOS AND ORGANS. W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, bus se ared the agency for all tile first-class l’iunos and Orguns, which he is selling ut Ute lowest prices for cush or on long time. Those desiring to purchaso will do well to learn ins prices and terms. ITCHELL HOUSE, BLOCK, Takes occasion to notify the citizens u r irrounding country that d her osiiut elegant as- Thuuia.'ivillu she has just rec sortinont of Spring hi id Summer nhiaeiiig a large and beautiful Hats, Bonnets, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, A"| a ' Iar, , ieles usually kept in a first-class Mil line iv More. West’s Pain King—tt s houeahold remedy. Always useful. Never ft its to cure cholera : torbns, pains in stotmu a or bowels, cruran, olic, chills or summer complaint. 25c. Sold t, Da. McRae’s Mitchi II House Pharmacy. '.'homasvillc.Ua. West’s World’s wonder ftf Family Lini ment, a superior icuiedy for neuralgia, lame Rack, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, and last ionger. Solti at Da. McRak’s Mitchell House Pharmacy Thomusville, Ga, 43 ly,’ Milnuh.Ga. 1 have had weak Lungs nearly all nty life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any u pa rent benefit. I am now us ing Biewc.-’s Lung Restorer ami lean safely affirm it is the only remedy from which I have ever derived any lieneGt. W. !,. Martin, A large assortment of Embroidering ■met!. Ileal Scotch Linen Floss, in afi colors, The llargarrau Art Thread; Rope floss, German Cord; Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread, cream aud white Embroid ering and knitting silk iu all ciders. Stamping g Pinking Of all kimU promptly executed. Dress Making Iu all ita branches dnue iu tlio beat stjfo and at reasonable rates. An inspection of Rood* aud prices respectfully solicited. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Thamasville, Georgia, ^4 win bo glad to make contracts fox the construction of all claaaea ot building*. IHkfr- 1 It? nnd itrlvntA In h.i.b ..7a * tic and private, tn cither brick or wood. 1 will guarantee In ovory Instance Designs and plan* drat give satisfaction. amt careful estimates modo. Mr Motto—Good, honest work at (air prices. If yon want any bulldlag doae —■■ on me. 1 will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or aoi. 1 refer te the many puhlle but Wings erected by as* la Thnuaevlile and elsewhere, aad aUp ~ t<*T whom | ha vo worked 1 part lee