The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 17, 1889, Image 4

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Latest Telegraphic News. Philadelphia lieeutfis oue hundred and fortv saloons less than Inst year. .The Alliance men met iu Birming ham y«sterday to discuss the jute trust. It is thought a compromise will he attempted, by which the price of jute will he lowered. Germany is being coin ulsrd with strikes amoug her workmen. Five convicts escaped from the Chattahoochee brick yard yesterday. One' was shot—not fatally, however. All were re-captured. The Florida legislature has defeated the general farm fence option law. The same body have passed the act makiti" payment of taxes a prerequisite to voting. ■ Sam Randall, who lias been quite ill, is improving. The Illinois legislature has appro priated 830,000 to erect a monument to the late Gen. John A. Logan. A severe bail storm visited Norfolk, Va., and vicinity, yesterday. Much damage was done. Way cross had another fire yester day. The stoic of A. H. Bennett was consumed. . Gruntville, Ga., was visited by a severe wind and huh storm yesterday. Corn, cotton and gardens were badly damaged. I’akis, May 13.- Whitelaw Reid, the new American minister, was re ceived by M. Spullcr, minister of for eign aliairs, to-day. President Car not will receive Mr. Reid at the end of the week. Commissioner Slaughter has an nounced a reduction of rates to the delegates to the road congress of one fare going and one-third returning. All the indications now point to a great convention., Muni., May 13. Returns from yesterday’s election arc too in complete to determine the exact mem bership of this constitutional conven tion. As far as received, they indi cate that the contest will ho very close, with the chnuces in favor of the democrats by a narrow majority. The labor members from JcfTerson county may have the casting vote. The seventy-seventh annual Epis copal diocesan convention for Georgia, met at St. Luke’s rallied ral, in Atlanta, yesterday, aud will be in session sev eral days. Bishop Beckwith is pre siding. The opening exercises wire c inducted by Rev. J. R. 'Winchester, of Mncon, and Rev. C. II. Strong, of Savannah. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. John Goss, of Au gusta. Chattanooua, Tknn., May 15.— The southern general assembly of the Presbyterjpu church will meet in this city to-morrow at 11 o’clock, in the First Presbyterian church. The as sembly’ will be opened by a sermon from Rev. Dr. Bullock, of Washing ton, D. C., the retiring moderator. An organization will then be effected, aud the first business meeting will be to-morrow night. A Judge's Courtship. ^Ni w York Press. The shortest courtship I ever beard of was that, of an eminent jurist He was'on his way to bold court in town, vben be met a voting woman coming from market. “How deep is the creek, aud what did you get for your butter?" the judge asked. “Up to the knee and nine pence,” was the answer, as the girl walked on. The judge pondered over the sensible brevity of the reply, turned his horse, rode back and overtook her. “I liked your answer just now,” lie said, “and I like you. I think you would make me a good wife. Will you marry me?” She looked him over and suid'Ves.’ “Then get up behind me, aud we will ride to town ami be married.” She did get up behind and they rode to the court house and were made one. It is recorded that the marriage was a prc-cniineutly happy one. Practical Farm Philosophy. Persevcrauec is not a bad substitute fur a tcaehcr.iu acquiring skill. Thfi wise creditor is slow to lend to the man who-has scrubby cattle. The best, which is not always the highest priced, is the cheapest. Success depends even more iijkiu correct methods than upon hard work. Some positively lazy men honestly Nilicvc they are only economical. Diogcucs, with his lantern, could ot have found a good excuse for dull mis. 'The wife of your youth is clearly Ititled to the easiest pump in the ouse well, and a covered walk to it lom the kitchen door. Neither social obligations nor good torols require you to lend to him ho docs not take good care of tools, f who does not return them prompt- Mciuorial services were help iu the nited States Court at Macon Satur- ,y in memory of the late United ntes Marshal, Hon. Lucius M. La ir. Tributes of respect and regard n made by prominent members of » bar. It’s a Mistake. It is a mistake for a farmer to depeud ou others to do liis thinking for him. , IlVI mistake to think those who live itf'tttwus and cities have an easy nud happy life. It’s a mistake to be always g' Umil ling atuf complaining. It's a mistake to join the Alliance through avaricious or selfish motives. It’s a mistake to think that the State or County Alliance can do everything for your subordinate Al liance. It’s a mistake to think the Alliance can, or will greatly benefit you if you arc content simply to do nothing except place your name on the roll and pay your dues. It’s a mistake to stay away from meetings and complain if matters do not go to suit you. It's a mistake to remain silent in the meeting and then complain that something was done w-oug. It’s a mistike to stay in the order if you arc not willing to defend it and to work for it. It’s a mistake to depend on the Alliance to buy for you wlmt you ought to produce ou your farm. It’s a mistake logo to law with n brother before you make an honest eflort to settle the question through your brethren. It's a mistake to tattle and talk about Alliance business. It's a mistake to tell everything relating to Ailiauco plans or business, outside the order. • It’s a mistake to harbor unpleasant feeling agaiust a member and not let him know it. It’s a mistake to lie coutiuunliy criticising the motives of your breth ren and the actions ot your officers. It’s a mistake not to pay your dues regularly aud promptly. . It’s a mistake not to attend vour meetings as regular as practicable. It’s a mistake to keep a man iu your Alliance whom you know to be uu enemy to the order.) It’s a mistake to adopt resolutions which you do not enforce or observe. It’s a mistake for you not to be just us active, and faithful, nud prompt, and loyal to the order us you arc capable of heiug. Several good compositions written by boys on the subject of girls are going the rounds. Here is a little girls composition on boys, in which she shd\vs that her sex, no matter how young, can get ahead of the boys every time: “Boys arc men that have not got ns big ns their papt s, and girls nre young women that will be young ladies by aud by. Man was made before woman. When God looked at Adam He said to himself, 'Well I guess I cull do better if 1 try a/; till,’ and then he made Eve. God liked live so much better than Adam that there has been more women than men every since. Boys arc a trouble. They are wearing on everything but soap. It 1 hud my way half the boys in the world would be little girls, aud the rest would be dolls.. My papa is so nice that I guess he must have been a girl when lie was a boy.” A stern Atlanta parent said to a young applicant lor bis daughter's hand: “Young man, can you support a family?” when the young man weakly replied: “I want only Sarah!” He bail no idea of supporting the whole family. “William nrcclmrg- cd with having beaten your wife, ’ said Judge Anderson, iu the Atlanta police court. “The charge is correct, your hon or.” “What arc you smiling about ibeu?' "I have reason to smile. Wc’vc been, married five years, aud in all our scrapes we've bad ibis is flic tirst time I’ve come out first best. Have a ci gar, Judge?" Local Bill. Notice i.- hereby gben licit at I lie July session ul' tilt- Legislature ul Georgia, a Hill will be introduced lo amend an let approved October ’Sill, 1S70, entitled an “Act to in corporate the town ot Cairo, iu the county of Thomas, said State, and for other pur poses,' so us to confer the power nud author ity to elect the Marshal ot said tow it, upon tlie Mayor and councilmcii, to dismiss from office said marshal for failure or neglect to perform .the duties of his office; to substitute for the words -‘Atlantic A Gulf Kailhjud," the words, ‘-Savannah, Klorida A Western Railroad.'' To moke three mouths residence iu said tow u—instead of ten days aa hereto fore—necessary to ‘innlify a voter lo vote in the town elections; to fix the place of hold ing the town elections at the town hall, in stead of the “place of holding Justice court.” as heretofore, and to require bond of the Marshal before he shall be allowed to niter upon the discharge of his duties. 3t»d “If ft woman is pretty* To me ’tis no mutter. Bo sho blondo or brunette. So 6ho lets me look ftt her.” An unhealthy woman is rnrely, if over* beautiful. The pecMilinr diseases to which so many of tho sex nre subject, arc prolific causes of pale willow faces, blotched with un sightly pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and ema ciated forms. Women so afflicted, can bo per manently cured by using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription; and with tho restoration of health comes that beauty which, combined with good qualities of head and heart, makes women angels of loveliness. ** 3* avorito Prescription is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a powitivo guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in overv case, or money will bo refunded. It is a positive specific for all those painful disor ders, irregularities and weaknesses with which so many women are afflicted, Copyright, 1838. by WOHLD’3 DlS. Mkd. Ass’N. DR. PIERCE’S PELLETS Purely Vegetable S Perfectly Harmless I TJNEQTTALED AS A LIVER FILL. Smallest* Cheapen, Easiest to toko. One tiny, Hugur-emU-d Pellet a dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indication, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements of the Stomach und Bowels. 25 cents a vial, by druggists. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only facnuino System of memory Training! Four Hooks Jtcarncil iu one reading* Mlml wandering cured. * Every child and ndnlt prently benefltttfd. * Groat iuduoeiufsUs to C irrespondenco Glasses. Proppoct'.is, with oidni'ms of. !>r» TVni. A* IInm« mono* the v>rlil-fatu **l h;*ftci;ili»t tn filmd Dtsoasw. Daniel liromleni Tiiomprou* theyreat Psychol. ojdst, .1. IU. Buckley* II.D.,editoroflho ChrJsMon Adoocat”, .V. I . It chard Proctor* the> Scientist, Hons. \4\ XV. A-*»cir, Judge Uittion* Judah P. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LTTPMAN BROS.. Wholesale'Druggist*, Sole Props., Lippmaa Block, Savannah, Go. p.p.p. p.p.p. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, amt Potassium.) CURES SYPHILIS Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Syphilis, Pvph- ilitic Eruptions, Scrofula and Scrofulous Emp- tloue. Ulcere and Old Sores. Rheumatism and all diseases of tho blood ; nil those that have resisted other treatment yield steadily and surely to the wonderful power of P. P. P., the great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA Is an imparity In the blood, producing Lumps or Swelling, causing Running bores on the Arms, Logs, or Feet, for tho cure of which use P. P. P., the greatest blood medicine on earth. All these diseases yield readily to tho power of I*. P. P.* giving new life and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cared in its worst form ; sometimes In cases with Erysipelas, where the patient was in Eternal Pain and given ap by the physicians. In some cases Scrofulous Ulcers broko out till the party was a mass of corruption; n bottle of P. P. 1*. was procured, and the disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And In all Affections of the Blood, P. P.P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some of its cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from anything like Syphilis, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, Old Sores, Rheuma tism, or any disease of tho blood, bo sure and give P. P. P. a trial. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, ami Potas sium) is no secret patent medicine like tho many on the market. Its foonnla i3 on every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity ami whole- •omeucss that no other blood purifier docs give. LIPMANn itUornERS, wlilcsale druggists, solo manufacturers and proprietors, IJppraan Block,Savannah, Ga. MCRAE & MARDRE. Wholesale and Retail Age akb WARTS, WNWMWM FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms with kitchen privi leges, one block from business part of town, for rent at $13 50 per month. E M MALLKTTK: THE BEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE*. SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through expreos trains daily, with Pul!) man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cara by day, between Cin- clnnattl and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Loulsvlllo and Chicago, where close con nections aro made for Hi. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land,| Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— MTe’w Fast Mail, Leaving L tuisvllle. Dally except Sunday, at 7*:t0a. in. Clnclimatti, Daily, oxcept Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:35. The most rapid sorvlce over attempted i>e- tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio Biver and Chicago. hrough Coupon Tlckots, Daggago cheek ed to destination, and your safety aud com fort provided for, are among tho points that havo made the MONfiN ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON. Vlee-proa’t and Oou'l Mgr W. II. McDOEL. Gou’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt„ 158 Broad St.. Thomasvllie Ga. W. 1). SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * and * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen lu my employ and urn prepared to do all kinds of sheet metal and plumbing work in tho. boat possi ble mauner. GALVANIZED IRON CoRNICE. Architectur al and Ornnmontul Work In Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TlN ROOFING, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I koop on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanlzod, Russia. Smoke stack and Plain Iron. Sheet Brass, Planished, tinned and Plain Coppers; Zinc, Holder, Spelter and Wire. , . . My prices aro reasonable and those wuo contemplate having work done or purchasing anything lu my Itno will find It to their In terest to confer with mo boforo placing their orders. Office aud shop over Watt k Bro. s. Broad St..ThomasviBo Ga. READ THIS COLUMN. mi. Mr. Joseph M. Dreycr offers his servicos to the public ns a stenographer nud type writer. All work promptly done and satis faction guaranteed. Apply to or address, JOSEPH M. DREYER, at Me n*.f re & McIntyre’s office, Broad st TSPiiddon House (Opposite Plnoy Woods Hotel.) TIIO.UASVILLE, - GA E. B. WhiddoH, Prop. This house, located In tho most desir able ami central pnrt or tho city. Is new and complete in every particular. Fur nished In the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels The menu Is perfect, and the service rendered by traiued nnd po- llto servants. Terms reasonable, and prices-graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the house meet all trains. deelh-ly THOMASV1 LEE ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS OF CONVEYANCES To City and Connin' I’roperly. it. Tlinnin* countr, fiirnMied ul -I. ,t-i Holier. Special Viic<* fa Rial Ks/'ilc DcMcnti OFFICE:—With Arthur Patten, Attorn.) al I,aw, Masonic building, 107 IIhoadSt.. • - TuoMA8vn.Lt, l a GrilettlLemk, Contractors & Builders TIIOMASV1IJ.K, GA. We will lio glad to inuku eoutracts for, or nuiKirlutomt, ull clnSsea ot hull,lings, nubile or private, in cither brick or wood. Wilt fur nish plans and apocutcivIona If required. It you want any building done call ou us. nud no will submit estimates whether eoutraet is nwurdod us nr not. Wo will guarantee satis faction ill ull our work. We refer to ttio uiuuy buildings erected by us lu Tlioisaavllto, nud lo all partlos for whom wo have worked. Bhon on i'lotcber st.. 2nd door from broad. Tltomaevlile, On., April 2, 1883. Lands For Sale m yaw® TfiMii The *J40 acres if land iu Thomas county, being parts of lots 01 aud 78 in the 14th Dlst., and known ns tho Geo. W. Whttehuvst place. Will sell for $1,000,--one fourth, one third, or one Itulf euslt, and the balance in from one to six years,--to suit purchaser, with interest at rate of eight per edit, per annum oil deferred payments, nayable annually. For further particulars ud- dress Wm. E Simmons, laiil-tf Atlanta. Gu. RESTAURANT AND Oyster Saloon. Go lo lleppiu’s, on Broad st., opposite Mitchell House,, for a meal or Oysters in any shape. Rooms to let, also, and board reasonable by the day, week or month, tf NEYV OFFERINGS IN REAL ESTATE. BY E. M. MALLETTE. $10,000, Another old southern home. 1,500 acres lire miles from city, good road, splendid pear orchard, netted last year, $445. Houses in good repair. This is a great bar gain. 5.800. 100 acres two miles troui town, run- uiug from one public road to -another aud divided by the Boulevard. A very valua ble tract, well located for sub-dividing, and will make a good profit as a speculation. 20,000 acres ot timber lunds*in Thomas aud Colquitt counties at $1 per acre. These lands are good farming lands and are intrin- cically worth $5 per aero. $2,500. Unmistakably the handsomest residence lot in the city, 200x200 feet on corner Hansell street and Colton avenue, fronting the park. There is absolutely no possiblo objection to this property. The only "MiuehS lots ou Broad aireet at $90.00 per i»er front loot. $1,500. New place*, lot 100x507 on three streets in suburbs at $1,500. The improve ments cost $2,100. Owner must reali/.c on property immediately and offers at this great sacrific*! I have every description of properly for sale. Residence lots at $200 to $500 on good streets. First-class residence property in most popular localities will cost more money, but I have it too. I offer two splendid little farms with geuis of pear orchards ou them. I offer plantations of all kinds, sizes aud prices. Any ouc lmring any idea of buying will act very unwise!y to do so without seeing me. E. M. MALLETTE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. G-eor" ia Special Bargains in Improved and Unimproved : Property The Anderson Cot tage, Crawford St., next to Whiddon House and nearPi- ney Woods Hotel. One fourth cash, balance in five years. HOPKINS f Real Estate Airencv, BOX 22 city. Thomasville, Ga.