The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 18, 1889, Image 1

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. 1 - VOL 1--.NO 5. TUOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1885). Special News Notes About Town r- yii IN • m,:. r ; -FOR- This Week 7 LOHNSTEQTS! 5,000 yards Clu cked Nainsook at 5c, worth 10c. .5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 8c worth 12 1-2. 5 ooo yards Checked Nainsook at i worth 15c. '5.000 yatds Figured White Lawn 12 i-2c, worth 20. A 8*.-- ■ This is a specia Q : drive and is wel worth your atten . .tion. 5.000 yards white India Linen at 5c worth toe. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 8c -■ •• worth 12 .-'2 . 5 000 yards while India Linen at, 10c worth 15. We have thediest and largest assort : merit of white lawns * ever offered in this market. Would cal your special atten tion to our ‘V&tJ w < r 20c Number, which in width, fin ish and sheerness of woof, surpasses any thing ever shown at this price. 35 dozen bleached damask towels knotted frioge, at 15c, well worth % 2 5 c - 35 dozen Huckabock Towels at 10c, worth 25c. ■ ( for 25c we can give you the vei best towel, 1 1 4 yards long, all linen and fast colored borders, ever shown in Thomasville. IKj Our new and elegant selection of ^ ' Challtes are still all the rage, and are "^selling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some very L.,-. ..choice patterns left, which we are toffcritig at greatly reduced rates. Our remnant counter lor this week contains some very desirable bar. gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. All lines complete. Stock acknowledged to be the largest, lower than Do not fail to and inspect. We are anxious to show you our goods whether you buy or not. > Prices ever, come About People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. Capt. Hansell has returned from Augusta. Mr. A. G. Smith, of New York, is in the city. The Stuart showed forty arrivals yesterday. Passenger No. 8 was over an hour late yesterday. Little Mardre has returned from a visit to Americus. Dr. McTyrc says that he has a very fair crop of oats. Dr. W. W. Bruce has returned from a visit to Columbus. Judge Hansell return d from Quit man yesterday afternoon. Mr. C. B. Colbert, of Macon, is among the strangers in town. Mrs. Craigtniles left yesterday for a visit to her daughter at Chattahoo chee. Mr. E. L. Irvington and five ladies, of New York, are registered at the Stuart. Frick laying on the walls of the new Episcopal church commenced vester day. The silk worms owned by Messrs. Stark & Jerger ltavu begun weaving tneir cocoous. Judge Hauscll will hold court in Lowndes county next week. The term will likely be longer than usual. Manager Keiler, of the ice factory who has been sxk for some time, is able to be on the greets again. _ t ** *HjJ bathiy (?) odors that float on the night breezes are not laden with tlie perfume of Araby the Blest. Mrs. C N. Graves and. boy, who have been spending the winter here, lea/e tjus morning for New York. Contractor Mayo has returned from Jefferson county, Fla., where he has been remodeling the old Bellamy man sion. Mr. Aleck While will be sufficiently recovered to be on the streets in a few days. His friends are glad to note Ins rapid convalescence. The Thomasville Variety Works will lurnish a large quantity of materi al to be used in the new buildings un der contract in Waycross. What Co-Operation of Capital Has Done for Thomasville. Perhaps the finest illustration of the advantages of union and co-operation is found i:t the story told of an old The Arrington Case. According to the correspondent of the Constitution, Judge Hansell said to the bailiff in charge of the jury,when that official delivered a message to man who called his seven sons- him, saying the jury could not agree, to his bedside, as lie stood face to lace with the grim monster. He ltauded a bundle of twigs to his eldest son, saying, “Break that bundle, my son.” The young man tried his best to break it but it withstood all his efforts. One by one the sons made the same effort, with the same result Cutting the cord that bound the lniudfc together the old man handed the twings one by one to his sons and they broke them very-easily. The application is ton plain to re quire elaboration. ^,’o-operation is the most jiowerful factor that can be used by’ a commu nity. Co-operation of sentiment in the first place and co-operation of capital in the next. What one mau could bo uuable to do by his own efforts, five, ten or twenty men can easilyjgrlorni when actively togetli- The exemplification of the advan tages of co-operation that Thomasville can otter to those that might doubt its efficiency, are both numerous and conclusive. The Times-Extkrfrise gives below a list of the capitalized institutions of the city that have come into life through the co-opcrtion of individuals and of money. Pine.v Woods Hotel Co., $125 UOO Thomasville National Bank 100 000 Bank of Tliotnasville 100 000 Tliouiasville Beal Kstatc k Imp. Co 50 000 Electric Light k Power Co 25' 000 Thomasville Gas Co Laton'a Icc Company Jennings’ Nursery Co Thomasville Guaoo Co Building k Loan Association LeConte I’car Company v .*.. Thomasville. Title Guarantee Co.... Thomasvitlo Iron Works and asked to be discharged: "Tell them no. They must bring in a verdict, or they must remain there till court adjourns. I do not wish to try this case again, if it can possibly be avoided.” It is thought that in case ol another trial there will be a change of venue, as it is doubtful if another jury could be had ill Brooks. They had a good deal of trouble in getting the present one. Later : At 11 : ;o yesterday morn ing, having failed to agree on zi ver dict, a mistrial was declared, and the jury discharged It is understood that the jury stood 11 for acquittal and one for conviction. 25 000 20 *001 20 001 15 000 15 000 to 000 10-000 10 000 •Aggregate., w.ytn.-a Besides these companies, the Thomas ville Investment Company, capital 8100,000, has applied fur a charter, and the Timcs-Euterprise Publishing Company will be organized, each hav ing for its object the improvement of Thomesville by means of the ag gregation of separate and individual means. As another illustration of wlmt unity of action will do, it is not amiss to cite t,hc South Georgia College. The grounds and buildings, worth 825,000, were paid for by the people of Thomasville and presented to the State. To add more words to the sugges- tivoncss of the figures we have given, is a work of supererogation. We may llev. \\ . L, Atmord, ol Gaiucsvillc, I jj e permitted to draw this moral: Help -‘very eo ojicrntiou movement that has for its object the good of Thomasville. Fla., and his charming bride, nee Miss Annie Milton, of Marianun, Fla., were at the Whiddon Hqitse yesterday. Mr. Richard Jones, of England, a nepbew-of Mr. R. W. Glading, arrived Thursday. W? are glad to learn that lie will make his home among us. Read of the attractions offered by Geo. Forbes. He has a -large and ciegant assortment, and a compatison of prices will make sales. Mr. Charles S. Johnson, traveling agent for the Constitution, was in the city Thursday. The Constitution is deservedly popular in Thomasville. Messrs. Moore Williams will probably put down the track from the main line of the S., F. & W. Ry. to their brick yard. Mr. C. H. Wil liams, of the firm, is negotiating for right of wav, track, etc. Editor Moody, of Boston, tame up yesterday afternoon to act as short stop for the Boston team. An editor ought to make a good short stop, for he is always short—of means. Mr, J. A. Holloway, formerly of the Enterprise composing room, will take the road Monday as traveling repre sentative of the Thomasville Bottling Works. We wish him much success in his new labor. , Thursday was the birthday of Mr. Joe Crovatt, the popular cugineer. We will not give the exact number ol ears that have come to Joe, but they have dealt kindly with him, and we trust ho will pull the throttle for Beginng to Weave. The Alumni Meeting Yesterday, Adjunct Alumni Society, branch number 1, met yesterday afternoou at 4 o’clock iu Judge Miitchell’s office, according to call, to make prepara tions to entertain Chancellor fioggs when he visits Thomasville on the occasion of the commencement of South Georgia College,'_aud to send greetings and good wishes to encour age the new head of the university in his efforts to give the Alma Mater of eo many distinguished Georgians in creased usefulness. It is an eminently propitious time to make this step, as the university will celebrate the one huudreth anni versary of its first commencement in June. The following committee was appointed to entertain Dr. Boggs when he comes to Tholfinsville: W. R. McIntyre, E. M. Mallette and J. •**o_u not amiss in this connection to state that there is a move on foot in the state to place common schools, the branch colleges and tin university on a higher plane of usefulness, by mak ing more liberal appropriations lor their support. It is not the proper time to clnborato what the details of the plan will be, but they will be brought forward at the proper time, and they ought to command the un qualified support of the triends of ed ucation in the state. The Thomasville Alumni of the University arc in hearty accord witli the celebration exercises, and the fol lowing resolution was adopted and or dered to be sent to the committee in charge ol the celebration programme. Adjunct Alumni society number 1, of Thomasville, sends greeting to its brethren on the occasion of the centen nial anniversary of our alma mater. The lapse of time, nor the pangs ol distance have diminished the ties that SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT—— K. Thomas Jr’s-126 Broad Street. O. S. Boniurant Vountaar Observe Weather liulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock I*. M. Mny 17, 1880. Tkmpkraturk. 7 a. ui 2 p. in 00 7 p. m 81 Maximum for 24 hours ,....91 Minimum “ “ “ J...50 Rainfall Back from Arkansas. Simon Williams, colored, who lived on the John Everett place near Bos ton, returned from Arkansas last Wednesday. He was at Oak Grove church, in East Glasgow district, last Sunday, and had as large a congrega tion to listen to him as the preacher. He gave his friends gcod advice, and tcld them that he had rather die than to return to Arkansas. If the colored people in the country will heed his ad vice they will save themselves much suffering. Thomas county is good enough for anybody. Judge iTansell granted the charter ol the Thomasville Investment Com pany yesterday afternoon. Hon. A. T. McIntyre, Jr., had it put on record at once in the Superior Court Clerk’s office. We understand an organiza. tion will be perfected in a few days- Thomasville is looking to this compa ny lor a new railroad outlet. And the place will not be disappointed. ■ : We understand that the night watch man of Quitman, while assisting the sheriff of Brooks county in arresting a negro named Wm. Walker, who was tried yesterday for hog stealing and found guilty, sho 1 him in the back. The negro ts not dead, but is danger usly wounded. We are pleased to see Mr. Clayte Dickinson at home again- Ho arrived last evening form Madison, Fla. The silk worms of Stark & Jerger ’Mud us to the 1'niversity and have begun to weave their cocoons. Several of them are or. exhibition in the show window at R. Thomas, Jr’s. The filmy outlines of the basis of their beautiful work can be traced. . Latest Telegraphic News. A disastrous fire occurred yesterday) iu Saint. Sauveur, near Quebeck, Can ada. Seven hundred houses were bunted uud five thousand people made homeless. Several lives were lost. The following fappointments w made by the president yesterday: Solomon Hirsch, of Oregon, to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Turkey. II PRICES AT LETT’S Many reductions in* prices have been made on fine goods to close out for the season. Call and see our' 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered floun- ings coming. They will he open lor in- spection on the 22nd. .132 BROADEST.. COB.UAOKEONl many ye»»s to come, Mayor’s Court. Mayor Hopkins tried the following cases yesterday morning in the police court: • Julia Lewis was fitted 84 or eight days for using offensive language to her sister. L Authouy Brown, a ‘'small Itoy” was liucd 81 for strikiug another boy t aud then running. Shady Wooten was given his choice of 80 or twelve days tor fighting. Tom Branch, a negro farmer, was lined 85 for the privilege of using obscene language on the streets. Albert Riley and Tom Jelks tried th .ir luck at Heard’s pond Thursday evening. They had more to say about the trip before it was made than after wards, which is significant. Mr. R. II. Jackson, of the Atlauta Journal, secured about fifty subscribers for his paper among the farmers here Thursday. Miss Irene Wiggins, of Fort Valley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Palin. / its alumni, its members cherish the hope that the celebration ntay bring together thousands of the sous of Georgia’s university, and that after having once more-drawn inspiration from a sight of its classic halls, and the reunion, these thousands will re turn to their homes determined to work to make the university all that it ntav be to Georgia and her people. W. 7). Mitchell, S. L. Hayes," T. C. Mitchell. J. A. Brandon, A. T. McIntyre, Jit., H. J. MacIntyre, W. II. Hammond, B. F. Hawkins, W. R. MacIntyre, 8. (4. McLendon, W. W. Linton, Hansell Merrill, John F. Parker, U. S. Parker, J. L. Hall, A. A, Riley, E. M. Mallette. Thomasville Wins. The Thomasville Base ball club wou the game from Boston yesterday, but it was after a desperate struggle. At the close of the first half of the ninth inning the Boston boys were three ahead, but the home club, by some splendid batting, piled up four runs and won tho game by a score of twenty-six to twenty-four. of the United States at Denmark. Henry W. Severance, of California, to he consul gencal at Honolulu. John Jarrett, of be eousul general of the United States at Birmingham. Thomas H. Sherman, ot the Dis trict of Columbia, to be consul of the United Slates at Liverpool. John W. Douglas and L. G. Hinc, both of Washington, to be commis sioners of the District of Columbia. Tim, Southern Presbyterians met in Chattanooga yesterday. Dr. Wood- row was put in nomination for Mod erator. Objection being made to the nomination by Mr. Lyons, of Rich mond, based on Dr. Woodrow’s evo lution theory, the latter gentleman rose, withdrew his name, and pro ceeded to defend himself in vigorous etyle. Allen Thorndykc Rice, editor of the North American Review, recently appointed minister to Russia, died yesterday , iu New York, lie was getting ready to sail for Europe. Ashland, Wis., May 16.—Passen gers on trains arriving in this cily last night report from three to lour inches of snow all over northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Four inches fell at Pratt, Wis., and from three to five inches are repotted all along the Goge bic range. at st. igxace. St. Ignace, Mich., May 16.—A heavy snow storm occurred here yes terday. Thfc fall seems to be general over northern Michigan. Waycross, Ga , May 16—The fam ily of R. T. Couington, consisting of himself, his mother, two sons and daughter, of this cily, were poisoned by eating smoked northern beef. The symptoms of each case were identical. Timely medical aid averted any fatali ty. They are all doing nicely, and are out of danger. For genuine good goods, at closing out prices, call at Levy’s Dry Ms louse Mitchell House Corner