The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 18, 1889, Image 3

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* — . jOL'T* @r §r- V-'. : m SPECIAL BARGAINS I In order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., wo otter- special inducements in the way of prices, in every de partment of our two large stores. A NEW DEPARTURE; A Bargain Cuiter. The Ladies will take ad vantage of the good things to l>o found on our bargain cumter. Dont fail to see our BARGAIN COUNTER. The daily times-enterprise. ALBERT WfNTEft, City Editor. SATl'RDAY. MAY 18, 1880 Fuht t Local Schedule. or Savannah Ar. . tf'iSa 12 40 p ‘ “ from “ Ar... 131 p “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 p Train for Albany Lv... 0 30am “ from •* sAr... 5 20pm “ “ ** for Savannah Lv...t»50p*“ Freight and aenom. f r om Wayc.. Ar... 3 45 p 8 40 a m •* “ “ “ Chatt. Lv... 4 45pm •• »• *• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a in •• “ 4 for Albany Lv... 4 25 pin “ from “ Ar... 7 55 THOMASVILLE AND MOXTICELLO. Freitrlit accom. for Montfccllo Lv.. .8 45 “ “ from “ ,...Ar...6 20pm Fast mail for “ ....Lv...20Gpm “ “ from •* ./..Ar..l210 p in Building and Loan Association. The regular monthly meeting ol'tliis association was held Thursday in Judge Hopkins’ office. Its affairs are in a most prosperous condition, and since its organization it has given a large number of people the means to build homes for themselves. Of Interest to Melon Growers. We publish, elsewhere, an interview' with Hon. J.’L, Hand, of Pelham, with a reporter of the Constitution, on the subject of rates and prospec tive outlook for the melon crop. Mu. Hand is now in Chicago, workinj^ibr a reduction of rates on Western lines. He talks like a man who thoroughly understands the situation. The Thomasville Real Estate and Improve ment Company. The directors of this company met in president Hansell Merrell’s office Thursday afternoon and elected the following officers: Hansell Merrill, President. William Campbell, Vice Pres. John I'\ Parker, Sec. and Trcas Hansell & Merrill, Attorneys. This is the old board, and ihe com pany is safe in its hands. H. Wolff &Bro The attention of the gen tlemen is eallccl to the splen did bargains we offer in Cloth* ing, Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. Jhe Colored Christian Association Jacob Eflsvprds, the well known col ored bell boy, is doing gaofl service in organizing the above association. A generous Northern lady, who has spent several'seasons in Thomasville, sup piles the money. The association is making preparations for a big parade, to be followed by, on June toih and nib. Excursion tick6ta «n|l be sold on all trains at one fare for round trip. .. 1 - BeielertlePlacff. We are offering Goods cheap in order to reduce our immense stock. You are respectfully invited to call early and inspect. m-' I Wolf a Bn. The leaders of Styles. Trustees Meeting. '1 be Hoard ol Trustees of the South Georgia College mpt in Judge Mitch ell’s office Thursday afternooH. , The committee on fence around campus reported that it would be fin ished by commencement. A commit tee of three, Messrs T. E. Blackshear, W, H, Mitchell ajid S L. Hayes, was appointed to formulate a plan for the future management, and make arrange ments for a Faculty for the ensuing year The Columbus Southern. Coixsinvs, Ga., May 15.— The directors of the Columbus Non them railroad held a meeting here this evening. It is now said that track- laying will begin at both ends of the rood, in s few weeks, and that it will be open for business by the 15th of November. . This road runs from Columbus to Albany. A connection with this new lino, mid the Central at Albany, would be a very desirable thing for Thomasville. The New Gulf. Through the courtesy, of uichitcct W. R. Guuu, a Timeb-Ehtjsrpkihe reporter had the pleasure, yesterday, of looking over^the plans and eleva tions of the new Gulf House. The uew buildiug will he oue of the neatest in .the city, gnd reflects equal credit ou Sir. Gunn, the architect, and Mr. James Watt, whose public spirit will give Thomasville a uew and commodious hotel. The new Gulf will be three stories high, built of wood, with a tower on the corner of Jacksou and railroad streets 88 feet higli to a lookout tow er, reached by a stairway. From the top of this tower a flag-staff rises, sur mounted by a weather vane. From the ground to the weather vane is 11 fi feet, one of the loftiest elevations in the city. A broad porch fronts the railroad on the first floor, extending around the Jackson street corner to a projection that divides the ladies par lor from the office. The ladies en trance is on the Jackson street side. The main entrance is through the oc tagon shaped angle at the corner of Jackson and Railroad streets, and will bo very handsome and ooijve nient. The office is in the sat, ; corner and will give a splendid view of Jackson street and the passenger sta tion opposite. The office will bo ele gantly fitted up with eouutcrs, desks and all txodern conveniences, such as electric bells and guest calls. The dining room, JO by 40 feet, is on the railroad street side, adjoining the m«ii) office, and will be cool and well lighted. The kitchen adjoins the dining room, mid is 39 by 39 feet, Well ventilated hallways run through the* buildiug on each floor. On cither side of these lmllwuys arc the bed rooms, 34 in number; each room has open lire places and two windows with outside exposure. The ladies hallway, leading from the spacious parlor to the diniug room, is 14 by 40 feet, broad, light und airy. The total uumber of rooms iu the uew Gulf will be 50, and it will be furujshed with wash rooms, water closets and alt mc deri) toti veuieuces. The ole] Gulf was oue of the land marks of Thomasville, popular with the traveliug public, and the new Gulf will start out uuder very favor able auspices. Success to it iu the fullest scune. Bad witli Kiwnm. Hair all 1,'oiic, Hcnlp covered with ernptioiiv,Thought hi* hair would noVer g<ow. .aired Ify remedied. Hair splendid and not pimple ou hlua. age, was so bad with eczema that he lost all his tiair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing or a cure from physicians I began the use of Cntlcura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His liair is nc splendid and there Is not a pimple on lilm. recommend the Cuticur i Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M. E. WOOD8UM, Norway, Mo A Fever Sore Bight Years Cured I must extend to you tlio thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured bv using Cuticu- -a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness nr fever eight yaars ago. He was so bad he was fearfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, lmt is happy to say ho Is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. Ho requests me til uso his name, which Is H. H. Cason, inerelintit of this place JOHN V. MINOR, Drnggli i boro, Ti Oninsbnro, 1 .Severe Scale Bisense Cored, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, amt re ceived no relief from the various romedios she used until she tried .Cuticura. Tlie disease droinptly yielded to this treatment, and In a short widle she was entire y well. There has been no return or the disease and Cuticura ranks vo. 1 In our estimation for diseases of the skill. ■ Rev.PRESSLEY IIAKRKTT, l). (I. Ralclgli, X. C. Ciiliciirn Remedies. Area positive cure for every form of- skin, Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 5oc 25.; Resolvent, SI. Prepared by t|,o Drug ami Chemical» q., Hosted, .via ~ W Sl - Putter vug am; Chemical Cq., ltosten, Mass. Jk#"Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” (14 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials, RSRV'Q Skin and scalp preserved ami bcauti- DRD1 0 aen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure, EVERY MUSCLE ACHED. Sharp aches, Dull l’ains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- „ ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas- first and only instantaneous pain-kill- ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. Pimples, Sores, Aches and Pains. When [1 hundred bottles of sarsaparilla .or oilier pretentious specifies fail to eradicate in-born scrofula of contagious blood poison, remember that 11. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) 1ms gained many thousand victories, in ns many seemingly Inc'irublc instances. Send to the Bigod Hulip (.'<)•, .-Atlfflltv tin., for “ Bool; of Wonder?, ‘ and bp convinced It is the only tiu'k union nmirnm. (1, W, Messer, Hoivcll's X Hoads, < in., writes: “I was ulllleled iilin^ yeers, with sores. All Hie medicine I could take did me no good, 1 then tried B. 11. If, and 8 bottles cured me sound." Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Humid Mountain, Tc\us. writes: “A Inly friend of mine was troubled with humps mid pimples on her face and neck. She took three bottles of B. B. Ik, and ber shill got soft uinlsmootli, pimples disap peared, aiid her health improved greatly.” Jus. C. lloewortli, Atlanta, (fa., writes ,Some-years ago 1 contracted blood poison, I bad no appetite, my digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs so l could hardly walk, throat was cauterized live times. Hot Springs gavo me no bciicfit, and my life wan one torture until I gave B. B.- B, a trial, and, saprieingas it nifty seem, the use of five bottles cured me.” may 10, 1 in Iu order to make room for cash groceries, \vc find that we must offer Let's Build a Railroad. There is no question but Albany must take care of herself, (or the transportxtion companies centering here are looking after their own inter ests, tp the exclusion of all else. We direct the attention of our readers to “A Suggestion," jjjr Eaptain S. R. Weston, who is deeply interested in Albany's prosperity, to be found in an other column. - The charter of which he speaks can be secured, and the pipl'ling of the road from Albany to Rainiifidij? would involve but little cosl, as the country through which it runs would require byt little grading, as it is almost as level w a floor. After the road is completed to 41 bany it could be extended to Gorflelc, or some other point on the A. P. 6r L„ which would give Albany another line to the coasts The advantage of this line would be that Albany could eon trol it, and it could be run in the in terest of the city. The detailed advantages of this proposed line it is not necessary to set, but if any one doubts that it wouid prove a profitable investment, let him study the pipp and seC what a rich agricultural and timbered section it would open up, and at the same lime give Albany a competing line to Savannah.—News and Advertiser. Albany, like Thomasville, sees and appreciates the importance of a road ytomroUgd by her own citizens. All About a Head. How do you like our uew head ? It ig ucat but not gaudv. . A good head is a very essential outfit for ^ news paper. While we do not propose to bp headlong, it will be seen that we arc not headsliort. T|ip Ti5tES.ji3.v- TERi’RtsE is heading in the right direction, and is making good head way. It does uot propose to he headed* off', or to take a header, but with ev ery square Inch of canvass jof, wil) head straight for the headlands which stretch along the roast of progress and solid advancement. And we’ll make the harbor. Watch our head lines. The Thomasville (Sheet Metal Works, The Times—Enterprise is always glad to chronicle the prosperity of an industry that is a partot Thomasville, jfiviyg employment to trained arti- /.an*. The Thomasville .Sheet Metaj Works, whose shops arc over Watt’s hardware store, Mr. Harry Ashley, superintendent, is doing some very handsome work 011 cornices and out side finishings. It has just shipped *011)0 oi tilp l|ytirjij0|pe 4 9t jt lias pvey turned out to Wavcross, where It will ornament the .new and elegant resi dence of Caj.t. H W. Reed, of the S., F. & W. Ry. M. P. Pickett. *• Insure Your Like in the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of New York. (Jet a policy with no restrictions upon travel, residence or occupation, in the largest nat ural premium company in the world. Plain, simple insurance with banking at such reas onable price that all can cftjry a P&liiy !]epro$pn(ed l*y L 11. Wood. 5-1 :»-tt .-Jp lie S. F. & XV. R. 11. wifi give low excursion rate from all points on iWlinc of road w ithm the state of Georgia to Savannah during the May festivities. 1« iitjtstnidt H Also proposes (o give the same opportunity to parlies buying goods from now so uot less thau IU per cent discount on all goods in their line. Wc also call vour attention to their clothing stock which they can boast of the styles and fits. Faet* and convince nil that wc offer the opportunity of the season In genteel clothing for men hor and children, - ° ’ * o a.XL*Xj <- onxr ■> us. w Take a look through our Immense Tailoring Department, where our Mr. C. Helms, will pay his special attention to all who will call, and see that every Lady and Gentleman is satisfied with the stylo and fit of every garment tba goes oul Our Underwear, Shirts and Heckwear Is the admiration of all who have seen them. TO THE LADIES. - : W e wish to call your attention to tho line of Dress Goods we are receiving daily, consisting of 6 Summer Silks, Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths,’ Satines, Challies, Edging, Lacs And everything the ladies desire. We are selling lower than any house in the city. Very rospcctfully, L. STEYERMAN & BRO. ONK Wim KNOWS. The ftjlluwing testimonial is from ugentle- an who knows our formula and is thor oughly acquainted with the curative, prop erties of our Tonic. The way to know the merits is to try the article. Any physician who desires the formula of Culisuya Tonic may obtain it from the Westmoreland C'ali- saya Tonic Company, Greenville, S. C. This letter is fruin a malarial section: West Point, Mi>s* Having shown me the formula for making our Tonic while in your city tho past iuni- uier,'l take great pleasure In ^recommending I am delighted with it, having given it my practice shecessfully; and to members of my own family sufi'ering from u malarial texjemin. * Very truly, II. S. Duncan, The complicated diseases brought ou by nteuse study, thought, care, anxiety, etc., arc often of the most serious nature* Heed h symptoms as loss of memory, universal lassitude, heart disease, kidney complaints, liver troubles und a general breaking dttW» of health and strength. When thus afftieted, when the least uip ,r U°n causes great fatigue, when life seems a burden, use the reliable strengthening tonic, Brown s Iron Hitters. It will afford you sure relief. THE WOMEN PRAISE U. II. II. The suffering of women certainly awakcua the sympathy of every true philanthropist. r» V* W rllo- Their best friend, however; ..... taniclllontlPalpi)'. Blood lUtm Go., Atlanta, Ga., for proofs. II. L. Cassidy, Kenncsaw, Ga., writes: “Three bottles of II. II. II. cured my wife of Scrofula." Mrs. R. M. Laws, Znlnbr, Fla., writes: “I lui'ie never used anything to equal 13.11.11." Mrs. C. H.Gav, Rocky Mount, N. CL, rites: “Not r day fo 15 years was I free WPOLKSALK AM) KETAIL -DikALERS iv_ Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered Promutlj. Prices as Low as the Lowest! Give us a call and we jirotmse to please you. some rare bargaius IU shoes. We from’headache, ll. B, iVc&tirciy" relieved nitftni business when we say bargains '" p .- 1 .fyyl H.o i-uolher person.” ami if you need shoes don’t fail to call Ja*. \V. Lancaster, llan-kinsville, Ga . writes: “My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and ninny patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of 11. II. II. cured her." Miss 8. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says; For years I suffered with rheumfttim LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, l%»r bil oust ess ond constipation. tuk<> tin * n Elixir. For Indigestion and fpul 3tp,uao„e,tiike I.euu pH p* . For Biuk ami n«rvoiu headache, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take I.em* on Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lem on Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lcnson Elixir will not fail you in any of t he above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, howtls or blood. Dr- If, MowdiT), -Vtlauii A 1’roiiiiuciit JItnistci- Wiites. After ten years of great nuiferlng from Indi gestion, with great nervous prostration, bili ousness, disordcre l kii.neys and constipation, I havo been cured by Dr. Mozeley’s Lemon Elixir, and mu now a well man. Rpy. C. f\ Davis, Eld. M, E. (Jhureji South Vo. { | ,, ®tnall, 8i. Atlanta, Ga, May 14, U3m. Old Lulics flue low cut Buskin lumd made, low heel, soft noiseless bottoms, easy tojjie tired feet. Cost you 82 anywhere else. Can get* them at Pickett’s for 81.25. Got to make room.for cash groceries. *. 5-1 Mf. Aten's hand sewed, best American calt, Congress and Balmorals. Sold everywhere for 85.50 to SO. Sold at Pickett’s for 84. More room for cheap groceries. » » ouuvitu nil It IllVUIIi^t^U). caused bv kidney trouble and iudiec.tlon, I was also fceblo and nervous, ll. II. it. re lieved me at nncp, nUhoueh several oilier medicines had railed.” "(lev. J M. Richardson, Clarkston. Ark., write*: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my church had been cured bv B. B. B. She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is Rothtna like B. II. lL, as it quickly gayc her relief. LACXDRY. Send ns your laundry. Collars, •02, 1 !, each, cuff's, .05 per ’pair, shirts, .10 each. Wc guarantee all work to bo neat and clean. Scud before 8 o’clock a. m. Wednesdays. C. II. Yo'i xq ('u, KILL KMKS. 'Iiisti t Powder Fly Paper. Oasski.s’ Pharmacy, 118 Broad street. B. R FUDGE, TIIOMA®VILLK, GA., DEALER in—. Stoves, Iron, It Tin and Hollow Ware, of all kinds, ami agent for King’s Powder Co. M2 LLIKTERY. C. F. COLLINS. JKRSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will he supplied,'iu nnv quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1680, TAILORING. There is an qnd to all things, so the people say, but there Is no cod to *ho splendid fitting clothing made at 8) Broad street. Cleaning and ropnirlng done Jn tho neatest manner. Gtvo mo p oull. John Kenny. “Princess Snowflake." ’i’liis '.'harming operetta will be played iu ( Juinpv by local uumtciii' talent, assisted by Mouticello. next Wednesday evening, the 15th iual., for the benefit of the Episcopal build ing fund, It would he a pleasant trip to icuvu Thomasville iu the afternoon at 2 o’clock, spend the night in q.uiucy and return the next moruiug at 9.25. Who will orgauizc a party to go? Hovnl Crown Hnkiug I’mvdcrs ill glass, at T. J. BALtfcA BRO.’S.. (trovers. SBAfiOX UflOHS. tio to Kccsc and Eason's for Fruit .Jars, Jellic Classes, lee Cream Frrezcra, Water Coolers and Refrigerators. Best goods and lowest prices is our motto. tue-thur-sa-3t Ladies fiuc kid' button shoe, box toe and worked hole, worth 82, sold at Pickett’s for 81.10. ■ Takes lots of room fbr cheap egsli groceries. Young gentlemen will find our stock‘of uovelties'iii ties and scarfs, simply immense, and the styles simply superb. I'onic lo headquarters. C. II. Vorxu, It Co., 'flic Popular C|t)(|ne,s. Mollicr, lo euro chuliug, rclicvii g baby, uso Jloractnc Toiler and Nursery Fowdei . It costs no uorc, is super or and highly perf umed. McR:e & Marifrc, TU* luasvilie; A. lira lord, CVuinbus: Alexander Drug and Seed Co., Au- gus a; F. Von Ove:Chariest.m, Agents. E P O. Don’t waste time and money and undergo needles* torture with the knife when Ethio pian Pile Ointment will uffoid instant re lief and certain egre in every case of bljnd, bleeding, itching, internal and external piles, ltaugum Hunt Medicine Company, Nashville, Tenn. 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by McRae & Mardre and S. J. Cassell. PIANOS ANl) OllOANS. W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lies se cured the agency for ull the first-class Pianos and Organs, which lie is selling at tlie lowest prices for easli or on long time. Those desiring to purchase wju do well to learn Ins prices and term*. West s Paiu King—»te houeshold remedy, Always useful. Never fids to cure cholera lorlms, pains in st'omaiti or bowels, ernnm, • olic, chills or summer touiplainl, 'Joe. Sold : t, L>n. McHak's Mitch: 11 House Pharmacy) ''homasvillc.Oa. 4 J ly. West s World's wonder or Family l,iui- meut, a superior remedy for neuralgia, lame hack, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, and lost ionger. Bold at Du. McHak's Mitchell House Pharmacy, Thomasville, Ga. 1 3 jy. Milxkr.Ua. I have had weak Lungs nearly all my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any nparent benefit, I nu: now us ing Bicwcr's I.ling Restorer mill lean safelv aflirm it is tlie only remedy from which 'l have ever derived any benefit. W. L. .Martin. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath gccurcd, by Shilol ’3 Catarrh Remedy Prieo 50 cents. Nasal Injector free ITCFIERI, HOUSE; BLOCK, ecasion t«> notify the citizens of Thomasville *nd S'irrounding country that she has just receivetf her usual elegant as sortment of Sprina; and Summer Milliucrv, einbracing a large and beautiful Hats, Sonnets,* »t. AiGisrt.vE palmetto goods, GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, And a'l articles usually Millinery Store. large assortment of Kuibroideriog Real Scotch Linen Floss, in all • kept iu a first-class linen. colors. The Bargarran Art thread; Uop© Moss. German Cord; Real Scotch Linen fVrKAvl,..» t» ...1 ’ 1 ... t ?, L . .. Crochet Thread, cream and white Embroid ering and knitting silk iu all colon Sttimping* g Pinking* Of all kinds promptly executed. Dress Making Iu all its branches dime iu the best style ami at reasonable rates. An inspection of guods and priecs respectfully solicited. 4 - jigg N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, ThomaaviUe, Georgia. I w til be glad to mako contracts loi ih* consuructiou of all classes of buildings, nub- lit* .mil tvHratn In .ItKa. k-i.K. r.' • ttc and private. In either brick or worn!.' I will Kuur.illeo iu ever* lnstaaco to '—■“ Designs and plana drawn give satlsfscUon. and careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, ho.iest work tl fair prices, IMrou waul any buJlOitt* dona caU on me. X will submlft estimates whether contract to awarded ms or now I rafeTto the*many public buildings erected by mo In