The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 19, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 --N O «. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 19, I8H9 Special 0FFEMH6S -for This. Week, News Notes About Town About People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. John Montgomery went down to Metcalfe yesterday for a few days. Mr. J. H. Welsfon, of Liverpool, was in the city yesterday. * 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 5c, worth roc. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 8c, worth 12 1-2. 5 000 yards Checked Nainsook at 10, worth 15c. 5,000 yards Figured White Lawn at t2 i-2c, worth 20. This is a special .drive and is well worth your atten tion. 5,000 yards while India Linen at 5c, _ worth roc. 5’,000 yards white India Linen at 8c, worth t* :-2. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 10c, worth 15., the and largest assort ment of white lawns ever offered in this market. Would call Roberts is the champion batter the Thomasviile Base Ball Club. Mr. Tom Fitzgerald, of Boston umpired the ball game Friday. Will Forrestc, the popular railway conductor, was in town yesterday. Watch the columns of the Times- Enterprise for bargains. * Mr. Shelby Davis weut down Whigham yesterday afternoon, Dr. Andrew’s residence on Dawson street has been repainted.- Frank James, of Dallas, Tex., was at the Stuart House yesterday. Mr. H. S. Duval, of Florida, w in the city yesterday. J. C. Wilson, of New York, is the Sturt House. Mrs. Annie Bowman and son, Quitman, were in the city yesterday Editor Bussell, of the Bainbridgc Democrat, was in town yesterday. Mrs. J. T. P. Bomerdal and fami ly leave to-day for Chicago, where they will in future reside. Miss Coru Cassels is visiting rela tives in Liberty. She will Thomasviile in two weeks. “KNIGHTS OF THE GRIP.” tion to our 20c Number, which in width, fin ish and sheerness of woof, surpasses aqy- thing ever shown at this price. 25 dozen bleached damask towels, knotted fringe, at 15c, well worth 25c. 25 dozen Huckabock Towels at 10c, worth 25c. "" ■ For 25c we can give you the very best towel, 1 14 yards long, all linen and fast colored borders, ever shown in Thomasviile. returns fresh and ready for business. Drop iu at Thomas’and see the silk worms. The cocoons are taking more definite shape. Complaints are loud and freauent amoug the farmers about the contin- your special atten- ueJdrouth - .. - . ‘•Dud” Peacock, ouo of the modern and successful farmers of the county was in town yesterday. Aleck White continues to improve He-will be well enough to be on the streets in a lew days. This fact cannot be kept loo promi nently before the people*—keep your premises clean. Our new and elegant selection of Challies are still all the rage, and are selling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some very choice patterns left, which we are offering at greatly reduced rales. Our remnant counter lor this week contains some very desirable bar gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. All lines complete. Stock acknowledged to be the largest. Prices lower than ever. Do not fail to come and inspect. We are anxious to Mr, C. W. Laphatn’s humlsome residence on Dawson street has been repainted. Mr. James Watt and family turned yestordny from a visit to Bain- bridge, The Odontica Company filled a large order for its popular dentifrice to Quincy, Florida, last week. Mrs. Charlie Stuart was called to New York yesterday by a telegram announcing the illness of Mr. Stuart’s mother, Mr. J. W, Dillou, who attended the Grand Couucil of the Royal Ar canum, at Augusta, this week, has returned home. Little Mardre will leave next week for Amcricus, where bo will go into business. He will carry the good wishes of a host of friends with him. Miss Lizzie O. Thomas, of the edi torial ctyqis of the Suuny South, At lanta, is iu the city, the guest of Mr. and Airs’. Frauk Thomas. She is mak ing an enviable reputation as a writer. The suh-Allianccs of Thomas county decided Thursday that their members would not use jute bagging next sea- - t . V whether you buy or not. soil, but would use cotton bagging show you our goods iuslca ' 1 - - - Go to church this moruiug. You will be all thtj better prepared to meet aud discharge the duties of the com ing week, by giving a day to a better cause than getting and spending.. - A strong and combined effort on the part of our . people will give us another railroad, built by our people and controlled for the interest of oar Comments and Personal Points. Thomasviile is very popular among the genial “Knights of the Grip,’’ that, travel in this direction, and they make it a point to spend Sunday here as often as possible. These kindly ieel ings are fully reciprocated by the peo pie of Thomasviile. Wherever one of these knights goes he carries a ray of sunlight. His heart and purse are equally open to the calls of charity; he alone of all the world will dare to speak familiarly to a sleep ing car porter or a hotel clerk. The Knight of the.Grip is a great admirer of the beautiful, especially a beautiful order, or a beautiful woman In short the "knight” lives in perpetu al day, as he should. PERSONALS. J. W. Walls, the “cracker” wagon man, is in our midst, “pushing” his goods for all they are worth. He is a credit to his hous'. and deserves the patronage of all good people. Capf Louis Saloshin, representing Wellhouse & Son,**)f Atlanta, is in our city, registered at the Stuart. Capt. S. is due in Valdosta to day, but he has fallen a victim of Cupid's wiles, and is liable to stay here all summer. “Chief” S. H. Oppenhtimer, of Sa vannah, is in the city, in charge of three noted Indian tribes, the Chero- kees, the Shawnees and the Shenies. Mr. W. S. Hesse, diamond broker of Cincinnati, is registered at the Stuart. Ho is pushing the elite spark lers that would not bo out of place in the crowns of royalty. One pf the brightest and most pop ular amoug th 1 commercial tourists IU at Building In Thomasviile The Times-EnterPrise gave in its yesterday’s issue the capitalized insti tutions of the city, operating under charter or otherwise. It cannot be denied that the. shew ing made was a most creditable one; not many towns in the south, or else where, as for that matter, can show over half a million dollars invested in chartered or capitalized corporations. It was not proper to place in the list given yesterday several private en terprises that have done, or are doing, their part towards improving the town or developing its resources First and foremost among these private enterprises comes the Mitchell House, being the pioneer in the move ment that has given Thomasviile such an enviable reputation as a winter^ re sort, the Mitchell and its public spirit ed owner are given the place ofhonor. The Masury, the Stuart, the. Whiddon, the new Gulf and a host of boarding houses all do their part in promoting the growth ofThotnasville, and they are’all private enterprises. NEW HUII.DINGS. While Thomasviile will not have any buildings erected during the com ing summer as large as those built in the past, the building boom has by no means subsided. ' The new Gulf will be in course of construction in a few days; work is going forward on the new Episcopal church; a new jail will be built during the year, and Dekle & Cooke are put ting up a 1 handsome brick store on lower Broad street. All over the city new residences are going up, ranging in price from the modest cottage to cost §800 to $1,000, to the more pretentious residence of three times as much cost No More Jute Bagging, The following resolution was uDaui- mouslv adopted by the Sub-Alliances of Thomas county, at their meeting last Thursday. As will be seen, the Thomas county Alliances are emphat ic in their determination not to aid the infamous combine that is seeking to extort money from their necessities: “The following resolution was unani mously passed by the Thomas county alliance at its session in Thomasviile on Thursday last. “Resolved: That we heartily endorse the action of the State Alliance in re gard to the use of cotton bagging, and that we will not use jute bagging un der any circumstances.” Publisher! by order of the Alliance. A. W. Ivey, President. Robert Alexander, Secretary. Likoly to be Corrected. Some days ago the Times-Entek- prise protested, in .the name of tho people of Thomasviile, against the maximum daily temperature given sk: :/ v We are like u log of drill-wood, Tossed on the watery main; „Auo*lier log encounters, Meets, touches, parts again. Thus ’tls with Drummers, Kver on life’s uncertain sea; We meet and greet and sever, Drifting eternally. Then why not tient us kindly, You men ot wealtli and lotc, For soon we’ll meet and sever. To meet again no more. For we, in Mod’s own kingdom Out songs of praise will Ifuni, . And thank our Heavenly Father There’s no merchants there to drum. Bihukss. The Valdosta Videttes’ Fair. The Valdosta Videttes will hold a fair, beginning next Tuesday, 21st, inst., and continuing three days. The fair is to raise funds to equip the members of the company. Very lib eral subscriptions have been received from merchants and others at a dis tance and the ladies will serve ice cream and other refreshments during the progress of the fair. The Oratorio, Esther, the Beautiful Queen, will be played Tuesday and Wednesday nights at Stua. t’s Hall. Thomasviile ought to be represented. Cannot the Thomasviile Guards send down a delegation to get pointers? ie signal eferviee. Vol unteer observer Bond u rim t has re ceived a letter from the signal officer in Savannah, enclosing the - Times- Enterprise article and asking Jjim if tho temperature, faken when at tl.o passeuger'depot.was misleading. Mr. Bondurnnt will corroborate the sj^ttc- nicnt made in these columns and it is likely that Thomasviile will be set right iu this matter. South Georgia College Commence ment. • The commencement exercises of this college will open Sunday, June 23rd, with sermon from Dr. C. E, Smith, of Cedar Keys, Fla. The Baccaulaureate address will be deliv ered, Monday night, by Hon. P. W. Meldrim, of Savannah. The exercises will continue till Thursday night. A High Compliment. The Board of Visitors to the State University pay a high compliment to Capt. C. M. Snelling, formerly con nected with the South Georgia Col lege, now commandant of cadets at Athens. The compliment is-the more striking because Capt. SnellingV de partment is the only one connected with the University that receives favorable notice. Miss jAddic McClellan, Jackson street, has the Centennial number of Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, which gives a very realistic conception of the celebration or tho occasion. Mr. £. H, Analey,one’<f ourr ;ruck growers, shipper fa ks of turnip seed to Philadelphia yesterday. Tho Times-Enterprise is delight erl, at all times, to note the prosperity of Thomasvillo 'enterprises, Mr. L. Schmidt, soda water manufacturer, is pushing his work with an euergy that will surely briDg a large measure of success. He is shipping large quanti ties of his goods to towns in every di- rectioi. Push and good goods always bring success. What About That Canniffg Establishment ? The Tdies-Enterprisk would be Miss Mazic Woodruff, a charming young lady of Savannah, who has been spending some time visifintr the family of her uncle, Mr. J. B. Chis holm, left yesterday for home. Miss Mazie nlade a large circle of friends while here, who regret to have her leave. PRICES AT ’ LEVY’S Mr. W. R. Gunn, tho architect,will celebrate his birth to-day May he live to see many, very many, returns of the day. Mofoalfo Mention. Picnics cn Miccostlthie lake are now very popular. Parties from Thomas- vdle wishing to spend the day in pleas ant enjoyment on the beautitul lake w ill find the trip far more pleasant and less tiresome to come to Metcalfe on ihe train, leaving Thomasviile at 8:15 a. m., and securing teams from Mr J H. Davidson here. Parties wishing to make this trip do well do write J. H. Davidson a day or two ahead. Our handsome school house is near ing completion. It is 25x40, and is beautifully located. - The Thomasviile Variety Works are filling orders from abroad for fau- cy finishing? iu wood, besides materi al. This Thomasviile enterprise is thoroughly equipped for all kinds of Mr. C. C. Wneeler and Mr. T. J. Montford will soon occupy their hand some new dwellings, which will be two of the neatest houses on Lilystde. J. F. Li’ly is waiting for Mr. A. S. White to recover to begin a handsome residence for himself. Look out for Jim to build a good one. The colored population will have a big meeting at St. Paul, on Monday, the 20th. 1 his is the day on which they were set free. Mr. C. T. Hancock is thinking of moving his saw mill down to the new station, Rosedale, about six and a half miles from Metcalfe. work in its line, and the proprietors, delighted to number in the list of j resg _ K e y I10 ! (l8( Hargrave and Davis,' enterprises in our midst a canning establishment. It would seem to he uunecessary to say a word as to the profits that could be earned by such establishment. They pay, and pay well, elsewhere, and us Thomas- ville is in the habit of making a suc cess out ofnverything she undertakes, there is no reason to’suppose that a canning establishment would prove exception to tho rule. 1 fair city. .Mr. Storm, of the firm of Straltau Storm, of New York, spent yester day forenoon in the city. His firm owns large tobacco plantations near Quincy, and Mr. Storm goos there to look after them. He was negotiating yesterday moruiug with Contractor Miller for the erection of a large number of tobacco barns on the syn dicates’ farm. This work has hereto fore been done by Cincinnati contrac tors. arc gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to deal. Mr, M. B. Waite, the government expert, who is making Thomasviile his headquarters, went up to Camilla yesterday morujpg to examine the fruit crops in Mitchell county. He will return hero iu a few days, and will then visit Boston und other points. Mr. G. O. Baker passed through our town en route to Monttcello to-day, getting hands for the new railroad. Success to him. Mr. j. H. Davidson spent the day on the lake on Tuesday last and Jias not been able to get his shift off since. (Fish bones). Many reductions in rices have been mi fine goods to close out for the season. Call and see our 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered flotm- ings coming. They will be open for in spection on the 22nd. For genuine good goods, at closing out prices, call at Levy’s Siy Goods House Mitchell House Corner Col. A. T. McIntyre, who was leading counsel iu the famous Arring ton case, has returned home. He thinks another jury can be obtaiucil iu Brooks county without much trouble. Mr. J. Wyman Jones will arrive to day in his private car. He will leave with bis family for Englewood, N. J., next Wednesday. ThomasviL'c regrets to lose them, but will give them more than a cordial greeting when they return next winter. Capt. R. G. Fleming, Supt., O. W. Jackson, M. T., and H. W. Reid, M. R. S., F. & W. Ry., stopped over a few minutes to look over and compli ment our little town last Wednesday We appreciate the interest they take in our town. “May they live to he their own grandfathers.” Sunday, May 19th, will be our regu lar day for services at Friendship Bap- tist church. Mr. E. N. Connell is building a handsome little store on Randolph St., to be used as a millinery establish ment. It is already rented, and to be occupied as soon as finished. This will be nice for the ladies. Tne boys have organized .a base ball club and are doing some splendid playing. The ground is splendidly located on the northern side ol the town. Can Thomasviile play us? * - 4l \ A