The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 19, 1889, Image 4

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, Latest Telegraphic News. Rome, Slay 17.—The pope lias been taken suddenly ill. He is very weak. Two or three big Presbyterian gen eral assemblies were is session yester day. Calvanistic knocks were heard all along the line. Brunswick, Ga^May 17—The contractors and engineers have arrived and work on the South Brunswick Terminal road will begin at once. Pittsburg, May 17—Great excite ment prevails at North Baltimore, O., over an oil well drilled in the town which filled an 800-barrcl tank in an hour. It is undoubtedly the largest oil well in Ohio, and lots in town have advanced irom $125 to 81,000. Birmingham, Ai.a., May 17.—The convention of the Alliance and Wheel, after appointing a committee to confer with the cotton exchanges in refer ence to reduced taro on cotton wrap ped in cotton bagging. last night, adjourned fine dir. Wilmington, Dei., May 17.—The Every Evening to-day confirms the rumortd engagement of ex-Secretar. Bayard to Miss C’ymcr, daughter of Dr Clymer, United States navv, of Washington. The wedding will occur early in the summer, and the wedding pair will pass a few months in Europe Wasiiinton, May 17.—The Presi dent has, it is stated, offered a place on the supreme court bench to Attor ney-General Miller, and the latter is considering it. The present Justice Miller of the supreme court proposes, it is stated, to retire next December, and has recommended his friend and former law student, ex Secretary Me Crary, of Iowa, as his successor. Mr. McCrary is now here. He i3 general counsel of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad. Washington, May 17—The Presi dent to-day appointed ChariesSwayne, of Florida, to bo United States dis trict Judge for the Northern district of Florida. Mr. Swnyne is a native of Phila delphia. but has resided at Kissimme, Fla., for several years past. He be gan the practice of law in his native city, and continued it with success in Florida. He was indorsed for the of fice by Representative Goodrich, Mr. Gunby and other republicans of Flor ida, and by Hamilton Disston, of Pennsylvania. Louisville, Ky„ May T7 - —At Casseyville yesterday, R. G.'Tliomas, editor of the Casseyville Herald, shot and killed George Elmer, a prominent merchant. Elmer objected to |a pub lication in Thomas’ paper, and when they met shot Thomas in the leg. Thomas then fired the fatal shot. Thomas is well known throughout the state, having been a state legisla tor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. •g F. IIAWKINS, JR. Attorney and Councellor Law. THOMASVTLLK, Office with Mclolyre A .Mdiitjrn dcc31-ly J. II. COYLE, D. •L). S., Resident Dentist, Thomasville, Georgia. Offers his services to th citizens of Tho aavllle and vicinity. fflee hours -From 9 a. m. to 1 j>. in., nud from 2 to 6 p. ra. Office—On Jackson street. N. G. TtILLIS, M. 1). Regular Practitioner. OFFICE- Corner Madison and .ML* Sts., Tliomasville, Ra. Special treatment to Throat and I.utiy with Oxygen. Office Hours— 10 to 12 a. n>. and 2 ft; p m. dec29-4n> The Florida legislature were engag ed yesterday in revising the election laws. The caucus bill providing lor the registration of voters an 1 prescribing the manner of voting nud the conduct of general elections was vend the sec ona time and slightly amended. The bill provides for eight ba lot boxes lor candidates for different offices and for • separate polling places in each pre cinct for candidates fur national offi ces and those for state anil county offices; ulso, for the printing of tick ets in the English, Spanish and German languages when deemed nec essary. The hill will pass with practi cally no opposition. Mnc rl.l.l . o. MircBEi.t. ITCH ELL & MITCHELL. M Attorneys-at-Law, Thoniasvllle, • * Goo; H ANSKLL & MERISI LI Attorneys-at-Law amt Insur ance Agents. rhomasvillo, Office—Over Watt’? s. McLendon, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasvllle, • • • Georgia, glvou to ai Prompattja trusted to him Office—Over Watt's store, corner Jackson streets. w. G..PATRICK Homeopathic Physician am Surgeon. THO.MASV1LLE, Can be found at office 122 broad street Steyermans) or at rcsideuco, Calhoun Street betwoon Broad afid Crawford, when not f feaslonally engaged 61 W. BRUCE, M. I).,. Office, up-stairs. ^1 S. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building Residence—Corner Col lego avonuo and Mag nulla street. Telephone communication, No. 25 for nlgl. calls. ip M. Mol StTOSH, Physician dfc Surgeon, How to Make a Town. Talk about it. Write about it. Help to improve it. Beautify the streets. Patronize its merchants. Advertise in its paper. Pay your taxes without grumbling, Be courteous to strangers that come among you. ‘Never let an opportunity to s wak a good word about it pass. Remember that every dollar you invost in permanent improvements is that much money at interest, . Don’t “kick” against any proposed necessary improvement because it is not near your own door, or for fear your taxes will be raised 13 cents. Support your local paper first and liberally, and then spend money in -advertising in the best mediums to draw men and money from elsewhere. But bo sure that your home paper has • healthy, well-fed look, with its sides bulging out with good “ads.” Mr. Sims, who was formerly with D. J. Sheffield, but who is now a citi zen of Americus, returned home yesterday. SU NDAY HOI KS. Tin Mitchell House I’hannacy will be apto for tlic benefit of the sick from 9 to 11 and from 2 to 4 p. m. on Sundays. Public will take notice. Th* public will do well to take advantage of the cash prices offered bytbc Mitchell House Pharmacy, Surprisingly low Thomasvllle, Georgia. gr*OFFICE over Stark’s, corner llruail anil rietelier Streets. ALTER O. SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT L\W AND COLLECTOR OF CLANK OFFICE: 120 Broitd Street, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. J)R. JOEL IL COYLE SFENTIST THOMASVTLLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., over Pickett’s. Another Cure of Rheumatism. Lake Citv, Fin., Jan. 2, IH8R. I*. P. P. Mnfg. Co., Savannah, (In. Gentlemen—I had IlhcMHuatism for ovi six years, and last May was taken down and confined to my bed. My legs and ft* were badly swollen and the color of n red auplc, and I was in n fearful condition. I heard of P. P. P. (PricklyAsh, Poke Hoot and Potassium), and after se ing what the ingredients were -as the formula is on the bottle—I concluded to try it, and after tak ing three small bottles I was able to go down town nud attend to my business, and I must say that I feel like a new man. Am now taking the large size, and to-day 1 believe that 1 will soon be as lively as any man of sixty-onc years can expect to be. A. C. LANG. Criticising a Young Lady. She would be a pretty girl but for oue thing.” “What’s that,” asked Charley, knocking the ashes off his telephone cigar. George—“Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches.” Charley—“Oh, that’s easily enough dis posed of.* Used to be the same way myself, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in uo time.” George—“What was it?” Charley—“.Simply blood eruptions. Took short course of P P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium): I tell you its the boss blood corrector. The governor had Jtheuma'ism so bad that you could hear him holler clear across the county every time he moved. 11c tried it and you know what an athletic old gent he is now. If somebody would only givt Miss Daisy a pointer she would thank them afterwards. AH the drug stores sell it. LEGAL NOTICE. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Notice U hereby gl»on to ull parties concern ed that the legAl advertisements omanallug from the ordinary’s office of Thon)*» county heretofore published in the Thomasvllle En terprise, will lierealter bo published In the TlMEtt-EXTERriUHE. May IB, 1889. Joe. 8. MERRILL, Ordinary. gpecial prices on fine cigars by the box at UittbtU House Pharmacy. d an w It. The Sheriff’s advertisements, which have heretofore been published in the Thomasvllle Times, wi 1, hereafter, be published in the Tlmes-Enterpriso. J, A. HURST, May 18, 1889. Sheriff, ‘ If a woman is pretty, To mo ’tis no matter, Do eho blonde or brunette. So she lets me look at her.” An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever* beautiful. The peculiar diseases to which so many of tho sex ore subject, are proliflo causes of pale sallow faces, blotched with un sightly pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and ci elated forms. Women so afflicted, can bo p manently cured by using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription; and with the restoration of health comes that beauty which, combined with good qualities of head and heart, makes women angels of loveliness. “ Favorite Prescription ” is tho only raedicino for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in overy case, or money will be refunded. It is a positive specific for all those painful disor ders, irregularities and weaknesses with which so many women are afflicted. Copyright, 1S8S, by WORLD’S DlS. SIed. ASS’H DR. PIERCE’S PELLETS Purely Vegetable I Perfectly Harmless I TJNF.QTTALED AS A LIVER PILL. Smallest, Cheapen!, Easiest to take. One tiny, Sugar-<*mted Pellet a dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements of tho Stomach and Bowels. 25 cents a vial, by druggists. MARVELOUS DBSeOVERY. Only Genuine System ofMcmory Training Four Books Learned in one reading. Blind vvnmlering cured. Every child and ndnlt greatly benefitted * Great inducements to Correspondence Classes. " >ectus, with opiniiM of IiL.Win. A, Prospectus, with opinion* of Ilr. Wm. A. Ham« mond, the world-famed SpecialistTn Mind Diseases. Daniel Grccnlen f Thompson, the groat Psychol, ooist, J. M. Buckley, !>.!>.. editor of the Christian Advocate. 1V. F., lliclmrd .Proctor, the Scientist, B on*. W. W. Ast or, Judge Gifoon, Judah P. eniiiuiin, and others, sent post free by Prof. a. Noisette, 257 Fifth Avc.» N. Yr FOB HALE BY ALL DBUGGI8JM. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale'Drugglsta, Bolo Propa., Lippmun Block, Savannah, Ga. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potassium.) CURES SYPHILIS Primary, Secondary, and Tertianr Syphilis, Syph ilitic Eruptions, 6crofula and Scrofulous Ernp- tions, Ulcers and Old Sores. Rheumatism and all diseases of the blood ; nil those that have resisted other treatment yield steadily and surely to the wonderful power of P. P. P., the great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA Is an impurity In the blood, producing Lumps or Swelling, causing Running Sores on the Arms, Lege, or Feet, for tho cure of which nso P. P. P., the grcatesthlood medicine on earth. All these diseases yield readily to the power of P. P. P„ giving new life and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cured in Its worst form ; sometimes In cases with Erysipelas, where the patient was In Eternal Pain and given an by tho bhysicians. In some cases Scrofulous ulcers broko out till the party warf a mas9 of corruption; a bottlo of P. P. P. was procured, and tnc disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And in all Affections of the Blood, P. P.P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some of Its cure* nro really wonderful. If you suffer from anything liko Syphilis, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, Old Sores, Rheuma tism, or any disease of tho blood, be sure and give P. P. P. a trial. P. P. P. (Prickly Asli, Poke Root, and Potas sium) is no secret patent medicine liko the many on the market. Its foonula is on every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity and whole- mess that uo other blood purifier docs give. LI PM AN X BROTHERS, whlesalo druggists, sole manufacturers and proprietors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. MCRAE & MARDRE. Wholesale and Retail Aqo Bunion^' and WARTS, WW FOR RENT. Two famished rooms with kitchen privi leges, one block from business part of town, for rent at $13 50 per month. EM MALLETTE: >) Loaianiia,* Raw Albsny A CUmi fiy.fla jy THE BEST AND MOST Direct Route! PROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE* SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND JUE NORTHWEST. wo through exprens trains dally, with Pull man Palace BuffotflleepingCars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- clnimUl and Chicago, Indianapo- 1 1h nud Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, whore close con. jjnectlons are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- laud, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points intermediate— READ THIS. COLUMN. Established 1879. Special Bargains New Fast Mail, NEW OFFERINGS IN REAL ESTATE. Leaving L mlsvllle. Daily except 8unday, at 7*30 a. m. Cincinnati, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid service ever attempted De tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago. Stf-l hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made the MORTON ROUTE Unlvorsally and deservedly popular. OHN B. CARSON, Vice-pres’t and Gon’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic Managor, E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent R. W. OLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad 8t.. Thomasvllle Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Worlcs. I have experienced workmen In my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet metal and plumbing work in tho best possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, Architectur al and Ornamental Work in Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TlN ROOFING, Sheet Brass and Coppor Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I koep on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanized, Russia. Smoke stack and Plain Iron, Shoot Brass, Planished, Tinned and Plain Coppers; Zinc, Solder, Spelter and Wird. , ^ My prices are reasonable and thoso who contomplato having work done or purchasing anything in my lino will find it to their In terest to confor with mo beforo placing their orders. Offlco and shop over Watt k Bro.’s, Broad St.. Thomasvlllo Ga. SIT MU TOTE Ma\ Joseph M. Droyer offers his services to too public as a stenographer and type writer. All work promptly done aud satis faction guaranteed. Apply to or address, PH M, JOSEPH SL DREYER, at Me uf.yre A McIntyre's office. Broad at Whiddon House (Opposite Plney Woodo Hotel.) TllOMASVIKUK, - UA E. B. Whiddon, Prop BYE.M. MALLETTE. in Improved and Unimproved Property $10,000, Another old southern home, 1,500 ncrcs lire miles from city, good road, splendid pear orchard, netted last year, $445 Houses in good repair. This is a great bar gain. ;J3.800: 190 acres two miles Irom town, run ning from one public road to another aud dividtd by tbc Boulevard. A very valua ble tract, well located for sub-dividing, and will make A good profit as a speculation.^ This bouse, located In tho most desir able and central part of the city, Is now and complete In every particular. Fur- nisliod in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels Tho monu Is porloct, nnd tho servlco rendorod by trained nnd po- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house meet nil trains. doclO-ly TH0J1ASVILLE ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS OF CONVKYANCKS To City and Country Property, in Thomas county, furnished al sl. irl nolice. Special l’ricet la Real Estate De%lertl OFFICE:—With Arthur Patten, Attorn.*) at haw, Masonic Building, 1G7 Broad St.* - - Tiioiiasville, l a (irlea&LeM, Contractors & Builders THOM AS VILLE, GA. Wo will be glad to make contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, in cither brick or wood. Will fur- nlsh plans and speciffcaiions if required. If you want any building dono call on us. and wo will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded us or not. We will guarantee satis faction in all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In Thomasvillo, and to all parties for whom we have worked. Shop oh Flotcher st., 2nd door from Brood. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3, 1889. » Lands For Sale The 210 acres of land in Thomas county, being parts of lots 61 and 78 In tho 14th Dlst., ami known ns tho Geo. W. Whitehurst place. Will sell for SI,000,—ono fourth, one third, or one half cash, and the balunco in from one to six years,—to suit purchaser, with interest at rato of eight por cent, per annum on deferred payments, payaulo annually. For further particulars ad dress Wm. E Simmons, iunl-tf Atlanta. Ga. RESTAURANT 20,000 acres ot timber lands in Thomas and Colquitt counties at $1 per acre. These lands arc good farming lands and arc intrin cically worth $5 per acre. • $2,500. Unmistakably the > handsomest residence lot in tbc city, 200x200 feet on corner Hanscll street and Cotton nvenue, fronting the park. There is absolutely no possible objection to this property. The only ’"isiness lots on Broad street at $90.00 per per front foot. $1,500. New place, lot 100x307 on three streets injsubnrbs at $1,500. The improve incuts cost $2,100. Owner must realize on property immediately and offers at this great sncrllict I have every description of property for sale. Residence lots at $200 to $500 on good streets. First-class residence property in most popular localities will cost more money, but I have it too. I offer two splendid little farms with gems of pear orchards on them. I offer plantations of nil kinds, sizes and prices. Any one having any idea of buying will act very unwisely to do so without seeing me. Oyster Saloon. (Jo til Helipie’a, on Broad at., opposite Mitchell House, for a meal or Oysters in any shape. Booms todet, also, and board reasonable by tbe day, week or month, tf E. M. MALLETTE, HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. G-eor" ia The Anderson Cot tage, Crawford St., next to Whiddon House and nearPi- ney Woods Hotel. One fourth cash, balance in five years. s _ -4 ■ \’j ■ M ■ : vJ| HOPKINS Real Estate Aff&icv, BOX 22 CITY. Thomasville, Ga.