The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 21, 1889, Image 1

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V'OL 1-NO 7. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1889. Special OFFERINGS -FOR- This Week, News Notes About Town About People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. Will Stegall was in the city Sunday. Joe Beverly was in town yesterday. New telegraph poles arc being put up. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 5c, worth roc. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 8c worth 12 1-2. 5 000 yards Checked Nainsook at 10 worth 15c. 5,000 yaids F'igured White Lawn at 12 1-2C, worth 20. This is a special drive and is well worth your atten tion. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 5c worth ioc. * 5,000 yards white India Linen at 8c worth 12,1*2 „ 5 000 yards white India Linen at ioc , worth 15. . We have the best and largest assort ttient of white lawns ever offered in this market. Would call your special atten tion to our gOc Number, which in width, tin ish and sheerness of woof, surpasses an) r - thing ever shown at this price. 25 dozen bleached damask towels, knotted fringe, at 15c, well worth 25c. 25 dozen Huckabock Towels at ioc, worth 25c. For 25c we can give you the very best towel, x 1-4 yards long, all linen and last colored borders, ever shown in Thomasville. Our new and elegant selection of Challies are still all the rage, and arc selling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some very choice patterns left, which we are offering at greatly reduced rates. Our remnant counter lor this week contains some very desirable bar gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. All lines complete.. Stock acknowledged to be the largest. Prices lower than ever. Do not fail to come and inspect. We are anxious to show you our goods whether you buy or not, mmvmmwwni 132JBROAD73T.. I00R.UA0K80N! Hon. A. T. McIntyre spent Sunday in Bainbndge. Mr. Ed. Stevens is erecting a resi dence in Fearnside. Mr. R. Turnburll, of Monticellolwas in the city yesterday. Mr. W. R. Barnes, of Monticello. was in the city yesterday. This is the last flower month; after this come the fruits of the year. Twenty-four commercial men spent Sunday at the Stuart. Mr. George Henderson retnrned from a trip to Ohio Sunday. The Gun Club shoot at the grounds in East End this afternoon. Contractor Eaves- went down to Cairo on business yesterday. The shower Sunday has made the atmosphere much pleasanter. Mr. James Evans left yesterday for a business trip to Macon. Reid & Culpepper are in the midst of annual stock taking. Hon. Isaac Alderman,' from over the river, was in the city yesterday. The Episcopal rectory is offered for rent by Rev. C. I. LaRoche. A fine rain is reported from the other side of the river,-.—, ~ . Yesterday was emaucipation day with the negroes. Mr. Aleck White was well enough to be down town yesterday afternoon. The rain seems as far away as ever, aud the hearts of the gardeners grow sick. Steve Cook and Dr. Joel Coyle went down to the lake yesterday on a fishing frolic. Messrs C F. Bodly and I’.G.Mooke of New Orleans, were, at the Sluart Sunday. Rev. E. II. McGeheo was in the city yesterday shaking hands with friends. Mrs. Julia B. Scott leaves this morning for Atl ruta and other points in North Georgia. • Judge Hopkins makes daily trips to “Greonwood” to overlook the work ■going on there. Mr. James Watkins and niece, of Watkinville, Mass , were stopping at the Stuart Sunday. Mr. J. Wyman Jones and family leave for theit Englewood, N. J , home to-morrow. The light shower of Sunday disap peared before the drying wind of yes terday. Moore <fc Williams have just closed a kiln of 200,000 hard brick. It is one of the finest burns they have ever made. Capt.. E. M. Smith, of the Bank of Thomasville, left yesterday morning for a visit of several days to Atlanta. No police court yesterday morning. All the cases on docket were postponed until next Friday morning. Mr. J. W. Masury and family will leave Cleveland Park next Monday, the 27th'inst., for New York. Mack Bullock $as in town yester day. He is taking it easy after his splendid work as agent for the Home Compound Guano. Hon. Tom McIntyre, Jr., has been over to Bainbridge on legal busmes Court is in session there this week. Col. A. T- McIntyre, Judge J. R. Alexander and Hon: R. G. Mitchell are in attendance on Lowndes Supe rior court this week. Mr. John S. Montgomery is with the Bank of Thomasville, during Captain Smith’s absence. John is one of those clever gentlemen who is at home any where. The people of Thomasville have a rare treat in store for them in the ser mon to be preached by the Rev. R. H. Harris, at the Young Female Col lege Commencement. Johu C, Wctheriugton, who was convicted of stealing a watch a few days ago, has paid the fine, 846.00, :le and has been released. Mr. John A. Horvin, one of the delegates to the Road Congress leaves this morning at 9:30 for Atlanta. Hon. A. T. MacIntyre Jr., will go over to Bainbridge to-day to attend Decatur couuty Hupeiior Court, now A bad shooting scraped is reported Saturday from Tifton, a town on the B. & W. It. R. Mr. Jake Yeung, justice of the peace, shot Mr. Arc Golden, the marshal, killing him in- itantly. For the many kind things said of ihe Times-Enterprise, sincere thanks ate retained. We will fjo oqr best to merit the good opinion of our people. Thomasville has 40 pules of streets. To keep then} in cyder U a work of great magnitude, and that they irife kept in fine order is apparent to those that have occasion to travel them. What’s the sign ? A drove of some thirty or forty white cranes were seen flying Northward over the town a day or two since. Miss Nena Tye, .of McDonough, who has been spendiug the winter with Mr. nnd Mrs. George Henderson, returned home yesterday morning. Au excursion train carried about a hundred and fifty colored people down to Metcalfe yesterday morning, returning in the afternoon. Mr. W. M. Reese an^Jamily, and Mr. B. P.- "Walker. juyj* family, go down'totimlal ;e I this morning on a fishing and camping excursion. The party will remain there the rest of the week. Mr. Alex. White has so recovered from his wounds as ti be able to walk around the house. Ho will bo on the streets in a few days'. Volunteer Signal Observer Bondu- rnnt is lveartily co-operating with the Times-Enterprise to secure for Thomasville a correct report of daily teraperuture. “Merchant” joins issue with our poet drummer of Sunday in the posi tion he took thnt there were in merchants in heaven. This idea, if carried to its last analysis, would involve the tradesman in somo hard ship. With the facilities the Times ; Enterprise has for doing first class job work, and its determination to compete with prices from any respon sible house; you have 110 excuse for sending your, work away. Sustain home industries, if you would have them prosper. Sheriff Hurst returned last evening from Columbus,where he went on Sun day morning. Mr. Hurst went in charge of Mr. Warner Jones, a gentle man who had been down to Appa- lachicola, on a fishing frolic, and had become deranged. Mr. Jones is a prominent merchant of Columbus, and it is to be hoped he will soon recover. Qppd Pividends'. Every mail, woman aud child in Thomasville draws a good dividend from every successful enterprise that is started in the city. No matter whether it he a bank, a’ hotel, a store, a workshop or a newspaper. If this be truo, and no one will gainsay it, it is then incumbent on every mau, woman aud child to help each of these enterprises'. You may. not be called on to take a money stock in them, but you can aid them by speak ing a kindly, hopeful word for them. In short, you ought to cum your dividends. Step by Step. Just now Atlanta is agitatiug the question ot new and enlarged water works. There is no opposition to the move, but there is a division as to the means to be provided for paying for the increased supply. One faction favors issuing bends to pay for the new works; another one favors the poliev of paying for the improvements as they arc mode, as far as this is nos- sihle. Mr. Inman, in an interview published in the Constitution, gives it as his opinion that Atlanta ought not to increase her bonded debt, if she can possibly help it, even to pay for such a necessity as water. He says that one strong point in Atlanta's favor in the past lias been her small indebtedness and low taxes. The views of Mr. Inman are entitled to great weight, for he is one of the best financiers in the South, It will be necessary in the near future to make some costly improve 1 ments in Thomasville, in the way of providing a system of sewerage. The Times-Enterrrise has cited the views of Mr. Inman to illustrate the need of conservatism and caution in providing the means for paying for their improvements. It has been one of Thomasville’s proudest boasts that she had uo bonded debt, and the rate of taxation has been so low that it has drawn investments that would not otherwise have come here. It is, of course, impossible -to pay for what we need as it is done, but it would seriously retard the future growth of Thomasvillo if she were to be placed under the incubus of too much debt. The superb business man is the one that strains a point to pay hiB obliga tions as th'eiy accrue ralher than allow them to accumulate, trusting to the future to provide for the obligations of'to-day. 'Conservatism is, therefore, the watchword ol the hour. Merchants in Heaven. Your little drummer “Burgess’* In his lines of yesterday, “No Merchants are in heaven,” He forced himself to say. He says that he will stay there But In this ho tells a — If tradesmen do not live there He will surely quit the sky. The concentrated forces Each of heaven, earth and hell. Would not retain a drummer, Where no merchant he could sell’ —MEBCHANT. Council Meeting. In the council meeting last night it was determined to have an election on the 2Gth of June to determine the question of issue or no issuo of bonds for park. Col. AVright, chairman of finance committee, announced that he had borrowed 83,000 from Mr. Masury at at eight per cent interest. Mr. Mitchell was given control of the chain gang to lay water mains. The Videttes’ Fair. -The fair given by the Valdosta Videttes opens to-day and will con tinue three days. The S. F. & W. has placed round trip tickets on sale, good until the 24th at one fare. Thomasville ought to send down {a delegation. The Trade in Lumber. ■ Mr. John Beverly told a Times- Enterprise reporter yesterday morn ing that the demand for lumber was better than he had ever seen it before. Lumber means building, and building means business for tho mechanics, business tor the merchants, and money for all. Be Bald no More. Good Roads. Thomas county has long been noted for its good roads. Shakspear said that reputation was often got without merit, arid lost without deserving. This would not apply to the Thomas county roads, but a very close acquaintance with them would not bear out the splendid repntation they have acquired. The truth is the number of public roads has increased more rapidly thnn the road working population, and as a result, while our roads are the best in the state, and this is no idle boast, an im provement in the road laws, or a more rigid enforcement of those we have, would give us even better roads, and that we need them goes without saying. The Best of the Season. Mr. M. A. McKinnon has left at the Times-Enterprise office some stalks of cotton, taken from a field of twenty-five acres. They measure fifteen inches iu heighth, aud have seven or eight forms on them. It is now iu order for the man that can beat this to come to the front. . Burned. We regret to learn that the resi dence of Mi. James Hicks, at Patten, this county, w?,s burned on Monday afternoon, about one o’clock. Loss about 8800, insurance 8500. Action of t}je Southern Farmers. The convention of the Southern farmers at Birmingham adopted cotton bagging, thus putting all the cotton states on this line. We trust our en tire southern section will now discard all other kinds of covering for cotton. Sabbath Services. • The services in tho variouschurches Sunday were well attended. Thomas villo is peculiarly fortunate in having devoted pastors and as a rule these menu'good congregations, Mr. Albert Winter left on last ove- uiug’s train for Atlanta, where he goes as £ delegate td the Road Con gress, which meets on Wednesday. This body is calculated to do much good for the people at largo, and if is to be hoped that we shall spa speedy results from their action. Mr. llenry Storm, vice-president, Mr. Peter Miller, treasurer, and Mr. W. M. Corry, general manager of the Florida Tobacco Producing and Trad ing Company, of Quincy, were in the city last Saturday, registered at the Whiddon. Mr. Miller left for New York yesterday at 12:50. This com pany has done much to develop the lovely hill country around Quincy, and better than all they have made theit venture profitable. A drummer wns in town yesterday selling a nostrum that is warranted to produce a thick growth of nair on tho baldest pate. A reporter saw him in close conference with a well known mau about town, whose capillary ap pendage has yielded to the ravages of time and—he is a married man, which may account for his lack ot hiiir. Results will be given later. PRICES AT LEVY’S The boys have a good joke on Jack Linton, Ask him about it. A neat fence is being put up to close the depot yard from Flea en- eming Go cut to the gun shoot this after noon. Tho largest Beining party of the season will go out to the river to-day. Latest Telegraphic News. Niue colored people were drowned near Vicksburg Sunday afternoon. Forest City, Ark., has been indulg ing iu a riot. Several people were killed. The Governor is on the spot with a force of military. A party attempted to lynch a man who wns in jail in Trinity, Alabama, yesterday. The sheriff’s jiossee fired on the lynchers killing one of them. The officer succeeded iu protecting his prisoner. Solid shot for mobs, should be the motto, everywhere. Atlanta, Ga., May 19.—Dr. A. B. Ashworth, a prominent physician, was found dead in his office this eve ning. He was last seen on Friday. It is not known whether his death was suicide or the result of disease. Jacksonville, Fla., May 19.— Fire early this morning destroyed seven buildings in East Jacksonville, five dwellings, the Ladies’ Guild Hall of the St. Audwcs Episcopal church, and the chapel. The loss is 810,000. Incendiarism was the cause of the fire. San Francisco, May 19.—Dis patches from what is termed Middle California, report au earthquake about 3:15 o’clock this morning. At some points, especially iu the San Joaquin valley, the shocks were quite severe, nnd iu a few cases the tops of chim neys were thrown down. The shook was sufficiently heavy in this city to awaken nearly all the slumbcrers. New Orleans, May 19.—Fire broke out at noon to-day in the ba kery of Henry Hiehn, at No. 41 Jos ephine street, ucai-Tchopitoulas. The fire spread down Josephine street, destroying seven double tenement houses on Josephine street and five on Rousseau street. The loss is 820,000. The property is fully insured in local companies. Boston, May 19.—On Thursday next three batteries of the Fourth United States artilllery, stationed at Fort Preble, Portland, Me., and Fort Warren, Bostou harbor, will leave Boston for Atlanta Ga., where a regi ment will be quartered during the epidemic season. They will be trans ported by the steamer Gate City, of the Savannah line. Many reductions in prices have been made on fine goods to close out for the season. Call and see our 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered floun- ings coming. They will be open for in spection on the 22nd. For genuine good goods, at closing out prices, call at Levy’s Dry Goods Boise Mitchell House- Corner - ■M M