The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 24, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -NO 10. THOMASV1LLE, GEORGIA, ERIDAV MORNING, MAY 24, 1880 Special News Notes About Town -FOR- This Week, 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 5c, worth 10c 5,000.yards Checked Nainsook at 8c, worth 12 1-2. 5 000 yards Checked Nainsook at 10, worth 15c. 5,000 yaids Figured White Lawn at ta^i-ac, worth 20. This is a special drive - and is well worth your atten tion. • 5,000 yards wh.te India Linen at 5c, worth toe. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 8c, worth 12 :-2 £ 000 yards white India Linen at 10c, worth 15. c : ‘ We have tne best and largest assort ment of white lawns ever offered in this market. Would call your special atten tion to our &0c Number, which in width, fin ish and sheerness of woof,surpasses any thing ever shown at this price. 25 dozen Clenched damask towels, knotted fringe, at 150, well worth 25c. $5 dozen Huckaback Towels at 10c, worth 25c. For 25c we can give you the very best towel, 1 14 yards long, all linen and last colored borders, ever shown in Tftomasvilie. Our new and elegant selection of Challies are still all the rage, and are selling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some very choice patterns left, which we aye offering at greatly reduced rates. Our remnant counter lor this week contains some very desirable bar. gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. All lines complete. Stock acknowledged to be the largest. Prices lower than ever, Do not fail t<> come and inspect. We are anxious to show you our goods whether you buy or not. Ajjout People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. Push the town ahead. Keep your premises clenn. „ Mayor's court this morning. Thomasville is healthy arid happy. The fruit crop promise.* to he good. It was cool enough yesterday morn ing for tire. Bob Evans spent yesterdavjn Bos ton. Mr. Sam Baker spent yesterday at his camp near Ochlockonec. The shade trees on some of the streets need trimming. A blind man peddling pencils was on the streets yesterday. Reports from the'blackberry crop are not very encouraging. Send us news items of general inter est. It will be appreciated. The Rev. J. B. Cheeves, of Monti- tidlo, was in town yesterday. Mr. J. N. O. Biown, of Louisville, Ky., was at the Stuart yesterday. The Guards will have one of the handsomest uniforms in the statu. Nliss Mamie Wright left yesterday morning for a v visit to Macon. Mr. Jim Pringle took a trip down to Chattahoochee yesterday afternoon. Mr. Pcto Bone, Jr., is now with Mr. A. C. Brown on Jackson street. - The town has had an epidemic of measles. The eases have all been light. . . Zv. - ? .vV; Mr.~W. R. BFowu, of Bartow, Fla., was among the Floridians in the city yesterday. Capt. J. Cronin, of the Southern Express company, was in the city yesterdav. Mr. Roberts is putting things in elegant shape about Cniubrdgc Ma 1- or, Step in and see Messrs,.!Iriflin A Sturdivant’s handsome stock of sad dlery, etc. Mr. L. Schmidt is building up a fine business at his stand on Jackson street. MrAveiter didn’t go with that sein ing party, but lie sent a substitute. And the hoys remembered Mr. K with a fine string of fish. Messrs. Reese & Eason have one of the .’finest crqiikery. glassware and house furnishing establishment* in the •tato, It occurs to us that picnics arc not so plentiful as usual at this season, and invitations to basket dinners in the country come in rather slowly. Col. A. T. McIntyre returned from Lowndes court yesterday. Miss Clara Avery, of Quitmau, accompanied him and will epeud several days visiting his family, ' The weather bps boon splendid for saving oats. It the oats were as good as the weather 1ms been for saving them, there would have been an im : mens* crop. Active preparations are going ou at both Young Female College and the South Georgia College for the June commencements. Both occa sions will be made deeply interesting. Col. Alex Jones left t|ji$ morning for Atlanta, where he goes to attend to legal business before the Supreme Court. He will be absent several days. The TuiKs-K^TWIffttsK will bend all uf its energies and influence to building up the trade and business of Thomasville. Advertise in it and aid us, to that extent, at least, in the work. m A number of parties will go to Walden’s Bridge to morrow to a big picnic. To say that Jim Blackstpoar will be there is to say that the affair will bo a success. Nev Type Needed. Timks-En'tjiiu'rise : Will you oblige a subscriber to the Savannah News by calling Col. Estill’s attention to the fact that his papef is so badly printed that it cannot be read except with great care and trouble. Some type seem to be much worse than others—'a great many let ters in every paragraph being entirely absent. I’lcase ask Col. Estill to remedy the evil as soon as possible, as f Hall wo like Ids paper and do not want to . change. Yours, etc., BcbscuiIiki:. Respectfully referred to Col. J. H. Estill. Congress Hall. We have before us the circular of Messrs. Neal A Hamilton, who are running Congress Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., this season, opening June 22nd. Messrs. Neal A Hamilton made a reputation as good hotel men in their last season of Hotel Mnsury, and tvill open that house again next January.. In the mean time we wish them suc cess in their management of Congress—On Friday, May 17, after a long illuess, John Grese, in the 32d year of Ins age. Relatives anil friends are respect fully invited - to attend the funeral services, at his late residence, 195 7th av., ou Sunday, May 10th, at two p. in. The above, taken from the New York Herald of the 18th inst., will be read with sincere regret by Mr. Grese’s Southern friends. He spent several seasons here, and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. None will regret his death more than Mr. Geo. W. Herring, who was the devoted friend of the deceased. From this far off Southland, will be wafted ou Southern breezes to the family of John Grese, the warm sym pathies of all those who met and knew the deceased during his sojo mi in Thomasville. Improving. Mr. H. M. Cave commenced laying down the lumber on the grounds yes terday for the erection of a handsome double story, eight room, residence on the corner of GfatWord and Cal hou n streets. Mr. Cavo was recently burned out on this lot, and will now build himself a comfortable home. In looking over the names of the councilmen appointed in Jacksonville, by Gov. Fleming, we see the name of Mr. John H. Stephens. We risk noth ing in maktng the assertion that John Stephens will rank second to none lit the board of aldermen. Well, make an iron hound nflldnvit that the Governor hat made a ten strike such men as John Stephens. Miss Isabella Hawthorne, a sister of Mr. Hawthorne, the artist, and of Mrs. Carl Mollcr, who has been spending SM>tpe time tives lipre, will leave next Monday lor her home in England. The lady doos not love America less, but old England more. Seed Oats. Mr. J. T. Cliastaii: offers a few busbel* of early oats for stile. Those who have planted this oat arc well pleased with it. Its early maturity and extra weight especially commend it. Speak early if you want to secure seed. Quite a party went down to Mr. T. C. Mitchell's plantation on Wednes day and seined a couple offish ponds. Xbe party consisted of Mess. T. C. Mitchell, Judge W. D. Mitchell, Capt. C. P. Hansell, J. W. Reid, Mitch Jones, Will Mitchell and oth ers. They returned late in W after noon, bringing a splendid lot of lish. Thomasville mcrchanrs ought to make a point this season of controlling more of the wool, which is now com ing iuto market, than sbo has hereto fore. controlled. If the merchants want trade they must fight for it. The time has passed for sitting down arid waiting for trade to conic to you. That’s played out. Rev; G, G. N. McDonell received a telegram yesterday morning from jjort Valley saying that his grand child, daughter of Rev. Geo. W Mithews, was dead. He left on the Alhaijv'Trnin for that pls^ce yestejjjjjy but expects to be hack Sunday. Messrs. Moore A Williams com menced delivering brick yesterday for the work on the now GulfHouse. In a few days the grounds will be active w'th workmen pushing along the good work, undor the supervision of Architect Gunn. Mr. J. Avorett, wife and two daughters, Misses Estelle and Emma, late of Whigham, arrived yesterday and occupied their homo, one of Mr. in the appointment of Mr. Stephens. Miller's new houses on Monroe street. Jacksonville is safe in the hands orf Thomas vile cordially welcomes Mr. Avcrett and family to citizenship. •Several of our farmers propose to grow German millet this year for hay. Messrs. 11. R. Ainsworth, F. J. Winn w jtl, ], e r r pia-i mul others hiive been growing this grain for a few years past, and are pleased with it. On fertile land, well prepared, the yield is large and the quality of the hay good. T'ie weather continues dry, with no hopeful signs for a .clung.-. In the The sweet girl gradute is, just uo»v, very much engrossed in what she will wear at commencement. Her compos sition is, also, claiming some of her time ind attention. The sw let girl graduates arc the hope of the country, j May their numbers never grow less. ' Every husiucss house in Thomas-! . , ,,, . ,, * 1 ; tons and gold lace \y\\\ gutter in the ought to be the ; Ju , ^ Aw j * ho , a . advertising columns uf the ims-l djes-wcil, tl .oy wiH a,l be m.t to sec kt* us all pull together the soldier boys. 2 p. ill... 7 p. in... Mnxiinu Minimum Ilain tail Latest Telegraphic News. There’s-Snid to he a big row iu the cabinet. Blaine, Windom and Proc tor is reported to have given B. Harrison “warnin’’ that they are go ing to quit and apply for a situation c seWlicre. They will probably ask for a “stificatc” of “karectcr,” but it is doubtful if the grandson of his grand father will give it to thorn. Harrison will doubtless be glad to get rid of Blaine. The president has an excellent opportunity of exhib iting to the country the amouut of stiffness in his spinal column. A kiikenny cat fight appears to he im minent. . ‘Fight dog, fight bear. No (log oi’quis there.' The following rather startliug spe cial appears iu Monday’s Constitu tion: Washington, May 22.—It is learn ed ou undeniable authority that there was a grand row in yesterday’s cabi net meeting, and that three of the cabinet officers tendered to the Presi dent their resignation, to take effect at once, if certain cliaugcs were not made. Secretary Blaine opened the ques tiou by delivering point blank at the President an ultimatum to the effect that if he could not ho permitted to have some Intitude in the state de partmeut he most positively declines to remain in his present equivocal po sition any longer, Secretary Proctor immediately endorsed all Mr. Blaine had said, and declared that his resig nation would immediately follow Mr." BJaine’s. .Secretary \Viudom did not go quite so fur. but assisted the otHer members iu their efforts to convince the President thut cabinet officers must he heads of their departments, in deed as well as in name. He said he could not afford to remain. Americus, Ga., May 22.—A mort cage was recorded in the clerk’s office here to-day, given by (lie Savannah & Western railroad to the Central Trust Company of New York for $18.000,• 000. The lines built and comemplat ed under the name of th* Savannah & Western pass through thirty counties in Georgia and twenty-tour in Ala bama. This mortgage clearly states that the connecting link from F.den to Americus is to be built without de lay. Notiioi.g, V.v., May 22 —A severe hail and wind storm yesterday did great damage to crops in the southern sections of Southampton and Isle of Wight counties, along the line of the Seaboard & Roanoke railroad The main damage in Southampton county was done to young cotton plants. In the southern part of Norfolk county considerable damage was done to yeg ctable crops. Ci.ntkai.ia, III., May 22—Tito returns so far received from yester- lav’s congressional election in the PRICES AT LEVY’S meantime farmers are busy lun-vestiu oats, and cleaning the corn and cot-1 Nineteenth district indicate the elec- ton. Must of these crops, however, tion ofJ. R. Williams, the democrat- are in thorough order and look well. The Guards will have their first pa. ie candidate, over T. 8. Ridgeway, the republican. The election was to fill the vacancy caused bv the death hjNTHnpnpq:. to built] un the trade of the town. It is had policy to depend entirely ou the winter ciop of visitors. While taking a run through the great big West next week, Georgia editors will spin some yjiGi* about Georgia, the Empire 8tato of the South. They will do some square, solid—talking. Wo tajte occasion, jn advance of the approaching commencement season in Thomasville, to suggest that these occasions • ought to be mado to draw good crowds from a distance. It is one way, and a very effective one, of advertising the two colleges. Invite your friends, some of them, to spent] commencement with you. Gus Hurst says there has been more fish caught hereabouts this sea son than over before, ratlc on the-fth of July. Brass hut- j °* f‘ 0,, St r,! *" nl|,u lowushe'nd. Hamrax N S . May 22.—Advices from St. Pierre, Miquelon, state that iwo fishing vessels, the Ella and Quatre F’teres, which left France some lime ago for ihe Newfoundland fisheries with 175 men on board, have been large order for uniforms last night. J^en drowned ” “ ^ d ° UblleSS Messrs. C. II. Young A C'o. sent off a They will probably two week arrive in about Miss Annie Thomas, of Amcrieiis, arrived yesterday afternoon, and is visiting Miss Henrietta Vickers, Mr. James Evans returned front a husiucss trip to Mneou yesterday evening. Savannah is fairly humping herself to raise that S50,000 to insure another railroad; these are sensible people, these same Savannahiatv;. They will never make n better investment. Some big hearted Northern man has sent Col. J. H. Estill $5,000 for the Bethseda home for orphan bovs. It is proposed to establish a techno logical department with the money. Livlkcool, May 22. L pun the arrival of the steamer City cj Paris iu the'Mersey this »ftcrmiou, a special tender decorated with Hugs pu,. out to the voi-el fur the purpose of convey ing Robert T' Liueoln, the new Amer ican minister, ashore. Hakrihoxduku, V.v., Mav 22— There was a severe hail storm in this section to-day. Snow also fell but not enough to lay on the ground. The surrounding mountains are covered vyth snow. • • At the mad congress yesterday, Hon. W. J. Northen was elected president, and Mr. W G. Whidby secretary. Dr. M.. R. Mai ette was elected vice president for the second district. Care not for that which you can nev er possess. 4 Many reductions in prices have been made on fine goods to close out for the season. Call and see our 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered floun- ings coming. They will be open lor in spection on the 22nd. For genuine good goods, at closing out, prices, call at • Levy’s Dry Goods Hoist Mitchell House Corner