The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 24, 1889, Image 3

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*in AST THE DAILY TINIES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1889 Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 9 25 a m ** •» “ “ Lv... 12 40pm “from “ Ar... 13tpm *- “ for Chattahoochee .Lv... 200pm Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am ■ from “ Ar... 5 20pm “ •• for Savannah Lv*.. 6 50 p ra Freight and acnAm. f^ouj Wayc..Ar... 3 45 p m • “ for “ Lv... 8 40am . »• •• •* Cliatt. Lv... 4 45p m from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a m • ** <* for Albany Lv... 4 25pm t »* •* from “ Ar... 7 65am THOM AS V1LLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv...845a m •• •* from .*• ....Ar...G20p m Vast mall CuT “ Lv...206pm “ from “ ....Ar.. 1210pm SPEJOI -A-Xj ii order to reduce our tre- nclouslv large stock of Di J oils, Clothing, etc , We offer :cial inducements in the y of prices, in every do lmen t of our two large A NEW BEPARTUREi A lii‘ Ladies will take ad- ;r e of the good things to und on our bargain sr. Dont fail to see our 3AIN COUNTER. H.Wolff&Bro L'he attention of the gen- len is called to the splen- bargains we offer in Cloth- Underwear, Shoes and nishing Goods. e are offering Goods i in order to reduce our jnse stock. ii arc respectfully invited 11 early and inspect. ^ *- 1 4; l { -4 The Leaders of Styles. William Sherman, an industrious colored man a id a good farmer, living near Duncauville, has a fine crop of cotton. The waterworks are running smooth ly. An ample supply of water is main tained in the stand-pipe at all times. The Messrs Thompson—Ed and Char ley —keep a close watch on the ma chinery An Old Document. \Jfc have been shown by Mr, James Richard Adams, son of the late Dr. S. S. Adams, an interesting old docu meat, a “Brother Jonathan,” issued in 1848. It contains large portraits of Calhoun, Cloy, Webster and Ben ton, also a fac-siraile of the original rough d.rait of the declaration of inde pendence, in the handwriting of Jef ferson, with interlineations by John Adams and Benjamin. Franklin. There is also a large double-page cut of the storming of Cbapultepec, in Mexico, winch occurred on the 13th of (^September, 1847. It is a quaint, curious o'd document. The late Dr. Adams left a number of valuable and interesting old relics of rare historic value, amoug them a copy of the first paper ever is sued in Thomasville. The Jefferson base ball club have ordered a supply ol ba'ls, bats and an umpire, and will probably play tie r first match game with the Thomasville club about June 12th. The Georgia boys had best practice, for 'when the J.’s turn loose on them they will have to play ball.—Monticello. Constitution. It was expected that the gang would go to work yesterday preparing the ground for laying water mains, to ex tend the system; but the health com mittee had done some that they desir ed fin'shed up. and the work on the water mains has been postponed until Monday. By-tlte-way, the committee on health are doing some judicious work and looking after all the waste places inside the incoporation. It is safe to say that' Thomasville is now and will continue to be, a thoroughly clean town, as much so, at l3«t, as a town of 1 is.size can be. Mr. J. A. Holloway, traveling for the Thomasville Bottling Works, re turned from a trip up the S. F. & W. yesterday. He reports fine sales in Ocklockonee, Camilla, Albany and other points along the road. He left to-day for Waycross and intermediate towns, Mr* Holloivay. is a first-class young man, and all his representations and statements may be fully relied on. Mr.SuhmhJt, proprietor of the Works, is building up a fine business. He puts up good goods, sells at reason able prices, and is prompt and square in all bis dealings. Wc cheerfully commend the Thomasville Bottling Works to all wanting goods- in its line. Editor Times-Enterprisr: Dear Sir:—I snent u couple of dnvs this week in the eastern counties of the State, in the interest of the Colored Farmers’ Alliance and Co operative Union. My stuv was long ,est in Appling. Appling is a mer cantile and lttmh'r county. I think the most extensive lumber business in the State is at Johnson, one mile from Graham, Ga. The young men make lumber and the old men sell goods. I did not learn the names of the parties owning the mill, hut. think they'work 200 hands. My people hold their own. There are some things they neither learn nor forget. Thev have a Methodist and one Baptist church at the mill, afid it is said in the good Book one shall be taken and the other left. Thev b av e good schools up there, and efficient teachers. I had the pleasure of din ing on Tuesday night at a table graced with one of Thomas ville’s Indies, Miss S. J. Allen. I was most hospitably Entertained, and spent sometime in pleasant converse,talking of Thomns- ville and Thomasville people. Al though Miss Johnson had been quite ill, I was glad to find her up and able to be at school. She has a fine school, and by her faithfulness and grace has wr.u the psteera of all who know her. They love her dearly. God bless the thrifty people of Ap pling county and the State of Geor gia, J. W. Carter. Slightly Demoralized. Mr. C. W. Wiggins’ express horse is quite a dignified animal, bill he don’t care about having half a dozen whis key barrels on Ins back or at his heels so when the driver on yesterday morn ing lost his hr lance while silting astride a load of empty barrels, perched high up in the world, and came tumbling with his load forward, the horse.wheth. er frightened, or with a view of giving this local art item, ran away, scattering the Barrels over Broad street and leav ing half the wagon at the of the Masury hotel and carrying the front wheels with him to a more quiet spot, No great damage was done, although the driver was somewhat demoralized from fright. The Fruit Crop. The indications are that in this State the fruit crop will he a very fine one. The reports that have been received by the agricultural depart ment from nearly all the counties are very gratifying. It was thought that the frosts which came later in the season bod done considerable damage to peaches, but such was not the case. The commissioner of agriculture, in his last report, speakiug of the pres pects of truit generally, says: “The orchards arc loaded with young fruit of every kind, and the vineyards give promise of their usual bounteous yield. The peach cron, the most un certain ^regarding frost), and the grape crop, the most reliable under all conditions, are the most promising. The probability is that the largest fruit crop will be harvested ever known in the history of the State.” The foregoing statement is based upon reports received two or three weeks ago, and before the influence of the present drought began to, be felt. However, no reports have yet been received that the dry weather is in juring the fruit. Raiu may reasonably be expected .within a few days, and it is probable' that the fruit can stand the drought a little while longer. Merofa In is a form ohblood poison which de scends (ram parent to child; sometimes it omits one generation to appear in the next. It is a taint which must be eradicated from the system before a cure can be made. Swift’s Specific drives out the virus through pores of the ikin. and thus relieves the blood of the poison Mercury and potash mix tures dry up the sores of scrofula and other blood diseases, only to bottle up the poison in the system, which of course is certain to break out at some weak spot, as the throat, nasal organs and lungs. Work at Tilton. . The following resolutions were adopted by the Tilton Alliauce, May 9rd: AVhercae, at the called meeting of the State AHiatico of Georgia, which convened in Atlanta 011 the 4th of April last, it was decided to use cotton bagging ns a substitute for jute, and, whorojve, several county and sub- Alliances have already passed resolu tions adopting tho enmc; and, whereas, wc feel it to be our duty to fall into line with our brethren in the light against the jute bagging trust ; be it Resolved, That the Tilton Alliance pledges fierself to use cotton goods or such other material ns may yet US adopted by our leaders In this move ment. In the evont that sufficient ar rangements cannot be effected, at so late a date, to fill the entire demand of this year for cotton bugging, Resolved, That we will not patron ize any cottou gin that uses jute bpg- ging, if cotton bagging can be obtain ed. Resolved, That any member of this Alliance not complying with the above res llutions, shall be excluded front our order. A motion was curried that B. F. Bright have the above published in the Southern Alliance mid Farmer, and Fruit Grower. C. F. Ogles. Free. T. F. A. A. B. Trollingek, Sec’y T. F. A. The Tilton Alliance has obligated herself to buy one hundred coverings of cotton bagging and nbo ugri^J to advance a guarantee of 10 percent on the cost thereof if necessary. There is a resolution before the above Alliance endorsing the Olive hill and one not to buy any more Oliver (drilled plows, botli of which rill be adopted at their next meeting. Yours fraternally, B. F. Bright. Tilton, Ga., May 6th, 1889. E.VltLY OATS. X will have n few bushels of early outs tor sale. These oats tiro about three weeks earlier than tho rod rust proof, yield well, weigh heavier thou tho stand ard, and so far have been entirely free front disease. .1. T. Chastain. FOUNT UN 1IEAI) HOTEL, Knoxville’s favorite summer resort, "ill open for reception of guests June 1, 1380. The Hotel is provided with all the latest modern improvements and strictly first class in every particular, having inside its en closure a dense woods and lovely park, with three springs. Freestone, limestone and chalvbeate water. For information, etc., address, !’• A. O'BYRNK, tuetthurseun Knoxville, Tcnn. Judging Irotn what 1 have seen, I regard Swift’s Specific the-king patent medicine of the day. I know several persons who have been permanently cured of serious cases of blood poison by its use afier prolonged and unsuc- cesslul use of various other remedies. James C Patton, Attorney at Law, Daihs, Tex. Treariso on Biuod and Skin Di..ea-cb marie I free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, A anti, Ga. NOT A PIMPLE ON HiU. NOW. Bait wilJi corcml wi hid hair w6ii|:l u rMHetlic". ISnir piiriplr on him. I cannot say enough in praise of tho (<utiour Remedies. My hoy, who when one year of scf*, was so bad with eczema »Uat lie lost a'l his i"ir. IIiss'alp was covered with eruptions. which the doctors s, Id wa* scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I lR* the use ofCutirnra Uo i edles and, am happy toa*v, with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple ou him. I recommend tllcCqtieur Hem dies as rhe most speedy, economical, at d sure cure for skin dis eases *of infants and children, aim fed that ev ery mother who lias an aftiicted child will thank me for so doine*. Nrs. M R. WOODSUM, Norway. Me A Fever More Eight YcarslUircfl. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has beon cu r ed bv using I’uticn- •a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago. He was so had he was- fearfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, hut is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which Is II. II. Cason, merchant of this idacc ; muvv mi Vi Jirvere Hcalc Disease Cured, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various reinedios she used until she tried Cuticura. Tho disease dromptiv yielded to this treatment, and inn short while she was entire y well. There has been no return oa the disease and Cuticura ranks wo. 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skill. Rev. J. l’UESSLEY BARRETT, D. V. JinlpigU, N. C. Cuticura Remedies. Are a positive cure for every form of skin, scalp, and bl*od diseases, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly itclitliyo- Sold everywhere. J’ripc, Cuticura. 6oe.; Soap, 6.; Resolvent, .$1. Prepared by tho Potter )mg and Chemical t'o., Jins ten, Mass^ fc»~Send for‘.‘How to Cure Sk^n Diseases,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. ninviQ Skin and sea p preserved and benuti- DAOI u den by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely P ure - EYEKY MUSCLE ACHED Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- „ ute by t.he Cuticura AMti-Pain Plas- _ic rirst and only Instantaneous paiu-klll- ing, strengthening plaster. 25 eents. FOIl HUNT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possossiou given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I. La Roche, tf. Fletclicrvillr. lu older to make ro»m for cash groceries, we fiutl that we must' filler some rare bargains in shoes, We mean busiucss wl en wo say bargains and if you need shoes don’t fail to call on M. P. Pickett, Old ladies fine low cut Buskin hand made, low heel, soft noiseless bottoms, easy to the tired feet. Cost you 82 anywhere else. Can get them at Pickett’s for 81.25. Got to make room for cash groceries. 5-11-tf. Held it Cttlpcpncr are keeping up with the procession, they nave secured the agency ol' ihe famous Star Mineral Water, the finest preparation known for dyspepsia. It if* guaranteed to cure. 1 0 tf MUSQUU'O BAIRL Of all kinds A good bar complete for $1.75. l’atont btnidatead attachments. Agent fur Armstrong's patent canopies, made in walnut, cherrv and untlque oak. Geo. W.Forres, May, 17 tf, Masury Building. Koval Grown Baking Powders in gia s, at T. J. BALL & BRO. VS., Grocers. MARK A REST. K\cnr»iou tickets at low rates w ill be sold to all summer resorts throughout the coun try, by the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia Railway, ccmmencing June 1st, good to return on or belore October .'list. Fast train service with Pullman cars. B. W. WKKNN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt. * LAUNDRY. Collu'S sc.; ruffs 4c. per pan; shirts 9c. Work received up to 2:30 o'clock p. in., Wednesday wiil be returned Saturday morning All tvoik guaran teed as good as new. Sam M. \Vo!,f. Agent. 109 and in Broad St E P O. Don't waste time anti money iinJ undergo needless torture-vith the knife when Ethio pian Pile Ointment will alior.i ir.siant ‘re lief and certain cure in every ease of blind, bleeding, itching, internal and external piles, liangum Hoot Medicine Compnuy, Nashville, Teun. 50 cents and St per bottle. Sold by McRae is Mardrc and S. J. Citssels. More mattings received this we Xow patterns in seamless -fanev. Geo. W. l'oitr.i: Will take conlraels for wall papering, Can furnish reliable man and guarantee work Geo, W. Foiuies, • . Masury Building. ;AT L. STEYERMAN & BRO Two Cases £ Xso ~wtsl, At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. REMEMSER THE PLAGE: I j. Steyi lan Bro.fe. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc. CLOTHING I CLOTHING-! 129 BROAD STREET. THOMASVILLE. ONE WHO KNOWS. The following testimonial is from agentle- ui »n who knows our formula and is thor oughly acquainted with the curative prop erties of our Tonic. The way to k ow the merits is to try. the article Any nliysician who desires the formula of Calisaya 'Spnic may obtain it from the Westmoreland Cali- snya Tonic Company, Greenville, S. (’. This letter is from a malarial section: West Point, Miss* Having show n me the formula for making you; Tonic while in your city the past sum mer, 1 take great pleasure iu recommending it. I atn delighted with it. having given it in my practice shccesstully; and to members of my owifcfhmily suffering from malarial texamiia. Very truly, B. 8. Duncan, * The complicated diseases brought on by intense study, thought, care, anxiety, etc., are often of the most serious nature* Heed such symptoms as loss of memory, universal lassitude, hi art disease, kidney complaints, liver troubles and a general breaking down of health ami strength. When thus afflicted, when the least exertion causes great fatigue, when life seems a burden, use the reliable strengthening tonic, Brown’s Iron Bitters. It will afford you sure relief. THE WOMEN PRAISE B. B. B. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, howover, is lb B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Sehd to Blood lialm Co.. Atlanta, Ga., for proofs. II. L. Cassidy, Kenticsaw, Ga., writes: “Three bottles of B. B. lb cured my wife of scrofula.” Mrs. It. M. Laws, Zalnbr, Fla., writes: “l liuqe never used anything to equal IblbU/’ Mrs. C, H. Gav, Rocky Mount, N. C., writes: “Not r dav to 15 years was 1 free from headache, lb B. Lb entirely rclicvod me. 1 feel like mother person. 0 Jns. W. Lancaster, llawkinsville, Ga , writes: il My wife was iu bod health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines had dotio her no good. Six bottles of lb B. lb cured her." Miss S. Tomlinson, .Atlanta, Ga., says: v “For years I suffered with rheumatism, caused by kiduey trouble and indigestion, I was also feeble and nervous. B. B. B. re lieved me at once, although several other mediciues had failed.” “Rev. J M. Richardson, Clarkstou. Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my church had been cured bv Lb B. Lb She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. Ib, as it .quickly gave he:*relief. LAUNDRY. Semi us your laundry. Collars, ,02‘y each, ctifts, .05 per pair, ahirts, .10 each, We guarantee all work to bo near and clean. Send before 8 o’clock a. in. Wednesdays. (’. II. Young Co. KILL FLIES. WHOLESALE AND REtAIL^S —or.ALRt:s iv— Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered h'omvtly. Prices as Low as the Lowest! Give tis a call anti we promise to please you * B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., —Dealer in— HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, 615 and Sports Goods of all kinds, ami agent forj King’s Powder Co. '3 epUJ-1 in MlbLIBJBRY. Insert I'uwrior Fly Paper. Casskls’ Pharmacy, US Broari streel. qua uddri JERSEY M4I.K. tics desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, Jersey Farm, will be supplied, iu any tity, delivered, on application to, or by ling JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1SS9, TAILORING. There in an end to all things, so tho people say, but there Is no enu to tho splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning mid repairing done in Hie neatest manner. Givo me a, call. John Kenny. PIANOS AND.ORGANS. \V. S, Brown, luo Jeweler, has se cured tho agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which he is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those ueslrhig to puruhaso will do well to learn his prices and terms. Milne a, Ga. I have had weak Lungs nearly all my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any a parent benefit. I am now us* ing Biewcr’s Lung Restorer and lean safely affirm it is the ouly remedy from which I have ev«>r derived any benefit. \V. L. Mauti.n. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol ’s Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal I ijector free $$ C l COLLINS. 1TCHELL HOUSE' BLOCK. Takes occasion to notify the citizens of Thomasville and surrounding country that she has just received her usual elegant as sortment of Spring and Summer Milligory, embracing a large and beautiful lice gf Hats, Bonnets, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, And a’l articles usutHv kept in a first-class Millinery Store. A large assortment of Kinbividering linen. Real Scotch Linen Floss, in all colors. The Bargurrrin Art Thread; Rope Floss. German Cord: Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread, cream and white- Embroid ering and knitting silk in all colors. Stamping \ Pinking* Of all kiuds promptly executed. Dress Making In all its brauchcs done iu the best style and at reasonable rates. An inspection of goods and prices respectfully solicited. The Elmwood, i Our Bargains the talk of'the town. Com- -m ° . %,I petition completely baffled. ' * ffESg^Call and be convinced. L STEYERMAN & BRO., Lari ios fine kid button shoo, box toe ami worked hole, worth 82, sold at Pickett’s for 81.10. Takes lots of: room for cheap cash groceries. Marietta, Ga. This new ami licnutiful liolvl, elegautly lur'.'.isheri. Men's hand sewed, best American calf, Congress and Balmorals. Sold everywhere for So.oO to 88. Sold at Pickett’s for 84. More room for cheap groceries. ELECTRIC HELLS, DAS, Fir.d class iu all uf its uppoiutiuvnts, has been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own* er and proprietor of the late . , “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” Mother, to euro chafing, rellevii g baby, use Boraclnc Toilet aDU Nursery Powder. It costs no nore, is super or and highly perfumed. Mcll.e & Mardre. TU* masville; A. Bra dord. Jiui.c v, Miirtin , in* luasviiir, a. ura •loru, Coluiuliu,, Alexai'der Drue and Seed Co., Ali gn. a; F. Von Over,I'turlntnn, Agents. His table tunl service wilt satiety tkemtwt ' ftt-iiilious. IBs twits nr- delightful. Tern. ' reasonable. Addrc». M.U. WHITLOCK. ' Marietta.«».