The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 25, 1889, Image 3

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AT SPECIAL BARGAINS! In order to reduce our tre mendouslv large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., we offer special inducements in the wav of prices, in every dc partment of our two large stores. A NEW DEPARTURE* A Bargain Counter. The. Ladies will take ad vantage of the good things to he • found on our bargain counter, front fail to see our BARGAIN COUNTER, H. Wolff &Bro The attention of the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer in Cloth ing, Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. We are ottering Goods cheap iu order to reduce our immense stock. are respectfully invited to gall early and inspect. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. SATURDAY. MAY 2.-..S188D Local Schedule. Fast wail for .Savannah Ar.%. 0 25a “ “ « “ Lv..,12 40 p ' ‘ “ from “ Ar... 1 31 p “ ■“ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 p Train for Albany. Lv... 9 30 a •• from '• Ar... 5 20 p “ “ •• for Savannah Lv... t)50p Freight amt aocoiu. f»*otn Wayc..Ar... 3 45p for Lv.. 840a 4 45 p 7 15 a 4 25 p C'hatt. Lv from Chatt. Ar. •• •• •• for Albany Lv. “ •• from •* Ar... 7 55 a THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv.. .845 a from • “ .... Ar.. .6 20 p Fast mail for “ ....Lv...206 p “ “ from “ ....Ar..l210p The Interstate Shooting Match. The Thomasville Gun Club received an invitation yesterday from Mr. H J. Read, secretary of the Glynn Gun Club of Brunswick, to eho it at the Grand Interstate Georgia, Alabama and Florida contest, to be held at St, Simon’s Island, June 13, 14 and 15, An attractive programme has been prepared and it will be made a most enjoyable trip. The local club speak favorably of attending, and practice shooting will now be in order. Mayor’s Cyurt. Mayor Hopkins had a full docket of penitents before him yesterday morning.' The following cases were disDosed of: Tom Bryan, an old country “uncle” plead guifly to disorderly conduct and was fined $6. Emma Tucker plead guilty to the same charge and was given the snme amount or ten days. The case against Susan Wright was called, but she failed to put in anpearance, and a bond of 850 was ordered taken for her appearance Jasper Randall fell asleep while on horseback and rode on the sidewnlk a few nights ago. As one witness swore positively that he was asleep he Vas let off with a fine of 82, The case against Emma Cone was contin ued. Mary King, Annie King and Sam Thomas were fined 83 each for coutcmpt of court. Lucy Moore was given her choice of *20 or thirtvdav s , She will go to jail, Lizzie Mitchell was discharged. For Sweet Charity. God bless the noble women of our land. They arc foremost in every good work. Those who knew the no, ble writer of the letter’below when she lived in Thomasville, will notjbc sur prised that the incident mentioned in the Times-Enteuprisu touched chord which vibrated in her woman’s heart. The letter explains itself. Here it is 1 : Macon Ga., May 19, 1889. (Jam Triplett—Lear Friend: Your article headed “unto the least of them” attracted my attention in iny perusal to -day. Enclosed please find $1 for that noble, whole-souled philanthropist, Dr. Taylor, to add to the sum already given to purchase the appliance to cure the poor little sufferer. May God’s blessing attend the treatment and all interested in it, I know the necessary amount will sopn be raised by the gen erous hearted people of your favored city. I have one of your residents in my mind who will give liberally, as I have known, and have been the dis tributor of some of his benefactions during my/esidence in "the greatest town in Georgia.” Wishing you and your town comim ued prosperity I am Yours truly, Mrs. T. M. Butner. • i V • > The Leaders of Styles. Brunswick After It. There js iittie tp be said about thp railroad canvass for the Americus road, as the sub-canvassing committees did not make a general canvass yesterday. The events at Tybee drew away from the city some of the canvassers, while other members who have been taking their time from their business, took the day jo patejt jip. The suh-cohimiit&a nave not yeuiome together to compare notes, to knWFwhat part of the $50,- 000 has been raised, butjt is under stood that thus far not a very large proportion of the amount required has been promised or subscribed, Brunswick', knowing; hW 1 slow Sa vannah u moving } n {ne matter> has conceived the idea of trying to secure the terminus of the road, and as a first step to that end it is understood that a proposition lias been made by the bus iness pien of that city to furnish termi nal facilities to the Savannah, Ameri cus and Montgomery railroad if the company will change its line from Sa vannah to that city. It will be a “feather in their caps” if the wide-a wake business men of Savannah’s sis ter city capture a railroad from under the very nose of the people here.-— N e 'Ys- This ought to put Savannah 011 her mettle. “I say, Jenkins, can you tell a young chicken from an old one?” "Of course lean.” "Well, how?’’ “By the teeth.” “Chickens don’t have teeth.’ 1 "No, but I have.” - Evolution. The theory advanced by Dr. Wood row that Adam was not made from the dust, as stated in the account of the creation of the first man, had another airing before the Southern Presbyteri an Assembly, at Chattanooga. Wc take the following from the press ports of the discussion: The report upon the minutes of the synod of South Carolina, which was so warmly discussed yesterday,was called. Elder James Lyons, of Virgiuia.moved that the assembly, instead of approv ing the action of the South Carolina synod in condemning as unwise, irreg ular and unconstitutional, the action of the Charleston presbytery in forbid ding the public contending against the decision of the Baltimore assembly in the Woodrow evolution case, should disapprove of the synod’s action be cause of the fact, as he alleged, an ex animation of the full records of the presbytery’s action showed that the so-called interdict was not intended to limit either private judgment or the constitutional right of proper discus, sion. In support of his amendment Mr. Lyons began reading criticisms of the assembly’s decision in regard Dr. Wooirow’s case, which appears in Dr. Woodrow’s paper. . DR. WOODROW PROTESTS. Dr. Woodrow arose and said if his private chaiacter was thus to be discuss ed, he wanted the protection of the assembly, or full opportunity to defend himself. The moderator declared Mr. Lyons in order. Dr. Woodrow appealed from this decision, but was not sustained A recess was then taken. At 2 o’clock Mr. Whaling continued his rejoinder on the reports of the minutes of the South Carolina synod. He made an able ai,d strong address in behalf of the synod s action. Dr J. L. Girardeau followed in a re joinder in behalf of the action of the Charleston presbytery. “We did not mean,” said he,“to forbid all legitimate contending against the decision of the assembly. We were a presbytery and endeavored to stop the mouths ol gain sayers against the fold. The truth of God was uttered bv the assembly when it declared that the scriptures were not silent in regard to the nature of man's creation. The opposition stfys the scriptures are silent. We say that it is an error. We hold that they are not silent. We say that man’s body was created out of dust. EVE AN EXCEPTION. Dr. Woodrow acknowledges in his address in-1883 that the body of Eve was an exception to the operation of the law of evolution, and why not life body of Adatn? The scripture gives the creation of Adam, and no princi pic ol evolution can break the word of God. Had wc not, as guardians of the church, a right to prohibit the cir culation ol such doctrine? After all, this matter comes to the old question, whether wc, as a churcfi, are to con sider the scriptures silent or not iu re gard to the manner ol the creation. The general assembly said not, the Charleston assembly said not, and I hope this general assembly will say the same. U ill this assembly order out a file and shoot down this presbytery for I Pickett’s for ?L.L being a little over-zealous in defend j room for cash groceries, ing God’s teachings?” j --- .... -.—- A Scrap of Paper Warn Her I.ifc. It was iust ail ordinary scrap ofwruppin; paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by pltysi ciana that she was incmablc and could only live a short lime; sic weighed less thnn sev entv pounds. On if piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better last, con tinued its use and is now strong, healthy rosy, plutnp, weighing 119 pounds. I-’or fur ther particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole. Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery Free at N, .1. Tassels' Drug store Biicltlcu'tt Arnica Waive. The Best Naive in the World for Outs Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bad with Exz»iun. llair nil lionc. Ncalp covered with eruption*.Tliotieht hi« hair would naVcr |: ovr. --'urn: by remedies. Hair splendid and not pimple on him. age, was so bad with eczema that he lost all his hair. Hisn?alp was -covered with eruptious, which the doctors said was scald heau. and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair* 1 ’ si bewail the use _ am happy tosav, with the most perfect success. His natr is new splendid and there i« not a pimple on him. I recommend theCuticur . Rein* dies as rho most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doinp*. Nrs. M E. WOOD8UM, Norway. Me A Verer More Bight Years Cured. must extend to you the thanks of one of iny customers, wlio has been cured bv using Cuticu- ~a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoaip ago. He was so had he was fearfnl ho would have to have his leg amputated, but is happv to say lie is now entirely well.—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which Is H. II. Cason, merchant of this nlaco JOHN V.*MINOR, Druggist, (Jainsboro, Tenn. Scurf Picnic Disease Cured, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and re ceived no relief from tho various remedios she used until she tried Cuticura. The disease dromptiv yielded to this treatment, and In a short while she was entire y well. There has been no return oi the disease and Cuticura ranks vo. 1 In our estimation for diseases of the skin. Rev. J. PRESSLEY BARRETT, D. D. Raleigh, N. C. Cuticura Remedies. Are a positivo care for every form of skin, scalp, and bisod diseases, with loss of lialr, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly itclitbyo- sis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. 5oc.; Soap, i.; Resolvent, 81. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., llosten, Mass jg^Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 04 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. p preserved afid beauti- pure. Absolutely EVERY MUSCLE ACHED Sharp uclics, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved In ono mln- _ utc by the Cuticura Antl-Palu Plas ter. The first and only instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, tf. McLean Avo Possession given al once. Apply to Rev. C. 1. LaUociir, FlctcliervUle. -AT L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. Two.Caseso La-wn., At 8 1-2 Cents per Yard. beir. the place L. Steyerman & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 0 1-Sc. CLOTHING*! CLOTHING*! Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com petition completely baffled. l$Csr l ‘Call and bo convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., 120 BROAD STREET. 577 THOMASVILLE. A low condition of health is common | with many who allow themselves to worry. Mental anguish causes bodily sufferings. Anxiety and care lias broken down many constitutions. A train of disorders usually follow mental distress. Heart affections, nervousness, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney troubles, etc., are among the list. A sure remedy for relieving all mental and physical distress is Brown’s Iton Bitters. It at once strengthens every part of the body, making work a pleasure and care unknown. In order to make room for cash groceries, wc find that we must offer some rare bargains in shoes. \Yc mean business wl cn wc say bargains and if you need shoes don’t fail to call M. I’. l’lUKHTT, Oltl ladies line low cut Buskin baud made, low heel, soft noiseless bottoms, easy to the tired foot. Cost you 82 anywhere else. Can get them at Got to make 5-11-If. Iteid b Culpepper arc keeping up with Hie /u .j f; l-i„„ c procession, they have secured the agency of luaua g°r of ihc famous Star Mineral Water, tin finest the tS. E. & W. II, It., says that the melon croj) in (South Georgia will not be ns heavy as last year, when it rc- uired 3,000 cars to handle the pro- iuct of six weeks, To the Ladies. There arc thousands of ladies throughout tho country whose systems ure poisoned and whose blood is in nn impure condition from the absorption of impure matter, due to menstrual irregularities. This tdss3 arc peculiarly and blood- .V6h,"PbVe R6ot ohji Potassium ...... Ijoses and bounding health tqke thy place of ifie sickly look, the test color and the general wreck of the system by the use of Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium, us hosts of females will testify, uud many cer tificates are in possession of the Company which they have promised not to publish, j and all prove P. P. P. a blessing to worn,,,1- kind. ' it irrcguinrmcs. mis yi, are y hpnefitted by the wonderfttl ionic d-cfcanijiig' properties of Prickly kc Rbot'and P’ptassitnn—P. P: P. Some Running Down. If a clock “runs down,” we wind it sip. and in a few seconds it is going along ia its steady rut, ticking—ticking—using up time. But if the human system runs do,, n v/p ,o in great trouble days, yeeku, months and e/en .cars are spout iu valfi attempts to set bright. About this time an appeal to I'. tho great vegetable uluod corrector, would bo the sensible course to pursue, as it is the only really sure rcs'fiyep pf b\Jt vital ity. For" Rheumatism, flout. Scrofula, Syphilis, nnd all Ulcerous diseases, P, P. P. is incomparable. it is a first-class tome and never fails to cure. All druggists sell it. The ingredients, I’fickly Asji, Poke Ropt and Potassium, arc a guarantee of its natural medicinal properties. Knpepty. This is what you ought to have, iu fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thou sands are searching for iuduily, and mount ing because they find it uot. Thousands up on thousand? at' dollars are spent annually by fi“r people in tlje hope they may obtain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupcpsy. We recommend Electric Bitters toy Dyspepsia and qli diseases pf Liver, Stom- achc and Kidneys. .Sold at 50c and $1.00 per bottle bv ■H.J. CASSELS, Druggist. preparation known for dyspepv guaranteed to cure, I it tf MU8QU1TO BAhW, Of all kinds. A good bur couiploto to r $1,73. Patent beudstcad ul.taclnrfonte. Agont for Armstrong's patent canopies, mado in walnut, cherrv and untlquo oak. Geo. W. Forbes. May 17 tf, Masury Building. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shriol’eCatarrh Remedy, Price'50 cents. Nasal Injector free \| \KW A itEST Excursion tickets at low rales will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the coun try by tiie East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, ccinineueiag June 1st, good to return on or before October .'list. Fast-train serine w ! !h PtiUnua fi. W\ WRENS', Celt, Pass, and Ticket Agl. YOU MAY BE TOO MODEST, But you certainly arc not afraitl (o ask for something to relieve yon of a torpid liver—of bad blood. .Yon need it right now, and Calisaya Tonic is the article. A leading physician writes: liiDliEVILUe, S. C. Dear iSir: You will please send me two bottles of your Calisaya Tonic. The bottle you gave me has given sat- faction beyond my expectation. * * Hoping you very great success with your tonic, I am verv trtilv vours, \V. B. Way, M. D. This standard preparation is sold by all druggists at fifty cents and a dollar it bottle. THE WOMEN PRAISE U. B. B. The sulfering of women certainly awakcua the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B. U. f Bo tanic Blood Uulni). Scud to Blood ltaln) Co., .ltlauta, Ga., for proofs. It. 1«. Cassidy, Kenncsuw, Ga., writes: ■’Three bottles of it. B. B: cured my wife of scrofula." Mrs. R. M. haws, Zalabr, Fla., writes: “I liuqo never used anything to equal II.U.B.” Mrs. C. II. Gay, Rocky Blount, N. C'., writes: “Not r day fo 15 years was I freo from headache. It. B. B. entirety relieved me. 1 feet like mother person.” Jus. W. Laneuster, liuwkiusville, Ga , writes: “My wife was in bud health iW eight years 1 . Five doctors aud many patcut medicines had done tier no good. Six bottle? of It. B. It. cured her.” Mias S, Tomlinson, .ttlunta, Ga., says: “For years 1 suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, 1 vvus also feeble aud nervous, It. re lieved me s! mice, although several other mcdiciucs hud faded." "Rev. .1 M. Richardson, tjsrksluti. Ark., writes; "My wife suffered twelve years ill) rheumatism uud female eo'hiplalu't. A lily member of iny church had I then cured by B. B. It. She persuaded uiy wife to try it, who now says there is uothiug like B. It. B., as il quickly gave her relief." WHOLESALE AND'KETAIL -.vibALEFtf* iv— Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goads Delivered Proniotly. Prices as Low as tlie Lowest! LAUNDRY. Collars 2C.; cuffs 4c. per pair; shuts 9c. Work received up to 2:30 o’clock p. ro., Wednesday will 'j.,e veiurned Saturday ’TtOiaiag. All work guaran teed as good as new. Sam M. Wolff, Agent, 109 and in Broad St. E p O, Don't v m;’') jjaie and money uuu undergo needle*? torture with the knife when Ethio pian Titc Ointment will nllord instant ry, lief and certain cure iu every cusf of btiad. bleeding, itching, iutpruai ’ and external pile*. P.augtiffl Root Medicine Company, Nashville,'tenn. 3S cent? and $1 per bottle. Sold by McRae i!t Martha) aud S. J. Cassels, LAUNDRY. Scud us your laundry. Collars, ,02,'j each, cults, ,05 tier pair, shirts, .10 each. AYc guarantee all work to be neat anti elenn. Send before 8 o’clock a. m. AYctlncstlays. U. 11. Yov.vct Go. KILL ELIES, tiuect fowder Fly Paper. U.VSSF.LS’ PlIAltMAf v, 118 Broa’d street. JERSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will he supplied, ia any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10. tsSa, Give us a call and we promise to please you.) B. D. PUDGE, THOMASVILLE, ga., -—dealeb in— HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, TAILORING. There is an end to nil things, so tho people suy, but thoro is uo end to tho splendid tilting clothing mado at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in the nentont’manner. Givo mo a call. John Kennt, PIANOS AND OKOSNS. W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is soiling at. lh,o lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those uosiring to purclraso wilt' do well to learn Ins prices and terms. More mattings received tlds week. New patterns in seamless—fancy. Geo. W. Forints FOUNT UN HEAD HOTEL, Knoxville * favorite summer resort, will open for reception ot guests June 1, 1SS9. Tho hutei is provided with all the latest modern improvement* and strictly first class iu every particular, having inside its en closure )i dense woods aud lovely park, with time springs. Freestone, limestone nnd chalybeate water. Far inforuntiicm, etc., addrps;, i*. A. Jf BYRNE, lues ihuvsMiu Knoxville, Tenn. . * # Royal Crown Baking Powders iu glass, ai T. J. BALL & BRO.’S., Grocers, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gnus and Sjurfli Goods ot all kinds, anti agent for* King-’*; Powder Co; •pm-Jim IWILLIMTERY. MISS C. P. COLLINS. ITCHELI. HOUSEJ BLOCK, Takes occasion to notify Ibo citiamts „r Thomaxulle and surrounding country that she has just received her usual elegant as sortment of Spring and Summer Boo'of ” ’ t '"' ,Jraci " s a lttr KC aud beautiful Hats, Bonnets, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. And a'l articles usual lv kept iu a lirsf-ctass Millinery btore. A large assortment of Kuibroiderioar , en * Scotch Linen Floss, in all colors.. The liarijarran Art Thread: Rone Floss. German Curd: Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread*.cream and white* Embroid ering aud kuittiug silk in ail colors. Stamping* 5 Pinking* Of all Linds promptly executed. Dress Making all its branches done in the best style and at reasonable rates. An inspection of ids aud prices respectfully solicited. Milner, Ga. 1 have had weak Lungs nearly all my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorant? ‘ without any aparent benetit. I am now ns* ing Brewer’s Lung Restorer and Icua safely affirm it is the only remedy from which I have ever derived any benefit. W. L. Mautin. Ladies fine kid button shoe, box too and worked hole, worth 82, sold T i; at Pickett’s for 81.10. Takes lots ofjfJauLT ° ' * room for cheap cash groceries. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. Men’s hand sewed, host American calf, Co.ugress and Balmorals. Sold everywhere for 85.50 io 8t). Sold at Pfekett’s for 84. More room for cheap groceries. Mother, to cure cliating, relieving *>*by, use Horaclnc Toilet and Nurwe^y lowder. It coats no nore, is superior and highly perfumed. McRae & Mardre. Thomasville; A. Bra UonL i Coh;mhus; Alexander Drug and Seed Co., An- I us a; F. Von Ovr.», charleston, Agents. ’ ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First vlu*s in ail of it* appointments, ha* been least-4 hv M. G. Whitlock, former own er ami proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” j Hi* table aud service wiUntiifV the moH j fastidious. Hi* tied* are delightful. Terms j reasonable. Address, M. O. WHITLOCK. Marietta, G«.