The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 26, 1889, Image 3

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SPECIAL BARGAINS I In order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., we offer special inducements in the wav of prices, in every de partment of our two laige stores. A NEW DEPARTURE! A Bargain Goiter. The Ladies will tako ad vantage of the good things to be found on our bargain counter. Dont tail to see oui bargain counter. H. Wolff & Bro The attention of the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer in Cloth ing, Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. Remember the Place. We are offering Goods cheap in order to reduce our immense stock. You arp respectfully invited to call early and inspect. IWolftk ’ • • ' The Leaders of Styles. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. SUNDAY. MAY 26. 1889 Looal Schedule. Fast wall for Savannah Ar... 0 25 a m •• •• “ Lv.. .12 40 p m * “from “ Ar... 131 p m “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200pm Train for Albany Lv... 0 30am from •• ' Ar... 5 20pm “ “ •• for Savannah Lv... 0 50pm Freight and aocoin. f r om Wayc..Ar... 3 45 p m Lv... 8 40am “ •• “ •* Chatt. Lv... 4 45pm “ *• •• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15a m “ •• “ for Albany Lv... 4 25pm “ •* •* from “ Ar... 7 55am THOMASVILLK AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv.. .8 45 a m •* “ from “ ....Ar...C 20 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 06 p m “ “ from “ .. .Ar..l210pm CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Cmritcn:—Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDonell, Pastor. Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting 9:30. Sunday-School 3:30 p.m. Baptist Church: —Rev. W. J. Williams, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. pastor. Episcopal Cmrncu:—Rev. G. I. LaRoche, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o'clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. G'ATiioi.fc CnuRcii:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:30 o'clock a. in.; sermon at 11 a. m. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. H. Herberner—services at 11 a. m. and and at night. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Sunday schoul 9.30 a. m. Ramie. We had something to say last year about the cultivation of the ramie plant, under the auspices ot a stock company, who’ wete experimenting here. Mr. Gibson, who was then in charge, planted out about an acre of the plants, about like cotton, and we have been very much interested in the progress of the enlargement of the experiment. Unfortunately the stock company went to pieces, and Mr. Gib son abandoned the ramie (arm. The plants were out, however, and have proven themselves very hardy and able to take care of themselves, as will be seen by the sequel. Mr. J. ]. Biggs rented the place this year and has not interfered with the ramie plants, and on yesterday he brought us in a sample of them, about 8 teet long and i i inch in circumfer ence, which is the full growth of the plant. It grows in clusters, and the past twelve months so spread from the roots that the rows are now one solid mass of shoots, These shoots, in utilizing the fibre, are cut off when about 3 or four feet long.and others grow up, making about three gyops in a season. The fibre is taken from the shoots and manufactured into a textile fabric somewhat similar to silk in appearance. It is remarkably strong and is very valuable, Mr. Riggs brings us also some of the fibre, which was taken from a young shoot, and it is as strong as flax. It is to be hope:! that some one will get hold of the farm who will pursue the cultiva tion and preparation of the ramie with a view ol enlarging the industry. This section seems, fiom experiments made so far, to be especially adapted to the growth of the ramie plant, and, if properly worked up, it might be made one of our most important in, dustries. Mr. Gibson left several .wagon loads of the fibre and shoots, which had been cut, on the place. It might be of interest to our people to Irak*more into the matter, and hence we TOve given this notice. The prop erty, we understand, belongs to Mr. Fearn. Ramie is certainly a success in Thomas county. WHKBEABE BE WICKED FOLKS t BCBIED t “Tell me, gray-headed sexton," I said, “Where in this field are the wicked laid? I have wandered the quiet old graveyard through, And studied the epitaphs, old and new : But on monument, obelisk, pillar or stont, I read no evil that men have done." The old sexton stood by a grave newly made With his chin on his hands, his bands on his spade. I knew by the gleam of bis eloquent eye That his heart was instructing his lips to reply. “Who is to judge—wheu the soul takes its flight— Who is to judge 'twist the wrong and the right? Which of us mortals shall dare say That our neighbor was wicked who died to dav? “In tlie journey through liie, the farther we speed The better we learn that humanity’s need Is charity’ spirit, that promptsus to find Bather virtue titan vice in tlidTlves of man kind. So commendable deeds we record on these stones; The evil men do—let it dio with their bones I have labored ns sexton this uinnv year. But I never Imvc buried a bad man licre." —Bunch Crass Realm. L’liomnsvillc now has only one paper, ose two excellent papers, the Times l the Enterprise have been consoli- ed and now appears as the daily ies-Enterprise- G’apt. John Trip , is editor-in-chief, Capt. Albert nter is city editor and Mr. S. B. rr is business manager. G’apt, plett is one of the ablest writers on state press, but lie is too well >wn to our people for us to attenmt :ds of praise. Capt, Albert Winter, i of the Enterprise, Is a hustler jr news, and wc predict that the »1 columns of the paper will fairly itle with good things. Mr. B. B. rr, the business manager, is one of most capable newspaper men in jrgia, and the paper will no doubt Irish under his management. May life be as peaceful as a May'day, is sincere wish of the Boston World. loston World. The LeCente Pear. In au interview with Sir. Ynrnudoc, the introducer of the LeG'onte pear in this section, yesterday, wc took occa sion to ask him about the pear crop. He said he never had a better crop than he has this season, and that tliev were doing fine. I11 regard to the reports of damage by blight, which have bqen circulated, he said that he was not alarmed at all about it; that ho had a little, but it did no matt rial damage. It was like things hu man, the LeCoutc was subject to dis ease the same as any other tree, or other thing of life, but in reality it was less subject tliau any pear trees known, and he had no apprehension about the disease called by some blight. He said, that the disease did not attack any tree not in bloom. He had not seen a siugle young tree with a dead leaf on it. His belief was that the dead limbs were caused by an in sect which preyed upon the bloom and burrowed in the limb, and was only found in fruiting treesj.but what ever it was, it was not a thing to alarm pear growers, as the trees and fruit were both doing as well as possible. Mr. Varnadoe’s experience coin cides materially with that of other largo growers in this countv, and w® are glad to be able to say that the bug-a-boo, made by alarmists, amounts to nothing. Thoinas county does not stand in need of the sympa thy expressed abroad for the great loss in damage to our favorite crop— the I/>G‘onte. Mr. Yaruadoe says furthermore that there would be no complaint about pears if people would pack and ship their fruit properly. He always ships in barrels, no wrapping or other thing to exclude air, puts his fruit nn in good shape, sends no culls, and fillips only to New York. He says the custom of shipping to different points is an error. New York is in a position to distribute the crop to every point more expeditiously and to bet ter advantage ns to rates, etc., than any other point. He says lie ships to New York for 60 cents, to Philadel phia for 85, nnd that the fruit can he shipped from New York to Philadel phia for 8 cents; not only a saving in freight, but if all flip fruit is sent to New York it is possible there to dis tribute it to such points as it can bs sold without a possibility of finding a glutted market from home shipments. Mr. Yaruadoe has had years experi ence in the business, and is (i safe counsellor in all matters of this kind. Our growers would do well to heed his advice. He Bays, furthermore, that he and his ueighbors together, will send a car-load every other day through the season to New York. This does not look much like a lailure of the pear crop in Thomas. Aftcrcipo! Paper Saves Her Life. It was iust aa ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved-her life. Site was in the last stages of consumption, told by physi cians that she was Incurable and could only live a short time; s c weighed less than sev enty pounds On a piuce of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and cot a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, con tinued its use nnd is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 149 pounds. For fur- tiler particulars sond stamp to W. II. Cole Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderlul discovery Free at S. J. Cassius’ Drug store. Buck!en’» Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pile3, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. ttnd with Exz*iun. Hair all (lone. Nralp covered with er*iptiou«.Thoii|ihl hi« hair would tiuVer u o%*. «*ured by temcdic*. Hair splendid mid not pimple on hlin. I cannot say enough in praise of the Cuticura Remedies. My hoy, who when one year of age, was so bad with eczema that he lost all his hair. Jlisaenlp was covered with eruptions. ..’liich the doctors said was scald head, and that bis hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began the use of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say. with the most perfect success. His 1 eases of infants ami children, and feel that cry mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M K. WOODSUM, Norway, Me A Fever More Biglit Years Cured, I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured l>v using Cuticu- -a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight years ago. He was so bad he was fearfnl he would have to haVe his leg amputated, but is happy to say he is now entirely well,—.sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is H. y. Cason, merchant of this place JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist Gainsboro, Ten .Severe Scale Disease Cured, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of tho scalp, and re ceived no relief from tho various remedies she used until she tried Cuticura. The disease dromptiv yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entire y well. There lias been no return oi the disease and ■ Cuticura ranks vo. 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skin. Rev. J. PRESSLEY BARRETT, D. 1). Raleigh, N.C. Cuticura Remedies. Area positive euro for every form of skin scalp, and bleod diseases, with loss of hair, from pirapies to scrofular, except possibly itchtbyo* Hold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. Coe.; Soap. 25.; Resolvent, 81. Prepared by tho Potter Drug aud Chemical Co., Boston, Mass Sg^'Send for “How to Cure Skin Dlsoa 04 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DID v’Q Skin and sea p preserved and bcautl* DADl 0 flen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely EVERY MUSCLE ACHED oU.irp tll/UVB, i/Ull A mo, nmniua amt wanknewea relieved in one mln- uto by the Cuticura Mas ter. Tho ilrst and only Instantaneous paln-kill- Ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. , «. FOR RENT,, The Episcopal Rectory, on SIcLcau Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. t. LaRoche, tf. Flctchervillc. Ill order to make rohm for cash groceries, we fiud that wo must offer some rare bargains in slioee. YVe mean business wl on wc say bargains and if you need shoes don’t fail to call on M. F. Pickett. Old Indies fine low cut Buskin hand made,-low heel, soft noiseless bottoms, easy to the tired feet. Cost you 82 anywhere else. Can get them at Pickett’s for 81.25. Got to make room for cash groceries. 5-11-tf. Reid Jt Culpepper ere keeping up witli the procession, they nave secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the finest preparation known for dyspepsia. It is guaranteed to cure. I 0 tf M1J8QU1TO BARS. Of all kinds. A good bar complete for $1.73. l’ntent Roadstead attachments. Agont tor Armstrong's patent canopies, made in walnut, ehorrv and antique onk. Geo. W.Foubks, May 17 tf, Mason- Building. CATARRH CURED, health ami sweet breath secured, by Shilol's Catarrh Remedy, Price 30 cents. Nasal Injector free XOTICIi, Notice is boroby given that all par ties arc nroliibitoil from hunting 0,1 oor lands around and near Linton lake. Tills Includes all ilie land wc own. A. T. McIntyre, J it., II. J. McIntyre. May 25,1889. Eupcpsy. Best dried peaches 13c. lw T. J. Bam. a Bro., Grocers. This is what you ought to have, iu fact, you must have it, to tuliy enjoy life. Thou sands arc searching for it daily, and mourn ing because they find it not. Thousands up on thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope they may obtain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. Wc guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupcpsy. YVe raoommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stom- acbe and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and 81 00 per bottle by S. J. CASSELS, Druggist. MAKE A REST. Kxcursiuu tickets at low rates w ill be sold lo all summer resorts throughout the coun try by tjic East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia Railway, cctnmeneiag Jane 1st, ;ood to return on or before October ::lst. Fast train service with Pullman cars. B. W. YVRENN', lieu. Puss, and Ticket Agi. LAUNDRY. Collars 2c.; cuffs 4c. per pair; shirts 9c. YY'ork received up to 2:30 o’clock p. in., Wednesday will be returned Saturday morning. All work guaran teed as good as new. Sam M. YY’olff, Agent, 109 and til Broad St. E P O. Don't waste time and money and undergo needless torture with the knitc when Ethio pian Pile Ointment will nlford iusinnt re lief and certain cure iu every ease of blind, bleeding, itching, internal and external piles, llangnm Root Medicine Company, Nashville, Teun. 50 cents aud $t per bottle. Sold by McRae & Mardrc aud S. J. Cusscis. More mattings received this week. New patterns In seamless—-fanoy. Geo. YV. Forbes FOUNTAIN HEAD HOTEL, Kaoxvillc's favorite summer resort, will opcu for reception ot guests June 1, 1889. Tire hotel is provided with all the latest modern improved ents and strictly first class in every particular, having inside its en closure a dense woods and lovely park, with three springs. Freestone, limestone and chalybeate water. For information, etc., address, P. A. O'BYRXE, taesthurssuu Knoxville, Tenn. Koval Crown Baking Powders in glass, at T. J. BALL & BRO.’S., Grocers. -A. T L. STEYERMAN & BRO. T-w© Cases o Xjslrwm., At 31-2 Cents per Yard. - ,,y », w j Ip - REMEMJER TPIE FE A.CEI * L. Steyerman & Bro.’s. ; I One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc. CLOTHING-! CLOTHING-! ^ Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com- petition completely baffled. f^g^Call and be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., i2U BROAD STREET. TIIOMA8VILLE. A low condition of health is common with many who allow themselves to worry. Mental anguish causes bodily sufferings. Anxiety and care has broken down many constitutions. A train of disorders usually follow mental distress. Heart affections, nervousness, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney troubles, etc., arc among the list. A sure remedy for relieving all mental and physical distress is Brown’s Iron Bitters. It at once strengthens every part of the body, making work a pleasure nnd care unknown. YOU MAY HE TOO MODEST, Hut you certainly arc not afraid to ask for eometbing to relieve you of a torpid liver—of bad blood. You need it right now, and Calisaya Tonic is the article. A leading physician writes; UlDGEVlLLL, S. C. Dear Sir: You will please send liie two bottles of your Calisaya Tonic. The bottle you gave me has given sat isfaction beyond my expectation. * * Hoping you very great success with your tonic, I am very truly yours, W. H. Wav, M. D. This standard preparation is sold by all druggists at fifty cents and a dollar a bottle. THU WOMEN VRAISE B. B. B. The suffering of womeu certainly awakens tho sympathy ot every true philanthropist. Their beat friend, however, is U. B B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlauta, Ga., fonproofs. H. L. Cassidy, Kcnncsaw, Ga., writes: “Three bottles of B. B. B. cured my wife of scrofula." Mrs. 11. SI. Laws, Zulubr, FJa. writes: “I hade never used anything to equal B.U.B.” Mrs. H. Gay, Rocky Slount, N. C., writes: “Not r day fo 15 years was I freo *frotn headache. i3. B. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like mother person.” Jas. W. Lancaster, llawkinsville, Ga , writes: “.by wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines hud done her uogood. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her." Miss S, Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says: “For rears I suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, 1 was also feeble and nervous. B. 13. B. re lieved me ut once, although several other medicines had failed." “Rev. J M. Richardson, Clarkston. Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A Inly member of my church had been cured by *11. B. U. She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. 13. B., as it quickly gave her relief." LAUNDRY* Semi us your laundry. Collars, ,02)a each, cuffs, .05 per pair, shirts, .10 each. Wc guarantee all work to bo neat and clean. Send before 8 o’clock a. m. Wednesdays. C. II. Young Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ■ r.ALKUM i v- Hay, Grain, Hran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered Promvtly. Prices a§ Low as the Lowest! Give us a call and Yve promise to please you. E. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER in HARDWARE Stoves, Jron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gqds id Sprig Goofs of nil kinds, and agent forj King’s Powder Co. MILLINERY. KILL FLIKS. Insert Powder Fly Paper. C.wiSKi.s' Pharmacy, 118 llrottd street. JERSEY MILK. i’artivs ileairing fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing IOIIN CHASTAIN. April 10, ISS'J. TAILORING. Tiioio it: ail nnd to all tilings, so tilt: poopin say, 'out tlioro is no end to tho splendid fitting clothing mado at 81 Hroad street. Gleaning and repairing done in tho neatest manner. Givo mo a cull, John Kenny. C. F. COLLINS. ITCHELL HOUSE] BLOCK, ^ Takes occasion to notify the citizens of Thomasvillc and surrounding country that she has just received her usual elegant as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery, embracing a large and beautiful line of Hats, Bonnets, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PIANOS AND ORGANS. YV. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for ull the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at liie lowest prices for casit or on long time. Tltoso desiring to purohaso will- do well to learn Ins prims and terms. Milxeii, Ga. I have had weak l.uugaueariy all my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any aparcut benefit, I am now us ing Uicwcr’s Lung Restorer and lean safely nflirm it is the only remedy from which 1 have ever derived any benefit. YV. L. MittTtx. Ladies fine kid button shoe, box too aud worked bole, worth $2, sold at Pickett’s for 81.10, Takes lots of room for cheap cash groceries. Men’s hand sewed, best American call, Congress and Balmorals. Sold everywhere for 85.50 to 86. Sold, at Pickett’s for 84. More room for cheap groceries. Mother, to cure chafing, rellevii g baby, use Boractno Toilet and Nursery Powder. It tfosto no Gore, U superior rad highly perfumed. McR e& Mardre, Th maa«Ule; A. Bra ford. alcR Mardre, Th maavUle; A. Bra ford, Co utnous: Alexa* der Dr. g ami Seed Co., Au- us.a i F. Yon Ove:Charleston, Agents. And all articles usually kept iu a tirst-clasa Millinery Store. A large assortment of Embroidering liuen. Real Scotch Linen Floss, in all colors. The Bargarran Art Thread; Rope Floss, German Cord; Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread, cream aud urhito* Embroid ering and knitting silk in all colors. Stamping g Pinking* Of all kiuds promptly executed. Dress Making Iu all its branches douc iu the best style aud at reasonable rates. An inspection of goods aud prices respectfully solicited. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. TUis ucw aud beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First eliud in all of its appointments, bat been leased by U. G. Whitlock, former own* cr and proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE. 11 His table nnd service williatitfy tbamost fastidious. His beds are delightful. Terms reasonable. Address, M. O. WHITLOCK, Marietta, Ok