The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 28, 1889, Image 4

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The Arizona Kicker. From the Detroit Free Frees. “Errata.—We find we were in error last week, in regard to the shooting affray between the Honorable Bill Dakin and Col. Jones. We sup posed at the time that Col. Jones was a subscriber to this paper, but a look through our list proves that we have never nad his name at all. On the con trary, the Hon. Dakin has subscribed for five copies. Wo were misinformed ns to the following. “1. Dakin did not call Jones a liar. “2. Dakin did not draw his gun first “3. Jones did not offer to apolo- gize. We were hasty in saying that Da kin ought to swing from a limb, and that he had long been a terror to the town. Wc found him to be a mild, courteous, genteel citizen, full of push and enterprise, and his presence is a credit to the town. Col. Jones had better travel for his health as soon as able, and in case he finds a town to suit him better he should buy it and settle there. “Not This Year—A correspond ent who signs himself ‘P. D. Q.’ wants to know why the Kicker does not pitch into the Iioard of Aldermen for its corruption, and adds that every mother’s son of them should he sent to prison for a thief. We don’t doubt this assertion in the least, but we arc not saying anything. We have the city printing this year at a good fat price, and are not saying a word. “Returned—Maj. Jim Smith cre ated quite a sensation by descending from the stage as it reached town last Friday evening. Wc had no sooner notified him that his subscription to the Kicker had expired than he handed us two big silver dollars for a renewal. “The major has put in the past year in state prison, having been sent there by mistake, as his friends are convinced. He served his term like a man, and has returned to the bosom of his family and society. He hns cards out for ‘high coffee* day after to-morrow, and the elite will be there in legions.” Another Wonder. Prof. Cronwell, in his lecture entitled “A Tour of the World.” has introduced a curiosity which bids fair to eclipse lecture and lecturer. The wonder is a little mulatto child, three and a half years old, who has no forgetting power; in other words, re members everything that is told him. and can answer promptly when asked about it. Says the New York Herald: The child, and he is a very little one, appeared with a toy whip in hand, which he t: tiled on the floor of the stage and against the chair on the chair on which the Professor was seat ed with true child like glee and aban don. Nor did he change his manner while in response to questions abou' the population of cities, the r.umber of square miles in countries the ages ot prominent men who have long passed into history, the date of their birth and time of death. The dates of impor tant historical events were given with out a moment’s hesitation, the number anil names ot the Presidents in their order, and other things of like charac ter, showing an abnormal development of memory as remarkable as the musi cal developn.ent in Blind Tom, and even more so. The boy closed his performance bv counting ten in half a dozen ^different languages, and all this without any setmmg strain or effort. His answers to the various questions were received with amazement and great applause by the audience. Blaine and Cuba Secretary Blaine is not purtuing an aegresaive foreign policy so far. Possibly it is for the reason that physi cal strength has toned down his diplo macy. Lord Chatham, however, be came more fiery and daring as his ail ments increased. Possibly Mr. Sher man, iu his London talk the other day, explained it better when he said that Mr. Blaine had not been daring because he has not had the chance. But the Maine Premier has liaen talking lately. He thinks America should have Cuba. He regards this 2 ueen of the Antilles as valuable, not one from a commercial but a strn tegic standpoint. In time of war it would command the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico and should not be held by a foreign or possibly a hostile power. We should hare Cuba. We wont her sugar cane, her fiuits aud cigars, hut best of all wc need her commanding position. Mr. Blaine tfiinks Cuba could be annexed us a territory, not as u State. Cuba, how ever, would figure well as a member of the Solid South. A Georgia farm, a Georgia wife ’ and a Georgia paper, arc three of the best things a man can have. Lucky is he who is thustly provided, if ho keep* his farm from under mortgage, the wife’s temper unruffled aud the subscription to bis paper paid iu ad vauce.—Ex. OLD PAPEKH FOB BALE.—Several old newspapers, not cut, lor per hundred, at th.s office. ASLEEP ON TIIE TBACK. A little child, tired of piny, hnd pillowed his head on a railroad track and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward and sayed him from a horriblo death. Perhaps you are asleep on tho track, too. You are, it you are neglecting tho hacking cough, the hectic Hush, tho loss of nppetito, growing weakness and lassitudo, which havo unconsciously crept upon you. Woko up, or tho train will bo upon you I Consumption, which thus insiduously fastens its hold upon its victims while they are un conscious of its approach, must be taken in time, if it is to t*e overcome. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery lias cured thou sands of cases of tlris most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it Is guaranteed to benefit or cure in every enso of Consumption, or money paid for it will Ik* promptly refunded. • For weak Lungs, Spitting of Hlood, Short ness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an effi cient remedy. Copyright, 1888, l.y World’s Ins. Med. Ass'n. offered for an incurable ease of Catarrh in the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. marvelous MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training* Four Books Learned in one reading. Mind wandering eared* Every child and adult grently benefltted. a (j r oat inducomeuts to C irruspuuJonce Classes. ^flSocair, X. )', Uictinrit ih-ortiv, tl'. HclentljJ, linn,, it’. \V..A,tor, Jn<t*c Jillmnii, JmlaliF. ‘•faSMtoE’SK- FUMi Avc.,N. Y. LIPPMAN S m/wi /\ sore cure ron I CHILLS 8tFEVtR| OUMD /\GUE /\ND FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LIPPMAN BROS.. Wholesale*-Druggist*, Bole Props., Lippman Block, Savannah, Go. p.p.p. p.p.p. (Prickly Aeh, Poke Root, end Potuelum.) CUBES SYPHILIS Primary, Secondary, and Tertlanr SrehiUs, Syph ilitic Eruptions, Scrofula and Scrofulous Erup tions, Ulcers and Old Sores. Rheumatism and all diseases of the b»ood ; nil those that have resisted other treatment yield steadily and surely to the wonderful power of P. P. P., tho great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA Is an Impurity in the blood, producing Lump# or Swelling, causing Running Bores on tho £mj, Legs, or Feet, for tho cure of which use P.. P. P., the greatest hlood medicine on earth. All thMo diseases yield readily to the power of P. P. P.» giving new life and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cared in lt« wont form; «omctlmM In ouo, with — rsinelas, where tho patient was in Eternal Pain ‘ Wen ar T “ ““ sicians. In some cases procured, and & diecaso yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And In all Affections of the Blood, P. P.P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some of its cures are really wonderful. .. „ _ If you suffer from anything like SyphUIs, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, Okl Sores, Rheuma tism, or any disease of tho blood, he sure and givfpP. P. P. a trial. , • A P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potas- linm) is no secret patent medicine like the many <m tne market Its fosmnla is on every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity and whole- * someness that no other blood purifier docs give, LIPMAXn BROTHERS, whlcsale druggists, sole manufacturers and proprietors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. MCRAE & MARORE. Wholesale and Retail Aoe WALL PAPER. Havo Just rcctaved a largo lot of wall paper, all grailofi. Ceiling decorations etc. Geo. W. Fobiies, Masury Building. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. F. HAWKINS, .ML Attorney anti Cotitioellor al Law. THOM A SY 11.Ml. - - UA Office willi.Mc!«lyrc.& .McIntyre dec31-ly J II. COYLK, I). I). s„ Resident Dentist, Thomnsvllle, Georgia.! Offers his services to t n' citizens of Thom asville ami vicinity. nffice hours—From 9 a. in. to 1 p. in., and from 2 to 6 p. in. Office—On Jackson street. M itch i ll. . O. ‘jjyJITCHELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thmnasvlllo, H ANSELL & MEUIHIJ , Attorneys-at-Law and Insur anec Agents. riiomasvlllo, ... Georgia Office—Over Watt’s store. g McLendon, Attorncy-at-Law, Thoraasville, • . - • Georgia. Prompt irtmtl * i given to, ai trusted to him. Office—Over Watt's store, corner Jackson streets. ^■ wrnnucE, m. d., Office, up-stairs. Col net of Broad and Fletcher streets-! [uug 15-'85-3y] PJ1 8. DKKLK, M. L>., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner College uvcuUo and Mag uolla street. . Telephone communication, No. 25 for night calls. IJI M. Me I S TOSI-1, Physician <&. Surgeon, Thomasvillo^Georffia. -OFFICE iover Stork’s, corner llroiul anil Fletcher Streets. ALTER C. SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY AT LBV AND COLLECTOR OF CLAIM 1. OFFICE: t-ti llrnatl Street, THOMASVILIiE, GEORGIA. J)R. JOEL B. COYLE DENTINT THOMASVILLB, GEORGIA. OFFICE, llruail St., over Pickett’.. The Best and Most Pleasant Route FROM THOMASVILLE NORTH (jKOliGlA -AND ALL I’oINTs North & Northwest —is via tiii:— Genlral Kiilroil Of Georgia, l IIKDL I.K.S It Augusta, Atlai»ta,Gainesville,Ga AND TO ASHEVILLE, 1IIF. “LAND OF THE HKY," THE SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thoinusvlllo to Asheville have a choice of two routes, over tho Central, either via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Thomasville to Savannah at 1*2 50 midday, connect with through Sleeping Cars via Central, f«»r Augusta and Spartanburg, and gives passengers a day light rid. between Augusta and Asheville,tho prettiest country in tho land, arriving Ashe ville at 7 p m—in time sor supper. ALBANY & ATLANTA ROUTE. Passengers from Tbomasvillo to Attauta, Gainesville an • Asheville via Albany should tuko tho 9 30 a ui train, which a rives Atlanta name evening: C’alncsvllle 0 Of ft m and Ashe ville, N. C., at 7 p m next day. Direct con nection is made witli tho W. k A in U*.|ou Depot in Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, Ga., leaving Thomasville at y a m, ar rive al Marietta the same night. For further information relative to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. Vandyke, Ticket Agt., rliomasvllle. Clyde Bostick, Trav. Pass. Agent, H tvannah. E.T. CHARLTON, Gen. Fuss. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Thomasville, Georgia. 1 will bo glad to make contracts foi tho construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic aud private, in either brick or wood. I will guarantee in every instance to glvo satisfaction. Designs aud plans drawn and carefaPestlmatcs made. MY Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building douo call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasville and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I have worked' THE BEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEE SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND TIIE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull} man Palaco Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, ami Chair Cars by day, botweou Cin cinnati! and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicugo, and also bo tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con- Jneetlons are raadofor St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- laud, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Loavlng Loulsvlllo, Dally except Sunday, at 7 *30 a. ni. Cincinnati, Dally, oxcept Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid sorvlco ever attempted be tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River aud Chicago, jgrg-1 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among tho points that havo made tho MOIffOBT ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON. Vlco-pros’t an*l Gon’l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent It, w. GLADING. Passengor and Freight Agt., 158 Broad 8t.. Thomasville Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Shed Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen Iu my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet iiiotiil and plumbing work in tlio best possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, Architectur al aud Ornamental Work In Iron. Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TIN HOOFING. Sheet Brass aud Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steum Fitting. HOTEL AXl) JOB WORK A SPECIALTY'. I kcciii.n kanct a full stock of Bright ami Booting Tin, Galvanized, llussla, Bmoko- .tnck anil l’laln Iron, Shoot Brass, PlanlHlioil, 'I lnneil anil Plain Coppers; Zinc, Holdor, SpoBcr and Wlro. My prices are reasonable aud thoso who contomplato having work done or purchasing anything in my lino will find It to their in terest to confer with mo before placing their ordors Ofllco and shop over Watt k Bro.’s, Broad St..Thomasville Ga. V EH WRITE Mr. Joseph M. Dreycr offers his services to the public ns a stenographer and type writer. All work promptly done aud satis faction j'uurauteed. Apply to or address, ' JOSEPH M. DREYKR, at Me u*,yre A McIntyre’s office, Broad st Whiddon House (Opposlto Pluoy Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - OA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. Tills house, located In the most dcslr- ublc and central part of the city, is new and complete In every particular. Fur nished iu tho most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels Tho menu is perfect, and tho service rendered by trained and po- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho hoiisn meot all trains. declO-ly THOMASVILLE ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS OF CONVEYANCES To City and Country Property, in Thomas county, ftirnUlicd at short notice. SpcciutJ*rice» to lit al Entnte Denier*! OFFICE:—With Arthur Patten, Attorn.-) at Law, Masonic Building, 1G7 lino ad St.. - - Tiiomasvillk.C a Grl8n&I«i Contractors & Builders TUOMAtiVUAE, GA. Wo will be glad to jnako contracts for, or superintend, ull clauses of buildings, public or private, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans aud specifica lens It required. If you want any building dono call on us, uud wo will submit estimates whether contract is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantoo satis faction In all our work. Wo refer to the many buildings erected by us In Thouiasvlllo, and to all partle * for whom wo havo worked. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasville, Ga., April 3, 1889. Lands For Sale @M) UIN)<£ TFORtlB The “10 ucics of laud ill Thomas county, being parts of lots til and 78 in tho 14th List., and known as thn Geo. YV. Whltohurst place. Will sell for SI,IKK),—one fourth, ouo third, or ono half cash, aud tho balance In from one to six years,—to suit purchaser, with interest at rate of eight per cent, per annum oil deferred payments, paynblo annually. For further particulars ad dress Wm. E Simmons, iunl-lf Atlanta. Ga. RESTAURANT ANI) Oyster Saloon. Go to lleppie’s, on Broad st., opposite Mitchell House, for a meal or Oysters in any shape. Rooms to let, also, and board reasonable by the day, week or month, tf READ THIS COLUMN. NEW OFFERINGS IN REAL ESTATE. BYE.M. MALLETTE. $10,000, Another old southern home. 1,500 acres hve miles from city, good road, splendid pear orchard, netted last year, $445. Houses in good repair.JJ^This is a great bar gain. 5.800. 100 acres two miles from town, run ning from one public road to another and divided by the Boulevard. A very valua ble tract, well located for sub-dividing, and will make a good profit us a speculation. 20,000 acres of timber lands in Tbotnas and Colquitt counties at $1 per acre. These lands are good farming lands anda-c intrin- cically worth $5 per aero. | $2,500. Unmistakably the haudsomest residence lot in the city, 200x200 feet on corner Hnnscll street and Colton avenue, fronting the park. There is absolutely no possible objection to. this property. The only '' isiness lots on Broad gtreet at $90.00 per p*r front foot $1,500. New place, lot 100x507 on three streets injsuburbs at $1,500. The improve inents cost $2,100. Owner must realize on property immediately and offers at this great sacrifice 1 have every description of property for sale. Residence lots at $200 to $500 on good streets. First-class residence property in most popular localities will cost more money, but 1 have it too. I otter two splendid little farms with getns of pear orchards on them. I offer plantations of all kinds, sizes and prices. Any one having any idea of buying will act very unwise-y to do so without seeing me. E. M. iMALLETTE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. Georgia Established 1879. Special Bargains in Improved and Unimproved Property The Andersbn Cot tage, Crawford St., next to Whiddon House and nearPi- ney Woods Hotel. One fourth cash, balance in five years. HOPKINS Real Estate tow, BOX 22 0ITY. * Thomasville, Ga. ? w