The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 29, 1889, Image 1

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mM $5 00 PER ANNUM O. S. Boadurant VountaarObservo . — Weather Bulletin for the 38 hoar* ending »U o'clock P. M. Miy 47, 1889. ; .» P» ®. '••••*’* ••••«•••• <*4.90 he showed that the underst lassage j Wjftjlfl 'Quincv, 111 , May- 27.—A terrific wind storm passed over this vicinity yesterday, afternoon. The storm was cyclonic in its nature and considcffble damage was done. A .black funnel shaped cloud .swept across Abe city at a terrific rate from northwest to south east descending to the earth at irregu lar intervals. Several houses and barns were: unroofed and trees were pulled up by the roots. The full force of the storm struck the cemetery in’ the southern part of the city and near- ly every monument in the gronnds was demolished-; So farno loss of'life or serious injury has been reported. Richmond, Va., May 27*— 1 The color line was draw here to-night by a meeting of- negroes, who organized Israel.” The translation does away v the built-up difficulties regard! arrest of planetary motion. ■*:. r v i & ‘distinct- 1 divine an independent party, toqvhose mem bership no white -moa will he admit ted. Some of the most' prominent colored men mtbggcity participated in tlio meeting. They propose to act in all political matters ihrough a council of leaders oi their own race. etions in VOL 1—NO 14. TUOMASVILL.E, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1889. Special OFFERINGS News Notes About Town About People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. -FOR- Tlie raiu signal is still up. Okra is on the market. Col. Dan Forrest was in town yes- terdnv. yards Checked Nainsook at" 5c, worth roc. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 8c, worth 12 1-2. 5 000 yards Checked Nainsook at 10, worth 15c. 5.000 yaids Figured White Laivn at' * 12 i-2c, worth 20 This is a special drive and is well worth your atten tion. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 5C, worth toe. ■/ 5,000 yards white India Linen at 8c, worth 12 :-2. " 5.000 yards white India Linen at 10c,,.. .. . , ; \Ye have the best and largest assort ment of white lawns ever offered • in this market. Would call your special atten tion to our gOc Number, which in width, fin ish and sheer ness of woof, surpasses any thing ever shown at this price. Strawberries market. will soon be of!' the Bainbridge will have a big picnic to-day. New items were hard to run down yesterday. The Virginia House opens to the public Saturday. over to Bain- Manny Engle went bridge yesterday. Operator Royal, of Climax, was in the city yesterday. The water tower overflowed yester day afternoon. The gang was at work on Madison avenue yesterday. Read new “ad” in K. M, Mallctte’s real estate column. Tuesdays will be the regular meet, ing night of the Guards. Miss Addio McClellan weut to Bainbridge yesterday. Mr. .A. S. Burney, of Boston, was ini’the city yesterday. Will Stegall says that Metcalfe had a fine rain recently. Ii. if. Strum,-of Valdosta, paid-Itis friends here a visit yesterday. two good B. A. Bass is offering horses for sale. Go and see hint. Mr. D. A. Fitzgerald, ol Boston,was in the city on business yesterday. 25 dozen bleached damask towels, knotted fringe, at 15c, well worth 25c. 25 dozen Httckabock Towels at 1 oc, worth 25c. For 25c we can give you the very best towel, 1 14 yards long, all lir.en and last colored borders, ever shown in Thomasville. Contractor Gunn is beginning to push things around the new Gulf. Another seining party under Gits Hurst went out to the lakes yester day. Mrs. Thatcher and children, of Monticello, arc registered at the Stunt t. Gur new and elegant selection of Challies are still all the rage, aniiare selling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks wc have still some very choice patterns left, which we are offering at greatly reduced rates. Our remnant counter (or this week contains some very desirable bar gains, and mothers would do well to fake advantage of this,. All lines complete. Stock acknowledged to be the largest. Prices lower than ever. l)o not fail to come and inspect. We are anxious to show you our goods whether you buy or not. 132!BR0lpi3T.. 200R.HAOK80N j Jim Reid, Will Mitchell, Win. Butalfli and probably others, went fishing yesterday. Hon, R. G. Mitchell returned from Lowndes county court yesterday afternoon. Mr, lien McLendon, editor of the Monticello Tribune, was in the city yesterday. Miss Mattie Palmer, of Monticello, passed through the city yesterday on route to Fort Valley. We learn that the Boston and Thomasville Gun Clubs wilHmve a match shoot Thursday afternoon. George Jones, pitch, nnd Gus Stark catch' will be the[battery|foifthe home team in the match with Boston.this afternoon. The Willing Workers. This is the name of a society recent ly organized by the pastor, among the youqg ladies of the Methodist church. The object of the society as set forth in the second article of the constitu tion is: To enlist and unite the young ladies of the church in benevolent work, such as aiding the thissions un der the control of the church and help ing the children of the poor, by fur- nishlpg them with necessary clothing, relieving them in time of sickness' nnd teaching them such industrial atts as will help to qualify them for future use fulness. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Henrietta Vickers; 1st Vice-Pres , Miss Mary Wright; 2nd Vice-Pres., Miss Mattie Millar; Secretary, Miss Belle Mitchell; Treasprer, Miss Nannie Philpot. The following committees were also appointed: To procure new membersMiss $da Pittman, Miss Alethca Philpot) Miss Annie Carroll, Miss Mary Wright. To ascertain what poor ckildien arc needing assistance:—Mrs. R. J. Miller, Miss Mattie Miller, Miss I.ivie Pittman, Miss Carrie Williams. To visit members of the society who may be sick: —Miss Minnie Evans, Miss Belle .Mitchell, Miss Emnta Pol- latd, Miss’Daisy Scott. ",’oMit the sick among the children of the poor:—Miss Fannie Evans,Miss Sophie Bouchelle, Miss Nannie Phil- pit, Miss Stella Pittman. To select suitable reading matter for the entertainment and instruction of the society at its regular meetings: —Misses Cora Walker. Ella Lighffoot, Conie Chisholm, Fannie McKinnon. The society siarts.qfT well, and ‘ is destined to he a pow£f'for gqod tu the commucitT^ dU iykj'Jpetf ^haf-crVery young lady connected with the church- will join this society. The next, and first regular meeting will be held on next Monday June 30, at 5 o’clock, at the lecture room of the church. The Sun Did No1 Itausa* City Times. At Christ's church, Bishop Ussher, rector elect, took for Bis subject the so- called mistake of the’ “Sun Standing ’ ’ x, in . the Masorite interference with inal Hebrew in the year A, the vowel points were introduced, gave the translation df the unpotti Hebrew by Draft* a very eminent ] brew scholar' as follows: “Then sp; Joshua to Jehovah,, oa the occastor Jehovah delivering iip die Amor before the children ot Jsrael. let the sun be obscured over Gideon and'.he moon over the valley of Ajajon, and the sun was obscufed imd the .moon also,while the people rose up against its enemies. Is not this written in the book of Josh- ordinary day, and tin^re lias not' been such an event as this before or after it, Tito dusty weather makes traveling very unpleasant. The drummers say that they cannot hold out much longer. A Match Shoot. A match shoot composed of mem bers of the Thorngsville Gun Club, three on each side, shot for a purse of SKHlO yesterday afternoon nt their grounds in East End. Tho contest ants were Messrs. Hopkins, Culpep per, and Young, against Messrs. Lee, Mitchell, nnd Henderson. Each side had twenty-five birds, fifteen singles and ten doubles. Judge Hopkins’ side won by only four birds, which made it a close and interesting mutch, •Tho honor of the best individual score belongs to Mr. Geo. W. Henderson of the defeated side, he having broken 15 out of the 25 which was the best made by any iiulivjdigd. Tho above six gentlemen itave been chosen by tho olub to rep resent them in the short with Boston Thursday. Dead. ly that he in no sense thought or power for. a anything in the created outside of the lifnit of il control, showed by scientific, facts that the condition of the sun, seeming to stand still could be produced by re daction, his very clear way of putting iacts.leit no ground for the skeptic to stand upon. Hit by a Coincidence. Detroit Free Press*- : ‘ The Owner of a place on Second avenue stood ih his- barn door ou the alley the other day when a man with a wooden leg and a crutch came along and asked' the time 6’ day and finally said: -W '■ v * ‘ 5 _ - “.Say, X want you to do me a favor. few minutes.” “Why 1" “I want to go around on Second avenue aud work a house for a half a dollar in money. I've got a pointer that the folks arc very sympathetic. If I go with one leg I’iu sure of it.” “Very well; just leave your leg here and I’ll lake care of it.” The wooden substitute was unstrap ped aud handed over, and the cripple used the crutch to help himself down the alley. Five minutes later he rang the door-bell of a bouse around the avenue, to have it opened by the man lie had seen at the barn. “W—wlm—what!” be gasped in astonishment. “Very sympathetic family lives here!” quietly replied the other. “You seem to have met with a sad loss, and I'm anxious to help you. Ilete is a wooden leg which may lit you.” The leg was handed over, the 1 sat down on the steps and strapped it on, and as ho got up and stumped through the gate he said to himself: “I’ve heard of coincidences ever since I was knee-high to a hop toad, but this is the first one tiiat ever hit tpe with both feet to once!” - ‘ Secret Ballot Law. RartfoSu; Conn,, May 27;—-The Senate to-day, • by a vote of 15 to 5, passed tfie.secret ballot bill which the amendments made in the House were accepted, and all that stands between Connecticut and the secret ballot law now is Gov. Bulkley’s signature, which it is not thought will be withheld. I he vote in the Senate over the secret ba! lot bill was practically a parly vole.thv republicans voting vea and the demo crats nay. Gotham's Southern Society. New York, May 27.—At a meet ing to-night of the Now York South ern Society the recent issue of $2,000, 000 of 0 per cent, coupon bonds to purchase their new homo was without a dissenting voice ratified. A few weeks ago when the bonds were placed 011 the market they were nt onco brought up, showing that the finan cial responsibility of the society is be yond question. The members arc jubilant now that they have beconto aware of tho fact that they have se cured a permanent home 111 this city. We regret to IfiP'i) that little Car rie Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. _ __ C, W. Wiggins, died Monday night. | An | ng ; n j us To from the effect ot meascls. 1 Ins is the . . _ T , , , , ■ 1 .11 1 An eccentric New TOrkre, much giv- secottU loss sustained recently by Mr. , . .. . . ° , xv ■ 1.1 1,1 i en to hospitality, has concea ed among and Mrs. Wiggins and thev have the' , „ 1 . ' . ... B , „ ' , ' the flowers on his dinner tab c an arti- heartfelt sympathies of our people. I The little otic was bin t ied in Lmtel Hill yesterday evening Willie Fleming, the popular oper ator at the depot, will leave for Bain bridge to-day to spend a couple of days at his old home. For the past month the water tower has averaged ninety-six feel ot water per day. Ten feet of water is con sumed nightly for sprinkling the streets. Col. T. 0. Thuckstou and family, of Monticello, passed through the city yesterday en route to New York. Mrs. D. L. Oakley also accompanied the party on her way to Rome. The colored firemen held a meeting Monday night to perfect arrangements for their big parade, June G. Bain- bridge’s colored company have been I invited to participate. “As long as there's life there’s hope:” and as long as the blue flag flics, as it has for the past -IS hours, wc shall hope for rain. We heard some thunder yesterday evening, but it apparently seared the rain off. fictal mocking-bird, which, at the pres sure of an electric wire by his foot, flutters and gives a musical chirp. Strangers are amused by the ingenious toy, but his family and friends under stand that the bird only flics and sings when a subject is broached which is likely to prove offensive or painful to one of the guests. A Russian boyar, . . . . , . , , in the days of Catherine, carried out a Capt. Winter is detained at Athens j s i m j| a r concert by a rougher method, for several days, and any shortcomings j .. Whe „ Dcmetrt l’aulovski,” says tra in his department will be attributed to , dilioni ,. sat down to dine, a trumpeter his absence. In fact, there is very s[00( j beside him with his eyes fixed little: of interest transpiring to fill the upon hiro . If anyone at the tabe local columns of the paper at this | ma de a remark disagreeable to the Umc- !, the trumpeter, at a signal trom The First Peaolt. 1 him > sounded a warning note, and the - r 1 1 ., „ „ , ! guest remained silent during the meal. Mr. John II. Parnell, the large ft the offense was repeated, the trump peach grower of West Point, made a 1 et sounded twice, and the guest was shipment of Peaches to New York on ! led from the table and his tongue cut the 27th. Mr. Parnell is a brother of the famous Irish agitator, who has created so much discussion on Irish affairs in England. out.” The American host cannot re sort to such radical measures, but hew often sits in helpless agony longing to silence the tongue of some garrulous guest.—Argonaut. Georgia’s Capital City. Atlanta, Ga., .May 27.—Niue batteries of the Fourth Artillery have arrived itere, two yesterday and seven to-day, .185 men, and have gone into quarters at Fort McPherson, the new government barracks. Col. Henrv W. Clossott is in command of the reg iment. Atlanta expects the presence of the troops to make things lively here this slimmer. ONDITtON. I t is today stated by parties who claim to he informed as to Senator Brown’s couditioa that his rec tvery is not expected, and thiA he realizes himself tho hopelessness of his case. Ft is further stated that even if he lives through the legislative session, he will resign the senators!)ip before adjournment. Many re prices made TO »S,e gQftflP to close out for the season. Call and jiee our 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered floun- ings coming. They will be open for in spection on the 22nd. For genuine good goods, at closing out prices, call at Levy’s Dry Goods Eousi Mitchell House Corner THE SITTtEMS COURT. The supreme court completed the Eastern circuit to day and will devote one or two days disposing of cases ou the heel of the docket, after which -it will adjourn for the term. Determined Attempt of Mr. McKinnon to Suicide at Indian Springs. Fi.ovn.LA, May 27.—[Special to Macon Telegraph] There was a de termined effort at suicide yesterday at Indian Springs which, however, failed in its object. A Mr. McKinnon, of Thomas ccun ty. a guest ot the Varner House, first tried to drown himself in the pood at the mill, and failing in this he cndcav ored to stab himself. He made twelve or fourteen wounds in the chest but. luciiy, none of them were fatal. Ill health is supposed >0 be the cause. He is resting easy this morn ing and is on the road to recovery.