The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 30, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISC. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. 8. B. BURR, - Business Manager. flie Daht Tiues-Entekpbise i" publish'd every morning (Monday excepted.) •The Weeklt Entebhuse is published every Thursday morning. The Weekly Times is published every Sat urday. Subscription Kates. Daily Timis-Enterprise, .... $5 00 W bkly Enterprise, 1 00 Weekly Times, 1 00 Daily AdtertIS no Rates. Transient Rates.—50 cU. per square or the first insertion, and 40 cei ts for ea h subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - ■ I 5 00 One Square, two months - - One Square, three montln, ... 1200 One Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve montns, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by soecial arranf ement, M. B. BI7KR, Business Mnnn(er, BLAIN’S BAD BLUNDER. Harrison Very Sore Over the Tuck er Incident. ■SPr.flAI. ROTMX. In order to insure pr< nipt insertirpp all advertisements, changes, locals, etc., should oe handed in by noon be ore the day >f pub lication BTSIMSS YOTII'h' Parties leaving Thomnsvillc for the sum mer can have the Times-Extebprise sent to any address for 50 cents per month. Ad dresses can be changed as often ns is desired. THURSDAY MAY 30, 1B8I. If anybody wants to make $100,- 000 easy, the discovery of a cure for yellow fever will secure the jfrize. The sum awaits, in the United Stttcs treasury vaults among the surplus, that fortunate individual. A contract lias been entered into with Alexander Doyle, the sculptor, for the long-talked of monument to Horace Greely. The cost will be $25,000. The figure will be in a sit ting positiou, and stat ue and pedestal will be 18 feet high. The material of the casting will be standard bronze. It will be erected in the City Hall park, New York. Some 160,000 acris of the finest land in South Dakota will probably be thrown open to settlement within a month, on the completion of nego tiations by the government with the Sioux Indians of the Yankton agency. The Indians will sell seven townships on the north side of their reservation, and another rush of speculators, setr tiers and adventurers may be expected to follow as soon as or before the tifact ? it ready for occupancy. J U’New York is excited over the news that James Gordon Bennett has gone to Khartoun and invaded the camp of the Mahdi. One account states that he has gone to ransom Chinese Gordon, who, it is said, was not killed but has along been kept a close pris oner. The rumors seem a little wild but there is no accounting for James Gordon Bennett—he is likely to do the improbable at any time. Editor Dana made a brief and bril liant speech yesterday before the press convention at Chattanooga. The fol lowing is an eloquent extract: “Yes, it is a great country. This we see not merely here in Chattanoo' ga. but wherever we turn our eyes, in whatever part of our land, there seems to be a perfect aspiration ofhumanity, of liberty, of progress, of energy, of , and after we have witnessed the (fain, the blood, the tears and the fire of war, we have the confidence that we are one great people, and that the same great destiny awaits us all.” One of the biggist trades we ever heard of is the reported sale of the S. S. S. by the Swift Specific Compa ny, of Atlanta for $1,000,000. The company has been making a fine profit on the manufacture and sale of that popular medicine, the annual dividends being a fine per cent, on the price at which the formular was sold. Col. H. J. Lamar, who owned the controling interest in the stock of the company, proved his sagacity by acquiring it, and has demonstrated the value of printer’s ink in its adver tisement. The company making the purchase has a good thing, and will, doubtless, push the sale of it for all it is worth.—Albany News and Adver tiser. Washington, May 28. — Both President Harrison and Secretary Blaine are in a state of irritation over the Hayti commission. The interview between them this morning might have been somewhat heated if it had not been that Secretary Blaine brought Gen. Lew Wallace with him. Gen. Wallace had just been to tell Secretary Blaine what he wanted to tell the President—that he did not want to go to Hayti;that hewinted to go on to West Point as a member of the board of visitors, which was the business which brought him here, and unless his presence on the Hayti 8 00 commission was considered indispens able, he must decline. The President told him to wait until it should be finally determined whether any com mission should he sent to Hayti. tucker’s bad record. Then the President asked Secretary Blaine how he came to 4-ecomraend such a man as Beverly Tucker, whom he had been told was not only mdicted for conspiracy in connection with th- assassination of [President Lincoln and in connection with the at tempt to introduce yellow fever] into northern cities during the war, and other anti-union plots, his account as consul to Liverpool before the war had never been settled, because of a deficiency of $21,000. hlaine’s excuse Secretary Blaine is reported to have said that he was not aware that any of these charges had been proven against Tucker, and in the absence of proof he would accept Tucker's denial, espe cially as President Grant himse t had invited Tucker back Irom Canada,Pres ident Hayes had appointed him a Chi nese commissioner and President Gar field a visitor to the naval academy, to say nothing of other appointments under republican administration!. He said that Tucker had been recom mended to him by ex Senator Henry G. Davis, of West Virginia, and Ste phen B. Elkins, his son-in-law, who had taken Tucker into business rela tions, namely, into the West Virginia Central railroad, of which Secretary Blaine is a director. a great blunder. The President told him frankly that he thought he had made a great blun der, which would harm his administra tion, because no good explanation of it could be offered. The only thing to do now was to repair it. Secretary Blaine left the white house to go down the river with the party invited to meet Sir Julian Pauncefote tjp a muclf'jnore melancholy mood than when he went id. His guests could not help com menting upon it. As for'the President he has talked of little else to-day than “That Exasperating Blunder,” as he termed it. An exchange very truly says: “A live paper is characteristic of a pros perous and growing city and vicejversa. When a city grows its paper improves and its progress is dearly shown in its columns.” Every merchant and busi ness man in a community is vitally in terested in sustainiug the local news paper, as it is the recognized test of the life and public enterprise of the city in which it is published. Nothing promotes public improvement more than a live newspaper, and a journal is almost wholly dependent upon the good will and patronage of the local merchants.—Albany News, Senator Brown. It is said that Senator Jos. E Brown is a very sick man and probably will not recover. As a consequence the pennv-a-lincrs, who must manufacture material, if there is none on hand, for a sensation, are now busy prognosti cating the future incumbency of his office. This is, to use a mild term, very indelicate, and out of place. Com mon decency would suggest that the newspaper ghouls should let a man die in peace, if he mus^die, and not hurry him out of the world in a fit of digust at the unseemly scrambling for his garments, before he is cold. We have had too much of this already and public sentiment should put the seal of condemnation on it, and learn news paper correspondents, one horse poli ticians and political whippers-in who now, unfortunately, are too often the creators of high as well as low officials; the proprieties of life. That Rupture Said by the Atlanta Constitution to have' occurred between (he President and Blaine, Windom and Proctor, of his cabinet, has failed to materialize; at least they have not handed in' their resignations, as predicted by the cor respondent. It is to be regretted that they have nor. While we have little to expect from President Harrison, we have less to expect Irom Blaine and his ilk, and any change would he a benefit to the country. It is very ap parent, however, that the President and his prime minister do not harmo nize, and an open rupture may be looked for at any time. Well, “when rogues fall out,” &c. Alfalfa is said to withstand drought better thau any other species of clo ver, and the soil and climate of this section . is os well adapted to its S rowtli and maturity os California. ill we want in Georgia is a little more “git up and git” about us. Nat ure has done her share in the endow ment of the section with advantages, man must develop the enterprise and industry sufficient to utilize them. A Railroad Hero. Few people, while enjoying the ease and comfort of a luxuriantly fitted tip coach or palace car, give a thought to the person sitting on his engine, his hand on the throttle, his eye on the track ahead, who holds the destiny of his precious freight at his fingers’ end, save incidentally; yet there are evi- dences of heroism more often display ed by this unassuming nun than was ever the case on the battle field. His position is one of great respcnsibiliiy, and he recognizes it, and rarely comes up wanting in coolness and courage worthy of his position. The following extract, taken Irom a Denver (Col.) special to the New York World is a case in point: With his body crushed and pinioned beneath his engine, and his face so near the fire that it was blistered by the heat, the brave and heroic fireman, Charles Laphen, made his last will and testament. It is one of the most thril ling stories in the history of railroad accidents, and ranks with that of poor Ben Westlake, the Colorado engineer, whose hand, though severed from his body, still held the lever. Laphen was the fireman of a South Park freight train, that was wrecked Monday near Baily’s Station, 35 miles from Denver. The train was com posed of the engine and fourteen cars A short distance above where the ac cident occurred a freight car was pick ed up, and, there being no switch, had to be taken ahead of the engine. Two brakemen, one of whom was Ben Hedges, were seated on this car as a lookout. A tew moments later, when turning a short curve a bowlder, several tins in weight, was seen on the track. There was hardly time to signal, much less stop the train. The engine and seven cars were thrown into the ditch. Under the engine was the mangled fireman, Charles Laphen, crushed to the ground beneath the terrible weight. He could neither move arm nor leg. Only his head was free from the debris The heat of the fire box added to the terrible torture of the unfortunate man. It was impossible to rescue him, and lie must slowly die in the presence of his friends, who were pow erless to aid. It was suggested that water be thrown upon him, hut that would not do. What with the intoler able neat he would be scalded death. Though slowly roasting to death, Laphen did not lose his grit. “Boys,” he said,‘T know you can’t do anything tor me. I have a good constitution, and may last a good .while, jbut I 41m living longer than I want to, anyway.” Among the group of horrified men that gazed upon the scene was" Robl. Jacks, the engineer. It had been im possible for him to slop his engine. He had been knocked senseless by the collision, but recovering, had been Drought to where his partner was slow ly dying. The big-hearted engineer forgot his own misery and pain, and bending be side the pinioned form of his friend, cried like a child "I don’t blame you,” said Laphen, speaking to the weeping engineer. “It could not be helped. Nobody is to blame. Don’t cry, Jacks, it’s not your fault." Never in their experience on the mountain roads did the train men wit ness such a scene. Engineer Jacks was not the only one who cried. They all wept. One of the train men whom he call ed Mike came to his side at his re quest. “Mike,” said the pinioned man, "I want to make a will,” and kneeling by his side“Mike” took down his last testament. He said he had property and money in San Francisco valued at about $12,000. Of this sum he gave his brother James $1,000 and his other brother, Thomas,the remain der. He said his father and mother were dead, but he had two rich aunts in San Francisco. "I have $75 in my pocketj” he added, “that can be used lor my funeral expenses.” He made the request that the Rev. Father Carr, of Denver, preach his funeral sermon. Laphen then asked for a priest and prayed fervently. He lingered for over an hour in this horri hie condition, without a word ol com plaint, and then died. He was con scious until a few minutes of his death He was a member of Lodge No. 77, Order of Locomotive Firemen. The body has been brought to this city. Moultrie Iteme. Moultrie, Ga., May 29, 1889. To-day was the day for the big Al liance speech by the Hon. Ben Ter rell, State Alliance Lecturer, and everybody, it seems, was invited to come and bring their families and well filled baskets By nine o’clock our little town had become pretty well crowded with people, everi'body full of glad anticipation of 'what they were going to hear. About this hour uews arrived that the speaker was coming; but a short distance from town. He soon arrived, and was met by a 1 umber of the leading alliance- men of the county and conducted to Dr. G. C. Haines’ office, where lie was introduced to a great many Alli ance brethren. About 10 o’clock the county and sub alliances of the county met in se cret session, and about 11 o’clock the crowd was requested to go down to the speaker’s stand, in a nice, shady grove below Mr. Bryan's, wherd the speaking would soon begin. By this time it looked like everybody in the county had arrived. It has been many a day, if ever, since such a crowd was seen in Moultrie. As soon as the crowd was gathered at the stand the Hon. Ben Terrell was introduced to the audience by Rev. E. II. Bryan. The speaker en tertained his hearers for about an hour, carefully expounding every sub ject pertaining to the farmer and the alliance cause, which was listened to with the closest attention. HLs speech was so clear and conservative that no unbiased person could possibly find the least c bjection to it. After the speaker closed it was an nounced that dinner would be served, and everybody was requested to stay and pnrtakeof the refreshments. Bas kets, boxes and buckets were soon coming in from every direction, and I have not often seen a table piled up with so many good tilings. After a blessing had been asked by Mr. A. Bagley, the order was given to ad vance and then tall back, that all might have a chance at the bountiful repast the good ladies had brought there. After dinner the young people re paired to the court house, where the evening was spent in various amuse ments. Respectfully, ' B. New Identic on Iziffe. Consumption is hereditary in my family; my father died of it. From early childhood I had symptoms of lung disease; had asthma until I was twelve yerrs old; had a hacking cough which continued constantly, and when I was 25 years old began to have hurting in iny breast, and frequently pains in my shoulders, and sharp cut ting pains when I coughed. After going through the. usual course of medicine to no purpose, in 1885 1 commenced taking Swift’s Specific After using a half dozen bottles it gave me relief. I improved in flesh and strength, and felt better all over. The Specific stopped my consumption be fore it was developed, and saved my life. I know my lungs were diseased Irom childhood, and I know S. S. S. has given me a new lease on life. I cannot say too much in favor of that medicine, for, in addition to saving my life, it was the only thing that gave health to my little boy, who, from his second to his seventh year, was a pale, sickjy child, suflering constantly with his head and stomach. He is now well, fat and growing right along, all from taking S. S. S. Mrs. S. J. Snyder, Bowling Green,Ky. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Tliomasvllle Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Dayis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS Nev?el Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wiiv Screen Doors and' Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH . BriTCOIIItKSPONDENCR SOLICITED. When you are con templating’ a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved FRESH MEATS. We will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. P. II. Bone a fine stock of fresh meats.- Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats arc from our own farms, fat, juicy and sweet. We will be glad to receive your patronage and will serve you with the best meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn & Buo -H A Baptist Minister Meets Death in a Peculiar Manner. Hawkinsville, Ga., May 27.— Rey: George W. Murray was found last Friday at the gate of Bcunett Holt, in Wilcox county, where he was on a visit, lying under his horse, crushed to death. His horse was lame iu the left fore leg, and it is supposed that the horse fell ott him as he tried to mount to go to his home. He was buried Saturday. He was a Baptist minister, seventy- five years old. About twelve miles below here, a horse hitched to a buggy was found dead. A valise aud sample case were in the buggy. It is not known what became of the driver. The horse be longed to a livery stable in Cochran, it is thought. Eupepuy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thou sands are searching for it daily, and mourn ing because they find it not. Thousands up on thousands of dollars arc spent annually by our people in the hope they may obtuin this boon. And yet it may be bad by all. Wc guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion aud oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupcpsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases *jf Diver, Stom- achc and Kidneys, Hold at 50c and $1.00 per bottle by H. J. CASS ELS, Druggist. Wall paper at low pi Ices, select put- erns. . Geo. W. Forbes, M&?ury Building Best dried peaches 15c. lw. T. J. Ball a Bh«>., Grocers. MILLINERY. Long advertisements of “im mense stocks below cost,” at tract attention, but it is the quiet work that tells. We haven’t as big lists in the pa- per as some people, but what wo say in the paper we confirm in the store. Let us attract your attention by bargains in Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes and all fash ionable head-wear. You can buy two hats from us for the price asked for one elsewhere. Is it not to your interest * to save your money rather than waste it on high prices and big profits. Pic nic hats a specialty this week. Mrs. Jennie Fari’oll, Low Price Milliner, Lower Broad St, GEORGE FEARN, REAL ESTATE ACIVT, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Citj and Cotntrj Propcrfi far Sale, HOUSES RENTED And Tnxca i-t Id. DOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your properly Election Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that, In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council of Tliomasvlllo, Georgia, at a regular meeting held May 20tli 1889, au election will be held at tho court house, In said town, on tho 26th day of June. 1889, at which election tho question of “bonds" or “No Bonds," will bo submitted to the qualiflod voters of said town. Tho object of said election Is to submit to tho voters of said town tho question of issuing bonds not to exceed In tho aggrogato fifteen thousand dollars. Tho proceeds arising from tho sale of said bonds, If issued, to be applied, first, to tho purchaso of land for park pur poses, aud the balance. If any, to be used in paying off any indebtedness there may be of said town for water works, or be applied to the improvement and oxtenslon of tho water works systom in said town. This uotlco Is given In accordance with an Act of the General Assem bly of Georgia, approved Sept. 21st, 18tf(. And It is ordered that this notlco ho published In th newspapers published lu said town of rhomasvUle anco a weok for four weeks prior to said election. By order of tho Council. ~ ^ H.W. HOPKIXM, Mayor. K. T. McLEAN, Clorli, By coming to look over our large and well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur- nishing Goods, Hats, etc., that is new and seasonable. Decide Quickly To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impossible to do as well elsewhere. NO r lames Can be found. We get the choice of the )est goods on the market, andbuy and sell them at LOW. Saw Mill for Sale Latonia lea Go. Ice made from pure watei ami! delivered anywhere in the ci .y daily. Send in your orders to works mar the passenger depot. janJ ly FOR SALE A good DO-horse power Engine, ami saw mill complete, with a new Sweep-stakes Planer, 4 mules, log carts, wagons, etc., and down, and within 0 miles of Thomasvillc, is | A Manvel Wind-Mill offered at a bargain because the owner has other business requiring his attention. Fur ther particulars on application at the TiMks- ExTEnpniSE office, With .complete attachments—ono lilt pump, ope 8,000 gallon tank, and water towor with RJP°- etc., ready for uac. Original cost, *300. Will eoll lor $200. H. W. HOPKINS. You can Depend Upon It That our prices are the lowest, our*as- sortment the most complete, and our quality the highest. Dont fail to call on USr _ C. H. YOUNG & GQ Clothiers and Furnishers. 106 Broad St,