The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 30, 1889, Image 3

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AT SPECIAL BARGAINS I THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1889 Local Schedule. Fast mail fur Savannah.T 1 . Ar... 9 25 a in •• •• “ “ Lv.. .12 40 p m ■ “ from ' “ Ar... 1 31 p m “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200pm Train for Albany Lv... 930am “ from •• ✓Ar... 5 20pm " “ “for Savannah Lv... 6 60pm Freight anil aocom. from Wave.. Ar... 3 46 p m “ “ for “ Lv... 8 40am “ “ •• “ Cbatt. Lv... 4 45pm “ »• *• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15a in •• “ " .forAlbany Lv...4 25p ** “ •* from “ Ar... 7 55 a THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accoro. for Monticello LV...8 45 a •• “ from “ ....Ar...6 20 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lv.. .206 p m “ “ from ...»Ar..l2 10 p m THE LeCONTE BLIGHT. In order to reduce our tre mendously large stock of Dry (roods, Clothing, etc., we offer special inducements in the way of prices, in every de partment of our two large stores. A NEW DEPARTURE! A Bamam The Government Expert Declares the Blight in Thomas County Not Serious. Albany News. There is nqflhing of more public interest to the people of this section than the investigation, being made by the Government’s special agent in Thomas county, of the blight to the LeConte pear that lias so alarmed the people. There are several interested in pear culture in this immediate locality, and the blight, its causes and remedy have been freely and intelligently discussed. Col. Nelson Tift and Mr, B. F. Wilder, two of our most practical men, and as close and intelligent ob servers as enu be found, agree that the blight,'of in Thomas county, of which sporadic cases have appeared here and elsewhere, is the result of too vigorous and rapid a growth of the top, which too severe ly taxes the roots, and that proper The Ladies will take ad vantage of the good things to he found on our bargain counter. Dont tail to see our BARGAIN COUNTER. pruning would cure it. The Thomasville correspondent of the Savannah News, under date of Mav 25th, gives the following inter esting letter on the subject: "Considerable interest has been awakened in the minds of the public from reports going out from this point of damage to pear trees—the famous LeConte. Tk e £e originated from the fact that Mr. Waita, an emplpye of the United States Government in the Agricultural Department, had been seut here through the instrumentality of some of the nigh officials of the Sn- ranuab, Florida and Western rail road to investigate the condition of the fruit crop in this section and no tably the LeConte pears. H. Wolff &Bro The attention of the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer in Cloth ing, Underwear, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. We arc offering Goods cheap in order to reduce our immense stock. You arc respectfully invited to call early and inspect. A SKIN DISKASJJ. Mr. Waite is an expert in his line and is giving a close and scientific in vestigation' to the subject. It has some points of infinitesimal nicety ihat requires the closest scrutiny, and Mr. Waite is not yet prepared to give his opinion on the subject, but goes go far as to say that the disease is bac teria, a skill disease, and not the re sult of an insect, Jlis theory is that it. is caused by forcing, or a preponder ance of sap .'Q the tree, and his opin ion is sustained by the observations of growers ot the tree. HOW TO TREAT IT. He docs not look upon the disease a8 of great importance, and thinks that it can best be treated by judi cious pruning or cutting out of the diseasea twigs or litnbs. thus stopping the decay, as you would by removing an injured finger, hand or arm on a human body. Your correspondent docs not pretend to quote Mr. Waite, who says he is not yet ready to make a report, hut gives fiis views from gep- eral conversation. As soon as he is prepared to make a report he will fur nish the News with it. A KISS AT THE DOOR. We were standing in the doorway, My little wife and I; The golden sun uponlhcr hair Fell down so silently; A small white hand upon ray arm— What could I ask for more Than the kindly glance of loving eyes. As she kissed me at the door? 1 know she loves with all her heart The one who stands beside, And the years have been so joyous, Since first I called her bride; We’ve had so much of happiness Since we met in years before, Hut the happiest time of all was wi;en She kissed me at the door. Who carc3 for wealth or land or gold, For fames or matchless power? It does not give the happiness Of just one half an hour With one who loves me as her life— She says she loves me more— And I thought she did this morning, When she kissed me at the door. At times it seems that all the world, Witii all its wealth of gold, Is very small and poor indeed, Compared with what I hold; And when the clouds hang grim and dark, 1 only think the more Of one who waits the coming step To kiss me at the door. If she lives till age shall scatter Its frost upon her head, I know she'll love me just the same As the morning, we were wed; Hut if the angels call her. And she goes lo heaven before, I shall know her when I meet lier- Fpr she ll kiss me at the door. The Power of Faith. From the New York Mercury. “Yas, my bruthrin,” said Parson Gabo Ransom in the course of his set- mon, “foith can move mountains an' dig tunnels. When you go to pray hold on to yo’ faith an’ keep a-wrest- lin’, an’ you’ll tret what you want af ter awhile. Now, last night I had a mos’ powerful 'lustration of de power ot faith. Brer Toleson, dat yon see ober dar 'bout the middle o’ de con gregation, he spent do night at my house las’ night. Well, brer Toleson hadn’t been wid me long to' I fouu’ out dut, ho had a flask o’ whisky in his pocket. Well, blest ef he didn t spend de whole evenin’, plum twel bedtime, widout axin’ me to tas’c his liquor. Co’se I wouldn’t ‘a’ to’ched it, but, all de same,- he ought ‘a’ showed do right sort o’ neighborly speri|, by 3?in’ mo to see cf ’twas any ’count. Den I thought Brer Toleson ought to be punished for actin’ in dat way; and when he went to sleep I prayed to dc Lawd to let dat whisky in his pocket be turned into water; an' I kept on prayin’, an’ at las’ I knowed ft 'twas pope turn tq wiper ’cause I got up an’ took a las’e of it. Now, Brer Toleson, I' want you to ris at yo’ seat an' tell dig congregation ef 1 haven’t been tellin’ de troof.” Brother Toleson arose and began: “My bruthrin, Brer Ransom has told you de troof, an’ great is de pov’r pf faith. -1 always take a little whiskey i'ouud in my pocket ('ey do weak stomach’s sake. I been 'flioted all my life wid wenk stomach. Well, Proof Positive. The best test of a medicine is what is thought of it at home. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is on sale at every drug store in the city, all of whom would as soon think of doing without castor oil in their stores as without the P. P. P.| the prince and king of all blood medicines. For syphilitic eruptions, old sores, scrofula, skin eruptions, blood poison and rheuma tism, take only P. P. P. It cures quickly and makes a permanent cure. It gives new life, new strength and new appetite, For Females—Physicians declare it is the best regulator for the various female com plaints. L. STEYERMAH & aud Indige=tion in its worst, form is cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to re gain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy. For shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. is the king of all medicines. * P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggists. East Indian Corn Paint is a swift and painless cure forcorns,bunions and warts. Makes no sores and requires no cutting. E. A. Abbott former proprietor; now controled by Lippman Brothers,|Savan< nab, Ga. A *«•«!> of I'nper Hares Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physi cians that she was incurable and could only live a short time; she weighed less than sev enty pounds. On a piocc of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and pot a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it lielpc«l her more, bought another and gfew better fast, con tinued its use and is now strong, healthy, ro9y, plump, weighing 149 pounds. For fur ther particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery Free at S. J. Cassels' Drug store. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bn<l witii Exzemn. Hair nil Clone. Scalp covered with eruptions,Thought hla hnir would noVer grow, •lured by remedies. Hnir ftplendid ni|d not n pimple on liluy. Remedies. My l»oy, who when one year of age, was so bau with eczema that he lost all his hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, ing of a cure from physicians I began tho use of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His liuir *is now splendid and there is not a pimple ou him. pimp recommend thcCuticur i Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and suro cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that cry mother who lias an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M E. WOODSUM, Norway. Me A I'cvcr Wore Light Year# Cured. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customepj, who lias hegn cured l>v using Cutlou- -a Ilomodies, of an old sorC. caused by a long spelLof sickness or fever eight yoars ago. He was so bad ho was fcarfnl ho would havc^to have his leg amputated, but is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is H. H. Cason, merchant of this place JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, ~ ‘ iboro,Tcti The leaders of Styles. MR. VAItXADOE NOT ALARM Hi). > In' an interview with Mr. L. A. Varnadoc, the introducer of the Le Conte pear in this section, he says that he is not alarmed about the dis ease, that he has seen it for the past ten years to some extent, and jt is simply a disease to which all things having life are subject, but that the LeConte is less liable to it than any other pear tree. It does not attack young trees, but only those having blooms. He thinks it the result of an insect which feeds on the bloom and burrows in the twig, and says that he has magnified the insect and can plainly see that it is animal life. iias a mo cnor. He attaches no importance to it, however, and says that he lias this year the largest crop he ever made, and will ship a carload from his neighborhood, every other day this season. Sir, Varnadoo savs the Le Conte can get along with less rain than any other fruit trec known. The crop in this section is, without a doubt, an average one, but it is not so in other places. The climate, soil, etc., of Thomas county, seems partic ularly adapted to the cultivation of the LeConte. In answer to what Bishop Potter said of “Jacksonian vulgarity,” James Partou, the biographer, ifiiotcs Louis PhiUippe as saying that General Jack son was the most courteous man and the most thorough gentleman he had ever mot. las’ night, while I slcepiu’ at Brer Ransom’s I woke up in de night wid weak ctqmiinb, an’ I reached for my flask o’ whiskey; am’ bleat TOP of 'twa'n't right full o’ water, Well, me an’ Brer Ransom lmd been talkin’ ’bout tie power o’ prn’rful faith; so I knelt down an’ prayed de Lord to turn dat water iuto brandy’ zackly like dat bottle o’ brandy dat I knowed was in Brer Ransom's cupboard; Ml’in less an’ two minutes dat flask was full o’ brandy. Yns, bruthrin, great is tie power o’ faith. Den I prayed to have dat brandy sweetened, an’, ’twas sweetened; an’ I drunk de las’ drop ob it jes’ now while Brer Ransom was leadin’ in pra’r. Yas, brthrin, such a 'lustration of dc power of faith as pie an’ Brer Ransom ’sperienced Ins’ night dat don’t happen often in a lifetime.” Brother Toleson sat down, and Par son Ransom arose: Galnatoro, '.ftyiirg .Meatp JMscium. Cured, Two At 31-2 Cents per Yard. dER THE PLA.CE!' - L. Steyerman & Bro.’s. v . ' ' One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk of the town, petition completely baffled. f}€ir !> CalI and be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., Com- 12!) BROAD STREET. THOMASVILLE. A low condition of health is common with mqny who allow themselves to worry. Mental anguish causes bodily sufferings. Anxiety and care lias broken down many constitutions. A train of disorders usually follow mental distress. Heart affections, nervousness, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney troubles, etc., are among the list. A sure remedy for relieving all mental and physical distress is Brown’s Iron Bitters. It at once strengthens every part of the body, making work a pleasure nnd care unknown. YOU MAY HE TOO MODEST, But, you certainly are not ntraid to ask for something to rollovo you of a torpid liver—of bad blood. You need it right now, and Cnlisaya Tonic is the article. A leading physician writes: ItlWiKVlI.LK, S. C. Dour Sir: Von will please send me two bottles of your Cnlisaya Touic. The hot lie yon gave mo has given sat isfaction beyond my expectation. * * Hoping yon very great success with your tonic, I am verv truly yours, W. B. Way, M, U, This standard preparation Is sold by all druggists at fifty cents and a dollar a hot lie. TUE WOMEN PRAISE B. B. B. KILL FLIES. Insect Powder Fly Paper. UasSEI.s’ PllAllMAOV, 118 Broad street. coivml no relief from tho various remedios she used Until she tried Cuticura. Tho disease drouoptiv yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entire y well. There baa Cuticura Itcmcrilew. Are a positivo cure for every form of skin ;caip, ami blood diseases, with loss of hair, froq: rihnples to sctplular, cjxqcpc possibly Uclmiyo sis. Sold everywhere. J’rice, Cuticura. 5oc.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared l»y the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass iaF~Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases," 61 pages, 50 illustrations, and too testimonials. JERSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any quantity,deliverea, on application to, or by addressing _ .. , JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, I860. TAILORING. Thoro is an end to all things, so tho people say, but thoro is no oiui to tho splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in tho noatost manner. Givo mo a call. John Kenny. DflDV’C Skin and sea p preserved ami beauti- DfiHi 0 flon by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely imp*; * EVERY MUSCLE ACHED Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains i and weaknesses relieved in one mfn- ^ ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas- he first and only instantaneous pain-kill- ‘ ' * ' 25 cents. \m lit) nt, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave* nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I. LaRociib, . Flctcherville, i left Still a few of those napkins and doilc: at Pickett’s. They will be sacrificed in order to make room for groceries. Dry goods must from Pickett’s, “My friends,” said the parson, “1 fully ’agree wid what Ilrer Toleson done told vou 'bout de power o’ faith; but when lie go to pray for brandy I don’t see what business he got raixin v w iti, three springs.' Free; my bottle o’brandy up in his pra’rs; and chalybeate water. For an’ when I git home -1 gwiuo right straight an’ see ef dc brandy in dat bottle done swunk any.” HOUSE FOB BEHT, 50 feet long, near dopot. Will make u good warehouse, work-shop or storage room, Kent $7.00 per month. Apply to Bass A McKinnon. One hundred pounds French candy just received at 5 28 5t A. O. Bitows’s. CATARRH OCRED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilot’s Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Bucklen’a Arnica Halve. The Best Halve in the World lor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Ohnpped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. FUN FOR HOUSE-KEEPERS. Lot of tine and medium price table Rued and Pickett will make the price to suit the customer. The goods must go even if I have to sacrifice them as 1 need tho room for the beary Shipment of groceries that are coming day. in every day. A few of those elegant water bucket in .ho way at PICKETT'S. till FOUNTAIN HEAD HOTEL, Knoxville’s favorite summer resort, will open for reception of guests June 1, 1889. Tito hotel is provided with all the latest mode,u iuipvoverrpnts and strictly first-class in every particular, having inside its en closure a dense woods and lovely park, reestone, limestone information, etc., address. P. A. O’BYRNK, tues tliurs sun Knoxville, Teun. Rovnl Crown linking Powders in glass, at T. J. BALL li BRO.’S,, Grocers, Magnolia Hams, at 121 cents per pound, t T. J. il.tu, A Bho.’s., flrocers. OLD LADIES COMFORT. Soft easy, noisicss s.ippcra buskin at 1125 per pair at Pickett's worth (12,(10 elsewbere, They arc in the way of Magnolia Hams and must go. Lemon ami Vanilla Wafers ami Lunch Biscuits, the finest in the city, found at A. C\ Brown's, 5 28 Bt Jackson Street Grocer. NOTICE. Notice ia Itorohy given that all par ties tiro prohibited from hunting on our lauds around aud near Union lake. This includes all the land w< own. A. T. McIntyre, Jit., II. J. McIntyre. May 25, 1881). Administrators’ Notice. GEORGIA—THOMAS COUNTY: Ail persons bavins claims against tho estato of 'held on Swift will present them to. the un - derogned within the next thirty days. May 23, 1889. R. B. MARDRE, Adm’r. PIANOS AND ORGANS. W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, ban se cured the agency fur afi tho first-class Pianos fijifi Organs, which lie Is soiling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Thoso desiring to purchaso will do well to learn his prices and terms. Milner, Ga. v I have had weak Lungs nearly all my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants W\thoqt$ny apnwnt benefit. I am now us ing Brewer’s Lung Restorer and lean safely affirm it is the oniy # remedy from which I have ever derived any benefit. W. L. Martin. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm )* Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for proofs. B. L. Cassidy, Konncsaw, Ga., writes: ‘‘Three bottles of IL B. B. cured my wife of scrofula." Mrs. R, M. Laws, Znlabr. Fla., writes: "I hane never used anything to equal B.B.B.” Mrs. C. H. Gay, Rocky Mount, N. C.^. writes: “Not r day fo 15 years was I free from headache. B. B. B‘, entirely relieved me. I feel like mother person." Jas. VY. Lancaster, Hawkinsrillc, Ga. # writesi “My wife was in bad health for eight years. FivAioctors and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her." Miss S, Tomlinson, .Atlanta, Ga., says: “For years I suffered with rheumatism, oaused by kidney trouble and indigestion, I was also feeble and nervous. B. B. B. re lieved me at once, although several other medicines had failed." “Rev. J. M. Richardson, Clarkston. Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my church had been cured by U. B. B. She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. Itlv rnivii Knr rpliof ** U., as it quickly gave her relief.” LAUNDKY. Hcml us your laundry. Collars, •02jfi each, cuff's, .05 j>cv pair, shirts, .10 each. We guarantee all work lo be neat and clean. Send before 8 o’clock a. in. Wednesdays. C. II. Young Co. WPOLE8ALE AND’RETAIL -ol.At.EttS I« Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BliOAD STREET Goods Delivered, Pi'omvtly. Prices as Low as the Lowest! Moflifer, to euro chafing, rclicvii g baby, uso Boracine Toilet and Nursery Powder. It costs uorc, is superior and highly perfumed, McRae & Marti re. Thomasville; A. Bradford, Columbus: Alexander Drug and .Seed Co., Au- us n; F. Von Oven, Charleston, Agents. Reid & Culpepper are keeping up with the procession, they nave secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the finest preparation known for dyspepsia. It is guaranteed to cure. 4 0 tf MUSCJUITO BARS. Or all kinds. A good bar complete for Si.75. Patent bcadstead attachments. Agent for Armstrong’s patent canopies, made in walnut, cherrv and untique oak. Geo. W.Forbes, May 17 tf, Masury Building. Will tako contracts for wall papering, Can furnish reliable man and guarantee work- Geo, W. Fobbes, Masury Building. MAKE A BEST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the coun try by tiic East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October 31st. Fast train service with Pullman cars. B. W. WREXX, - Geu. Pass, and Ticket Agt. , E P O. Don’t waste time and money and undergo needless torture with the knife when Ethio pian Pile Ointment will afford instant re lief amfeertain cure in every ease ot blind, bleeding, itching, iutcrnal and external piles. Rangum Root Medicine Company, Nashville, Tenu. 50 ceuts and $1 per bottle. Sold by McRae k Mardre and S. J. Cassels. LAUNDRY. Collars sc.; cuffs 4c. per pair; shirts 9c. 'Work received up to 2:30 o’clock p. m., Wednesday will be returned Saturday morning. All work guaran teed as good as new. Sam M. Wolff, Agent, 109 and in llroad St. More mattings received this week. Now patterns tn seamless—fanoy. Geo. W. Fobbes Give us a call and wo promise to please you. B. B. PUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., —dealer in IT^Y J ti.J'YVAHE Stores, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, King’ of ail kinds, ami [agent forj a s Powder Co. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This ucw ami beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, * -e - ' -wmm ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First class in all of its appointments, has been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own* er and proprietor of the late Un WHITLOCK HOUSE.” I1L talfieand service will satisfy the most fastidious. His beds are dclightfol. Terms reasonable. Address, M. O. WHITLOCK* , Marietta, di,