The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 01, 1889, Image 1

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vol i -no r THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1889. Special OFFISH -for— This Week, News Notes About Town About People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. Carlos Helms is now at Wolff’s -^.“37 Capt, Paine has returned home. Mr. Duuwoody Jones, of Atlanta, is in the city. Mr. E. B. Hornady, of Atlnnta, is in the city. Summer coats were abandoned for a while yesterday. The plasterers arc at work on I)ekle & Cook’s store. Mr. J. I{. Forrester, of Albany, was at tho Stuart yesterday. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 5c, worth ioc. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 8c worth 12 1-2. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 10, worth 15c. 5,000 yaids Figured White Lawn at 12 i-2c, worth 20. Capt. Winter returned from Athens yesterday evening. Hr. Stegall took a trip up on the Albany division yesterday. Mr. W. F. Hubert went up to Camilla yesterday morning. Small shipments of Irish potatoes I arc being made from this place. This is a special drive and is well worth your atten tion. If you want to rent or buy a piano, or need a sewing machine, apple at this office. Mr. J. Claraudon Simmons, Louisville, Ky., is in the city. of Police Proceedings. Mayor Hopkins did not have many offenders to initiate into the myster ies of law transgressions yesterday morning. The following cases were disposed of. Wesley Hansel), a small boy, was up for fighting for the first time. He was let off with the cost. AVillie Fra zier, discharged. Annie Thomas, dis orderly conduct, fined 84. Emma Coleman, charged with same ofieuce, discharged. John Davis, fined 811 for contempt of court, in failing to obey summons. Masonic Notice. Notice is hereby given that doting G. H. P. Wollehein, who was an nounced to he in Thomasvillc on Monday night, June .'ird, to revive It. A. Chapter and confer degrees, has postponed the appointment to Monday night, June 10th. Charter members and candidates will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. M. Six Men Killed by the Blowing Down of a Building. Extending the Mains. The force was busy yesterday ex cavating for the purpose of laying the water mains on tipoer Broad Street' Parties who desire water will do well to notify Superintendent Thompson at once that no delay may result. In this matter it is like going to mill— first come, first served.” 5,000 yards India Linen at 5c, \ worth ioc. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 8c, .worth 12 :-2. 5,000 yards white India Linen at idc, worth 15. Iiev. J. W. Hinton was in the city yesterday. We have the best and largest assort ment of white lawns ever offered in this market. Would call your special atten tion to our 20c Nuiliber, Fires were plentiful nnd decidedly comfortable ou yesterday. Mr. C. S. Adams, of New York, is stopping at the Stuart House. Jim Blnckshear, tho inimitable, was in to\vu yesterday, talking crops. Miss Maud Dickerson, a charming young lady of Bainbridge, is visiting Miss Jeter. Three new pigeon traps passed through the city yesterday for the Boston Gun Club, Mr. R. W. Gladding went np to Bacontou yesterday, returning last night. Mr. Gladding’s route, tho Monon, reaching from Lou sCille to Chicago, was perfectly willing to reduce rates on melons beyond the Ohio, but other roads would not agree. This friendly dbnpsttion on the port of the Monon 'mtt jlfiTproperly 'appre ciated by melon growers. which in width, fin ish and sheerness of| woof, surpasses any thing ever shown at this price. Mrs. Pete Bone was called to Macon yesterday by the illness of a relative. Mr. George Faison, of Moultrie, is in the city visiting his son, Mr. J. W. Faison. It is his first visit in about four years. lion. Arthur Patten went over to 25 dozen bleached damask towels, knotted fringe, at 15c, well worth Cairo yesterday on busiuces for the Title and Guarantee company. 25c. ■J'” 25 dozen Huckabock Towels at ioc, "y/orth 25c. For 25c we can give you the very best towel, 1 1 4 yards long, all linen and fast colored borders, ever shown in Thomasville.' Willie Fleming has returned from Bainbridge. While there lie went on a steamboat excursion down the Chat tahoochee river. Augusta, Thomasville and Gulf. Mr. Rike, of Carabclle, Fla., was in the city ycitcrday. He says that the railroad to tho gulf has been changed to the Augusta, Thomasville and Gulf R. R., and he seems sanguine of its early completion. The state gives the road fifteen thousand acres of land for every mile of road completed. Danville, Va., May 30.—A terrible rccident occurred here to-day. J. G. Penn was building a large brick tobac co factory on Bridge street, nearly 200 long and six stories high. The walls had been completed,and the carpenters were at work on it. The wind was blowing hard, and about 2 o’clock tills afternoon the entire building came down with a crash. Robert Pruitt, William Young, G. B. Jones, Buck Hooper and D. N. Collie were killed. Henry Oates will die and six others were badly injured. It is the worst accident of the kind known in*the city. .Several men were buried in the ruins and considerable time elapsed before they were extricated. NEAk THE FROST LINK. ' Montgomery,Ala.,May 30.- -There has been a considerable fall in the temperature in the last twenty-four hours. Fires and overcoats are in demand. There is no danger of frost, but it is very near the line. Missouri’s rig storm. Kansas City, Mo., May 30.—The storm of Tuesday and Tuesday night was general over Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, and delayed nearly all trains coming into Kansas City. Near ly all the telegraph poles along the Southern railroad were blown down and south of Ida, Kan., there were many overflows. THE TORNADO AT CLEMENTS. Emporia, Kan., May 30.—Captain Milton Brown was the only person killed outright in the Clements tornado. His wifcjjjoweve STORMS PLAY SAD HAVOC. signal service bureau R. Thomas Jr's-126 Broad Street. O. S. Boalurant Vount3er Observe Wont her li>i!inliii for the 24 hours ending nt ■ o'clock I’. M. May 31, 1R80. Tkmpbratdre. 7 a. in - I>. >n 70 7 p. 111 Maximum for 24 hours, Minimum Rainfall.. Latest Telegraphic News. Florida is Safe. Montgomery, Aea., May 30.— Dr. Jeroue Cochran, state health offi cer of Alabama, has returned from a trip to South Florida and Ilavanna. He went to investigate the yellow fe ver situation. He reports that there has been no yellow fever in Florida since January, except one case rc- ! ported in April at Sanford. In Ha- vanna he found a little fever, only a dozen to twenty cases a week. He says the general health of the people is exceptionally good, and gives it a3 his opinion that there will bo no frenh outbreak of yellow fever in Florida this summer unless there is fresh im portations of the disease. Blaine Intends to Stick. Washington, May 30.—Secretary Blaine said to a friend to-duy: “I see that- the newspapers are resigning me again. I can stand it if they can. They do not seem to know that I took my present place to continue the work I began in 1881, and that I diall not resign till I have at least ac complished some of it. I expect, of course, to lcmaiu here throughout the administration.” PRICES AT LEVY’S Burned. We learn from a card from G. L. Taylor, a colored preacher who lives here, that while in Oconee, visiting his brother, the house was burned and he lost all his possessions. Taylor is a traveling Baptist preacher and we are sorry to learn of his. killed, and fruit trees badly nipped by the frost. Missouri’s little deluge. Mexico, Mo., May 30.—The rain fall of Tuesday, Tuesday night and yesterday was 4.9 inches, larger than j ever before reported in this section. .. ,, ! The rain was accompanied by heavy Mh. Editor: : winds. Much damage was done to Please allow me spac^in your col- the wheat crop, which was just begin- live, having had her leg almost tom from her body Their son. Edward, had his leg and shoulder broken Miss Sarah Brown had her ankle broken and is internally injured, and a baby is also badly hurt. The storm was about 100 fee' in width and traveled around Clements, tallowing the course of die Cottonwood river in a south easterly course, and more than? dozen farms are denuded of their buildings -id orchards, and the crops are rie stroyed. A FREEZE AT CHEBOYGAN. Cheboygan, Mich.. Mav 30 It froze hard here Tuesday niuht, ice forming an eighth of an inch thick. Eariv vegetables and tender plants The Georgia Editors. The Memphis Avalanche of Wed nesday says: A meeting was held yesterday A Card. . Our new and elegant selection of Challies are still all the rage, and are selling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some very choice patterns left, which we are offering at greatly reduced rates, Mr. P, B. Slays, of Moutioelio, was in the city yesterday. Ho says the T. G. C. will receive a challenge from them soon. £?ui remnant cqunterjor this week contains some very desirable bar gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. Messrs. George and Thad Reese went up to Americus yesterday to witness the marriage of their brother Mr. Otis Reese, of that place. All lines complete. Stock acknowledged to be the largest. Prices lower than ever. Do not fail to nomo and inspect. We are anxious to show you our goods whether you buy or not. Mr. Hansell Merrill has returned home. He went to Atlanta to attend the Supreme Court, anr] to Birming ham, Ajg. Mr. Nelms, of the Boston club, made a splendid record Thursday in the match, breaking twenty-four out of a possible twenty-five. This was the highest individual score made. Mr. W. Hall Parker is uow with Messrs. Steyepnap, pp Rmd street. Hall has many friends in the city whom he will bp glad to see at his new place of business, Hon. Henry G. umns to return my sincere thanks to! nin 2 t0 turn - the good people of Thomasville for ENI) 01 A drought the kind attention shown me during my recent illness. Respectfully, A. S. White. Mr. S. N. Beach takes charge of the prescription department of the Mitchell House Pharmacy to-day. Mr. Beach, tylio is a graduate of the College of Pharmacy, New York, has been with the Brighton Drug Store for the past six months, and is quite popular. Turner and his daughter passed through the city yes terday, cn route home from a visit of a few days to Atlanta and Macon. F.N.Lolmsteia, Miss Lucy Harrison, of Marshall- ville, who has been visiting thp fami ly pf Mr. Leb Dekle, in Fletcherville, left Ii 1 lor hprhome yesterday at &3() o’clock. Miss Harrison made many Mr. R, A. Lytle, a prominent mer chant of Bainbridge, accompanied by his wife and Miss Maud Dickenson, passed through the city yesterday 011- route for New York, where they will spend two months. c-ium; aivi-jn mrougn a portion ol | U J’ iin d down file river, returning alley this afternoon. J’lie barn '’™ m| t D o'clock, hn \V. Criswell was biown down, in charge of tho committee the _ . i- „—„ - - ■ guests will lie driven around the city, then to the Cotton and Merchants’ Exchange building, where the mem bers ol both will meet and welcome Mr. Robert E. llruoe, contractor and byilder, of this place, who has been at Tjfton some time, has r?tprp- ed for a few days, I jo says every thing L in an excitement up there ou account of the recent Youug-Gold- en tragedy. Mbs Ida Sheffield came up from ! Quincy, Fla., yesterday apti spent the .low ™i*l. Xf.-„o TN... T> Tl c„ . day with # at e Ball. Miss Shef- Helt} leave? to-day for her home at Cedar Springs, Ga. New Orleans, May 30.—Dispatch es from many points in I.ousiana and Mississippi show that a drought of several weeks was broken yesterday by good rains. A CYCLONE IN WEST’t .RclNIA. Baltimore, May 30.—'The Sun’s Marlinsburg (IV. Va.) special says: ‘‘A cyclone swept through a portion of this vail of John killing J. R. Powell and fatally injuring John Yogle, who had taken refuge therein from the storm Vogle was brought to town, but died to-night, l’owell leaves a wife and fourteen chil dren. Wheat was beaten to the ground, trees uprooted and much fencing de stroyed.” RAIN IN FLORIDA. Jacksonville, May jo.-Tiie drouth of the past six or seven weeks ended yesterday, and showers continued to day with promise of more rain. Or ange trees have sited their fruit bad ly, and young trees have died in some sections. It is feared that the loss on the next crop will Le serious in both quality and quantity. In some Parts of the state no rain had (alien since the first week in March. The present rains are general. SNOW IN -MICHIGAN. Detroit, Mich., May 30.— A heavy afternoon int-*.. make «... = , WKL tertainment of the membirs of the Georgia Editorial Association, who will arrive here to morrow morning. President Peters for the Merchant’s Exchange, and President. Woodson fur tlie Cotton Exchange, instructed tlie meeting to consider their respec- institutious surrendered to the Georgia journalists for the time being, to iin v extent of courtesies and hospi talities the entertainment committee 'might see proper to assign. Both gentlemen, along with Capt. Arnold for tlie Jockey Club, said that Mem phis should go into the business for ■ill it was worth, promising their indi - vicinal contributions and influence, were | and bespeaking liberal co-operation ’ I r °ni the business committee. Captain Arnold, in behalf of his club, extend ed tlie courtesies of tho club-house at Montgomery Park, stating thnt he was only sorry tlie time was too short to arrange a trotting race or two for the further entertainment of tho vis itors. The day will.he spent in the follow- ' imm nor: At (i:30 a. in.-—Reception and en tertainment committees meet at the Peabody and ride down to the Kan sas City, Memphis and Birmingham railroad depot, to meet tlie party and escort them to the I’eobouy, where hrcakfa«t will i/e served at H o'clock. a. m.—Same committee again meets at the Peabody and escorts vis hors to steamer C. B. Bryan, which will take tlie party on an excursion to close out for the season. Call and see our 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered floun- ings coming. They will be open for in spection on the 22nd. For genuine good goods, at closing out prices, call at 9M. 1321BE0ABf3f.. 1J0B.SJA0KS0N. , . ,;r For Sale ?r Rent. friends and acquaintances while in i A piano, good as new. Also a our citv ’ * ’ j eomparatiTely new Singer sewing machine °‘ ,r C, V ’ - 1 for sale. Apply at this offic e c I tf • , / rtnt.a»y tall of snow for this season of the year :s reported from several parts ot the state to-day. At Schoolcraft the snow - is 4 inches deep and still falling, while at Portland and Flint the average depth is 2 inches, but owing to alftiost a hur ricane it has drifted to a much greater depth. The damage to crops is great 'eahody Leaving the (*eabody at 2:30 o’clock p. m., they will lie escorted to the East ,n.l dummy,where they will ’ oep ] aeed aboard a train and Ken to Montgora- e P;,l a rk. ihere the real festivities °t tlie '..ay will occur. After the ob servances tlie guests will be returned to the Peabody to take supper, if they desire, thence to proceed to the spe cial train in waiting at the. foot of Monroe street and proceed to Kansas City. A firm who recently sent out “re minders” of unpaid bills to certain of its customers received in response to ,;) . ne ,?*" them, to whom “plenty of time” had been granted, this touching appeal: “You have been very good to me. Please continue to be good, and I will pay you soon.” 80 per- Levy’s Dry (Ms House Mitcliell House Corner siiasivc an application for an exten sion ot time had its effect, and- the members of The firm voted, in execu tive session, tc he “good” a little while longer. -’Y*.-f*- - - . , 1 i -/