The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 06, 1889, Image 3

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MELIK Your attention is called to the elegant stock of Dress Goods, suitable for commencement. We had an especial eye on the selection of our commence ment Dresses, and have the nicest and largest stock to se lect from in this city. We are showing an elegant stock of White Dress Goods COMPRISING India, and Man Lais, Dotted Swisses, Plain anil Fancy Embroidered Rouncings! All-over Embroideries Swiss Edgings and Insertings, China and India Silks, Fine Fine French Challies, "With White Dress Goods and Trim mings to match. WE HAVE also [IE ft JR! WEST STYLES IN t)bons and Sash Ribbons, The prettiest Fans ever Shown in Thomasville, 1 The l!est Corsets, The daintiest Hdk’fs, c Latest in Gloves, The most Stylisli Parasols, T.&A.S. Kaliski’s Fine Shoes THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPR1SE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1883 Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah. .Ar... 9 25a m LV...12 49 p m * “ from “ Ar... 1 31 p m “ “ for Chattahoochee Lr... 200pm Train for Albany 1.7... 9 30am “ from •• Ar... 5 20pm “ “ “forSavannah Lv... 0 50pm Freight amt accoin. from Wayc..Ar... 3 45 p m 8 40 a m “ “ “ “ Chatt. Lv... 4 45pm “ •• from Cliatt. Ar... 7 15 a in •• “ " for Albany Lv... 4 25pm “ “ from “ Ar... 7 55am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight aeeoro. for Monticello Lv.. .8 45 a in “ from “ ....Ar...6 20 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 06 p m “ “ from “ ....Ar..l210 p m A ruin and hail storm is reported about five miles from town, in the di rection of the river. The hail was not large enough to do any damage to the fruit. West & Fearu have gotten their haudsome new desk, made by the Thomasville Variety Works. It is a beauty and show3 that as good work can be done in Thomasville as in any other place. lease couie ami sec us before taking your purchases, and e will save you money. A Close Call. The other day, while the hands on Mr. Ainsworth’s farm were cutting oats, a stroke of lightning prostrated the horses and two men employed with the reaper, and broke the reaper in several places. It was a close call, but fortunately the men and horses recovered without serious damage. County Court. Richard Long, who was arraigned in Judge Mitchell’s court on a charge of simple larceny, was adjudged guilty aud sentcuced to a fine of ten dollars and costs or chain gang for fi months It is more than likely he will serve the county in its laudable effort to improve the roads. Temperance Lecture. On next Tuesday, the lltb, at 8 o’clock p. m.*, Rev. J. D. Anthony will deliver a lecture on temperance, nt the Methodist church in this place. Mr. Anthony, iu a recent issue of the Christiau Advocate, Nashville, Tenn., is very properly styled, “since Dr. Pierce’s death, one who comes nearest being 'the old man eloquent.’” The lecture is to be delivered under the auspices of the Womans’ Christian Temperance Union, a band of “noble workers,” of whom the Atlanta Con stitution, in a recent issue, says! The Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union. Do you know what they are doing? Doubtless you have glanced at the accounts of their meetings. Perhnps you lmvo read a little of the story of their work and—wondered. Quiet, unostentatious, claiming no glory for themselves; asserting nothing in a bravado spirit for the holy cause that they advocate. But their’s is a sacred theme. In the highways aud byways they are forever going about, doing good. Nothing of that fanaticism which makes men rebellious; none of tbnt pugnacity which gives their adversa ries cause to complain. They but advocate that which every intelligent man and woman must sanction, the strengthening of the bulwarks that are raised by their patient hands, for the defense of mankind in its weak ness; the advocacy of all of the nobler principles that elevate the human race. They are not entering the arena of public discussiou for the sole object of securing frivolous and empty tri umphs. They seek not, neither do they covet the vain glorious applaur* of a giddy multitude. They come not arrayed iu the gaudy pharaphernalia of some selfish band of loud-mouthed theorists, supported by waving ban ners aud the crash of the drum and blast of the bugle, to herald forth their doctrines in such a way as to give the idler aud the vagabond an opportunity to while away an hour of The Hum of Machinery. The reporter dropped into the Va riety Works of Messrs. Hargrave, Reynolds & Davis, on Oak street, yesterday morning and was surprised at the growth of their business. Ev ery thing was iu motion, from the massive engine that gave life to the machinery, to the smallest tool. A large order for handsome man tles, made of our Georgia piue, was being filled for Bainbridge aud Val dosta. And, by the way, a lot of fine work for smaller adjacent towns is being done here. Thomasville being given the preference over larger pla ces. In .mother part of the shop the large window frames tor the new Episcopal church were being made, and for design and finish they will he all that could be desired. Sir. Har grave informed the reporter that they expect to finish their contract for repairs on Greenwood this week. A large 'wood shed has recently been erected. The mill employs fif teen good workmen and lias room for more competent men. The old saying that a woman can pack more things in a trunk than a man, must have meant the average mankind aud not a drummer. We watched a traveling tourist pack his Saratoga for a few minutes yesterday. The material is being placed on the ground for the inclosurc around the South Georgia College. The rain that came yesterday morn ing was thoroughly appreciated by farmers and gardeners. After the rain the sun shone out brightly and nature put on har holiday garb. The laying of the water mains on upper Broad street has progressed so far that the water has been turned on to find if there were'any leaks. It Runs Like Clock-Work. The Evening News takes pleasure in cordially endorsing every word of the following editorial from the Atlan ta Constitution of yesterday: "It gives us pleasure to bear testi mony to the admirable management of the Central railroad for the last tour months. President Alexander and Manager Belknap, with their splendid corps of lieutenants, have overcome the derangements of the winter with its immense increase of business, and the great system now runs like clock work in every part To have con quered these difficulties and re-estab lished perfect order in this immense and over-worked system, is an achieve ment that deserves the public recogni tion we herewith cheerfully give.” The Central is now entitled to re sume its name of the ‘ Old Reliable,' which was temporarily laid aside last winter. The multitude of passenger trains that enter daily under the union depot at Macon now arrive and depart promptly on schedule lime. There are no long and tedious waits. The Cen tral’s system, including its main stem and all its branches, appears to be in excellent order and runs like clock work.—Macon News. A fine lot of bananas just received at, A. C. Brown’s, 6 5 2t The Jackson St. Grocer. FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Rr.v. C. T, LaRociie, tf. Fletcbcrville. Fresh beef hams, chipped beef to order, at A. C. Brown, 6 3 3t The Jackson St. Grocer. HOUSE FOR RENT. 50 feet long, near depot. Will mako a good warehouse, work-shop or storage rooin.T Rent $7.00 per month. Apply to Bass & McKinnon. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bnc! with Kxznun. llnir all (none. Scalp covered with eruption*,Tliou;; lit hiM hair would a.iVer grow. «lured by rentedicN. Hair Mplenditl aud not a pimple ou him. hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a euro from physicians l began the use of Cutioura Remedies, and, am happy to say, witli the most perfect success. Ills liair is now splendid and there is not a pimnle on him. I recommend thoCuticur.i Remedies asrho most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis uses of infants and children, and feel that ery mother who has an aillicted child will thank me for so doing. N'rs. M E. WOODSUM, Norway, Me A I'nrr More Eight Years Cured. I must extend to you the thanks of ono of my customers, who lias heon cured by using Cuticu- ra Kcmcdles, of an old sore.eaused by a long spell of siekness or fever eight yoars ago. He was so bad ho was fearfnl he wouM have to have his leg amputated, hut is happy^> say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. Ho requests mo to uso his name, which Is H. 11. Cason, merchant of this place. Nercrc Mcnlc Diseiac Cured, ceived no relief from the various remedios sho used until sho tried Cutioura. The disease Urouiptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short while sho was entire-y well. There has been no return or the disease and Cutioura ranks \o. our estimation for diseases of the skin. C'liticura llciucdlCN. % Area positive euro for every form of skin, sealp. and hleod diseases, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly itchthyo- Sold everywhere, l’rice, Cutioura, Roc.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, §1. Prepared by the Potter Drug ami Chemical Co., Hoston, Mass jLgr^Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,’’ G4 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. 1 lien by Cutioura .Soap. Absolutely EVERY MUSCLE ACHED Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- ^ ute by the Cutioura Anti-Pain Plas ter. "The'irst and only instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. The following unique marriage tice appeared in a Cleveland paper recently: “In Guilford, Medina coun ty, Ohio, on the 2nd instant, by S. Wilson, Esq., Samuel D. Courts to MLss Sallic Murphy, after a tedious courtship of fifteen years, which was borne with Christian fortitude' and patience.” If the happy groom was too bashful to pop the question before fifteen years of courtship, he ccrtaiuly was not ashamed to let the world know it. listless observation. Humbly, prayerfully, unassuming ly, they carry on the work to whion their pure, true lives are devoted, trusting iu the divino assurances of the meek and lowly Nazarene, they take neither scrip nor staff for their but do with all their might "what their tender hands find to do. Their names arc stainless; their lives arc spotless. There is no evil found iu them, even by the most ex acting critic. Not by denunciation, but by persuasion; not by braggado cio, but by earnest entreaty; not by derision and upbraiding, but by holy precept aud godly example, are they ’"tin striving to accomplish that great good How he Wood Her. “Wood you?” snidtho coal dealer cutely. "I wouldn't," sho answer'd quite grim ; And then, as ho tired up slightly, She gavo the coal shoulder to him. —Washington Clitic. MASONIC NOTICE. Rogulur communication St. Thomas Bodgo No. 49, F. & A. M., Thursday eve ning at7 - 30 o’clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Aimii’it Fatten, W. M. M. A. Fleetwood, Secretary. CATARRH CURED, health an,I sweet breath secured, by Hliilot’s Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Temperance Lee tire. Rev. J. D, Anthony will deliver a tom- pcranco lecture, Tuesday, June 11th, at tho Methodist church, at 8 o’clock p. m. Laying aMdo the editorial pen years ago, the lifo of this eloquent-Divino is consc- catod to tho Master in working In every channel that leads to the elevation or sal vation of his raco. td Is Consumption Incurable ? Read the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says; “Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians FOUNT UN HEAD HOTEL, Knoxville’s favorite summer resort, will open for reception of guests June I, 1889. The hotel is provided with all the latest modern improvements and strictly first class in every particular, having inside its en closure a dense woods ami lovely park, with three springs. Freestone, limestone and chalybeate water. Forinformation, etc. address, P. A. O BYRNE, tucs tliurs sun Knoxville, Term. Hutchinson's Patent Spring Bottle Stopper Thomasville Bottling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for Drags! BEID a CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga, :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Ofgans, Sheet Music, Etc. < BEAR ENT MIND i> -THAT THEY HAVE T1IE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I2ST GEORGIA, e you can find fresh and pure drugs nnd got prescriptions compounded at all hours, ur night, by competent Plmru aciats. Tin y use only tSquibb s preparations in the iption department and guarantee guuus aud prices. REIl) & Cl LPEPrER, 120-122 Broad Sit. -A- T~ L. STEYERMAN A BRO.’S. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all par ties arc prohibited from hunting our lands around and near Linton lake. Tliis includes all the land \v own. A. T. McIntykk, Jil, II. J. McIntyre. May 25, 1881). Milne it, Ga. 1 have had weak Lungs nearly all my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any npnrcnt benefit, I am now us ing Brewer’s Lung Restorer ami I cun safely affirm it is the only remedy from which I have ever derived any benefit. \V. L. Martin. IIucUIcu’n Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the World for (Juts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J. Cossets, Drug Store. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids for th£ ejection <»l a jail to be built 1n Thomasville, Georgia, will bo received till July 1st, 1889. Flans and full specifications ill be furnished if desired, or they can be seen t my office, where they will be kept uu file till the date named. OUTLINE OF * TJ-’K'A T IONS—E.\A V. * FILLING, Trenches for the reception of foot of foundation walls to be dug plans. Bottom of all trenches t stepped olf if necessary to grade. Sewer trenches to q uired by be level, and quired up and mortar dry, trenches t > bo filled in with dry earth and rammed down tight. All surplus earth to be removed. MATERIAL. The foundation walls must be of hard brick, a height shewn in full specifications. They must have footing couises 8 inches thick and 12 inches wider than walls. Brick must be laid In freshly burnt lime and sharp sand mortar, nd carried up plumb. SIZE OF* BUILDING. Main building to be 41x45 1-2 feet and two stories high. Front part to bo u-sed as resi dence; two rooms above and same below, with hallway below, and stairway leading from said hall to upper story. Prison part of said jail to be iu rear of resi dence portion, two stories high, with office, din ing room ami four cells on lower floor. Four The Leaders of Styles. to the children of men, for which the pronounced mean Incurable Consumptive, very angels in heaven do them honor. to t . akc Dr - K,n « s Nc ’ v for Aud come weal, come woe, when they stand beforo the throne of the Most High, to each of them will be rendered the soul thrilling plaudit, Consumption, am now on my third botilc, and nblc to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.” Jesse Middlcwart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis- “Well done, thou good a,Id faithful gScHE servant. lliDter thou into the joys Of j Am now in beatof health.” Try it. Sample thy Lord.” | bottle free at S. J. Cassel’s Drug Store. steel or iron cells ou unper floor, to be construct ed of best saw and file proof steel, with proper ventilation, in way of windows, latticework, etc. AH floors to be of concrete, and 5 inches thick on lower flyor and 3 inches thick on second floor. Concrete to be 3 parts small broken stono and 1 part cement. Walls above foundation to bo built of well burned brick laid in freshly burned lime aud sand mortar. INTERIOR WORK. All interior work to be of Iron as far as shown by full specifications. Roof to be of iron or tin or slato. Contractors making bids will also mako esti mates of cost of hcatingjresidence aud prison parts of said jail, both ny hot air and steam, with the names of the system or systems pro posed to lie used. Contractor will be required to remove all rub bish from premises and to deliver said jail in T-wo Cases o ZCsl-witl, At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. REMEMBER THE PLACE: L. Steyerman & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk of the town, petition completelyjbaffled. u ‘25 Com- i a :■ fjKsr^Call and be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., m IS) BROAD HTREET. THOMASVILLE, B. S. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., -DEALER IN- HARDWARE Stores, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, of all kinds, and agent lor clean and tenantable condition to tho Boaru of County Commissioners of Thomas county, (Geor gia. The right to reject anv or all bids Is re- senred. A bond for the f ithful carrying out of his contract, will be required from party secur ing the work. Full pi ins and specifications furnished on ap plication . Addrcsu Thotaasville, Ga. King’s Powder Co. FltESH HEATS. We will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. I*. II. Bone a fine stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, juicy and sweet. We will be glad to receive your- patronage aud will serve you with the best meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn h Iiito WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL — ur.A1.EUS IV— Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Goods Delivered Promotlij. Prices as Low as the Lowest! Give us a call and we promise to please you. Saw Mill for Sale A good 30-horse power Engine, aid MW mill complete, with u new Swecp-stokc3 Planer, 4 mules, log carts, wagons, etc., and 125 acres of fresh timber. Mill just pat ;£H down, aud within u mites of Thomasville, is offered at a bargain because tho owner has other business requiring bis attention. Far ther particulars on application at tbs TuiES- ExiraraisE office.