The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 06, 1889, Image 4

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\ NO MAILS YET- Railroad Officials Cannot Say When Northern Travel Will Open. The last northern mnil lor Savan nah reached here Saturday. When the Seaboard auil Roanoke reported a washout uear Portsmouth yesterday, the only route by which the Atlantic Coast Line could reach New York was obstructed. Travel from Savan nah to New York is blockaded and discontinued at Weldon, where the Seaboard and Roanoke touches the Atlantic Const Line. Between Wel don and Richmond the) Petersburg bridge is washed away. It was over 200 feet span, and sometime will be consumed in rebuilding it. A num Ircr of other washouts have occurred between Weldon and Richmond, and extensive washouts are reported on the Richmond and Fredericksburg road, between Richmond and Quanti co. Some time will be required tc put the line in shape. Supt. Fleming, of the Savannah, Florida and Wes tern railway, received the following dispatch yesterday from Assistant General Manager j. R. Kenly, of the Atlantic Coast Line railway: Wilmington, N. C., June 4,1S8!I, To R. G. Fleming: I have just been advised that Sea board* and Roanoke railway is im passible on account of high water at Nottaway river. No serious damage has been done ns yet, and I do not think any will occur. I hope the in terruption is only temporary, and that they will be running through within twenty-four or forty-eight hours. We have now no connection north of Weldon.- Our freight and passenger department is advised, J. It. Kenly, Assistant Gen. Manager A. C. Line The Savannah, Florida & Western officials have instructed ajl the points north of Savannah not to receive ship ments for the north except upon con dition that it be turned over to the Ocean Steamship upon arrival in Sa vannah. Considerable freight is being shipped this way. It is inferred, from the telegram received by Supt.. Flem ing from Assistant General Manager Kenly, of the Atlantic Coast Line that the Seaboard & Roanoke railway will be again resorted to for a route north before the lines directly con necting the Atlantic Coast Line with New York are repaired and passable. In consequence ot these washouts all through travel has been interrupted, and no northern mails have been re ceived here this week. Southern Express Agent Cooper said yesterday that all express matter for the north is going by the Ocean Steam ship Company. It is likely that many days will be required to repair the track, so that travel can be resumed. Savannah News. Souio weeks ago M. l’astcur, the great French scientist, said that, there was no efficacy in a mad stone, but he probably did not expect everybody to believe him, or, it he did, he ex pected more than he had a right to expect. The mad stone is still being applied to persons bitten by animals affected with hydrophobia. One of the latest cases is that of an Indiana man, who sent to Kentucky for a mad stone, which was applied to the wound; and at last accounts it was said to have drawn most of the poisou from it. The belief in the virtue of the mad stone is strong, although it hasn’t much to rest upon. The losses by fire in this country in 1888 were nearly $i,000,000 less than in 1887. For some years the average annual loss has been about $110.- 000,000 It is stated that most of the fires in the south last year were attributed to incendiarism. Prob ably this is also true with respect to those in the north. While it may not be true that most of the fires in this country are of incendiary origin, it is a fact that most of them are thought to be. Georgia is an agricultural empire with vast resources. Her sons should honor the old commonwealth by dev eloping these resources themselves, •na not let their heritage pass into the hands of strangers.—Southern Culti vator. “WIIAT MEDICINES ARE ItlOST CALLED FOR?” asked thn reporter of an old druggist. “ Dr. Pierce’H preparations,” ho replied. "Thoy are sold under a positive) guar antee that they will, in every case, give ■atisfactlon, or the money is promptly re funded. His‘Favorite Prescription, for all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear ing-down sensations, irregularities and weak nesses common to the eox, and being the most perfect of tonic medicines builds up and strengthens the entire system. The do- jy ... Returning after n few moments' absence, the venerable wfolder of the pestle remarked, "the number of sarsnpnrillas and other, so- called, ‘blood medicines’ is legion; but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it is the only blood-nuriflcr out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves, that is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded w " In the line of Pills,” remarked the old gen tlemen, "the little Sugar-coated ‘Pellets' put up by Dr. Piero*? lead all others, both in amount of sales and the general satisfaction they give ray customers.” Copyright, 18&S, t»y World’s Dip. Med. ass’n. Tlioinasville Variety WORKS. _ incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head by the ~ 1C(1 y. By .... „ . *ertlos, ft cures the worst cases, no matter of how long Standing. By druggists, 50 cents. Klee trie flitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Eitctric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer inid- icinc does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters wi cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidney; will remove Pimples, Boils, Suit Bheum an other affections caused by impure blood— Will drive malarii from the system ami pre vent as well as cure all Malarial fevers— For cure of headache, constipation and in digestion try Electric Bitters—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at S. J. CASS EL’S Drug Store. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Onlv Genuine System of Memory Trninlng. Four llooks Learned in oue reading* Mind wandering cured. Every rhlld and adult areally licncflttca. * Groat Inducement* to V *noepundenco Classes. I»ro«>ectns, with opinion* of l>r. Wm. A. Ilnnu in on (I, tin* world-fnmrd Socialist Tn Mind Dfcoaae^ Daniel Grrenlenf Thomson* threat Pgfchol • "aH.WcWx, an Mr. Hobbs—I see that a Newport (Pa.) farmer has a hairless calf on exhibition. What a remarkable freak that is! Mrs. Hobbs—Remarkable ? Why, you’re bald headed yourself, John. CONNOISSEURS AH over the United States have pro nounced tuy Soul- Mash Whiskey a Royal Stimulant. Invalids can safe ly use it because of its absolute purity, its mellowness and excellence. At the Exposition in New Orleans it was recognized as the finest Whiskey, re ceiving a Gold Medal over all Sour Mash Whiskies displayed from my state. I. W. Haui-er, Distiller. ’ Nelson County, Ky. Consumers will please note that I have but olic authorized agent in a citv. Sold in Tlioinasville, Ga., by C. W. WIGGINS, Sole Agent. ENGINEERING IN MONTANA. Iltary I. McDaniel, cx-City Engineer of Atlanta, nowin cliargeof government engi neering in Montana Territory, says that lie contracted a terrible cough which no physi cian could relieve, hot was cured by Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum k Mullein- TH0MASVILLE age- L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. adquarters for pure uubonatod bever- ‘ at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. draught also, the “FRTJI MIZ.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, out is as well a perfect tonic and eystem vitalizer. It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, cl which the medicinal prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot lie Used to Excess. Not a foamiuggas drink,causing belching ol wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No ethcral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink: an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out of ten persons arc enthusias tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. "I-RLI Ml/,’' the finest leverage in the world. DISPENSED BV Li. SCHMIDT, Tiioniasvillc Bottling Works. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH Y DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, •SHINGLES, MOfl.DINGS. HHACK ETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, 11A LUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS Newel l’osts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Witv Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds \TO ORDER.. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. S^rTCORRESPIINDKNCK SOLICITED. MILLINERY. Long advertisements of “im mense stocks below cost,” at tract attention, but it is the quiet work that tolls. We haven't as big lists in the pa per as some people, but what we say in the paper we confirm in the store. Let us attract your attention by bargains in Ilats, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes and all fash ionable head-wear, 'You can buy two hats from us for the price asked for one elsewhere. Is it not to your interest to sat e your money rather than waste it on high rices and big profits. Pie nic hats a specialty this week.' Mrs. •Brnnic Carroll, Low Price Milliner, Lower Broad St. GEORGE FEARN, HEAL ESTATE AGIVT. OFFICE Hi MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Citj and Copilrj Propel' lor Salr, HOUSES RENTED Anti Tax on i*« lit. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description m your properly !) : - COYLE’L |. ys-r fllUU111 .Bolt Y/C^Xv/ClaDS ldd.PrtwiTU file IV-tli oA Nv.arid Cur*» C*in*.. —-- M*ot onav - Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the ap proaching session of the legislature I will in troduce a bill “To incorporate tho town of Metcalfe, in Thomas county, define its limits and provide a government for the same.” A. T. MalTXTYKK, Jr. Administrators’ Notice. GEORGIA—TUOMAS COUNTY: Ail persons having claims against tho o.stuto of >hel<ion Swift will present thorn to the un- dersgned within tho next thirty days. May 23,1889. It. B. MAUDRE, Adm’r. Health Is Wealth! of alcohol or tobacco. Wakofulness, depression, Softening of the brain resul insanity and leading to misery decay and Immature old age, Barrenness, loss r in either sex, I voluntary Losses and 8pi rh*a caused by over exertion of tho bruin, abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month’s treatment. 91.00 a box, or six boxes for 9500, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We Guarantee Six Boxes To euro any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollajs we will send tho purchaser our written guaran toe to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran teas issue only by Dr. F B. Me Rae’s, Mitchell House Pharmacy. Sole Agt., Thomasvllle, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. C. SNODGRASS. B. F. HAWKINS gNOJJGRASS X HAWKINS, Attornoys-al-Law. iji m, McIntosh, Physic in ii &, Niirgcon, Thomas viHe.JGeorfria. fcjfOFFICE over Stark's,Icorner Broad and Fletcher Streets. J)li. JOEL B. COYLE WESfTIST THOM AS VIULE, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Broad St., over.Pickett's. J II. COVI.K, I). I). s., Resident Dentist, Thoinasvlllo, • • • Georgia. Offers his services to tn citizens of Thom A8vllleand vicinity. • Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. n»., and from 2 to ft p. rn. Offlco—On Jackson street. M Mitchell. . G. Mitchell ■ITCH ELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasvillo, B ANSKLL & MICKUILI . Attorneys-at-Law and Insur ance Agents. rhomasvlllo, ... Ooorgia Office—Ovor Watt's storo. G. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasvllle, • • • Georgia Prompt attention given to A1 trustod to him. Office—Over Watt’s store, corner Jackson streets. W. BRUCE, ;M. I)., Office, up-stairs. Pp 8. DEREK, M. I)., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner G'ollego avenuo and Mag uolia street. Tolephono communication, No. 25 for night calls. The Best and Most Pleasant Routo FROM THOMASVILLE NORTH GEORGI A -AND ALL POINT* North & Northwest —IS VIA THE— :1k THROUGH SCHEDULES TO Augusta, Atlanta, Gainesville,! AND TO ASHEVILLE, TIIE “LAND OF THE HKY,*' THE SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thomasvillo to Ashovillo havo a cholco of two routes, over tho Central, either via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Thoraasvllle to Savannah at 12 60 mid-day, connect with through Sleeping Cars via Central, for Augusta and Spartanburg, and gives passengors a day light ride botweon Augusta and Asheville,tho prettiest conntry in the land, arriving Ashe ville at 7 p m—In time sor supper. ALBANY & ATLANTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thomasvllle to Attanta, Gainesville and Ashovillo via Albany should take tho 9 30 a m train, which a* rives Atlanta samo evening; (7alnesvlllo 9 04 a ra and Asho- villo, N. C., at 7 p in next day. Direct con nection Is mado with the W. & a. in Union Depot lu Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, Ga., leaving Thomasvllle at 9 3o a m, ar rive at Marietta tho samo night. For further Information rolativo to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. VANDYKE, Ticket Agt., Thomasvillo. Clyde Bostick, Trav. Pass. Agent, Savannah. E. T. CHARLTON, Geu. Pass. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasvllle, Georgia. lie and private, In elthor brick or wood. •I will guarantee In every lnstanco to givo satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful ostlmates made. My Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building dono call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded mo or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me in ThomaBvlllo and elsewhere, and all parties for whom Z have worked* THE BEST AND MOST— Direct Eoute! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THETSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pall man Palaco Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin cinnati! and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tweon Loulsvillo and Chicago, where close con nections are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Bismark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Loulsvillo, Dallyexcopt Sunday, at 7*30 rf. m. Cincinnati!, Dally, except Sunday at 7:15. Arriving at Chicago at 6:53. Tho most rapid service over attempted be tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago, hrough Coupon Tlckots, Baggago check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among tho points that havo made the MOWOIVr ROUTS Uulvorsally and deservedly popular. OIIN B.CARSON, Vlco-pros’t and Gen’l Mgr W. If. McDOEL, Gen'l Traffic Manage*’, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passengor Agent R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Froight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvllle Ga. W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have oxporionced workmen In my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet metal and plumbing work in tho host possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CoRNICE, Architectur al and Ornamontal Work In Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TIN BOOFINO, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I keep on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanized, Russia. Smoke stack and Plain Iron, Shcot Brass, Planished, Tinned and Plain Cpppers; Zinc, Solder, Spelter and Wire. My prices aro reasonable and those who contomplato having work done or purchasing unything lu my lino will flud it to tholr In terest to confer with mo beforo placing their orders. Office and shop over Watt A’Bro.'s, Broad St.. Thomasvillo Ga. HOME! mi ■ mm. Mr. Joseph M. Dr^ycr offers his services to the public us a stenographer and type writer. All work promptly done and satis faction guaranteed. Apply to or address, JOSEPH M. DREYER, at Me utyre & McIntyre’s office, Broad at Wliiddon House (OpposlCo Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - UA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. This liouso, located In tho most dcslr able and central part of tho city, Is now and complete In every particular. Fur nished In the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. Tho menu Is porfect, and tho servieo rendered by trained and po- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices gruded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house meet all trains. declO-ly Grilen&Lflvict Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will bo glad to mako contracts for, or superintend, nil classes of buildings, public or prlvuto, in either brick or wood.* Will fur nish plans and specifications if rcqulrod. If you want any building dono call on us, and wo will submit estimates whothor contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guaran too satis faction In all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In Thomasvillo, and to all pantos for whom we have worked. 8hop oh Flotchor st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3, 1889. Lands For Sale @>N) TBRIIB The 240 acres of land In Thomas county, being parts of lots Cl and 78 In tho 14th Diet., and known as tho Geo. -\V. Whitehurst place. Will sell for 81,0 00,—ono fourth, ono third, or one half cash, and the balanco in from ono to six years,—to suit purchaser, with Interest at rate of eight per cent, per annum o n deferred payments, payable annually. IFor further particulars ad dress Wm. E Simmons, innl -tt Atlanta. Ga. I will sell a lot 70 by 196 feet between Hayes and Calhoun St. for $250 to right party—$50 down and furnish capital to build the house aud TAKE FAY OFFER OPEN FOE ONE WEEK. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This ndw ami beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First class in all of its appointments, has been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own er and proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” Hi. table and service will satisfy the most fastidious. His beds arc delightful. Terms reasonable. Address, M. G. WHITLOCK, Marietta, G«. E. M. MALLETTE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, ThoznasviUe. G-eor^ia