The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 07, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. FRIDAY. JUNE 7, 1889 Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah A ... 0 26a ..1240 p m * “ from “ Ar... 1 31 p m “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 pm Train for Albany Lv... 9 30am “ from •• Ar... 5 20p m “ •• •• for Savannah Lv... 0 60pm Freight anti acoora. from Wayc..Ar... 3 46 p in HOUSE FOR RENT. 50 feet long, near depot. Will uiako a good warehoilso, work-shop or storage room. Rent $7.00 per month. Apply to Bass .t McKinnon. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. for HE UK Your attention is called to the elegant stock of Dress Goods, suitable for commencement. We had an especial eye on the selection of our commence ment Dresses, and have the nicest and largest stock to sc lect from in this city. We arc showing an elegant stock of White Dress Goods COMPRISING India and Man Lawns Dotted Swisses, Embroidered Flouncings All-over Embroideries Swiss Edgings and Insertings, China and India Silks, Fine Fine French Challies, With White Dress Goods and Trim mings to match. WE HAVE AI.SO- THE NEWEST STYLES IN Ribbons and Sash Ribbons, The prettiest Fans ever Shown in Thomasville, The Best Corsets, The daintiest Hdk’fs, The Latest in Gloves, The most Stylish l’arasols, T.&A.S. Kahski's Fine Shoes Please come and see us before making your purchases, and we will save von money. The Leaders of Styles. “ *• “ from Chutt. Ar. “ “ " for Albany Lv... 4 25 “ “ •• from “ Ar... 7 65 THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight aecom. for Monticello Lv...845 a m “ “ from “ .... Ar...6 20 p Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 06 p m “ .... Ar..l2 10 p m from Hon. Rufus A. Connell, of Whig’ ham, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. B. J). Fudge has returned from a visit of several months to Florida. and expense, to work for results ben- ficial to a large number. It is very important that every shipping point be nuc - well represented at every meeting of this Association, and wo would insist that every grower of melons and fruits make it his business to see th it they mo r'presented, You doubtless know that the result of the work of oui Transportation Committee, last summer, has been a reduction of freight rates 20 per cent, to points south ot the Ohio and cast of the Mississippi, made by the South : 7 wam ern Railway and Steamship Associa tion, and the changing ot rates by the Georgia Railroad from Class O to Class I*. While we appreciate the action of the Association and that of the Commission, we would not forget the interest manifested in our wants by the Louisville and Nashville and Central Railways in promising to . . , have as many as 2,100 new vintllated recommend the CuMcura Remedies _a. tbo most cars ready for moving the present crop, This may be old, but it is never theless good advice—patronize home industries and enterprises. Mrs. G. G. Hawkins is spending the summer at Marietta. Thomasville is well represented at this popular re sort. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campbell, aged two months, died Wednesday and was buried yesterday morning at 9 o’clock. A reporter heard some very good fish stories, told by a party of gentle men in front of Dr. Cussidy’s yester day morning. Mr. G. H, Macy and family will leave on the 17th inst. Mr. and Mrs, Macy go to New York, the Misses Macy go to visit friends in Wisconsin. The friends of Judge Merrill will he glad to learn that he has so far recovered from his recent indisposi tion as to he able to ride out. “Thomasville the Best of Them All.' “Thomasville is the best place I have seen.” This is the common remark of Thomasville people, after they have been away. Making due allowances for the local pride that prompts the expression, it is certainly true that Thomasville presents a neat and well kept ' appearance, that is in striking contrast with some places that might be mentioned. You arc proud of your city. This is right and proper, but with this felling- comes the necessity to do all you can at all times to pro mote its growth. One of Thomasville’s Industries. A reporter passed Palin’s carringe shop on lower Broad street yesterday morning, and was impressed by the busy appearance of the various work men employed. Entering he found the proprietor, Mr. A. W. Palin, lntsy on an immense log cart being built for Messrs. Blalock & Holloway, who have a saw mill on the new Georgia, .Southern & Florida raitrond, 18 miles above Valdosta. Mr. Palin has turned out quite a number of these carts rc ccntly, and his work and prices com pare most favorably with the very best iu the country. It is one of our ambitions and drenms to have everything used in this section made at home. When Mr. Palin can enter the lists against the best factories in the country, and hold bis own, it shows that in his line, Thomasville hns nothing to fear from competition. He is one of the best workmen iu the South, employs the best skilled labor he can command, and is a gentleman whose business standing is above reproach. The T i m es-E.nt K ill' it is E would like to see his present establishment the nucleus of one of the largest carriage and wagon factories in the South. adv tor i We firmly believe that none of the above advantages would have been secured this year, had it not been for the efforts of our organiza tion, hence the importance of every grower putting his shoulder to the wheel and keeping it there. Let us insist that every shipper keep a correct account of the result of his consignments to each house, so there wifi be no difficulty in making a correct and complete report iu our next circular. We would advise you to pay special attention to the following points in shipping: 1st. Avoid shipping green or infe rior fruit as to size and quality and do not expect good returns from such. 2nd. Cleanliness of cars, avoiding salt or lime. 3rd. Loading and packing of mel ons properly. 4tb. Routing of cars and know that a car can go to desired destination be fore loading it. 5th. If possible have melons weighed before loading and get weigher’s certificate. 6th. Have weights and freight rates inserted iu bill of lading. 7th. Avoid unknown soliciting agents with their spurious telegrams. 8th. Sell all the melons and fruit at home on the track, rather than run a reasonable risk of gettiug more by shipping. From what we can learn there is not much difference in the acreag; in iu melons this year and last. As the weather is dry and rain seems to be m uch needed, we hardly know what to say about the outlook for a good crop, but wcaie satisfied that the ma turity of the general crop will be from ten days to two weeks later than that of last year. Trusting that what we have said may prove of some benefit to you, we are, respectfully, J. R. Forresteh, J. P. Brooks, J. J. Twitty, Market Committee. FOR RENT, The •episcopal Rectory, on McLean A re possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I, LaRoche, Fletchcrville. Dad will! Kxxf'inn. Hair all Gone. Men Ip covered iviih eruption*.Thought hi* hair would n^Vcr «iow. «*nr«'d by rcmediCM. Hair Hplrudid and not a pimple on him. I cannot say enough in praiso of the Cutlcur.i Remedies. My l>oy, who when one year of age, was so had witli eczema that ho lost all his * scalp was covered with eruptions. which the doctors said that his hair would nev ing of a cure from physicians l lie; . - . . erupt as scald head, anti grow again. Dcspair- ol Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid and tlicro is not a pimple on him. 1 speedy, economical, and suro cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and foci that ev ery mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M K. WOOD8UM, Norway, Me A Fever Horc Eight Years Cured. I must extend tojou the thanks of one of my customers, who hasueon cured l»y using Cutleu- * a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago, bad he was fearfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happy to^ say he entirely well,—sound as a' dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is IL 11. Cason, merchant of this place. JOHN V. 611 NOR, Druggist, Gaiuiiboro, Tetm. Severe Seale Disease Cured, eciveil no relief from the various remedios she used until she tried Cuticura. The diseaso droinptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short whilo she was entirely well. Tliero lias been no return of the diseaso and Cuticura ranks x». 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skin. Rev. J. l'RESSLKY HARRETT, D. D. Raleigh, N. C. Culiciirh Remedies. positive cure for every form of skin, scalp, and blood diseases, with loss of hair, from ’ to scrofular, except possibly itclitliyo- nOtlip, pimple; sis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, Boo.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chdtaical Co., Boston, Mass. BfJp'Scnd for “How to Curo Skin Diseases,” G4 pages, 50 illustrations, and luO testimonials. 1 Hen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely EVERY MUSCLE ACHED Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- ute bv the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas ter. The first and only instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. FOUNT UN HEAD HOTEL, Knoxville’s favorite summer resort, will open for reception ot guests June 1, 1880. The hotel is provided with all the latest modern improven ents and strictly first class iu every particular, having inside its en closure a dense woods and lovely park, with three spriugs. Freestone, limestone and chalvheate water. For in formation, etc., address, * P. A. O’BYKNE, tues thurs sun Knoxville, Tenn. Missionary Mass Meeting, Rev. Dr. J. W. Hinton and Rev. G. G. N. McDonell, went over to Cairo } f C8terday afternoon, to take part in a Missionary Mass meeting to be held there to-day. They will re turn to-morrow. The Melon Growers. The Auuual Circular of the Geor gia Melon and Fruit Growers Associ ation has been issued. There are some valuable hints and suggestions to growers in the paper. We sub join the following extracts from the paper: While our association is yet in its infancy, we believe it has accomplish ed much good. It is very evident, however, that there is a decided want of working interest, ou the part of a large number of melon nud fruit growers, so necessary to success in any undertaking. We would urge every one interested in the business to re member, thnt unless we unite solidly nnd stick together in this work, wc' cannot hope to make much farther progress toward the desired ends, and it should not be exoected that it is the duty of a few, at their own time In the Melon Trade. The melon growers nrouud Boston which is one of the heaviest shipping points on the .S. F. & W. Ry., will send Mr. J. S. Norton to eastern mar ket* to look after tlieir interests dur ing the coming shipping season. Mr. Norton is thoroughly posted as to the needs of the growers, and as lie will give shipments to eastern points, he will be nble to be ot service to - melon shippers. H. A. fuss. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that ull p lies are prohibited from hunting our lands 'around and near Liiilni lake. This includes all the land i own. A. T. McIntyre, Jr 11. J. McIntyre. May 25. 1889. Headquarters fur D REID Ss CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga. :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. < BEAR IN MIND > -THAT THEY HAVE THE— Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IZSr GEORGIA, Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’s preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods nnd prices. BEIO & CULPEPPER, 130-132 Broad St. .A. T- L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. X’Txro Cases o X-iSL-waa., At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. REMEMBER THE PLACE: L. Steyerman & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleacliing At 6 l-2c. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com petition completely'baffled: $5§p=»(JalI and bo convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., 129 BROAD STREET. THOMASVILLE. iHOMAWIlLE Milner, G I lmvc lmd weak Lungs nearly all my life, have taken quite a number of Kxpcctoran without any aparent benefit. 1 am now ing Blower’s Lung Restorer and lean safely affirm it is the only remedy from which have ever derived any benefit. W. L. Martin. Temperance Lee ure. Rev. J. D. Anthony will deliver a tom peran.o lecture, Tuesday, June lltli, at the Methodist church, at K o’clock p, in Laying aside tho editorial pen yeais the life of this eloquent Divlno is const eated to tho Master In working In ever, chumiol that leads to the elevation or sal vat ion of Ills race. td ■hidden’* Arnica Nnlrv. te Best Salve in the World for < Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Malt Rheum, 1 Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, nnd positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S» J. Cnssels, Drug Store. Sfoticc to Contractor*. More mattings received this week. New patterns In seamless—fancy. Geo. W. Foiibks Sealed bills lor tho erection «>i a jail t« built in Thomasville, (ieorpia, will be recel till July 1st, 1K89. Plans and full specificati will be furnished if desired, or they can be S' ny office, where they will bo kept on rile till da" Reid A Culpepper are keeping up with tin »n, they h procession, they have secured the agency of the 'famous Star Mineral Water, the finest preparation known fdl dyspepsia. It is guaranteed to cure. i MUSQUITO BARS. (Mall kinds. A good bur complete for $1,75. Patent beudstciul attachments. Agent for Armstrong's patent canopies, made in walnut, cherrv and until|no oak. Geo. W. Forbes, May 17 If. Musury Building. Will tuko contracts for wall papering Can furnish rcllab e man and guarantei work. Geo, W. Forbes, Musury Building Wall paper at low pi Ices, select put- erns. Geo. W. Forbes, Musury Building CATARRH CURKD, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Remedy. Prico 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Is Consumption Incurable ? Read the following: Mr. U. If. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with Abscess of Lungs, anil friends and physicians irououticcd me an Incurable Consumptive, legan to take Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.' Jesse Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Wns given up by doctors. Am now in best of health.'’ Try it. Sample bottle free at S. J. Cassel’s Drug Store. the date named. CH TLINE of SI-FI II ICATIONS- FILLING. lies for the receptf . . . I footing cot r foundation walls to be dug as required by plans. Bottom of all trenches to be level, and stepped oil If necessary to conform to required grade. Sewer trenches to he dug with proper slope to teriuiuus. After foundation walls are up and mortar dry, trenches t > ho tilled in dry earth and rammed down tight. All surplup earth to he removed. MATERIAL, vails must be of liar The toil n to a height shown in full specifications. They must have footing courses 8 inches thick and 12 incite* wider than walls. Brick must he laid In freshly burnt llmo and sharp sand mortar, and carried up plumb. SIZE OF BUILDING. Main building to bo 41x15 1-2 1 stories high, front part t* l two „ , bo used deuce; two roomH above and same bel hallway below, and stairway leading fi hall to upper story. l’rison part of oaid jail to be iu rear of resi dence portion, two stories high, with office, din ing room and four cells on lower tloor. Four steel or iron cells on tuq>cr floor, to be construct ed of best saw and file proof steel, with prope ventilation, in way of windows, lattice work. etc. All floors to be of concrete, and 5 inches thick on lower floor and 3 inches thick on second floor. Concrete to be 3 parts small broken stono and 1 part cement. Walls above foundation t- 1>« built of burned lime and sand mortar. well burned brick laid in freshly INTERIOR worn. All interior work to be of Iron as far as shown by full specifications Roof to be of iron or tin t slate. Contractors making bids will also make esti mates ot cost of heatingjresldduco anil prison pans of said jail, both uy hot air and steam, with the names of the system or systems pro posed to l»c used. Contractor will be required to removo all rub bish from premises and to deliver said jail in a clean and tenantable condition to the Board of County Commissioners of Thomas county, Geor gia. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. A bond for the faithful carrying out of his contract, will be required from party secur ing tho work. 1 ull pi ins and specifications furnished on ap plication. Address A. 1*. WRIGHT, Chairman Hoard of County Corns. Thomas County, Thomasville, Ga. Buttling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for pure ‘urbonated bever ages, at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accommodation of tho Ladies. wholesale and retail 'isc.Ai.KRH IV—I On draught also, the Hay, Grain, Bran and Mill Feed, 114 BROAD STREET Mexican Goods Delivered, Provivtlij. “PRUT MIS.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizin. A NKRYK TONIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic and system vitalizes, iproves the appetite, aids digestion nnd itains tho normal tone of healthv func- Prices as Low as tlie Lowest! Its Properties: pared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the cx- t from a small tropical plant found in td which the medicinal prop- Itmhle, and its favor delicious. • Me t Cannot lie Used to Excess. Give us’a call and we promise to please you. Saw Mill for Sale A good .50-horse power Engine, and saw mill complete, with a new Sweep-stakes Pinner, 4 mules, log carts, wagons, etc., and 125 acres of fresh timber. Mill just put down, and within 6 miles of Thomasville, is offered at a bargain because the owner ha3 other business requiring his attention. Fur ther particulars ou application nt the TiMes- Kxtkrprisb office. Not a foaming gas drink,causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No ethernl extracts or liquors, but a olid thirst-quenching, delicious drink: an xtremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons arc enthusias- llh praise. Everybody Likes it, Everybody Wants Ii, Everybody Drinks It. lit' finest ticvcragc in tho •■I'lll l Ml/.,’ orl.l. 1'181’K.VSKD UY L. siiumrr, homasville Buttling Works FRESH MEATS. B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., HARDWARE Stoves, Ivan, n ill upon, Monday, April 1 at. at the plate lately oeoiipied by Mr. P. II. Done fine .nock of fresh meats. Hoof, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, .juicy and sweet. Wc will be glad to receive your patronage and will serve you with the best meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn & lino Tin and Hollow Ware,' Gdis anil Sjortii Goods ol'all kind*, and agent for King’s Powder Co, eptu dam