The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 07, 1889, Image 4

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ijfK The Summer Rain. Tears of heaven, happy tears, as if the glad sun had laughed until they streamed from his ruddy checks in pure wantonness of joy. Each drop that kisses the velvety checks of the earth is bainf for a hun dred wounds, solace for a thousand ungratified longings. Aud blue eyed June will smile all the brighter on the morrow; the grass-growu valleys will shine all the greener, and the dancing rills will frolic all the merrier for the falling of the summer raiu. Poor, laiut-hearted mortality that is forever worrying and dreading that the earth and sky and running water will not afford sufficient material for the sustenance of these weakening bodies, raises a thankful eye to heav en and wonders if there will be enough to make thu corn grow. But the flowers, and the birds, and the faithful bees never stop to ques tion. They simply trust in God and revel in the glorious gift of the sum mer rain. Thev know that He con trolleth the sunshine aud the south wind, aud holdeth the waters in the hollow of his hand. So, to them, the enjoyment is not of avarice, not of half-satisfied wistfulness mixed with doubt, but the pure and simple real ization of the promise that He vouch safed them when the corner stone of the world was laid. Tears of heaven, happy tears of gladness! Tears that arc caught in the hand of the spirit of joy and flung far and wide over wood, field aud meadow to bless and to brighten the earth and those that dwell therein!— Constitution. “See here,” said a big man, in angry voice, as he rushed into a cheap clothing store, “you are a swindler—a rank, unmitiegated swindler, without any principle or sentiment of honesty. That’s what you are.” “My vrendt, vot is dc madder?” nsked the merchant in a conciliating tone. “You have no right to call me dose names.” “I haven’t! Hook at this coat that I gave you $8 for. It’s all pulling apart, and look at the vest aud these pants. They look like a cyclone had put ’em on to go out west in.” “Und for dot you call me swindler?” “You bet I do.” “My vrendt, you forget one ting.” “What is that?” “You should nefer shudge a man by his cloding.” “WHAT MEDICINES ARE MOST CALLED FOR ? ” naked the reporter of an old druggist. “ Dr. Pierce's preparations,” he replied. ••They arc sold under a poaitivo guar antee that they will, in every case, give satisfaction, or the money is promptly re funded. His ‘Favorite Prescription, for all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success, it cures weak back, bear ing-down sensations, irregularities and weak nesses common to the sex. and being the most perfect of tonic medicines builds up and strengthens the entire system. The de mand for it is constsint, find I am conversant with scores of cases cured by it.” Returning after n few moments’ absence, ■' ! ' of the pestle remarked, the venerable wieldcr m hut pesuu remuru u the nurnlier of sarsnpanilas and other. called, ‘blood medicines’ is legion; but Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all aud it is the only blood-purifier out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves, that is guaranteed to benefit or cure in nil cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded." “ ’ “ line of Pills,” remarked the old g( Me — (funded. 1 In the line of Pills,” remarked the old gen tlemen, ‘‘the little Sugar-coated ‘Pellets' put up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in amount of sales and tin* general satisfaction they give my customers.” Copyright, 1888, by WORLD’S Dl3. MED. ASS’N. for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head by the proprietors of Dr. Page’s Catarrh Remedy. By Its mild, soothing and healing properties, it ■* ‘ no matter of how long cures the worst ...» Standing. By druggists, 50 cents Klectric Bitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular ns to need no special men tion. All who have used Eicctric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer mid- Icine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitter^ will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Suit Rheum and other affections caused by impure Mood- Will drive inalari i from the system and pre vent as well as cure all Malarial fevers— For cure of headache, constipation and in digestion try Electric Bitters—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at S. J. CASS EL’S Drug Store. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefit ted. «• Great inducements to Correspondence ulassoi. Worm. \V. W.’Amov, .1 iuIri-.Vi™?br’ J1 ' Our Pension List. Already it takes 888,000,000 a year to meet tbe large aud ever-iu creasing pensioners’ list, and the offi cial announcement is made that next year it will reach 8108,000,000. Kvery “hacking cough” that tack les an old soldier (or rather an old bummer, siuce the real soldiers will never defraud their government ) fur nishes him a pretty safe passport to the pension office. He can easily enough make oath that he “caught that cold during the war,” although it took it twenty-five years to devel op. A rheumatic pain or a tooth ache is worth more than a good-sized bank account. The people of the country, without regard to section, party or milithry service during the war, cheerfully submit to taxation' for the brave men who did their duty and suffered in jury and disability in the service. But against the policy of pensioning camp-followers, bummers and bounty- jumpers, the most respectable north ern republican journals are them selves protesting.—Times-Union, nvillc. Jackson \ Drifting Back. President Harrison, in his opening remarks at'the great relief meeting in Washington, over which he presided, said, in speaking of Jacksonville’s contribution: “I am glad to say that early this morning, from a city not long ago vis ited by pestdence, not long ago itself appealing to the charitable people of the whole land for relief, the city of Jacksonville, Fla , there came the ebb of that tide of charity which flowed towards it in the time ot its need, in a telegram Irom the sanitary relief asso ciation, authorizing me to draw upon them for $2 000 for the relief of the Pennsylvania sufferers.” The north poured thousands and thousands of dollars into the yellow fever towns, and now the bread which they cast upon the waters, in the name of charity and humanity, is drifting back to them. How blessed it is to give. MEMORY Thoiitasvillc Variety WORKS, is PROFESSION AL CARDS. W. (J. SNODOIMSS. n. r. HA WKI NS XOItOKASS ,‘i IJ A WHINS, Attorneys-at-Law. Formerly occupied by Enterprise «>f- Rejnolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop'rs. Menufacturers and Dealers j»_ _„. 1X rj-i M. McIntosh, Rt)ij< T11 At, 1 )Ul-;ssKD | Physician «& Surgeon, rn i MiiKR. I. A TII i:s. I’ICKKTS, sinsci.i:,'. jioi:unNi;.' : , Iili.UJKKT.-', .scitol.l. wiikk, MANTI.KS, IIAI.USTKIIS, .STAIIWIAILS | ThomuBville^Georgia. I '. (/-OKFICK over Stark'.,)corner and SU-telicr Streets. I-' j J)li. JOEL B. COYLE. i IU5MTIST Newel I’oslis, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wiiv Screen Doors and Windows. Sash, Doors and Blinds I TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, ANI) INSIDE IIAKDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. JSy-l'UltDESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MILLINERY. Long advertisements of “im- ’nense stocks below cost,” at tract attention, but it is the quiet work that tells. We haven’t as big lists in the pa per as some people, but what we say in the paper we confirm in the stove. Let us attract your attention by bargains in Iliits, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes and all fash ionable head-wear. You can buy two hats from us for the price asked for one elsewhere. Is it not to your interest to save your money rather than waste it on high r,rices and big profits. Pie nic hats a specialty this week.” SOUTH GEORGIA College. Examinations coniiiiciu'ing MONUAt June 10th. ending FRIDAV ,..lnni‘ 15th. JCNK -2.-I. COMMENCEMENT SERMON By Dr. T. E. Smith, Ccdur K«'j- I'ln. MONDAY EVENING, .luiu- J Hi'.' At half past eight o'clock, address to I.Uci- ary Society by Hon. I'. W. Mcldnni, of Savannah, in the Chapel of South (.cor- gia College. TUESDAY, .1 uni: “.Ml!. Annual Pri/.c Declamation and Inmate, WEDNESDAY EVEN INC. Jmi Annual Concert by the voting huli THURSDAY NIGHT, Cantattu entitled “Trial by Jury. ! ’J'.fll -By shipping yettr- Green and Dried FRUITS,MELONS, VEGETABLES, Mrs. oSemtir Carroll, Low Price Milliner, Lower Broad St, GEORGE FEARN, HEAL ESTATE ACI IT. OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cilj and Coo ttry Proper!' lor Sale. a HOUSES RE NTEH An«l Thxcn I*i •<». LOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description ot your properly Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the ap nruttching session of the legislature I will iu- troduce a bill “To incorporate the town of Metcalfe, in Thomas county, define its limits and provide a government for the same.” 1 A.T. M acIXTYRK, Jr. Administrators’ Notice. GEO ltd IA—THOMAS COUNTY: Ail persons having claims against the eslate ot -hclilon Swift will present them to the un- dersgned within the next thirty days. » Muy 23, 1889. li. B. MARDRE, Adm’r. Or anything you may have, to us. \\eliave a very large trade in the above articles, ami can place your shipments to as good advant age as any house on the market. \\ e invite correspondence from all parties having any thing in our line to ship. SUMMERS, MURK ISON .S; CO.. Commission Merchants, 174 South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois. Reference: Metropolitan Nat. Bank, daw Picket guarantees to make prices rii 1 i’ ICKCl KUUrUIIICvS iu maivr**vv» ott ffpoccncs a little lower than any other house in town, lie sells only jfor cash is the reason he cau do it Try one of Pickett’s Magnolia hams at 13c. They are elegant. WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, For which I will pay highest market price in'’ash, or sell on commission, and I will pay a reward of $25 to the person shipping me the car of the largest melons this season. This reward is over and above the market price of said car when received. A. 1*. RICKETS Wholesale Fruit and Produce Dealer, Chattanooga. Teiin. Refer ence: People’ll Bank nnd other banks hete; also R. O. Dun It Co., and the wholesale merchants of this city generaliv. Health Is Wealth! I)r. E. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Treatment, acua.anted specific for Hysteria, Dizziness* Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Head aches, Nervous prostrations caused by the use much, *,«.»» prostrations of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, depression, Softening of the brain resull insanity and leading to misery decay and Premature old age, Barrenness, loss r in either bcX, I voluntary Losses and Sp—— rlieea caused by ever exertion of the brain, *«.. abuse or over-indulgence Each box contains one month's treatment. ? LOO a box, or six boxes for $500, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We Guarantee Six Boxes To euro any ease. With each order received b, us for six boxes, accompanied with live dollars we will send the purchaser our written guaran tec to rotund the money If the treatment does no: effect a cure Guarantees Issue only by. Dr. F B. Me Rae’s, Mitchell House Pharmacy. Sole Agt.i Thomasvllle, Ga. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Broad St.. ovcriPickctt’s. J II. COYLE, D^fc). S., Resident Dentist, Thomasvllle, Offers his services to tn citizens of Thom* isvillo and vicinity. Office hours—Fr«»ni o n. in. to 1 p. m., und Mitchell. . G. Mitcuell ITCH ELL & .MITCHELL, M Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasvillo, • • Uoorgln JJAXSHLL & MEKHILI . Attorneys-at-Law and Insur mice Agents. rhomusvllle, • • • Georgia Office—Ovor Watt’s store. s. fi. McLEXDOX, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasvllle, • • . • Georgia Promptutteatl >a given to ul trusted to him. Office—Ovor Watt’s store, corner Jackson streets. w. bkuce,;m. d., Office, up-stairs. Coiner of Broad and Fletcher stroets. [aug T7 sTdekle, m. d., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Coruor Collogo avenue nnd Mag uolia street. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night Tho Best and Most Pleasant Route" FROM THOMASVILLE NORTH GEORGIA -AND ALL I'DlVI* North & Northwest Mill Mroai 01 Georgia. THROUGH HMIKhCJ.K* T< Augusta, Atlanta,Gainesville,Ga AXD TO ASHEVILLE, THE "LAND OF TIIE SKY.’ 1 THESA^NNAH AND AUGUSTA ROUTE. Passengers from Thomasvllle to Ashevillo have a choice of two routes, over tho Contral, either via Albany, or via Savannah and Au gusta. Solid trains Thomasvllle to Savannah at 12 60 mid day, connect with through Sleeping Cars via Central, for Augusta and Spartanburg, and gives passengers a day light rldt*. botwoon Augusta and Ashevillo,tho prettiest country In tho land, arriving Ashe ville at 7 p m—in time sor supper. ALBANY k ATLANTA ROUTE. Pussongors from Thomasvllle to Attanta, Gainesville ana Asheville via Albany should take tho 9 30 a m train, which a rives Atlunta same evening; G aluosvillo 9 04 a m and Ashe ville, N. G., at 7 p m noxt day. Direct con nection is mado with tho W. k A. in Uulou Depot in Atlanta, and passengers for Mariet ta, Ga., leaving Thomasvillo at 9 3o n m, ar rive at Marietta the same night. For further Information relative to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., apply to F. M. Vandyke, Ticket Agt., Thomasvllle. * Clyde Bostick, Tray. Pass. Agent, Savnnualt. E. T. CHARLTON, Gen. Pass. Agt. Agt. Savannah, Ga. N. S. Eatres, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasvllle, Georgia. I will bto glad to make contracts foi the construction ot all classes ot buildings, pub lic and private, In cither brick or wood. 1 will guarantee In every Instance ~ give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. MY Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building done call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasvllle and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I have worked' Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE-, SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffot Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- clnuatti and Chicago, Indianapo lis und Chicago, and also be tweon Lou is vl lie and Chlcngo, whore closo con nections aro mado for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsinark, Pol- laud, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Daily except Sunday, at 7 ’30 a. m. Clnclnnatti, Dally, except Sunday, at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. Tho most rapid servico over attempted be tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago, jfjrl hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, aud your safety and com fort provided for, aro among tho points that have mado the MONON ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON. Vico-pros’t and Gon’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passengor Agent- R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvllle Ga. w. d. scott; Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen in my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet metal aud plumbing work iu tho best possi ble manner. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, Architectur al and Ornamontal Work in Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE nnd TIN ROOFING, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I keep on hand a full stock of Bright and Roofing Tin*. Galvanized, Russia, Smoke- t-tnek and Plain Iron, Sheet Brass, Planished, Tinned and Plain Coppors; Zinc, Solder, Spelter and Wire. My prices M reasonable and those who contemplate having work done or purchasing anything in my line will find it to their in- toresttoconfer with mo boforo placing their orders. Office and shop over Watt k Bro.’s, Broad St..Thomasvillo Ga. Mr. Joseph M. Dreyer oilers his services to the public as a stenographer and type writer. All work promptly done and satis faction guaranteed. Apply to or address, JOSEPH M. DREYER, at Me ntyre & McIntyre’s office, Broad st Whiddon House (Opposlto Piuoy Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. Tills house, located In tho most desir able and central part of tho city, is new and compjeto In every particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is iierfcct, nnd tho service rendered by trained nnd po- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to aceommodn- , tlons furnished. Carriages Irom tho house moot all trains. declO-ly Uriel & Levick, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. HOME! Wo will bo glad to nmko contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans nnd spcciilcn’lons If required. If want any building done call on us, and wo will submit estimates whether contract Is awnrdod us or not. Wo will gunrnntoo satis faction in all our work. Wo refer to the many buildings erected by us in Thoiuasville, aud to all partlos for whom wo have worked. Shop on Flotcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvillo, Ga., April 3, 1889. Lands For Sale m mend tcmsi The itO acres of land lit Thomas county, being parts of lots G1 and 78 In tho 14th Dist., and known ns the Geo. W. Whitehurst plac'd. Will sell for $1,0 00,—ono fourth, one third, or one halt ca sit, and the balance In from one to six years,—to suit purchaser, with Interest at rato of eight por cent, per annum o n deferred payments, payable annually . [For further particulars ud dress Wit. E Simmons, iattl -tt Atlanta. Ga. I will sell a lot 70 by 196 feet between Hayes and Calhoun St. for $250 to right party—$50 down and furnish capital to build the house and TAKE PAY -IX- OFFER OPEN FOR ONE WEEK. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First class in all of its appointments, has been leased by M, G. Whitlock, former own er and proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” His tabic and service will satisfy the laost fastidious. His beds arc delightful. Terms reasonable. Address, M. G. WIIITLOCK, Marietta, Ot. E. M. MALLETTE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. ‘ 1 Q-eor^ia.