The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 12, 1889, Image 3

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COM DRESSES HE MB,- Your attention is called to the elegant, stock of Dress Goods, suitable for commencement. We had an especial eye on the selection of our commence ment Dresses, and have the nicest and largest stock to se lect from in this city. We are showing an elegant stock of White Dress Goods COMPRISING Dotted Swrisses, Embroidered Flounciags! All-over Embroideries, Swiss Edgings and Insertings, China and India Silks, Fine Fine French Challies, With White Dress Goods and Trim mings to match. WE have also THE NEWEST STYLES IN Ribbons and Sash Ribbons, The prettiest Fans ever Shown in Thomasville, The Best Corsets, The daintiest Hdk’fs, The Latest in Gloves, The most Stylish l’arasols, T.&A.S. Kaliski’s Fine Shoes Please come and see us before making your purchases, and we will save you money. The Leaders of Styles, THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12, 1880 Looal Schedule. Fast wail for Savannah Ar... 0 25am •• » “ « Lv...12 40 pm • “ from “ Ar... 131pm “ “ for Chattahoochee .Lv... 200 pro Train for Albany Lv... 930 ad “ from '• Ar... 5 20pm “ •• •• for Savannah Lv... G50pm Freight an«l aocora. front Wayc..Ar... 345pm •• “ “ for “ Lv... 8 40am “ “ •• “ Chatt. Lv... 4 45 p m “ *■ *• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a m *• “ “ for Albany Lv... 4 25pm •« “ •• from “ Ar. ..7 55 am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accoro. for Monticello Lv...8 45am “ “ from “ ....Ar...6 20 p m Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 06 p m « “ from “ ....Ar..l210 p m County court will he in session this morning. Col. A. P. Wright made a short business trip up to Pelham yesterday. Mr. J. Q. Hay, of Ochlockonee, has brought in some handsome peach Samples of the helmets and epau lettes of the Thomasville Guards uniform have been received. They are quite handsome. The windows of the Mitchell House were opened yesterday to air the romAs. Mr. R. Garnet Stone, of Boston, spent a portion of yesterday in Thom asville. He is now a full fledged merchant of our thrifty neighbor. Go out to hear the examination exercises at South Georgia College to day. Your presence will encourage both teachers and pupils. Meteorology for the Year. We give below the meteorological phenomena of the year ending Junc 1st. The data given is interesting, and it is to be hoped that the observa tions will be continued. Volunteer Observer Bondumnt, is perfectly will ing to do the work, and the depart ment ought to be willing to incur the small expense of sending the daily weather maps and telegraphic predic- tions. The figures given in the repoit may be relied on as being thoroughly cor rect, and Mr. Bondurant deserves and will receive the thanks of our citizens for the care and pains he has taken in the matter. His services are purely voluntary, and he brings to his aid a splendid practical knowl edge of the details of the phenomena that come within his line of duty in the premises. JUNE, 1888. Monthly mean 85.45 degree ,.95.1 Col. S. B. Spencer, well known in Thomasville, has been elected Prin cipal of Chatham School,'Savannah Joe ' McCants says: “I advise the boys not to go in the river for a wash ing, for while in there I knocked nine yards of skin off of the bottom of my left foot and Arthur Pinson lost his teeth.” Rev. J. M. Rushin, of Boston prominent in Masonic and Alliance circles, was in town yesterday. It is not among the improbablcs that Mr. Rushing may be placed at the head of the Georgia State Alliance. He would honor the position as much as it would honor him. Commercial travelers were unknown in the days of St. Mathew, when he wrote: “Wherewithal shall wo be clothed?” - This is illustrated by the statement that on Sunday no less than twelve clothing drummers were in Thomasville. . Mr. J. S. Salmons, -who had his leg broken in Paradise Park a few months ago by a runaway team, has so far .recovered to be up town yes terday for the first time. The Valdosta colored band enter tained a crowd in front of Mf. A. C. Brown’s store on Jackson street yes terday morning with several well executed pieces. Afterwards Mr. Brown invited them in and “set out” something cooling. Hon. R. I. Denmark, one of Brooks county’s most progressive citi- zens, was in the city yesterday. There are rumors, more or less pro nounced, of quite a number of wed dings that will come off within the next tew months. It is said that the charm ing Miss Blank will be led to the altar by Mr. Dash, a prominent young bus iness man of Dash-Dash. It is furth er said that others will take on them selves the vows that bind two lives as one. Board of Trustees Meeting. The Board ot Trustees ofYoung Fe male College met in Col. MacIntyre’s office yesterday morning, and author ized the issuing of diplomas and certifi cates to the graduating class of the year. Miss Alma Deklc, Marianna, Fla., will receive a diploma. Miss Mamie Jerger and Miss Ella Lightfoot, Thomasville, Miss Eloise Thomas, Marianna, Fla., will receive certificates of scholarship. Bible Claes. Hereafter the Bible class of Mrs. A. W. Clisby, that has heretofore met in the hall in rear of library, will meet in the Sunday school room of the Presby terian church at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoons. The ladies are cordially inyited to attend the meetings, and Mrs. Clisby’s knowledge of the Word And fine powers of imparting that knowledge will make them both in structive and interesting. Maximum Minimum 6G “ Rainfall 1.21 indies. 11 (lays on which rain fell, JULY, 1888. Monthly mean 84.07 degree*. Maximum 30 “ Minimum 68.5 “ Rainfall - 3.80 inches. 13 days on which rain fell. Al'GUST, 1888. Monthly mean 82.07 degrees. Maximum 07 “ Minimum .*...63.5 “ Rainfall 3.40 inches. 18 days on which rain fell. SEPTEMBER. 1888. Monthly mean 75.80 degrees. Maximum 03 “ Minimum .47 “ , Rainfall 84 9 inches. 13 days on which rain fell. OCTOBER, 1888. Monthly mean 69.03 degrees. Maximum 8G “ Minimum 42.5 “ Rainfall 7.85 inches 10 days on which rain fell, NOVEMBER, 1888. Monthly mean G0.58 degrees. Maximum 84.5 “ Minimum 33 “ Rainfall 5.70 inches. 8 days on which rain fell. First killing frost on 25th. DECEMBER, 1888. Monthly mean 51.01 degrees. Maximum 72.5 “ .Minimum 23 “ Rainfall 4.70 inches. G days on which rain fell. January, 1880. Monthly mean 53.70 degrees. Maximum 74.5 “ Minimum 27 “ Rainfall ...8.75 inches. 14 days days on which rain fell. Snow fell on 28th, (inappreciable.) FEBRUARY, 1880. Monthly mean 52.58 degrees. Maximum 79 * “ Minimum 2G “ Rainfall 4.70 iuches. 12 days on which rain fell. Last killing frost on 12th of this mouth. MARCH, 1889. Monthly mean .57.25 degrees. Maximum .80 Minimum .35 “ Rainfall . 2.80 inches. 8 days on which rain fell. APRIL, 1889. Monthly mean .G8.79 degrees Maximum .89 “ Minimum .40.5 Rainfall 2.78 inches. 4 days on which rain fell. MAY, 1880. Monthly mean .75.82 degrees. Maximum 03 “ Minimum 44 “ Rainfall 1.59 inches* 4 days on which rain fell. SUMMARY. Yearly mean 68.21 degrees. Highest temperature 97 “ Lowest temperature 23 “ Rainfall... 57,87 inches. 121 days on which .01 inch or more rain fell. Meteorological report for year end ing June 1st, 1889, at Thomasville, Ga. C. S. Bondurant, Vol. Ob vs. U. S. Sig. Service. FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I. LaRoche, tf. Fletcherville. HOUSE FOR RENT. 50 feet long, near depot. Will mako a good warehouse, work-shop or storage room. Rent $7.00 per month. Apply to Bass A McKinnon. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bad with Exz«*itin. Scalp covered with < hi« hnir would ujVi remedies. Hair splendid pimple on him. I cannot say enough in praise of the Cutlcura Remedies. My hoy, who when one year of age, was so had with eczema that ho lost all his hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions. . P which the doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began the use of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, " 3 hair * with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple on him. I recommend tlicCuticur.i Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and suro cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Nrs. M E. WOODSUM, Norway, Mo A Fever Sore Fight Years Cured. I must extend to you tho thanks of one of my customers, who has beon cured by using Cuticu- ••a Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago, bad he was fearful he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happy to say be is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use Ids name, which is 1L 1£. reliant of this place. * JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Gainsboro, Tenn. Cason,i Sri Sonic Disease Cured, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of tho scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various remedios she used until she tried Cuticura. Tho disease Uroniptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entirely well. Tbero has been no return of tho disease and Cuticura ranks x°* 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skin. Culicurn Remedies. Are a positivo euro for every form of skin, scalp, and blood diseases, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly itchthyo- sis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 5oc.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, 81. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass (gSr^Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” G4 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DJRY’Q Skin and seaip preserved and beaut i- DftD 1 O flen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely Soap. Absolutely EYERY MUSCLE ACHED Sharp aches, Dull Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- \ ute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas ter. The first and only instantaneous pain-kill ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. FOUNT UN HEAD HOTEL, Knoxville’s favorite summer resort, will open for reception of guests June 1, 1880. The hotel is provided with all the latest modern improvetr cuts and strictly first class in every particular, having inside its en closure a dense woods and lovely park, with three springs. Freestone, limestone and chalybeate water. For information, etc., address, I*. A. O’BYRNE, tues tlinrs sun Knoxville, Tenn. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all par tics are prohibited from hunting our lands around and near - Linton lake. This includes all I lie land w own. A. T. McIntyre, Jr., II. J. McIntyre. May 25, 1889. Milner, G I have had weak Lungs nearly all my have taken quite a number of Kxpcctor without any aparent benefit, I am now us ing Blower’s Lung Restorer and lean safely affirm it is the only remedy from which I have ever derived any benefit. W. L. Marti Tomporance Lec ui-e. Rev. J. D. Anthony will deliver a tem perance lecture, Tuesday, June lltli, at the Methodist church, at 8 o’clock*p Laying aside tho editorial pen ycais ago, tho life of this eloquent Divine is consc- cated to tho Master in working in every channel that leads to tho elevation or sal vation of his race. td Ilucklcn’» Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the World for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, F Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Casscls, Drug Store. Notice to Contractors. The work of laying the water mains will be pushed with nil possible dis patch. The Jackson street sewer will also be laid very soon. jail t Sealed bidn for tho erection built in Thomasville, Georgia, will be received till July 1st, 188'J. Plans and full specifications will be furnished if desired, or they can bo scon my office, where they will bo kept on tile till i»da* — Headquarters for Dra REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga. :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. BEAR IN MUNTD > -THAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IUST GEORGIA, -.A.T- L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. Our Bargains the talk of the town petition completelyjbaffled. ^Ca^Call ami be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., 120 BROAD STREET. THOMASVILLE. IHOMAsVILLE the date named. OUTLINE OF.SI' Wc always undersell any body else tjpekett’s Cash Store. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilot’s Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Is Consumption Incurable ? Road tho following: Mr. C. H, .Munis, Newark, Ark,, says: “Was down with Abscess of Lungs, mid friends and physicians .renounced me mi Incurable Consumptive. Jcgan to take Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, mu now oil my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.'’ Jesse Midtllcwart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now In bostof health," Try it. .Sample bottle free at 8, J. Casscl’s Drug Store. Wall paper at low prices, select put- ertiB. Geo. W. Fobbem, Masury Building Notice. An application will be made at the July session ot the legislature of Georgia, for a charter to construct a railroad from Thomas- itic to some point or points on the Florida line between tile Chattahoochee and With- lacoochcc rivers, and from Tbomasville through Colquitt and Worth counties and n part of Dooly county, to Cordele, and from Cordele to Augusta, Georgia. A, V. MclNTYRE, Jh, Trenches for tho reception of footing courses of foundation walls to bo dug as required by plans. Bottom of all trenches to be level, and stepped oil If necessary to conform to required grade. Newer trenches to bo dug with proper slope to terminus. After foundation walls are up ami mortar dry, trenches to bo tilled in with dry earth and rammed down tight. All surplus earth to be removed. MATERIAL. The foundation walls must bo of hard brick, to a height shown in full specifications. They must have footing couiscs 8 inches thick and 12 inches wider than walls. Brick must be laid In freshly burnt Urao and sharp sand mortar, ami carried^p plumb. SIZE OF BUILDING. —ig to bo 41x45 1-2 feet and two stories high. Front part to bo used as resi dence; two rooms above and same below, with hallway below, and stairway leading from said hall to upper story. Prison part of said jail to bo in rear of resi dence portion, two stories high, with office, din ing room and four cells on lower tloor. Four steel or iron cells ou unper floor, to be construct ed of i»est saw and file proof steel, with proper ventilation, in way of windows, lattice work, etc. All doors to be of coucrete. and ft inches thick on lower tloor and 3 inches thick on second fioor. Concrete to be 3 parts small broken stone and 1 part cement. Walls above foundation to bo built of well burned brick laid in freshiv burned lime and sand mortar. INTERIOR WORK. All interior work to be of iron as far as shown by lull specifications. Roof to be of iruu or tin or slate. Contractors making bids will also make esti mates of cost of heating£refcUlenco anti prison parts of said jail, both by hot ; with the names of the system < posed to be used. Contractor will be required to remove all rub bish |rom premises and to deliver said jail in a clean and tenantable condition to tho Board of County Commissioners of Thomas count-, Geor gia. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. A bond for the f ithful carrying out of his contract, will be required from party scour ing the work. .f UUpt'tti and specifications furnished on ap plication, Address „ m . A. P. WRIGHT, Chairman Board of County Corns. Thomas County, Thomasville, Ga. L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for pure ‘arbonated i)cver- ,gcs, at wholesale and retail. Best soda rater with pure fruit juice flavors. Cmmmt Uses. Ice Bream Parlo Specially fitted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. ii draught also, rage, the new Mexican “FRUI MIS.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC. This delightful bever- is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but as well a perfect tonic and system vitalizes improves the appetite, aids digestion and aintains tho normal tone of healthy func- TUESDAY, June 231h, Annual Prize Declamation and Debate, EDNESDAY E\ ENINO, June 26th, Annual Concert by the young ladies. THURSDAY NIGHT, Cnntattn entitled “Trial by Jury.” Commencement Exercises YOUNG FEMALE COLLEGE. Its Properties: •epa-red from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop- ties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. t Cannot He Used to Excess. Not a foaming gas drink, causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons arc enthusias tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. the finest beverage in the DISPENSED BY b. SCHMIDT, "I'Rl'l Ml/,’ orlO. Thomasville Bottling Works. cites If MEATS. > will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. P. li. Bone a fine stock of fresh meats. Ilcef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, juicy anil sweet. We will be glad to receive your patronage and will serve you with tho beat meals at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Hons <Se Bao Haecalauroate sermon by Rev. 1MI. Harris, Columbus, Ga., Suticlav,.Tune loth, 10 :.‘K) a. in. (i IE AI) CAT I SC EXERCISES Tuesday, .Tuuo 18th, 8:110 p. nt. AXXUAL COXCERT, Wednesday, June 19th, 8 :J0 p. nt. B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., -DEALEB in Stoves, Ivon, Buggy anil Wagon Mattrialj Tin and Hollow Ware,I Gins art gportii Goofs m Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hour#, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’s preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REID A CULPEPPER, 120-122 Broad St. T-w"o Causes o X-iSt-wnn., At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. lELEiMEM: BER THE PLACE: Xj. Stev<3T*maii & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Se. 0L0THHT&! CLOTHING-! Com- SOOTH GEORGIA College. Examinations commencing MONDAY, June 10th, ending FRIDAY, June J5th. JUNE 23, COMMENCEMENT SERMON, By Dr. T. E. Smith, Cedar Keys, Fla. MONDAY EVENING, June 24th, At half past eight o'clock, address to Liter ary Society by H 0 n. P. W. Mcldrim, of Savannah, in the Chnpct of South Geor gia College. ot ull kinds, and agent for Kiug’s Powder Co. Will take contracts for wall papering, Can famish reliab e man and guarantco work. Geo, W. Fob O* W* XOBBVt Moaury Building*