The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 14, 1889, Image 1

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V ttlcririsc VOL 1--NO 20. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORALSG, -JUNE 14, IS APPROACHING. -KOR OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, LACES, - LACE -AND CAMBRIC Fans and Parasols, Handkerchiefs -ANI>- Hosiery, ——Every Kind- At GREATLY Reduced Prices. CALL AT— HEIN’S! 132 Broad St. Nets Notes About Town About People You- Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. County court this morning. The Guards were out for drill last night. Arch Floyd, of Boston, was in town yesterday. To-day is the last school day for this session. The Mitcholl Fire Company was out tor drill last night. Mr. J. L. Miller, of New Orleans, is stopping at the Stuart. Dr. McTyre was in the city yester day talking crops. Mr. W. A. Robinson, of Atlanta, is at the Whiddon. Metcalfe expects to ship a car load of melons next week. Mr. Abe Simon, of Mohticello, was in the city yesterday. A full Police court this morning, docket awaits his honor. Mr. L. H. Jcrgcr went down to Monticello yesterday. Miss May Carroll, of Monticello, was at the Stuart yesterday. K. H. Davis, of Montgomery, Ala., is at the Stuart. Mr. William Campbell went up to Albany yesterday on business. Mrs. Hardy Ward left yesterday for a visit to friends in Brunswick. Jim Hall argui Justice Court at Boston yesterday. Mr. Mac Reese left yesterday for a trip to Amcricus and Buena Vista. Rev. H. E. Partridge, of Tallahas see, was at the Stuart yesterday. Mr. Maurice Deitch, whom every one knows, was in town yesterday This is the last day for examinations at the South Georgia College. Mrs. B. D.' Ainsworth and children arc spending a fews drys visiting friends in Cairo. Jim Reid’s pets are doing finely, ant} are very much admired for their snowy plumage. Mr. Nick Talley, the popular young stenographer from Valdosta, was in the city yesterday. Mr. C, T/, Simms, of the Savannah Morning News, took jp the city yes terday. Mr. P. B. Mays passed through the ajfy yesterday on his return from Bainbridgp. The billiard rooms at the Masury are the scene of a good many spirited contests with the cue. Mr. B. DuPree Hodge, of Ocala, Fla., was registered at the Whiddon yesterday. Reid & Culpepper have _ received a heavy shipment of “Oak City,” Bain- bridge cigars. Join the class in book-keeping Mon day. You canuot better spend your time and money. A number of young ladies have joined the class in book-keeping, which begins Monday morning. Day and night scssious. Mr. Rcpass, inspector of the tele graph line, stationed here, left yester day for a trip up to Smithville, on his semi-monthly inspection rounds. A load of watermelons was in town yesterday. They wero the firsthand sold rapidly at thirty-five cents apiece. Mr. Grantham was married to Miss Taylor, at Monticello, yesterday. A few friends from here went down to attend the ceremony. The Stuart Houeo will present Will Debill with a tempting breakfast this Several young a special! morning. Several young men remem bered him with a specially prepared I jupper Wednesday night. Took the Bonds. The Bank of Thoraasvillo, through Col. Wright, president, has taken the whole issue, 89,000, of Mitchell coun ty bonds, at par. These bonds bear G per cent, inter est and the last of them arc due in 1893. The Bank of Thomasville has faith, not only in the future of its own city and county, but of all South Georgia as well. This transaction hastens the time when Thomasville will be the financial center of South Georgia. Veterans’ Re-Union. The Confederate veterans of Deca tur county will meet at Bainbridge, July 4lh. A barbecue will be served and Gen. Pierce Young, the bravest of the brave, will address the old soldiers. The people of Thomasville and be welcomed, and we ought to seod over a big crowd. Ye, r by year the men that wore the grey are dropping off the scene; those who came out of the struggle boys are now old men. It i^ meet, then, that the survivors meet once again. At South Georgia Collego Yesterday. The examination exercises at South Georgia College yesterday were in the higher mathematics. Two classes in geometry and one in trigonometry were examined, and they all did we'l. The French classes will come up lor examination to day. The Crops. Quite a number ot farmers were in the city yesterday, representing al most every section of the county. The formulated opinion from their report is that while small cropsaro growing rapidly, in some parts of the coun ty, notably across the river, rain is badly needed. The northern part of the county has hod fine seasons. Rains are badly.needed now. to insurg a good yield. Melon Rates Explained. Pelham, Ga., June 11th, 1889. News and Advertize)-: In your issue of 8th, I noticed an article on melon rates which I think was written under a misapprehension of the basis on which rates were made from pro ratiug points last season. In the conference between the Melon Growers Association and the Southern Railway and Steam Ship Association last September, the fact was developed that while the rate north of the Ohio River was on a basis of 10 mills per ton a mile, and the rate from South ern pro rating points to the Ohio River proper was 10 mills, the southern roads had accepted 8 mills on business destined beyond the Ohio River. The southern roads therefore were charging last season only 8 mills on through business ; while they wero charging 10 mills to the Ohio River points; while this season there is a uniform charge of 8 mills; and the reduction of 20 per cent., allowed by them, of course, only cflects rates t» the river proper. The only reduction on shipments beyond the river is that made by the Georgia Railroad commission on local rates charged by the initial road. For some reason, I do not understand, the Southern Railroad and Steam Ship Association have ndvanccd rates from Albany to points west of the Missis sippi river. As the matter now stands the south ern roads arc getting only 8 mills per ton a mile, and the western roads, which have none of the extraordinary expenses of au initial line, get 10 mills per ton a mile. I think this is an injustice and a discrimination against southern lines, and against watermelou growers, which ought to be corrected before the next crop is planted. If shippers, when their business is solicted by lines north of the river, will insist on their co operation in this matter, it will greatly facilitate the adjustment of this wrong and injustice. Yours truly, J. L. Hand. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU II. Tbomas Jr’s-126 Broad Strut. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock I’. M June 12, 1889. TtMPKItATCIiE. 7 n. 74 2p.i ,.91 7 p. 87 Maximum for 24 hoflrs 93 Minimum “ “ “ 79 Rainfall 00 The Union Meeting. The union meeting of the Western Divisonof the Mercer Baptist Associ ation will convene at Salem church, near McDonald, on Friday before the fifth Sunday in the present mouth. The exercises will continue through the following Sabbath. Low Rates To Brunswick. The following cheap rates to Bruns wick will be put on sale on the dates mentioned: Tickets to the military encampment commencing Tune 17 to 27, for round trip from Thomasville, $3 30. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Tickets to'Brunswick will be sold June 15th to 26th, limited to thirty days from date ot sale, $4 95 for round trip. While Tom Taylor and Willie Jeter were passing up Broad street last night, they discovered fire in an up per room, in Mr. Sydney Williams’ large boarding house, corner Broad and Jefferson streets, opposite the Masury hotel. Rushing unntairs they discovered an exploded lamp. and a burning tabic, Sir. Taylor seized the lamp and table and threw them out through fi window. The action was prompt and timely. Three traveling representatives of the house of Einstein’s Sons,Savannah, met here Wednesday night to celebrate the wedding of Mr. Frank Einstein, which took place in Detroit, Mich., at 6:30 p. m. Champagne flowed and sparkled, while the health and happi ness of the bride were quaffed Slessrs. C. G. Wilder, of the A. SI. R. R., Thad Sturgess, of the E. T. V. & (J. Ry., and Newcombe Cohen, of the Miners and SIcrchants line, were stopping at the Stuart yesterday. Col. Gibbs and daughter, Sliss Bcs sie, of Quincy, Fla., were in the city yesterday. Miss Bessie is cu route to Columbia, Ala., to attend the com mencement of the female college of that place, of which she is a graduate. Yard master Hortmau sent nine L. & N watermelon cars to Slotcalfe yes terday to be ready for the melons along the T. &. SI. Ry. Sir. W. B. Dukes, a prominent merchant of Chastain, was in town yesterday. Crops in his section are looking well. ffte Royal Arcanum. Georgia has two representatives of whom their fellow citizens may well feel proud I hey are Hon. Charles P. Hansel! of Thomasville. and Col. Bascom Myr ick, of Amcricus, who are the repre sentatives of the state grand council of the Roval Arcanum 111 the convention of the supreme grand council, at At lantic City, New Jersey. These gentlemen, with the other represenlives, have done and are still doing all that they can to assist the Johnstown sufferers. A committee of five has been appointed to visit Johns town and remain on the ground until the number of Royal Arcanum mem bers who have been lost can be ascer tained, as well as the beneficiaries of those who perished in the terrible in undation. Past Grand Regent A. P. Tripp, of Baltimore, is chairman of this commit tee, and he has instructions to draw on the grand regent, at sight, as soon as these facts arc ascertained. The prompt and noble action of the order will be highly appreciated by everybody,from one side to another of the American continent.—Constitu tion. Everybody who knows Charley lfan- scll knows that his heart is in the right place. Dr. Dekle, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Bessie, who lias Leon attending school nt LaGrange, re turned last night. Col. Guyte McLendon and Dr Mc Rae are at work on a patent that will prove a groat blessing to overworked " " ’ ' Pa ' ' nosto dice officials. Particulars later, Mr. E. M. Mallettc sold yesterday the large lot otr Crawford street, next to Mr. Littlo Mardre’s to Mr. Sam Flcishcr. Mr. Flcisher will let the contract immediately for a nice house. The closiug exercises of Miss Laura Barnes’ Kindergarten School, will take place to-day. The patrons and friends of the school arc cordially in vited. It is a splendid time to keep the city clean. Inspector Pinson is using every effort iu this direction, and lie is ably seconded by the city council. Teter Laing, who is 104 yeais old, has just been admitted to church mem bership, in Elgin, Scot and. He ad mits that he has been a little tardy in joining the church, hut now that he has joined, he intends to go right' in with the other voung folks and do his share of active work.—News. $5.00 PER ANNUM Latest Telegraphic News. •Johnstown, Pa., June 12.—The borough of Johnstown and the sur rounding towns is now under military rule. At 7 o’clock this morning Gen. Hastings took charge and soldiers were placed on guard duty at all the commissary stations and morgues. A slight rain fell all tho morning, and the city presented a most dismal ap pearance. Everything was turmoil and confusion ami littlo or no work was done. For the first time since work began the men seemed fagged out and were not in a hurry to get to work. But few bodies were recovered this morning, owing to the chaotic condition of affairs pending a transfer of authority and to the bad weather. Four bodies were taken to the First ward morgue, none of which were identified, and but one to the Fourth ward morgue. At the Kernville and F'irst Presbyterian church morgues, nothing was done. Three bodies were observed in the ruin near where the rink lies a wreck, hut there was no effort made to get them out. The laborers almost unanimously refuse to handle bodies when discovered, and the men at the morgues arc obliged to go after them. To this there is much objection. . Haurisburo, Pa., June 12.—Ad- dititional contributions for the flood sufferers were received by the govern or to-day from all portions of the country. The total amount received by bim to date is about 8468,000. Staunton, Va., Juno 12—Thi Staunton Choral Club aud the wall night at tho opera fit of the Johnstown sufferers. Hauuisonburo. Va.. June 12.— The proceedings of the German Bap tist annual convention were opened with prayer, after which B. Z. Sharp, of Illinois, submitted the report of the committee on missionary work. Forty five thousand dollars was collected during the year, nine teen churches orgauized, thirty-six church houses built, and 520members received through mission work. The most interesting discussion of the day was on the proliibition ques tion. The action of tho meeting yes terday on this question did not give satisfaction, aud the standing commit tee introduced, through J. G. Morris, of Illinois, the following: Whereas, Iu consideration of query No. 2 front Western Maryland, there unfortunately obtained a mis understanding among our brethren, producing a very unsatisfactory result, tty creating a wrong impression as to our position 011 the subject of temper- perance; therefore Hetolvcd, That this annual meeting recommend that all our brethren cor dially maintain our position against the use or tolerance of intoxicants, whether to manufacturs, to sell or use as a beverage, and to the extent of our influence contribute our part to secure practical prohibition, but that we advise against taking part in the public agitation of the subject. The resolution, after discussion, was unanimously adopted. The question of the uso of tobacco was again brought up and it was again decided that its use was against the teaching of the scripture. It was decided to bo improper for the brethren to join the Farmer’s Alli ance, carpenter’s association, etc. Alter a vigorous protest, it was de clared that the members should not work in tobacco factories or raise to bacco, and it was further decided that it was wrong to use tobacco except for medicinal purposes. Dublin, Juno 12.—A train, con taining an excursion party from Ar magh, was wrecked near that place to-day. Tho train contained 1,200 persons, composed of Methodist Sun day school scholars, their teachers and relatives. They were going on an excursion to Warren Point. Warren Point is a plaeo at the mouth of tho Newry river iu county Down, The Acetic which ensued was heartrending. Hosts of volunteers were soon at hand and the dead and wounded were taken from the wreck and carried down the bank. Over 100 passengers were injured, besided those killed. Seventy bodies have bceu taken from the wreck and there aro others bur ied under tho debris. Fifty pieces Dress Ginghams, assorted styles, at 6 3-4 eents per yard. Levy’s Dry Dais fa Mitchell House Corner • ■Jt'. JlrZ itteSfte