The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 15, 1889, Image 1

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itterptfat V"OL l-NO-'W. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 188H. IS APPROACHING. -FOR- OF ALL DKSOUIl’TIO.NS, News Notes Abont Town About People You;Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. Send us fresh local news items. Ripe tomatoes are on the market. See rates to the various watering places. Have you given anything for the Johnstown sufferers? Mr. S. Alex Jones returned yester day. County court was in session yester day. The most expert can pen the “pigs” in less than a minute. Eighteen Yesterday. A fairer flower never blushed or bloomed in June, than Miss , whose eighteenth birthday occurred yesterday. Born and reared in this fair South land, the roses have budded and blos somed bn her checks for eighteen summers. From the tiny little todler through the stages of playhouse, dolls and school days, the woman of to-day takes her place, looking, perhaps, wistfully back at the switfly past years agone, while the fntnre, tinged and brightened with the allurements of hope, beckons her on to even fairer fields and brighter scenes; scenes of love, happiness and usefulness. May the future bring all these, and even more, to our fair young friend, and may each recurring“leafy June,” for long, long years to come, find her, as now, surrounded by loving friends- Mr J. J. Stephens has a new de livery wagon. R. H. Davis, of Montgomery, Ala., is at the Stuart. Judge Hopkins returned from his trip North yesterday. The Board of Trustees South Geor gia College will meet on next Tuesday The colored school children had a picnic in Paradise Park yesterday. The Can’t-Get-Away Club is hold ,ng the fort. The membership is large. LAGES, Judge B. B. Bower passed through the city yesterday cn route to Bain- bridge. LACE -AND- CAMBRIC Fans and Parasols, ft Handkerchiefs AM) Hosiery, Every Kind- At GREATLY Reduced Prices. —CALL AT— 132 Broad St. Mr. W. T, Varn, of Valdosta, and Mr. E. T. Hollister, ot St. Louis, are stopping at the Stuart. The Savannah fast mail did not stop for dinner yesterday. It was thirty minutes late. Mr. James A. Ball, of Tallahassee, who has been in the city on a pleasure trip, has returned home. Organized. The Thomasville Title Guaranty Company met on Thursday night at the office of Hansell & Merrill,’ and organized, the stock having all been taken. The following arc the officers elect: S. L. Hayes, President. Bryan H. Wright,' Secretary and Treasurer. Arthur Patten, Attorney. DIRECTORS. A. P. Wright, John N. McKiuuor., S. Steyermau, James Watt, R. C. Bal four, A. T. McIntyre, Jr., W. E. Davies, J. II. Merrill, Heury Wight, Arthur Patten. The company will commence busi ness under very flattering auspices. It is exceptionally well officered and the need of such a compauy is generally recognized. * and Police Court. The mourners' seats in the police court yesterday were full of penitents and their frieuds; in fact it was the largest police court held in many a day. While convictions and fines were numerous, they were light, and in the sixteen cases fined the aggre gate amounted to only 858. The fol lowing are the oflenders and the of fences: Gus llobinsou, two cases, one for riding on sidewalk and the other for contempt of court. He was giiren $2 for the iirst offence and 85 in the ‘ sec ond. Heury Anderson and Willie Wright, the youths who raised the row in Sheffield’s Hall at the Colored Association ball, were fined 85 each. Tom Bennett, who was lodged in the guard house Wednesday for re sisting one of the special policeman, was given 85 and a caution to give proper respect to the star at all times. Matilda Williams was tried and discharged. Betsy Adams was fined 85 for drawing au ax on another woman. Julia Mitchell, Dora Adams, Mary Williams, Babe Adams, Lizzie Clark, Julia Simpkins, Lilia King and Ma ry Hadley, eight colored damsels, had gone over to the lower portion of Toekwotten with . the intention ot running that part of the town, but succeeded in being run in themselves. Julia Mitchell aud Babe Adams were fined 85 each, aud the other six only 83 including cost. It. Thomas Jr’s 1 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Patronize home industry, including vour local paper. It is one way, and a mighty good one, to build up a town. Wooli'olk says he is in the hands of God. The indications are that he will soon be in the hands of the hangman. Mr. John I. Parker went down to Metcalfe yesterday to return with Mrs. Parker, who has been visiting there. We were pleased’ to meet Mr. Wal ter Peeples, of the Valdosta Times, in town yesterday. He took in the hanging. For two hours yesterday the doors of the undertakers were thrown open so as to admit all who wished to view the body of Will Debill. About two bundled took advantage of the oppor tunity. The sound of saw, hammer trowel, is heard on-evw hand. .Yog can’t keep Thomasville down. She continues to grow and spread, in spite of the croakeis. Injustice, however, to the place, we must say there are very few chronic croakers here. A1 most every man, woman and child have confidence in the future of the place. And their confidence is well founded. Thomasville merchants arc carrying splendid lines of goods. And they are selling at prices which defy com petition. A few more fleeting months, and the tide of Northern travel will be setting southward. Let it come. Thomas ville will be prepared and ready to cate (or all who come here. Do you ever slop to'think, at night, when retiring, that faithful guardians are watching and guarding the sleep ing town, through the long hours ot the night? of Mrs. G. W. Saxon and children Tallahassee, Fla., will arrive to-day and be the guests of Mr. Will Ball and sisters for some days. Miss Mattie Ball, who has been visiting the old borne at Quincy, Fla., returned to-day, accompanied by her little sister, Annie Belle. Mr. JVill Ball came up with th m Will Ball, who has ostensibly been on a vml to Quincy, Fla., but who was found in quite a different part of the state, by one of our citizens, who, unwittingly, gave him away, has got back home. You must watch these young bachelors. Stand up for your town; talk up for your town; whoop up your town; in short, keep it humming. A town is never completed. There should be no let up. This is a wonderfully active and pushing age. Towns and com munities who sit down and wait to be built up, wait for somebody to come along and do the work, invariably get left. And they deserve to get left. Some Handsome Mantels. The Thomasville Variety Works shipped to Mr. R. H. Barnes, Val dosta, two of the handsomest mantles ever made in the-state. One is a double mantle with a bairasoine mirror let-into tho top. The other is a handsome single one. Both arc made of curled pine, and it is hard to conceive a prettier wood for such uses. The designs of their man tles, showing the grain of the .pine, is something exquisitely beautiful and far beyond any painting that man can do, showing that in some cases nature, unadorned, is adorned the most. Nothing can excell in beauty our curled pine when finished prop erly. The Variety Works arc prepared to do work in all of the various woods common to this section, and with im proved m’achincry and skilled work men they can do it in the best manner. Will Debill paid the death penalty yesterday for the murder of one of his race. His late should be a warning to those who would imbrue their hands in the blood of their fellow man. Capt and Mrs. C. P. Hansell went down to Monticello yesterday. Mrs. Hansell will remain there some time, the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Baker. Miss Addie McClellan has a full line of illustrated papers, showing most graphically, the horrors of the great flood disaster in Pennsylvania. Call early before they are all gone. Young Female College will be pack ed to-morrow to hear Rev. Robert II. Harris. We learn from Mr. Baker that extra seats will be placed in the ailes. This will insure comfortable seats lor everybody. No services will be held in any of the churches in the morning. Mr. J. T. Chastain, proprietor of “Jersey Farm,” contributed ten gallons of Jersey milk to Mr. Schmidt for the purpose ot making ice cream yester day, to be sold for the benefit of the Johnstown sufferers. Remembered the Editor. Mr. H. E. Dekle, who does business on lower Broad street, is the first gen tleman to remember the editor with watermelon, this season. He has the thanks of the office for a fine one. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU Weather RnlMin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M June 14, 1880. Temperature. 7 a. 75 2*p. ni ..**01 7 p. 8^ Maximum for 24 hours 01 Minimum “ “ “ Rainfall v00 $5.00 PER ANNUM The State Dental Association. The State Dental Association, which has been in session at the Ocean House, Tybee, adjourned yesterday. Dr. John Coyle was elected one ot the State Board of examiners,and also a delegate to the World’s International Dental Congress, which meets in Paris September xst of this year. Grand Secretary A. M. Wollihein, acting for the Grand High Priest, will be in Thomasville on next Monday evening, and will revive Thom- asville Chapter R. A. M., and confer degrees. Parties interested are rej quested to be on hand promptly. All R. A. M.’s in good standing are re> quested to attend. We regret to chronicle the death yesterday afternoon, ot old uncle Frank Cray. He was one of the few remaining old time colored men left During slavery lie belonged to the late Col. Iidwnrd Remington. Frank Cray has always had the confidence and esteem of the white people among whom lie has lived. He was a conscientious Christian. His death will lie deeply regretted by all. The remains will be buried to day. Mr. Schmidt and his eutire force were kept busy as bees all day yester day and until a late hour last night, waiting on customers. Several voting ladies volunteered and assisted in the ice cream department. TJje gross re- < ceipts, which go to the Johnstown sufferers, will be given to-morrow morning. Let There Be Light- Mr. Bullen, of the Thompson- llouston Electric Light Co., who is finishing up a plant in Fcrnnudina, is expected here in a few days. “When are you going to commence operations here?” we asked Mr. ' Har grave, one of the incorporators of the Thomasville Electric Light and Pow er Co., yesterday. “Just as soon as Mr. Bullen ar rives.” “What about your material for the plant in Thomasville?” “We have everything here, includ ing the dynamo. There is nothing to do but to put the machinery together, erect the poles, string the wire aud let the fluid flow.” Let there be light. South Georgia College “Aunt” Ellen Brown, a reliablo old colored wort an, reports having sc6n a bear track in Air. J. P. Arnold’s oat field a few days ago. She says she was familiar with bear tracks in her earlier days, and is sure the one seen a few days ago was genuine. Masonic Notice. A. M. Wollihein, Proxy for the Grand High Priest, will be here Monday even ing to revive Thomasville Chapter and confer Degrees. Please take notice. W. M. A Castor Oil Trust. St. Loits, June 13.—A castor oil trust is said to be forming in the west, with a capital of 8500,000. There are but seven regular castor oil mills in the country, all blit one of which are in the west. These rascals are reversing the or der of things: they are putting castor oil up when it is designed to be “put down.” Each and every one of the combine should be made to take a lib eral amount of the “ilc.” Wash ixc,to.v, June 13.—The rec ord of examinations at the military academy, just received at tho war de partment, shows that Cadet Young, of Ohio, the only colored cadet at West Point, failed to pass the final examinations. On recommendation of the academic board, ho will be given two mftntiis’ time to make up his deficiency, if he cau. The closing examination exercises in the above institution'took place yes terday. The exercises consisted,main ly, in examining the French and Ger man classes. They were conducted by President Lovcjoy.and demonstrat ed the care with which the pupils have been taught these languages. The examinations were highly satisfactory, creditable alike to both teachers and pupils. Summer Excursion Rates. We publish this morning summer excursion rates to various points. Agent Van Dyke will take pleasure in giving rates to points not named in the list. Swilt’s Specific has a brisk and con stant sale with us, and the universal verdict is, that, as a blood medicine, it has no rival. Lankeord & Toyman, Druggists, Sherman, Tex. Mr. Jas. J. McCalley.ot Monet,Mo., says he had dyspepsia for eight years, which made him a wreck, sick andsut tering during the whole time'. After trying all the remedies, including all the doctors in reach, he discarded everything and took Swift’s Specific. He increased from 114 to 158 pounds, and was soon a sound and healthy man. If you eaunot attend tho day class in book-keeping, attend at night, tf. Monday is the time to join tho class in book keeping. Join eithet day or uight. Satisfaction guaranteed. tf. -AT- ONCE. Fifty pieces Dress Ginghams, assorted styles, at 6 3-4 cents per yard. Levy’s Dry (Ms House Mitchell House Corner . .