The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 16, 1889, Image 1

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nterpript VOL 1-NO «l. THOMASVILLE, GEOEG1A, HUN DAY MORNING, JUNE lti,*88i>. $5.00 PER ANNUM IS APPROACHING. -FOR OF AI.UtKSOlUlTlO-NS, LACES, LACE AND CAMBRIC Fans and Parasols, Handkerchiefs Hosiery, Every Kind At GREATLY Reduced Prices. Nets Notes About Town About People You !Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. No. 7 was late yesterday. The ice wagons are kept busy. The demand for lumber is equal to the supply. The streets were quite lively yester day. Send us the names your visitors dur ing commencements. Geo. H. Coleman, of Cincinnati, O., is at the Stuart. Charlie Stegall ^ spending some days at home. A water tower is being erected at the oil mills. Mr. J. W. Marshall, of Macon, was in the city yesterday, Mr. B. J. Moody, of Columbia, Ala., was in town yesterday. Mr. Clias. C. Fleming, of Atlanta, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Mack Reese returned from his trip to Araericns yesterday. Half a dozen stores had water melons for sale yesterday. Mrs. Florence G. Vaughn returned yesterday from a visit to Savannah. Mr. Jake Straus, of Savaunak, is among the commercial tourists in t|ic city. Mr. J. R. Rice, of the East Ten nessee, Virginia and Georgia Ry., is stopping at the Stuart. Mr. J. H. Davidson, of the'firm of Stegall & Davidson, of Metcalfe, was in tho city yesterday. The Guards will drill to-morrow night at the armory. The timo for their inspection is drawing near. Lock box 148, city, oilers a dcsir able residence in good neighborhood for sale. There will be ample arrangements made for seating the congregation at the Young College Chapel to-morrow. The transfer express car has been put on at this place ngain, and the postal car taken off. Dr. John Coyle will spend some time at Walthourville, before return ing home front attendance on the State Dental Association. Mr. Wilder Bostick, of the Southern Express company’s office here, is spending a few days at Blakely, his old homo. He will return to-morrow. The Thotuasville Gun Club iff out of birds. Thek ordered them some time ago hut as, yet the birds have failed to arrive. A Cosy Home. The residence of Dr. S. J. Cobb, on Hansell street, is one of the most de sirable in the city for many reasons. Its location, on a wide street, with plenty of depth of lot, and one of the highest points in the city, gives it ex ceptional advantages from a sanitary S omtof view. Again, when Dr. Cobb ecided to build a winter home in Thomasville, which he did after, hav ing made the tour of Florida, his pim was to build a home that would com bine the advantages of thorough con venience and he gave minute attention to every detail that could aid in this work. The house stands at sufficient distaucc from the ground to insure thorougli vcntillatiou, and the body of the house, in addition to a wide hall and plenty of windows and doors, has a projection on the north and south sides, extending something like three feet from the main building, with windows in their cast and west sides, that give a cross current in each of the rooms. In the matter of closets the Dr. is well supplied, there being one or moro in each room. Unlike most people who build houses the Dr. paid special attention to his kitchen. It is cool, cosy and Con venient. The well is within six feet of the door leading to the kitchen, and there are china closets, utinscl closets, washing apparatus, all close at hand. The inside finishings arc of cypress and pine and are so well put together that each door shuts as if on rubber springs. Dr. Cobh is an advocate of coal grates, and lias, in an ample and well arranged cellar, enough of the best grade of Jcllicocoal-to last him three years. -The Dr. will leave with his family iu a few days for Tennessee, but will return next winter. The tailroad assessors, to assess the value of t’ie Atlanta and West Point and Georgia Pacific, will meet in At lanta next Tuesday. Hon. S. G. Mc Lendon, who is one of the commission, left last night, going via Savannah. Mr. McLendon, before returning, will, upon the invitation of Henry Grady, accompany that gentleman and a party of friends to the University of Virginia, where Mr. Grady delivers an address before the literary societies, on the 25th. The party will travel in a spe cial car, witli all the conveniences and luxuries known to modern railway travel. Among those who will be of the party are Chancellor Boggs, of the University of Georgia, Prof. White, Milt. Reese, Tom Glenn, Judge New man and others. An Act of Justice. Some weeks ago the Times-Enter- prise protested against the tempera ture given Thomasville in the cotton belt weather bulletin published in the Morning News. It is a matter of con gratulation that this matter has been set]right. In yesterday’s weather report Thomasville is set down as the cool- st place in the cotton region, except two, and as having the same tempera ture as those towns. For the Johnstown Sufferers. In the Times-E.nterprise of some days ago, Mr. L. Schmidt, the popu lar soda water maker aud dealer, on Jackson street, gave notice that he would give the entire gross receipts of his business for last Friday to the suf fers by the great Conemnugh valley disaster iu Pennsylvania. A number of Indies kindly under took to canvass the city for tho sale of soda water aud ice cream tick ets. They succeeded in selling 848 worth of tickets, which reflects equal credit on their zeal and the liborality of our people. Without making in vidious distinctions, it is not improper to say that Miss Addie Goldberg sold the largest amount, 812.70. Yesterday morning Mr. Schmidt turned over to the Times-Exterprise 873.97, realized from the sale of tick ets and cash sales made, which amount will be forwarded with other subscrip- tions-alrcady in hand. Mr. Schmidt’s liberality in this matter cannot he too highly com mended, and it furnishes a splendid example, worthy to be followed by others. The duty of aidiug the. un fortunate does not rest more heavily on him than on tho rest of our people, and yet he has come forward with a donation which exceeds that of any other man iu the State. It was suggested to the Ti.mes-E.v- terprise yesterday, that a canvass of the town would result in a consider able increase to the amount already donated by our citizens. It would seem to he unnecessary, however, to make a personal appeal for such a cause. The fund already in hand will he held till Tuesday, and if you wish to add to it drop in at this office and leave what you give. ■ ~ •*' Tt« Peach Crop. Georgia has never known such a peach crop before. The Savannah market has been glutted during the past week and prices were down to nothing. The early varieties that are now going to market arc poor keepers, and must be disposed of within two days after picking. Our home market is well supplied, and prices are rapid ly tending downward, and in a few days they will be low enough to ena ble housekeepers to use them for pre serving and canning. Delivered the Medals. Mr. A. R. Jones delivered the medals at the commencement exercises of Middle Georgia College at Milledgc- villc last week. His speeches on the occasion has been very highly spoken of by those that heard it. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU}) AT K. Thomas JrV 126 Broad Sired. C. S. Bondurant Vounteer Obierver Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock P. II June 14, 188!). TEsimnATciiE. 7 a. 78 2 i>. 83 7 |». n. : 87 Maximum for 24 hours 04 Minimum “ “ “ 70 Rainfall .-...00 Latest Telegraphic News. Pittsburg, June 14.—The contri butions to the Johnstown sufferers that reached the PitUburg relief com mitteo to-day aggregate 825,000. The total amount received to date is 8564,- 000. Berms', June 14.—The Emperor has been advised by his physicians to make a trip to Norway for the bene fit of his health before visiting Eng land'. The Czar and his family will arrive at Copenhagen August 20. Berlin, June 14.—The Samoan conference met at 3 o’clock this after noon. It is understood that the American commissioners withdrew their objection to certain provisions of the protocol. The agreement negoti ated by the commissioners for the settlement of affairs in Samoau was signed by all tho members of tho con ference this afternoon. Athens, Ga,, June 15.—The hoard of trustees of the stato univer sity met here to-day with not a very full attendance. More are expected to-night. Tho entire dav was occu pied in reading reports. The report of Chancellor Boggs was a very able one. He paid Col. Charbonier and Dr. White high compliments for their work in the university and in aiding to try to get the experimental station. He recommended the establish ment of a branch college in each con grcssional district in the state if the additional funds would allow it. Commencement Programme. At Young Female College Tuesday night, au interesting programme, con sisting of essays by the graduating class, recitations, music, etc., has been arranged. On Wednesday evening the annual concert of the music class will come-off. Mr. J. Monroe returned Irom •St. Simons Island yesterday. The re porter did not notice that lie was cov ered with the trophies of his skill, cap tured at the shoot. Messrs Mitch Jones and W. R. McIntyre arc still on the island, and will likely take a run through Florida before they return home. Miss Bessie Merrill returned home yesterday morning, to spend vacation. She will return to her school in Ma con late in the summer. —CALL AT- ’S! V " 132 Broad St. In one week from to-day the South Georgia College commencement exer cises will open with a sermon by Dr. T. E. Smith, of Cedar Keys, Fla. Mr. A. Vetsburg, of Eckrnan & Yetsburg, prominent wholesale dry goods merchants of .Savannah, passed through the city yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Beardslee, of Savannah, has been spending a few days with Mrs. S. E. Bottoms, of Crawford street, She goes to Savannah to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Macy, Misses Mary and Agnes Macy, leave to-mor row morning. Thomasvillo will gladly welcome this charming family nnother season. Col. W. M. McLendon was iu town yesterday, shaking hands with friends. Since he became a farmer and nursery man, his face b not so familiar on our streets as of yore. Col. McLendon has the finest field of corn in South Georgia, and the finest lot of living LcConte cuttings in the world. Another Conorete Pavement. Lower Broad street is to have one of the host concrete sidewalks in the city. The contract has been made with Messrs. Grihhle & Levick and work will he commenced on Monday. It will run from the north-east corner ofDeklc & Cooke’s store and up Fletcher St. about fifteen feet, making Bruce’s Range the only corner stoic in the city with pavements on both sides. Coming to Commencement. Quite a number of ladies and a lew gentlemen liavo already arrived in anticipation of the commcucctueut exercises of Young Female College, which begin to-day and continue till Wednesday evening. Tho Times-Enlerprise Publishing Com pany. Notice of petition of the Times- Enterprise Publishing Company ap pears this morning. Read it. At the Baptist Church, Arrangements have been made to have Rev. Robert H. Harris preach at the Baptist church this evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Harris will have a fine congregation. Helped the Cause. Mayor II. \V. Hopkins and Aider- man S. L. Hayes gave $5 each yester day for the aid of the Johnstown suf ferers. Who will follow their example? At the Chapel To-Day. Prof. John E. Baker has made pro vision for seating a much larger num ber of people than the chapel would accommodate. Go out and hear Mr. Harris. Among tho Churches. Tlicic will be no services at the churches this morning. The various congregations will assemble at the chapel of Young Female College to hear the commencement sermoiyo be preached by Rev. Robert 11, iflffris. Begilining to-day Mr. S. Fleishcr will keep Eatonia icc for sale at his barber shop. He will sell at the same price as the company charges from its wagons. Miss Carrie Dowell, who has been spending a week with Misses Annie and Pattio Mash, returned home yes terday at noon. •Jim Reid and his uncanny pets, the young water turkey and the crane, arc getting on nicely together. If you fail to hear the sermon • of Rev. R. II. Harris, at Young Female Callege chapel to day, you will miss a rare intellectual treat. Mr. Clarence Lloyd will leave for New Yofk in a few days. He will sail for Europe July 3rd, and will make an extended tour of the conti nent before lie returns to -his native land. Attorney General Lamar, of Flori da, was registered at the .Stuart last night. He will leave this morning, at 9:30, for North Georgia. He will take in the Athens commencement before returning. The Guards’ uniforms will arrive the latter part of this week. The Company expects to turn out in a grand parade and drill on the 4th of July Miss Alice Groover, of Groover- villc, and Bessie Joiner, of Quitman, came up to-day to visit Miss Essie Carroll, during commencement, Dr. aud Mrs. M. M. T. Huehinson, of Lake City, Fla., will attend com mencement next week. Thoy will he guests of Mr. and Mrs. IV. J. Parnell, Flclcherville. Among the appointments made by Harrison yesterday, we notice the name of Mr. J. N. Carson, as post master at Boston, Ga. The fence around the South Geor gia College adds a great deal to the appearance and convenience of the campus. KEEP COOL ~ Beginning to-day I will keep Latuuia Ice lor sale in the rear of ray barber shop. Pri ces same as from the Company's wagons. Sunday hours from 9 to 11 a. m. and 3 to 5 p.m. tin other days at all hoars. ‘ S. FLEISHER, 0 10 d3t City Barber Shop. -AT- ONCE Fifty pieces Dress Ginghams, assorted styles, at 6 3-4 cents per yard. Levy’s Dr; Ms Hook MitdiellJHouse Corner \