The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 20, 1889, Image 4

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f yWbjj Port-Electric-Railway nett year, it is solemn Jy announced, mail of all kinds will lie carried from New York to Boston in .less than sixty minutes. The cap italists \rho have been dreaming of establishing the port-electric line t gl^e ai^isti.perfected their arrange ments, and| barring unforeseen disas ters, hope to have the line in opera- t tjjfcby. that time. Keen those who , Jiividjccn inclined to. doubt the eje-*’ 'pediency of tnis nineteenth century scheme are gradually being won ov er to its support, and, while not be Dieting thnt it can be put into prac- Nti eft ina twelvemonth, believe its lilti mnte success assured. Two hundred mid fifty miles an hour is the rate at c , iilyfth mail cars arc expected to run along this novel route. Plans of the new venture recently exhibited in Boston show it to be like a small.elevated railway, supported- by a single row of iron posts, and running on an air line between the j^rojKJsed termini. The car, a small ' one, passes in transit through curious ly shaped boxes set at iutcrvals along the line, and containing coils or wire which envelop the entire track. These .^furnish the motive power of the road, L4hc process of transmission being prac- ,, Vtically instantaneous. Six eloctric stations, located in obedience to the demands of distance, grade and -the- f Jilse, will supply the electric currents r from dynamos made specially for the purpose. At the starting point the wire coils arc to be placed ,in close proximity in order to secure immedi ately the fastest possible speed, but elsewhere they will be wider apart, disappearing almost entirely where 5tl{£grndft will permit. It is tfic opinion of electrical ex perts that this scheme, marvelous as. <lt appears, may also be utilized in tlic * - '-transportation of passengers. Al though the constaut propelling force is productive of almost infinite vclosi- ty,'. it Is claimed that such safeguards may lie set about the care as will make travel on this line no more daDgcrous thau on nn ordinary ex press- Indeed, many so-called author ities not only believe that this sys tem will revolutionize the postal service, but theyalso assert that it will, before long, completely change the mode of individual travel. Who would want to move along at forty miles an hour, they ask, when six times that distance could be covered itno-greater risk or inconvenience? >/ X there is nothing truer than the now — admitted fact that the dream of the . enthusiast of a generation ago is thp realization ot the generation of to day. As our children go skimming across a e continent at the rate of 2G0 miles hour, ’they will no doubt look back on this rushing day and think what rare old logics we must have been, to be sure. I'CI-SO sJTTfTo Application for Charter GEORGIA Thomas Corrft Y: To*ll«n Superior Court o! «»ihI county— 'The petition of S. L. Haves, Arthur B. Wright, K. C J ini lour, J. N. M< Kintioti, Simon SLcyerinan, James Watt . W. E. Harlots Henry Wright, A. T. Mein tyro, Jr., J. H. Morrill and Arthur Patten an/I such other persons as are oi- may here after lie associated with them Jki ttonk- liohtcr.s, respectfully show" tlmt, they <ln- -<#ire tt) he incorporated as a body corpoi- ato under the name of- The Thotua^vijlo Tirlo Guarantee Company, for I lie ftiM term of-twenty years, with the privilege (ft renewal «tt the expiration of .said tern IJie particular objects land business < "said corporation a»* to lie: The exatni nation ol titles to real estate in the conn ty of Thomas, furnishing abstracts o siieii examination in consideration of feet paid therefor. The Guaranteeing. Owners, purchaser.* or mortgagees wf real estate against los- by reason of defective titles, of liens 01 other incumbrances to the extent of the ralue of said property APPLICATION for CHARTER PROFESSIONAL CARDS. •Trrr GEORGIA -Thom \s (own T > tin* Superior Court of iiciitloii of .John Tri detr, fi. it. Unrr. ’ Winter, A. Wright. S. L. Haves, JaH.W T .McIntyre,Mio it IKV McIntyre. H,XV. Ilopkih*. Hr.T. M. Meln»...sii l. Uvy..f. IlaiiKell Morrell, S. G. McLendon, H. I . Ilawiins, A. P.Tavlor, Jno. T. Parker, Moore A William*, Win. Miller, S. B. Hun. Jr., A. H. Hike, T. K. Hlacksliear. ami y associate with theni- iicorporat.e«l umlor Hio fimks-Kntkki*rise I*cn- W. C. HNODOUaSS. 1 • ' BdK’tlAWklNH . ri... i fit xo'heic&AK ‘fixwKixs, rt V I Attdhieys-at-LslW'. ch others a* I elves, desire lame anti style i Co petitioners show that they desire to do a general printing and luildhhiag hnsiness, un der a capital stock of sirs,eon, with the privilege ol increasing it to $25,0i)o. That a majority of said stock has been paid ' stock in s i shar T® :,j|( i’: : WATCH. »Stol$q from wy room Tuesday night n doul)le case,Elgin make,18k gold watch and t rest chain. Movement numbcr329.0J.'b case •j'’number 30.92?. Movement marked “Welch k Mitchell, Albany, Ga.” Outside < (name place) marked II. T. M. in niotio- neatly done, requiring obserrff- tion to make the three letters, though plain '• " ‘ when known. A reward will lie paid for recovery. 11. T. Mash. t r'i) Thomasville, Ga. June 19,1889. It d w M The OM Oaken Bucket, Tiie Iron-bound Bucket, The Moss-covered Bucket,” rr* < la vcijr likely the one that has conveyed pol- .sons to your system, from some old well. ' whose waters nave become contaminated from sewers, vaults, or percolations from the •olL To eradicate these poisons from tho system and save yourself a s|k11 of malarial, typhoid or bilious fever, and to keep tho llvvr*. kidneys nnd lung* in n healthy and vigorous condition, u*c Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov cry. It arouH«“8 all tho ex cretory organ* into activity, thereby cleans- tho system, freeing it from _ ^-^u-potsons, no mutter from tbefhave arisen. All diwwc* tlajr from u torpid or iterungcd liver, or from impure blood, yield to Its wonderful curative properties. It ivgu lutes tho stom ach and bowels, promote* the appetite and digestion, and cures l>vsi»epsiu, “Liver Com- • Plaint," and Chrouic IMm-rhea. Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Scmfulous Sores and Bwcliitifrs, Knlawd (j lands and Tumors disappear under its use. “Golden Medical Discovery ” is tho only ad liver medicine, sofd by drugRisti, 1 positive guarantee of its benc- curing In c\*dry case, or money paid t will be promptly returned. Copyright, 1V-S, l»y Woki.d'h Dis. Mtn. ASS’N. Notice. .()• ) Ap appl^ation will be made at the July SM9I0D ot the legislature of Georgia, for a charter to construct a railroad from Tliomas- ville to some point or points on the Florida . - between the Chattahoochee and With- rivers, and from Thoinasville tblOttfib CobjuiU and Worth counties and Dooly county, to Cordele, and ■ from Oordele to Augusta, Georgia. 4.^^ „ A. J. MclNTVRE, Jb. siderttlion (A fees paid therefor. Tffh investing of tk(' caistal or profits ot botfi, of said corporation, iir real oi* ^ofial property, or the*lending <A th “ upon sueli terms and security ji may be considered best by the Board . Directors of said Company. That said corporation shall have a on; ital stock of Ten Thousand Dollars, d yidurt-dnto shares of One Hundred Dollar* each* but they desire the power to in crease the same to any sum not exceed ing Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, |f a majority in interest of the stockholder shall so determine. That the stockholders of said Company shall be individually liable to double tho amount ot their stock at the par value thereof for the debts or obligation* sai l Company. That not less than twenty-live per cent of said capital stock shall be paid in fore said Company shall commence xercise the privileges horein expressed. That the principal office of said corpo ration and the place where it desires to do business to be in the city of Thomas* villo, said county, but your petitioners desirp tho power of establishing branch offices within said county wherever their business interest may require the same Your petitioners further show that all of the shares of said company have been taken, a company organized, and a Board of Directors and other officers elected they now pray for an order incorporating them as aforesaid under the said name of Thomasville Title Guarantee -Company, with authority in and by said corporate name to govern themselves by such rules and by-laws as they may see proper make from time to time, not in conflict witli the chartered powers sought ,nor the laws of Georgia; to elect and appoint such officers and agents as may bo nec essary and to define their powers and du- tiesjto hold,possess and enjoy all property either in fee simple or otherwise, as may bo requisite and needful in carrying on their business, to contract and be con tracted with, sue and be sued, to have aud use a common seal, and finally to do all and singular sucli other acts, and*ex- crciso such other powers as may be nee- ©isary to the full and complete . carrying out of the purposes sought to be obtain ed bv said corporation and such as are incident to corporations generaUv under tho laws of Georgia. And, as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray, etc. Arthur Patten, rctiUoncrs’ Att’y. Gkorgia -Thomas County ; Clerk’s Office, Thomasville, Ga., June 19,1889.—I hereby certify that the abovo and forego ng petition is nn exact copy of petition tiled in office this day, as will appear from my minutes. J. \V. Groover, Cl’k S.C ,T.C. The New Dinooverr. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one ot the many who know from personal ex perience just how good it is. If you have ever tried it. you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial. Dr, King’s New Discovery ever alter holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, cure a bottle at once and give it a fair tr It is guaranteed every tune, or money funded. Trial booties free at S. J. Casski/s Drugstore. WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits For which I will pay highest in cash, or sell on commission pay a reward of $25 to the pci me the ear of the largest nielo This reward is over and above t market price and I will "i, tliiiipinjr as this season, the market price of said car when received. A. I*. RICKETS Wholesale Frail aud I’roJure Dealer, Chultanoofra, Tenn. (inference: People’s Bank and other banks here; also U. G. Dun k Co., and the wholesale merchants of this city generally. Saw Mill for Sale A good JO-horse power Engine, and saw null complete, with a new Sweep-stakes Planer, 4 tunics, log carts, wagon?, do., and 125 acres of fresh timber. .Mill just put lown, and within o miles of Tlio'tiasville, is offered at a bargain because the owner has other bnsiucss requiring his attention. Fur ther particulars on application at the TiMks- Entmumusk office, or to EVANS & Mi LEAN. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine Byatcm of Memory Trainiof« Four Usokt Learned In olio reading, nil ml wrauderime cured. Rrery child and adult areally bencflttcd. 4 Great induccmfecU to Corre*pMod«nea Classes. Prxmoctas, with Opinions ol |>r. W* mandat ho worid-famod KpocUlwtTn Mu its office ley nr of $l(K«< , atrh.'sai<i Thomasville, in ultimo* for a pe nt renewal ntex- And the more effectually to carry out the pur- uses of their association, Petitioners pray that hey he authorized to have and use a common eai, to lease and purchase real property, t» upornto name, imtractH In the! erect aiol maintain in said t building or buildings, as may he necessary for the proper and »ucc.essful prosecution oi the hu.-iness of said company. Said company to : be governed and'controlled by such constitution and by laws as they may, in -heir corpomtQ capacity, adopt. The business affairs of the company to be under the direct management of a board of doctors, composed of seven stock holders, of whflni one shall be President and one a Business Manager. JOHN TRIPLETT, S. B. BURR, A LBLHT \, And others. GEORGIA Thomas County : Clerk’s Office. Thomasvillo, Go,. June. j.», iSMt» —I hereby certify thnt tho above and foregoing petition is an exact copy of.i«*tl that filed in office this day, as will auteur fr.*ni my minutes. J. w . GROOVER. Cl’k. S. 0. T. C. ELDER BOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W.'A. ELDER, Proprietor. SEASON OF 1889. For rates, analysis of water and infor mation, address (51(» if E. A. Elder, Mang -IS.v shilling Green and*Dried FRUITS, MELONS, VEGETABLES, Or aiiythiug you may have, to us; We have t very large trade iu the above article*, and •an place yonr shipments fons good ndrant- ng t as any Jiouse on the market. Wc invite correspondence front nil parties having any thing in our line to ship. SUYIMERS, MORRISON k CO., Commission Merchants, 174 South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois. Reference: Metropolitan Nat. Bank. (Uw Jacob T. Hcnnelt. Joseph W. Thoro. BENNETT & THORN, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. Notice f<» <’ontractors. Sealed hid* for the erection of a jail to be built in Thoinasville, Georgia, will lie received till July 1st, is*'.*. Plans and lull specifications ill In* furnished if desired, <>r they can be seen t my cilice, where they will he kept on file till the date limited, oirr.i . ATIONS AM) HrKCI FIXATIONS—K.\ FILLING. Trenches for the reception of footing courses f foundation walls to be dug as required by plans. Bottom of all trenches to be level, and ,ied off If necessary to conform to required e. Sewer trenches to be dug with proper slope to terminus. Af ter foundation walls are up and mortar dry, trendies ti bo filled in with illy earth and rammed down tight. All surplus earth to be removed. MATKULV L. The foundation walls must bo of hard brick, a height shown in full specifications. They must have footing couises 8 inches thick and 12 inches wider than walls. Brick must be laid in freshly burnt lime and sharp sand mortar, l carried up plumb. SIZK OF BUILDING. Ilg to Frou rout p: bo i esi- stories high. e; two rooms alm\e and same below', with hallway below, and stairway leading from said hall to upper story. Prison part of nabl jail to be iu rear of resi dence portion, two stories high, witli office, din ing room and four cells on lower floor. Four steel or iron cells on uiqier door, to be construct- d of Inst saw and file proof steel, witli projier entilation, in way of windows, latticework, etc. All floors to be of concrete, and 5 inches thick lower floor and J inches thick on second r. Concrete to be 3 parts small broken stone i l part cement. Walls alnive foundation to be built of well burned brick laid in freshly burned lime and sand mortar. INTERIOR WORK. All interior work to be of iron as far ns show n by full specifications. Roof to be of iron or tin * slate. Contractors making bids will also make esti mates of coat of heatiug^rcsidenco and prison parts of eaid jail, both by hot air and steam, with the names of the system or systems pro posed to lie used. Contractor will be required to remove all rub bish from premises and to deliver said jaii in a clean and teuantabie condition to the Board ol County Commissioners of Thomas county, Geor gia. 'Hie right to reject any or ail bids is re served. A bond for the faithful carrying out of his contract, will be required from party secur ing the work. ull plans and specifications furnished on ap plication. Address A. r. WRIGHT, Chairman Board of County Coma. Thomas County, Thomasville, U«u erly occupied by Enterprise «*f- ip M.McINOTSH, Plij’Niciiui «& Surgeon, Thomasville,^Georgia'. 1,1 j ■■ OFFICE over .Stark’*,Jcorncr^ Broad and Fletcher Streets. ... J)K. .RiEL B. COYLE 1MK1VTIST THOMASVICLg, ^GEORGIA. Omet’.'ftioii.l 8K. f oV'c'r.l ; l<5k«tt's. ’ , ii. covi.k, i>. i>. S.-,„ . Resident Dentist, Thoinasville Offers ids service* isvlllo and vicinity. (Aflioe hours—Froi !rom2 to 5 p. m. Office—On Jackson street. • - GodrgiA | th. citizens'of Thom n. ni. to 11». nnd M I'iCL’l •j^lTCIIKU. & MITCIIEI.L, j Attoriieys-at-Law; | • Georgia, , Thomasvillo, AN'S EEL & AIEKIIILI 4 ! Attorneys-at-L^w and Tifsur ance Aircnts.;" rhomaaville, • • Office—Over M'att's store. Ooorgla g <). mclendon, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasville, • • • Georgia Promptattiatl-m giv trusted to him. Office—Over Wfttt’i Jackeon streets. store, corner \V. BliUCE, M. D. Office, up-stairs. •4.Coiner of Broad and Fletcher streets, [nug S. DEKLE, M. D., Offico in Hayes Building Ro8lden,co—Corner College avonuo and Mag nolla street. Telephone communication, No. 23 for night culls. MILLINERY. Long advertisements of “im- nense stocks below cost,” at tract attention, but it is the quiet work that tells. We haven’t as big lists in the pa per as some people, but what wc say in the paper we confirm in the store. Let us attract your attention by bargains in flats, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes and all fash ionable head-wear. You can buy two hats from us for the price asked for one elsewhere. Is : it not to your interest to save your money rather than waste it on high prices and.big profits. Pic nic hats a specialty tills week. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Low Price Milliner, Lower Broad St. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & DavisjjPjpp’rs. Manufacturers andIDealers llOTJG-II t& (DRESSED LUMBER. LATIIKS, I’ICKKTS, SIIlMil/ES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WOJRK, MANTLES, i. ( : BALUSTERS,; STAIR-RAILS OFFICE? WuJi Cli^'STORE, Furniture. STOKE FRONTS. Win* Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER.- STAIR BUILDING, ;d inside hardwood finish a (©-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICIT ED.) THE BEST Direct Eoute! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THFfKOLTH TO CHICAGO AND • ■ THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains daily, with Pul? man Palace BUffetSleopingCars by night, and Ohitfr Cars by day, between Cln- djuifutl and Chicago, Indlanapo- • 11b rtna Chicago, and also 'he twqca LpuifiriHo and • Chicago, 1 ' where close con- neotlohs aro raadpl^r;,.. i i St. Paul, Fargo, Blsnmrk, Pol- i land, Omaha, Kansas City, 3an Francl and points intermediate— j Hew Fast Mail, .Eeavlng.LouIsville, Pally except Sunday, at 7 ; 30 a. m. Clhbriinntf!, Dally, ^Xcejit Sunday at 7:45. Arriving nt Chicago at 0:55. f f Tlio most rapid service over, attempted do- tweem tiie Great Commercial Clttei on- thd Ohio River and Chicago, iryl hreugli Coupon Tickota, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for*, ato amohg tho points that have made tho , MONON ROUTE 1 tJnivets^ny knd des'erVedly^^ popular^ OHNB.CARSO.v, Vico-pros’t and Genfl'xgr W. H. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Manager, i E. O, McCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent ,. R. w. GLADING. Passongor and Freight 1^8 Broad St., Thomasvillo Ga. 1 TO SELL W. D. SCOTT, Sheet Metal * * * Plumbing Works. I have experienced workmen 1» my employ and am prepared to do all kinds of sheet metal and plumbing work in the best possi ble manner. - GALYAJGZEJ} IRON CORNICE, Architectur al and Ornamental Work In Iron, Zinc or Copper. SLATE and TIN ROOFING, Sheet Brass and Copper Work, Plumbing, Gas nnd 8teaw Fitting. , ■ t HOTEL AND JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. I koop on hand a full stock ot Bright and Roofing Tin, Galvanized, Russia, Smoko- stack and Plain Iron, Sheet Brass, Flnnlshed, Tinned and Plain Coppers; Zinc, Solder, Speltor aud Wire. My prices aro reasonable and those who contcmplato having work dono or purchasing anything In my line will-find It to their in terest to confer with mo beforo placing their orders. Office and shop over Watt k Bro.‘ Broad St.. Thomasvillo Ga. —ON- SUET EM! 1IT1. Mr. Joseph M. Drcyer offers his services to the public as a stenographer and jtjrpe- writer. AIT work promptly done and satis faction puarauteed. Apply to or address, JOSEPH M. DREYER, at Me ntyre k McIntyre’s office, Broad st WMddon House (Opppslto Plnoy Woods Hotel.) I THOMASVILLE, - - OA E.B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located In tho most desir able und central part ot tho city, is now and coinpleto In every particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. TJio menu Is porfeet, and the service rendorod by trained, nnd po- Uto servants. Terms reasonable, nnd prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages . from tho house meet all trains. doclO-ly Grlen&Lfiiicl Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo ill ho glad to make contracts for, or porlntcnd, nil claHsos of buildings, public or privatOjin cither brick or wood. Win fur nish plans and specifications if required. If you'want any building done call on us, nnd wo will submit estimates wliothor contract la awarded us or not. Wo will guarantoo satU* faction iu all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In ThoiuasvUU), and to nil parties for whom wo hAva workod. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. TUomasvillc, Ga., April 3,1882. The Elmwood, Marietta. Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, CAS, First class in all of its appointments, luu been lciisjd by M. G. Whitlock, former own er ftrnl proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE.” His table and service will satisfy the most fastidious. 11 is beds are delightful. Terms reasonable. Address,:': M. G. WHITLOCK, Marietta, Ga.* IT S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER '.Thomasvillo, Georgia, _ instruction of all claase* of buildings, pnb- lic BJid private, in cither prick or viood. I will guarantee In every Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, honest work nt fair prlcos. If you wont any building dono call on me. J will submit estimates whether contract is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me in Thomasvillo and elsewhere, and all portlet for whom I have worked*, The Old Bill Bryant place on Jackson St., in Fletcherville. LARGE LOT, Healthy Location. Good neighbors, and convenient to South Georgia College and Depot. Terms so easy that anybody having the will, can have a good home. Apply imme diately to HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasvillo. Goov'i / .