The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 25, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 —iXO WS. T tlOM ASV LLLE, GEOliCJIA, TUESDAY MOWN INC, JIJNK 25, !SS!). V 0 W % U) H H 52! QD & H Qj p £ crq H H £ P* Gfc £ B S' s Jt CD cc o tf o ■ tr H- ef 3 CD » CD CD Gu M. t CO g M- i bd CD 6 l a CD 8S 1/3 er* e-F P* CD Cf <D (D rf CD 3 s i-s CD 73 B. O o .cr 1 CD O e-h o B '03 S - P CD -1 CD £-> P ei- (0 ? o & K A = >? IB Q id ft !> * 63 iT i ib £0 U K H b cj 0 H 0 fel CQ H a f H ■ b IV * H 63 3 H- S ty i jjjj b £- ™ ► 4 F 0 ft a III M H V n \3 « Local Matters. Look out for burglars anil thieves. ! Intercstiug exercises at the Houth | Georgia College to-night. Mac Bulloch, of Ochlockonee, was in town yesterday. IJe reports good crops in the 17th. Dr. T, E. Smith preached to a good congregation in the Methodist church on Sunday night. Ilis sermon highly spoken of by all who heard it. It has heen suggested to the Times* Enterprise that all cx-confederates who will go to the rc-union at Bnin- luidgo on the 4th, register their names and meet at an early day for the purpose of perfecting an organiza tion, so that they may appear in a body on the occasion. The sugges tion is a good one. What say the old confcds here? Let us hear from you. “Will you’ please inform the citi zens of Thomasrille,” said Mayor Hopkins yesterday, “that the proposed amendments to the charter of Thom- asville, to be introduced at the coming session of the legislature, will be pub lished so that all may sec exactly what they are. While they are not very important, being designed to more clearly define the powers of the corpo ration, yet it is proper that these amendments should be known by the people whom they affect. They will, no doubt, he approved by tlje citizens of the town.” The American Grocer, published in New York City, pays a Thomasville firm the following handsome compli ment: There is nothing like a good, wide awake, pushing retail grocer to adver tise any line of goods. This is evi ; dcnccd by the work of Messrs. T. J. Hall & Bro., of Thomasville, Ga., who make such a thorough distribution of the brands they handle that a gentle man from Connecticut, who was spend ing the winter at Thomasville, before leaving for home gave' Messrs. Ball & Bro. a very handsome order for the brands of goods they handle, not being sure that lie could find them at his native place in the Nutmeg State. Josoph Pike’s Son, Attention is directed to the card of this gentleman, which appears to-day. This is a good house, and it is repre sented in Thomasville by Messrs A. ('. Brown and John W. Mitchell, which is assurance that his customers wi II he fairly dealt with. A Prosperous Farmer. A gentleman said yesterday; “Speaking of crops, Jim Bob Burch has one of the best corn crops in the county. He has one hundred acres which will average thirty bushels to the aero." This reminds us that Mr. Burch is among the best fanners in the county. He sells corn, bacon and farm produce in largo quantities cv- cry yvgr. His wagon comes to town loaded with rati., pyo'Jupts and goes hack empty. These kind of trips en riches the farmer. It is the tanner who drives his wagon to town empty and takes jt home loaded, who is hacked. It Is a matter af IlfltJj surprise and regret that more farmers do not follow the example of Mr. Burch. Commencement Sermon. The chapel of .South Georgia Col lege had a good audience Sabbath morning to hear, the commencement sermon delivered by Dr. T. E. Smith. Chancellor Boggs, of the State University, Trustees of the institution, those of Young Female College, the faculty of both colleges, and ministers of the city', occupied seats on the ros trum. Mrs. Julia Robinson was at the organ, and the choir was composed of Misses Alethca Pliilpot, Katie Griffin, Fanuic Evans, Ladie Stegall, Birdie Woodson; Messrs. Cl II. Williams T. J. and W. L. Ball. Miss Woodson sang a solo as a vol untary. Ilev. A. W. Clishy opened the services with prayer, followed by Rev. J, H. Ilcrbencr, who read the open ing hymn. Rev. GY I. LaRoche read the 139. I’salin and Chancellor Boggs followed in prayer. The text wns|takcn from the 1 39th Pslam, loth and 10th verses and a clause from the 8th verse of the PJStli Psalm. The speaker handled his subject in an eloquent and forcible manner, and his discourse was me well adapted to the occasion, and its appreciation was marked by the thorough interest man ifested by the large and attentive au dience. Rev. (». G. N. McDoncll read the closing hymn and pronounced the benediction. Burglars at Woik. Sunday night burglars entered the store of j\Ir. Jos. Fuss, on Broad street, and captured liutiyeen ?J80 and SoOO. The thieves went up the stair way that goes to the upper floor, her fuTcn Mr. Fuss’s store and that of C. W, Wiggins, then passed through the bed room of Mr. Jfass atnl down I lie elevator into the rear of the store. The money was in a safe that stood near one of the front windows. The combination of the safe has been out of order for some time, mul the outer door was left unlocked. The inner drawers were locked, and in these drawers Uu jjioney was kept. The thieves opened ilmsfi drawers with a hatchet.One of them was carried off and the other was left on the window sill. It U evident that the theft was commit ted by a party or parties familiar with the store and all its surroundings. Editor Times-Enterprise : Please insert the enclosed notice from (lie Board of Directors of the Confederate .Soldiers Homo, which explnins itself. I am ready to receive and forward all amounts upon the list I carried around some time since aud would urge all subscribers to the list to call and pay respective anionnls. Kcsocctfully, F, B. McRae. Office of llie Director* Confederate Sol dier*’ Home of (ieorijia, Atlanta, (la., June U, 18*!). PearSik :—The Board of I)ircctors of the Confederate Jlomc have, after careful investigation, bought a lot of 125 acres within two and onc-half miles of the center of Atlanta on which to build a Confederate Home. The net price paid was 59,540. Plans have been prepared for au admirable Home for the soldiers, and plans for a number of cottages arc now being prepared. Proper committees have charge of each department of the work, nnd it is proposed to push the building and completion of the Home ns rapidly as prudence will allow. It is absolutely necessary that sub- scrihtions to the Confederate Home lund he paid at once. Georgia has won universal praise, and better than this, the approval of her own con science, by tho spontaneous and rapid subscription to this fund. Ix-t us see to it that she loses none of this by a tardy and incomplete payment of the subscriptions s)|c |)fls made. Please pay your own subscription on receipt of this, nnd sec to it that the subserip lion of your town is collected up and forwarded. Make your checks pay able, and all remittances to Mr. Paul Jjpmarc, Treasurer. The Ifqarq feels justified in prom ising you that ti|C rest)It n( its work will meet your hearty and full ap proval, and out of this movement shall come a Soldiers’ Home that will Stand as a model, and give a perma nent Home to cvpry indigent ginl helpless vcntcran iu the State, By Order JJo.\uikoi-' Directors. Bad for Prohibition. So far, the past, year has not been an auspicious one for the prohibition movement. Here is the roll of eight state.; that have refused during the last two years to -ulopt prohibition amendents: JERSEY MILK. desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, scy Farm, will be supplied, in any , delivered, on application to, or by Michigan.. I'll xns Ore N. Hampshire. 5,000 MiissAchuse11s. H,552 Pennsylvania. 180,000 On Thursday the state of Rhode Island, after three years’ triitl, voted to repeal the prohibition amendment by a majority of 5459 over and above the necessary throe-fifths required to reverse a constitutional amendment. The New York Herald regards the verdict just recorded by Pennsylvania as the most emphatic popular con demnation that prohibition lias yet received in any state. Not only was it defeated, hut it was voted down by a majority suggestive of an ava lanche. • The Herald docs not see in this a verdict for the rum traffic ora victory for intemperance. It is simply a proof that the evils of drink cannot he controlled by absolute prohibition, hut must he reached by judicious regulation.—Augusta Chronicle. These efforts to force prohibition by wholesale, have signally failed. Georgia in this, ns in ninny other things, has set a good example to her sister states. Her local option law appears to he about ns near a solution of the problem as has been found. Death to the Oil Trust. New Orleans, June 21.—To-day .Judge Rightcr, of the Central District court, rendered n decision in the cot ton nil trust in favor of the state, de creeing writs of injunction issued against t-lm American Cotton Oil trust to he maintained and perpetua ted. The suit was filed by the slate through the attorney general nearly two year- ago, asking that the (rust bo prevented from holding and exer cising the franchises and privileges of the-corporation within ^he , state qt Louisiana, and he J’oicver excluded nnd debarred from said franchises nnd privileges. The trial of tho ease con sumed a long period, and was fought by the attosneys on both sides with all their force. Attorney General Rogers aud E. Howard McCaleb rep resented the state, while T. J. Femmes and T. L. Bayuc represented the. Cotton Oil Trust. The -writ of in junction perpetuated by the final de cree of the court forbid, prohibit and enjoin the American Colton Oil trust, its officers, agents, attorneys and em ployes, and Jules Aldrich individu ally, and as vice-president, manager and officer thereof, from any act whatsoever within the limits of the state of Liuisiana. Also, from enter- iuto contracts, obligations of any kind, or in behalf of said American Cotton Oil trust, from buying, soiling, exchanging or dealing in property ights, credits, whether moveable or unnmvuble, within the state. The ap plication for a receiver is denied.” Has this Oil Trust, a foothold in Georgia? April 10. 1889. JOHN CHASTAIN. Every mother, to euro chafing nnd prickly heat, uses ami recommends Bor- uclno, a superior aud highly perfumed toilet powder. Try it. McRxo Jt Manlra, Th-mi.-isvills; A: Hra-lloril, Columlms; Alexander Druff anil Heed Co., An us a; F. Von Ovc:i, Charleston, Agents. Fresh peaches every morning at Sampson s Jackson st. Fruit Store. KILL FLIES. Insect Powder Fly Paper. *,Cass ki.s’ Pharmacy, 118 Broad street A UAItEKlL TRAINING. As a rule Ihe druggists of the country are Ihc most careful people. They do cverytiljn . . - " n F .xactnesx and never fail to make a full confession before expressing an opinion.. A prominent druggist writes: Ei.iikuton, O*. Gentlemen—l’lease ship by freight another aloe of your incomparable Calisaya Tonic. It is the only preparation nf the kind 1 have seen that fully bears out the promises made by the selier. We guarantee it. Very truly yours, It. C. Epmcnus. Druggist nnd Physician. “Oil, my hack!" is a common exclamation, ard expresses a world of misery and suffer ing. It is singular this pain arises from such various causes. Kidney disease, liver enm- piaint, wasting affections, colds, rheumatism, dyspepsia, overwork nnd nervous debility are 1 ' uses. "When thus ailing seek prompt chief .... relief. It can be found best in Brown's Iron Bitters, ll builds up from the foundation by making the blond rich amt pure. Lcadiq; pjiyslcians and ministers use and rccoinmom It. It lias cured many, and if you nro suffer er, I r Just last shipment of Jelly ItEKSK k EASON. All llainliridge Clay Co. I l.f-giil Opinion. Monday Esq. Esq. To: Klerlric Hi ill) County .. says: “Have used most Imppy results, cry low with malarial l was cured by timely Am sytislicd Kleetrie mv brother also was tuver amt jaundice, It use-of Ibis iiicdirin.’. Hitters saved his life nr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying, lie positively believes he would have died, Imd it not bcea for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward oil. as welfl 1 as cure all malarial diseases, anil for all kidney. Liver nnd stomach disorders stands uneipmlcd, I'tjcc-Vpceul^juidi ■AT- once. Tallin Iinon aipf Now York cost lit 8, J. Cassels, toweling below I’llKKTT ire hendqm se A Eason s lor fruit Jars. They iters, Ii-ltl4t Look in at l’iokott’s greatest bargains ever Thomasville. Woman's Jioo for if LOO. ami see tho o lio rial kid billion Mon's Ii.-iihI sinvoil ■boos for $4.TK), Pickett's. IliicItlt-uV Tin A Fine Sermon. Rev. Dr. Boggs, chancellor of the State University, delivcrctl a remark ably f|np eprimiu Sunday night at the Presbyterian church in this city. His discourse was founded mainly on the occurrences as related in Acts Pith, from 25th to -'list verses. Ilis text ^ was “BeBavp in tl(c J.ori| Jesus Christ, and thou shall he saved," and lie gave his audience a sermon replete with sound doctriue and plain, common sense reasoning, which, oven ill iU simplicity, was sublime. The Dr. is a fine preacher, as well as one of the most successful managers our State University has had for years, and lie Is dfiing good work in fostering the interest, and building up Into a mqre permanent structure the alumni of that grand old institution. Stand By your Order, It lus cfitiie *<> the ears of a number of Alliance men that a few members of the order have, either voluntarily or from over-persuasion,ordered jute bay ging for their coming crop, and that one or two A liancc stores in the state have ordered jute bagging for their customers, believing they cupId not pro cure cotton bagging. This is a great mistake, and the men who have ordered jute arc cither too simple and have no minds of their own, or are traitors to the cause they have espoused. Wo do pot hesitate to say that no true Alliance man will use, buy or sell, jute bagging. Wc do not know who has bought or will buy jute bagging, but if wc did we would say just what we have. Come to the mark, brethren, and act like men. Don’t let any one in veigle you into buying jute, for as sure as the world stands tire Alliance man who goes back upon the promises he has given, will be irretrievably dis graced. Certainly no man who was in the .qtatc Alliance on thej qth of April last will ever he guilty ot buying or using jute bagging, for he certainly knows that he will so thoroughly ruin himself with the brethren who ser.t him to that convention that they never will believe him, or trust him again while the world stands—Southern Alliance. The Prince of Wales gave more than his mother towards the Johnstown sufferers. She sent her sympathy, lie hpught a ticket lor himself and the Princess to Bufialo Bill’s benefit per formance. Ariaicn Mnlre. ■st Sulvc in the World for Cuts, Cruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Clui|.ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptions,and positively cures Files, or no pay required. U is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Lieu y.> cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug .Store. tel, i FOR RKNT. Fudge bouse, below the Masury Ho- I'or rent. Apply to > ^ K. M. MALLKTTB. fa rubber rings at Uccso .k Rason's, nantity. -1:» it lll i.i it Culpi-lqa-l- Hu ll u-ftl lo ping up with the ed the agency of tar Mineral Water, the finest Ivspepsiu, It is I G tf Ihc New DUcovrrr. You have beard your friends and neigh-* rs talking about it. You may yoi\rse\i be •many whoknoiy frcuu pcrsunalex- > ot lilt peiience |iu-t how tp) u d it is. If you have ever Hied i. you are one of its staunch friends, beynuso the wonderful tiling about it is, that when once given a trial, Ur. King’s New Discovery ever alter hold* a place in the house. If yoi| have never used it and should he ufliicled with a cough, cold or any Threat. IdWg or Chest trouble, se cure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every tunc, or money re fill.tied. Trial bottles free at S. J. Cassius Drugstore. TAKB A RKST. Kxcursiou tickets at lojv rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the coun try by the Hast Tennessee. Virginia anti Ceorgia Railway, ecmnwnoing June 1st, good to return or\ ur before October 1st. Fast train arrvicc with Pullman ears. H. W. WREX.V, Ceu. Pass, and Ticket Agt. Few moiu pairs Old Lulie.s JJus- kins and shoes lo he sacrificed *at Pickett's. PIANOS AXl) ORGANS. W. S. Drown, the Jeweler, bus se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and forms. XOT’ll'K, 1101 SEKEEPEKS! Wo liavo a splendid article of strictly llrst-elass syrup, put up iu small liar- els lor family use. Call ami see it. Bass Jfc McKinnon, lit! Broatl Street. Fifty pieces Dress Ginghams, assorted styles, at 6 3-4 cents per yard. Levy’s Dry Ms loose Mitchell House Corner!! UY * -y - - £r i _ T:. £ =£.- e -