The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 26, 1889, Image 1

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PK mm VOL 1 -NO 30. THOMASVJLLE, GEOEG1Y, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE Local Matters Judge Hansel! has been hearing some cases in chambers to day. If yon would hear some excellent music go to the South Georgia Col lege chapel to-night. Wash Robinson and James Chap man, colored, were tried and found uilty before Judge Mitchell yestcr- ay of criminal trespass. Robinson was fined ?">6 or seven months, and Chapman was given his choice of $26 or three months. A lady, who was alone last night, discovered a man in the yard about ten o’clock. Two gentlemen in the neighborhood responded to the lady's request and inspected the premises. The man had disappeared. Moral: Look out for suspicious characters. The concert to he given by the music scholars of the South Georgia College will come off to-night. This department has been under the care ful training of Miss Mary Laurie. This is n sufficient guarantee thnt the pupils have been well and thoroughly taught. Rev. 8. S. Broadeuex, who has re cently been called to the pastorate of the first African Baptist church here, will be duly installed next Sunday, the 30th inst. Tho Corresponding ecretary of the State Baptist Con- tion, Rev. C. H. Lyon, Rev. N. illiamson and others are exnect- fo be present. The public arc cor- lly invited. Kjr - rhoinasvillc ought to do some lib eral advertising this summer. Every dollar spent in this direction pays— and pays well. Every man who comes bore, buys property aud im proves it, adds thousands to the tax able property of the town, county and ifalSr onlyJto look around itowu and the surrounding country verify this statement. We will be pardoned, perhaps, for suggesting to those most directly in terested in building up the two col leges, that the interregnum between the terms be utilized in canvassing the territory tributaryja-these insti tutions. This afibth is du«‘ tho insti HPRMfffiH .jdons inyaHayiopij,, i ie Voterans's Relink I’J.c Vctarans- U 0t ,n,7 m ' g ;'- promises to he ■ ten,led. The , ucn vho WQre orev D °n kind g'ey, will mwi, „ot to fight their to mingle ttiendly converse and recollections of the days of 1861-1865, Education in Georgia. The presence of Chancellor Boggs in our city ought to give the cause of education in her section an impetus. The distinguished gentleman is the guest of Col. A. T. MacIntyre and will remain here till Wednesday morning, rt which time ho goes to Albany, where he will deliver a ad dress on Education. Thursday he will deliver an address at Waycross, and the next day he will be at Amer icas. After that date he will take a weeks vacation. In speaking ot the cause of higher education in the state the Augusta Chronicle pays Dr. Boggs a very high and a deserved compli ment. “It is just in this direction, and for this cause, that Chancellor Boggs is now at work. He has an able facul ty and a sympathetic board of trus tees. His alumni arc enthuiastic in his support. Nothing‘but the con viction that he owes this much to his country and his race influenced him in leaving his pulpit and quitting the service of a devoted community. It is a high mission, and he is profound ly impressed with its tremendous im port. Ho is a broad, liberal man, full of felling, hut inflexible in his con ception ot duty. He was made of just the stud for such a crisis. When wa>- was declared lie took his Bible and his musket and marched to the call of his country. When yellow pestilence stalked in his homo he walked un flinchingly among the stricken and the dead, performing the most exact ing and sacred offices of earthly call ing. He is the creature of command ing courage. Friendship and favor itism are nothing before his exalted sense of duty. Should lie sec a man, whether teacher or student, fulling behind in his department, lie will call him back to his work or advise him to retire. If nftcr a term of service he should he convinced, from any reason, ot his own inability to carry on his administration upon his own high plane, lie • would promptly lay that sort of man, and no leas a man could fill tho position of chancellor at this time.” Round trip tickets for one fare from all points on the S. F. & W R y willbc placed on sale the 3rd and, Ah of July, good to return the 5th, and-6th TliotnasviUe ought tcu D nJ over n good delegation to tW Reunion, The veteranj of Pecakur county and their friends will provido a dinner suitable for such a pleasant occasion. He Dusted. While Marshall Spair and Inspector 1’inson were hunting a reported mad dog (his morning in the run beyond Mr, Junius Smith’s, they “jumped” a 'to of darkeys who were conceal- c0Ul , ' underbrush. Just what they cd in the . , , * is not clear, were there fo. event they got up a £ ' them cleared Mr. Son. h » ,cncc at 3 bound, and ran through a corn pa ch like a tornado. The grouwjover ^hieh he passed looks like a young, cyclone I had struck it. Mr. Smith’.', crop of | roasting ears is cut short. The last seen ol the fleeing fugiti vc he was knocking the bark from t.he sides of the trees in Paradise /.’ark. At the rate which he was going he crossed the Florida line in about seventy min utes. No darkey ever made better time during the days of “Run, nigger, run, the patrol’ll catch you,” than did this jumped up gentleman of color. In any One of An Eminently Practical Sormon. Rev. Warren Candler preached a commencement sermon before the young men of Wofford College, South Carolina, the other day. He steered clear of old beaten tracks. While not lorgetting the spiritual, he dealt largely In the practical. In concluding his add Iress, the reverend gentleman said: with us, the institutions of free- ail, a government of the people Inti for the people will never be tried again by.ragD. If the experiment shall ' here, wtwc shall we look for it to It here liberty cannot find a she'Hot, bereaved and dis- ■take t^r (light, to heaven o.’Ko moreK And if, with us, »ityito5,ira<& z what people ,JB@®P e *1As triunWh? Here must rightaM ° Ut between pend urjoa, ih, iK> ■ earth is w ^sccnc of this gwat onetes t, ami in the United Stakes. Is. the Tht •rmopykfc of the earth. ;H«re is. being tv ade the last stand (or .•Oft redemption of mankind. “1 hear men longing for a chance to live in a more h erotc age or country, It is but the dre aming of indolence or incompetency. IVever lias the world Men a grander age, fraught with more far-reaching consequences to the race of man. Never rested upon any'people more appalling responsibilities; never stood before a nation more inspiring opportunities. Gentlemen, it is a great thing to live at such a time, in such a country; it is a great tiling to- have a part in such a strife. I lx -lici-c we shall not fail.” 1 he Mar ietta Journal has. jliisto say in fr V()r 0 f college commencements an< t School exhibitions: A good many people object to school exhibitions on the ground that they take too much time from study. They do take time it is true, but wc know of nothing that gives a school a better scud oil, or more character than a well managed, successful exhi bition. It gives a boy or a girl self- confidence, a grace, an ease in society that nothing else can give. A knowl edge of books is not all of an educa tion by a long sight, it is only the foundation, tho underpinning as it were. Success comes from knowing what to do, and how to do; what to say and how to say. It takes address, grace and self-reliance to do and say these things. THE GEORGIA EDITORS. They Return Thank9 for Courtesies Ex tended on their Recent Western Trip. The committee appointed at the recent annual meeting of the Georgia Press Association, which assembled in Macon, Ga., report as follows: The members of the Georgia Press Association, ever mindful of the cour tesies which have been so generously extended to them wherever the body bus met or traveled witbin the State or out, desire tlfat this recognition fo courtesies shall not be construed as a mere formal expression of thanks, which shall discharge all the obliga tions under which they have been placed; hut as a grateful remembrance of one of the most pleasant and in structive excursions ever tendered to, and enjoyed by, the association; and they hope to use the knowledge so gained that it may advance the best interests of the people of Georgia for years to conic. Wc recognize in the Central rail road of Georgia a most important fac tor in the development of the material resources aud prosperity of Georgia, a corporation which stands ready and willing to do all in its power to ad vance tho interests of the people of Georgia, by giving them rapid and cheap transportation, and opening up new markets for their produce. Our recent trip over its linos and connections to tiic Northwest, has convinced us that in a few years this must become one of tho most import ant highways to the Atlantic coast, and must necessarily build up our sea ports awl advance the prosperity of the whole State. While it gives to tlie Northwest a new and shorter route to the export markets, it also opens up to Georgia new and profitable markets for her cotton goods, iron and lit in her. The courtesy which not only pro vided us transportation over its lines and connections, but provided for our com fort by tendering to us a special train of sleepers and coaches, will ever be held in grateful remembrance. Tn tlhr ctmnectia*- w**iW iyuh to return our thunks for the courtesies extenden to us by tho officials of the Kansas City, Memphis and Birming ham; Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis; Missouri Pacific, Louisville and Nashville; Nashville, Chattanoo ga and St. Louis; and Western and Atlantic railroads, who did so much to make our excursion a pleasant one. To Mr. Frank O’Brien, and other citizens of Birmingham, wc are in debted for special opportunities for in vestigating the coal and iron mines, and extensive manufacturing indus tries of this indeed “Magic City,” in whose prosperity wc rejoice as that of a brilliant illustration of the imlus*. trial resources of ,>»»«- veil ' sunny South.” ' . ■ i ,• i i We were surprised and delighted with our visit to Memphis—surprised at finding such great .commercial life and development in a city but a few years since devastated by plague, and regarded as dead; delighted with its massive and modern business blocks and beautiful residences, and charmed with the genial hospitality of its peo ple. With indomitable energy it lias built itself lip ns the greatest inland market for the greatest staple in the world, aiul wo bid the beautiful city God speed in its inarch ot progress. To the mayor and citizens of the beautiful little city ot Springfield, Mo., we tender our thanks for a most cordial reception, and regret that cir cumstances would not permit uur ac cepting their invitation to spend sr longer time with them. Kansas City, that wonderful illus tration of the energy and progress of the great Northwest, was to us a rev elation of enterprise, determination aud thrift. An examination of its tunny industries', its mammoth stock- yards and packing houses, left upon our minds the impression that it must within a few years become among the greatest of the great trade centers of this great country, and we congratu late the people of Georgia that they now have direct railroad communica tion with it. The cordial and kindly reception tendered to us by the Commercial Club in its handsome rooms, will ever ho remembered as one of the most pleasant incidents of the excursion, for wc were made to feel that wc were brothers, united for a common pur pose under one flag, respected by and respecting each other, in’our differ ences of opinion. In St. Louis we found a solid and conservative city, with a steady f rowth that fears no collapse. To Mr. lenry Shaw wc arc indebted lor special courtesies in opening to us the finest- botanical gartten in America, and in welcoming us to his home. Wc recognize in him a public bene factor, who has done much for human ity in cultivating in them a taste for tho beautiful in nature, and in pro viding foi- tho people of his city pure and pleasant places of recreation. We regret that time did not |>ermit us a longer stay in Nashville, for in the few hours wc spent within its limits, wc were impressed with the enterprise and libcralty oj^its people and the bright outlook for the growth and prosperity of the city. To President Watkins, of the Chat tanooga and Lookout Mountain rail way, wc arc indebted for one of the most plcasurablo of the many pleasant features of our trip—tho ascent by rail to the top of Lookout Mountain, where] wc enjoyed a view, that for bcautv and grandeur, cannot be sur passed. Wc cannot close this report without expressing our thanks to Col. W. L. Glcssucr, who got up the delightful excursion, and who was with us through tho whole trip, working in dustriously for our pleasure and com fort. Respectfully, J. W. Burke, E. C. Machen, A. A. Ali.en. All newspapers who participated in this excursion will please copy the above. “Oh, my back!" is a common exclamation, ai:d expresses a world of misery and suffer ing. It is singular this pain arises from such various ca uses. Kidney disease, liver com plaint, wasting affections, colds,rheumatism, dyspepsia, overwork and nervous debility are chief causes. When thus ailing seek prompt relief. It can be found best in Brown’s Iron Bitters. It builds up from the foundation by making the blood rich and pure. Leading physicians and ministers use and recommend it. It has cured many, and if you arc suffer cr, lr> it. Just received our last .shipment of Jelly (Busses. REESE & EASON A Non ml Ijrgnt Opinion. K. Bainhridgc Mu ml ay Esq. Esq., County A tty., Clay Co., Tex., says: “Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. mv brother also was very low with malarial tuver aud jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sytighed Electric Bitters saved his life.’* nr. 1). 1. Wilcoxson, of Jlorso Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying. 11c positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Kloctric lHttdra. This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all malarial diseases, and for all kidney, Liver and stomach disorders stands uneqtmlcd. Price 50 cents and $1.00. S. J. Cassels. Tabic linen and toweling below New York cost at Pickett’s. do to Reese k Eason's for fruit jars. They are headquarters. G-I04t Look in at Pickett’s and sec the greatest bargains ever offered In Tliomasvillc. Woman’s kid button hoc for $1.00. suTved' * nous ~i dr ^4.00. Pickett’s. Itucklcu’w Arnica Hhlve. he Best Salve in the World for Cuts, iscs, {Sores, Ulcers, Salt Iiheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains as, ami all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Casscls, Drug Store. FOB KENT. The Pudge house, below the Miuury Ho tel, is for rent. Apply to * E. M. MALLKTTR. ings at Uecse A Eason's, in Extra rubber any quantity. 0-1‘J It Held k Culpepper are keeping up with the procession, they have secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the finest preparation known for dyspepsia. It is guaranteed to cure. I 0 tf The JVnr DiwCovcry. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself he one of the many who know from personal ex perience just how good it is. If you have • tried it you are one of its staunch friends, bemuse the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King’s New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Threat, Lung or Chest troublqdpc- ciire a bottle at once and give it a fair Trial^ It is guaranteed every time, or money re funded. Trial bottles free at S. J. Cassbl's Drugstore. TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold all summer resorts throughout the coun- / by the East Tennessee, Virginia and (ieorgia Railway, ccmmcncing June 1st, good to return on or before October 31st. Fast train service with PtfHian cars. b. \v. wSenn, Men. Pass, and Ticket Agt. Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus kins ami shoes to be sacrificed at Pickett’s. PIANOS ANl) OI?GANS. W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all tho lirst-class Pianos and Organs, which ho Is selling at the lowest prices for cosh or on long time. Those desiring to purchaso will do well to leant his prices and terms. -AT- ONCE. Fifty pieces Dress Ginghams, assorted styles, at 6 3-4 cents per yard. ‘ T ^vy’s Mitchell House Cornell