The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 27, 1889, Image 1

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uterfiri VOL 1 —NO 40. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, !8iS5). $5.00 PER ANNUM a CD U) I 3 02 Local Matters. Tlic Guards will be out this after noon at 5 o’clock tor n drill. They will be in full uniform. The Wold cottages in Flctchcrville will be, when completed, very hand some additions to the residence quar ter of that part of Thomasville. Miss Mary Laurie has worked very hard to get up the cantata for to night. Go and patronize the young lady. She has gone to considerable expense in fitting up the stage, and the small admission of 25 cents will scarcely cover this and other expenses. Engineer J. C. Griffin has a couple of interesting pets. They are two young wild turkeys. He found twelve eggs while out on his run and set them under a common hen. They all hatched, but ten of the little fel lows died. T-he two he has now are quite large and bid fair to he raised. Mr. A. C. Brown, the Jackson street grocer, sends the Times-Enter- 1’itisE a vegetable curiosity in the shtfpc of 'a twin squash. Knowing the fondness ot Jo Pass for this vege table we have laid it aside for him. He will probably have it served, as a special and private dish at the Stuart, for dinner, to-day. Mr. Win. Vaughn was in town day before yesterday. “How’s your crop, Mr. Vaughn !” asked a friend, on the street. “I have a splendid, outlook, and, with fair sensons, will make a good crop,” said Mr. V., as he moved off leisurely, down the shady side of the street. Hog Cholera. Our agricultural readeis will be interested in tlm article found else where on hog choleia, by Dr. McTyrc, taken from the Southern Farm. The doctor happily combines scientific knowledge and research with experi ence and practice. Read the article, HOG CHOLERA -SWINE POX. r.. I.. MCTVltK, M. 11., TIIOMASVIM.F., ISA, Cruelty to Animals. Lizzie Mitchell was before Judge Mitchell Monday for cruelty to aui mills. She drove a livery stable horse until it dropped in the street, of exhaustion. It was settled by her paying the cost of the proceeding, something over 813, and the damage done to the animal. The Commission Business. Mr. Jos. S. Norton, of Boston, has gone to New York, as the representa tive of the melon growers of his town, to look after their shipments to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. He has made connections with the following houses: C. P. Tntem A Co., Baltimore, Mil., Rcdfield & Son, Phil adelphia, John Stout, Wm. Gamble & Co., and W. L. Snyder, New York. These houses arc reliable and well known, and you cannot do better than to send them your shipments. Tiiomanvim.E, Ga., June 2G, ’Hit. Enrroit Times-Enterprise : The late burglary of Jos. Fass’ store some time between last Saturday night and Monday morning, has awak ened the sympathy of the entire com munity. It seems from current re ports that there was some negligence on Mr. Fass’ part in leaving his safe unlocked. I would also ask if it was not partly due to the want of more systematic and rigid rules governing the night police force. They should be required to walk their beats, cover ing at least the business blocks, regu larly. The merchants cannot be pro tected by night policemen unless these officers arc required to be on the move and the alert during tho night. There is a needed reform in this respect, and I hope our city authorities will take prompt action in view of the danger which continually threatens the town. Tax payers have a light to ask this at the hands of council. I hope there may be some plan de vised by’ our worthy aldermen by which the merchants can be better protected than they arc now. Respectfully, A Merchant, We often hear the question asked, what is in a name? Everything, if we don’t understand it. If a name is manifestly misleading, the domain of knowledge cannot be extended, and we cease to be cither the subjects or instruments of progress, while thus fettered. On no other subject has so much harm been done by a misleading name than the one I now propose to discuss, viz: the so-called hog cholera. I would premise further remarks on this subject by all who glance at the above heading and the space occupied, that what I write is the result of care ful and painstaking observation and investigation, made at the risk and jeopardy of my health, and even oflife itself. During the last ten years I had thought that owing to something pe culiarly favorable in the locality, my swine had escaped the disease, while my neighbors, some distant only a mile, had lost nearly all of their hogs. Hence, it has happened that I have not had an opportunity of personal observation; however, early in March of the present year, I had a very un expected visitation of it. The invasion was very sudden; hogs that appeared perfectly healthy on die day before, coming to feeding place, relured their food and returned to their sleeping places. I visited my patients several times during the day, and on rousing them noticed that on getting up they carried their heads to one side,shaking them as though they had something in their cars. A wise friend (?) at once said they had the cholera, as many people believe the disease was caused by lice entering the cars. I did not take any stock in this theory, as 1 did not think the aforesaid could enter the brain through as small an opening ns the auditory canal of the ear. As the hogs were in very good condition— some very fat—1 said I thought they would “pull through,’’ but I was robbed of this consolation at once, by. my friends remarking, the (at ones will be the first to succumb to the disease, and the correctness ol this remark I saw verified in a few days. Finding, in less than 48 hours aficr the first indisposition to take food, that the “Phillistines were upon me," I began the very discouraging task of casting about for remedies with which to combat the disease. “They say it is cholera.” I bad not observed any disposition to vomiting among die hogs, and the closest examination around their beds did not show any fresh alvine evacuations. I took out my armory of drugs, and selected asa- feetida and sulphur as my weapons. This was mingled, by means of a thick mucilage of gum arabic, and having the hog turned up on his back, and by means of a large iron spoon, I succeeded in getting the dose down him very easily. Several died riext day, so I thought best to vary the treatment, and had some under the soda and copperas and arsenic treatment, all at the same lime, but all was vanity and much vexation of spir it, and I retiied completely vanquish ed. It is not a pleasant sight, by any means, to sec your pet llcrksliires dying off one after another, and all efforts proving fruitless to arrest the march of death, and I did not remem ber to have seen any post morlems of swine dying of the disease, I decided I would open one and see for myself. A good subject was at hand, just dead. I had a small abrasion or wound on my finger, which ought to have deterr ed me from exposing myself, but this I tried to protect from inoculation by wrapping around it several layers of cloth, but the sequel proved “that that kind of protection was no protection at all.” Proceeding with the autopsy, I examined first the lungs, then the liver, stomach and kidneys, in none of which I found anything abnormal. In the lower bowels found a large accum ulation ot fixcal matter, very hard and lumpy, and having the appearance ot having been retained many days. The brain was next examined, and although I had noticed that particular hog had exhibited much cerebral’ disturbance, as manifested by moving about in cir cles, or, as we say, had staggers, still there was very little, it any, apparent alteration in the substance of the brain. Thus I had gone over all the impor tant organs and I could not find, after a most rigid scrutiny, any morbid lesions or structua! changes that I could point out as causing death. Looking over the snout of the hog I counted 5 or 6 postules, or blood blis ters, circular in shape and about half an inch in diameter. Turning up the upper lip of the subject, I found sev eral ragged and foul ulcers, probably an inch deep, having a very offensive odop, and which certainly could be characterized as truly malignant. I thought at once ot having seen such ulcers in S. A., the result of being punctured or bitten by a poisonous fly. The resultant disease is described in our medical books under the name of malignant postule. Seeing the character of these ulcers, I knew ab sorption front them must produce charges somewhere, and naturally I looked for them in the neck, as all farmers know the charges produced in the glands (kernals) in the jowls and neck by the disease called hog scrofu la. On cutting into the neck, the tissues were highly engorged or congested with blood, and glands were enlarged from the mere rudimentary formation, to bodies the size of the end of the finger, or one-half inches in diameter. These bodies were very numerous. The office of these glands are to elim inate or throw off, or get rid of any morbific or poisonous matter circulat ing in ihe system. All observers of the so-called hog cholera, know that .1 peculiar eruption breaks out on the neck and shoulders, making cracks and sores, and in this way the hog is relieved. Several of my hogs now convalescing, are a mass of sores, and the grown ones have not hair enough left to cover a half ol their body. It is my firm conviction that these ulcers on the upper lip antidote all other diseased appearances, and from them are taken up by absorbent sys tem of vessels, a potent and virulent poison equalled only in malignancy by the virus of confluent small pox. With all the precautions I used in making, the autopsies, I became inoculated with the poison, and am just conva lescing after a month of much suffer ing As stated above, I had a small abrasion on one ot my fingers, which I thought well protected, and alter I was through the post modems (I made two) I washed my hands thoroughly, and cauterized, but 8 or 10 days after I discovered a small festeron my hand, and soon had rigors chill and .was de lirious several days. The disease showed itself principally in the glands (kernels) in the armpit. Pasteur, the French doctor, might find in this virus a, solution of the rabbit plague in Aus tralia. I made a second autopsy two days alter the first one, with same results. The reader will ask, what are the pointers from all this, and what are the curative or preventive indicatives? Regarding the ulcers on the lips as the danger points, these must first receive attention. Nothing but a properly constructed piece of iron (actual cau tery) heated to a white heat and ap plied to these sores, would avail any thing. Then give 3 ounces of casior oil and 6 drops of croton oil as a pur gative. This given, take a sharp knife and having gauged it so as to cut one- fourth inch deep, make one to two Incisions Iran •ersely, commencing on top of the neck, just in front of the shoulders, but stopping before reach ing the locality of the blood vessels under the throat. Have tar and grease in readiness to place on the cuts to prevent harm from the blow fly. This operation is prepared to relieve the engorgement ol the neck. I tried to relieve this condition by splitting the ears, but it was too far away from the trouble. You need rather a larger surface for suppuration, by which to bring out the suppressed eruption, and in this way only can a fatal result he avoided. If the engorgement of the neck is relieved, the bowels will rapid ly respond to the purgative, as I have learned by experience that in nearly all acute diseases of the throat, in the human family, the bowels are consti pated, hut arc easily moved on the subsidence of the acute symptom. If the hog is not relieved in 8 cr 10 days, whether with or without medicine, the disease will have passed into vvliat can properly he called the typhoid stage. Supposing no ulcers are found on the lip (for this is not invariable)and there is great tendency to sinking, use a sustaining treatment. I used with good results the following: Bed Peruvian bark in powder ‘Jounces Gentian root (bruised) J “ Water J <pmrts Boil down to one-third, then take off from the fire, and infuse lot one- half hour in the above one-half ounce of black snake root. Strain, and give 2 tablcspoonsful 4 times a day. The hogs having the open ulcers on their lips should be kept separate from the other hogs, as using the same water, or coming in contact with any kind of food in common with the others, will inevitably intensify the disease. As the weather was rainy and cold when my swine were sick, 1 put them under shelter and had plenty of straw for bedding. A good sign of improve ment is a desire to get to their wal lowing places. I used meal dough mixed with cook ed sweet potatoes, as rations for the convalescents, as they seemed not to be able to use their jaws freely for a length of time. A DAREFCL TRAINING. As a rule the druggists of tho country arc the most careful people. .They do everything with exactness and never fail to make a full confession before expressing an opinion. A prominent druggist writes: F luhrton, Ga. Gcntlemen-l'leasc ship by freight another caoc of your incomparable Calisaya Tonic. It is tho only preparation of the kind 1 have seen that fully bears out the promises made by tho seller. Wo guarantee it. Very truly yours, II. C. Edmunds. Druggist and Physician. NOTICK, IIOlJSKKKKPEItS! AVc have a splendid article of strictly first-class syrup, put tip in small bar- els for family use. Call ami see it. IIass Sc McKinnon, lltJ Broad Street. “Oh, my backl” is a common exclamation, ard expresses a world of misery and suffer ing. It is singular this pain arises from such various ca.ises. Kidney disease, liver com plaint, wasting affections, colds, rheumatism, dvspcpsia, overwork and nervous debility are chief causes. When thus ailing seek prompt relief. It can be found best in Drown’s Iron Bitters. It builds up from the foundation by making the blood rich and pure. Leading physicians und ministers use and recommend it. It has cured many, and if you arc stlffer- er, tr> it. __ Just received our last shipment of Jelly Glasses. REESE k K ASOX. A Mound Le^'iiI Opinion. K. iJaiubridgo Mundny Esq. Esq., Connty Attj\, (May Co., TeX., says: “Have used Electric Hitters with most happy roaulta. MV brother also was very low with malarial tever and jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sytisfted Electric Hitters saved his life.” Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Jlorso Cave, Ky.. :-at- ONCE. believes lie would have died, iu\d it not been for Electric Hitters, This grwit remedy will ward oil, as well hs cure all malarial diseases, and for all kidney, Liver and stomach disorders stands unequalcd. Price 50 cents and $1.00. S. J. Casskls. Table linen and toweling below New York cost :it I'ickktt’s. Go to Kcesc & Eason’s tor fruit jars. They re headquarters. 6-l94t Kook in at Pickett’s and sec the greatest bargains ever offered in Thomasville. Woman’s kid button shoe for $1.00, Men’s hand sewed shoes for $1.00. Pickett’s. lluclilrn’N Arnica Naira. lie Host Salve in the World for Cut9, bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cent3 per box. For sale by S. J. Cassels, Drug Store. FOR RENT. The Fudge house, below tho Musury Ho tel, is for rent, \ppl_j to •MM ‘ K. M. MALLKTTE. Reid k Culpepper are keeping up with the procession, they have secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the fir.oat preparation known for dyspepsia^ H is guaranteed to cure. " 4 6 tf The I'faw Dincovery. Von have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal ex perience just how good it is. If you have ever tried it von are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King’s New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be aftiicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, se cure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every t*mc, or money re- J Fifty pieces Dress Ginghams, assorted styles, at 6 3-4 cents per yard * Levy’s Dry M Mitchell House Corner funded. Trial Buttles tree at 8. J. C vaaiL's Drugstore. TAKE A REST. C.vurdou tickets at loiv rates will be suM all summer resorts throughout tho eoun- - - j hy tlie East Tennessee, Virginia and (leu-gin Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October :11st. Fast train service with Fullman cars. U. W. WREXX, (Ion. Fass. and Ticket Agl. Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus kins and shoes to bo sacrificed at I’ickott’s. FI A NOS AND ORGANS. W. S. Drown, tho Jeweler, has se cured the agency for nil tho first-class Planes and Organs, which ho Is soiling" at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learu his prices and terms. . m