The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 29, 1889, Image 1

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ffl e o A Bill ; To lie entitled “All Act to re-iucorpo- rate the Town of Thomasville as the City of Thoinnsville ; to confer addi tional powers on said corporation, and to codify, amend and supercede all previous acts incorporating the Town of Tlioninsville, and grant a new char ter to said Town under the name of the City of Tlioninsville, and for other purposes. Section I. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same; That from and after the passage of this Act, the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor and Council of the Town of Thoinnsville he and it is hereby rc-incorporatcd under the name and stylo of the “City of Tlioninsville,” and by that name shall he and is hereby invested with all the rights, powers and privileges inci dent to a municipal corporation, nud all the powers, rights, titles, property, easements and hereditnmcncs hereto fore belonging or in anywise apper taining to the said Mayor and Council of the Town of Thomasville, as a cor porate body', shall be and are hereby vested in the City of Thomasville ns a corporate body, and the City of Thom asville as such body corporate is hereby made responsible for all the debts, liabilities and undertakings of the said Mayor and Council of the Town of Thomasville as a hotly corpo rate. Section II. He it further ennclcd by the authority aforesaid; That the government of said city shall be vested iu a Mayor and eight Aldermen; The present Mayor and Aldermen shall continue in office as such until the expiration of the term for which they were elected and until their suc cessors are elected and ssWUmvb and powers, and duties hereby confei on the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Thomasvillo. Section III. Be it-further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the corporate limits of said City of Thom asville shall extend one mile iu every direction from the Court House in said city; and shall also extendi for police purposes only, so us to include all the laud embraced iu the new cem etery for colored people and for a dis tance of two hundred yards around and outside of the fence enclosing said cemetery, and also so us to include all that territory embraced within the following boundaries, to-wit: bounded on the .North by the corporate line. West by the Tallahassee road, Jiast by the Magnolia road, and South by n straight line drawn from the North West corner of the “old Lightfoot place” on the Tallahassee road by the Southern boundary of the lands of the Connecticut Industrial School to the Magnolia road. These extensions to be subject to the same police regu lations, and under the same police jurisdiction as the oily proper, but not subject to city taxes, uor the resi dents thereof entitled to vote in uny city election. .Section IV. 13c it further cuacted by the authority aforesaid; That an election shall be held in said City on the Third Tuesday in January 181)0, and annually thereafter, for (V Mayor and eight Aldermcu to serve for one year and until theft- successors arc clcfttcd and qualified. .Said election to be held at the Court House iu said City, under the supervision of a Jus tice of the Peace of the fi37th District G. M. and two freeholders, or of three freeholders resident in said city. The polls shall be opened at 8 o’clock a. in., and closed at 5 o’clock p. m. city time. Np one shalj be cutitcd to vote iu said election or any municipal election in said city ppless he is a duly registered voter of ,said city, .Said election to be conducted in all respects os elections for members of the General Assembly in said state, except that only two lists of voters and two tally sheets need be kept nud except as herein provided. .Section V. Bo it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Treasurer of said City shall be ex- officio Registrar of said city, and shall open his books of registration on the first Monday in October 1889, and annually thereafter on the same day ami shall keep them open until six o’clock p. m. on tho first Monday in December next thereafter at his office in said city, every day, Sundays ex cepted, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. and be shall register all male persons who apply in person, and not by proxy, within the time prescribed, and who will take and subscribe the following oath which said Treasurer is hereby authorized to administer, to-wit: “You do solemnly swear that you have attained the age of twenty one years, that you are a citizen of the United States, that you have resided in this state l'or the past twelve mouths and in the county of Thomas for the past six months, that you have paid all state and cotiuty taxes required of you since the adoption of the Consti tution of 1877, except for this year, that you have never been convicted of a felony or larceny, that you have resided in the corporate limits of the city of Thomasville for the past six months and have paid all taxes legally required of you, including street tax ttnd any license tax, and have consid ered this city your home lor that length of time, so help you God.” Any person who shall take the said oath nnd shall swear falsely in so doing, shall he guilty of false swear ing and shall, on conviction therefor, be punished as prescribed iu section 4810 of the Code of 1882, each person so registering shall give the street, block and number or other designation of his residence ill said city, which shall he refolded along with his name in the book kept by the registrar for that purpose. That said Registrar shall publish once in each week while the hooks are open an nlplmbeticnlly arranged list of the persons so regis terod, and alter the hooks arc closed said list. shall be published at least three successive times in the paper or papers of said City doing ' the city printing and said Registrar shall fur nisli the Superintendents of election with at least three copies of said list. No candidate for any city office shall be eligible as a Superintendent or mannger of said election. Section VI. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no one shall be eligible to the office of Mayor or Alderman who is not a reg istered voter of said city. That the Superintendents of such election shall declare those persons receiving the highest number ot votes for Mayor ana Aldermen duly elected, and fur n one tally si with the ballots under seal to the City Cicrl, and the other tally sheet mid list of votes to the Ordinary of Thomas County. Tho persons so elected must present themselves at the Council Chamber within ten days and take ail oath before tho out-going .Mayor, or any officer authorized to administer an oath, faithfully to discharge the duties of Mayor or Alderman, as tbu case may he. Any one desiring to contest any election shall file u notice of coutcst with the Ordinary within throo days after said election, setting fortli nil the grounds for contest, and upon pay ment of n fee of ten dollars (810.00; in advance, the Ordinary shall cause a copy of said notice to he served by the sheriff or his deputy on the contcs- tecs and give notice at the same time to both parties of the lime and place of hearing, not later than ten days irom the date ol said service. T'ho ordinary is authorized to hear and determine the .contest (with right of ccntiorari to the Superior Court.) The costs to be paid by die losing parly. Section 7. 13c it tunher enacted by the authority aforemid, That in case ol vacancy in the office of Mayor the aldermen sljal) elect one of their own number as Mayor tor the unex pired term; and in case ol a vacancy in the board of Aldermen the remain ing members shall elect a citizen of said city fo'fill such vacancy for the unexpired term. Section 8. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That should the Mayor or any member of the board of Aldermen or any officer of said city be gpilty of any malpractice in office or any abuse of the powers confided to him, the Mayor or Aldermen, or a lull board of aldermen, may arraign any such offender and punish him by re moval from office and by fine or im prisonment; any one or all of said punishments, the fine not to exceed one hundred dollars nor imprison ment sixty days. The Mayor and Aldermen, for cause, may suspend, fine or remove irom office or suspend from pay and duty any officer of said city elected or appointed by them. Section 9. Bo it further enacted by tho.-authority aforesaid: That said Mayor and Aldermen shall have power at any regular .meeting to elect a clerk, a treasurer, a marshal, policemen, chaingnng keepers and guards, a sexton or cemetery keeper, and a superintendent of water works and other public works, and suuli other officers as they may deem neces sary; to regulate the time, mode nud maimer of electing each and all of said officers,, to’fix their fees and salarios, take their bonds and prescribe their powers and duties. They shall also have power to provide for the appoint ment of a city attorney, a health ot- ficcr, and a board of health, and to prescribe their powers and duties. .Section 10. Be it further enacted by the authority nforesaid: That said Mayor and each of said aldermen shall be ox-officio a Justice of the Peace, and shall have full power and author ity to issue warrants for the arrest of any person charged with tho commis sion of an offence against the laws of the State within the limits of said city,hear testimony under oath as to tho guilt or innocence of the party accused, to commit to jail, or the guard-house of said city, or to require bond with good ami sufficient security, if the oflcnce is a bailable one, for the appearance of the accused before any court au thorized by law to try and determine the case. Section II, licit further enacted by the authority aforesaid: That said Mayor and Aldermen shall have full power and authority to levy and col lect a tax upon all nnd every species of property in sajd city subject to state tax, upon hanking and insurance capital employed in said city, upon brokers and factors, upon each and every business, calling, trade ami profession carried on in said city, upon billiard mid pool tables, bowling alleys, bank, insurance, telegraph and express agencies in said city; to tax all theatrical performances, shows and exhibitions for gain, or any kind of profit, in said city; to tax all itin erant traders or peddlers, all vendors of patent medicines, drugs, hooks, nos trums or devices of any kind, all so ‘icitors or canvassers selling goods, wllrcs or merchandise by sample at re tail or to consumers. All of said taxes (except the tax on real or per sonal property, which shall be ad- v.iloicm and not exceeding one-half of one per cent, for ordinary current expenses) shall he in the nature of a license, which must he ptiid iu ad vance of doing business or lurrying on the trade or occupation, or canvass ing, or offering for sale any of tho ar ticles above set forth. And the said 1 Mavor and Aldermen shall provide by ■for tfio punishment Sf ntl parties required to take out license, who do or attempt to do any business lieforc taking out such license and complying fully with all requirements of said Mayor and Aldermcu made with rcfcrcnco thereto. Heetion 12. Bo it further enacted by the authority aforesaid: That said Mayor and Aldormen shall have full power and authority to prevent any parly from encroaching upon the streets, alleys nud sidewalks, or plac ing-ririy obstruction in, on or over any strcqtsr, 'alley or sldcwnlk, and to re move, nr cause to be removed, any such encroachment, whether building, porch, steps, signs or whatever it may tie, nlrcndy erected, and to prevent and abate any nuisnnee in the public squares, parks, streets, lanes, alleys, sidewalks ot said city, now dedicated, or that may ho dedicated to public use, or on the premises of any person in said cijy; Jo establish a market or markets, £111(1,regulate the same, and reguluto-ut what places and within what hours fresh meats, lisli, fowls tnrt game may he sold at said mar ket or other places iu said city, and what licouse shall be paid for such articles, to license and regulate illl hotels and hoarding Iiqiiscsj to pre vent the erection and mnintciiai-e in said city of butcher pens; slaughter houses, tan yards, ldacksmfth shops, wood working mills, sawmills, grists uijllk', forces ami chimneys, except by the permission of said Mayor and Al dermen, and to cause the "removal of any and all such establishments when ever they- become.'-dungertms to the health and weltard bf-tHctitizons, onf dan^iJu the liens or [.rofib'rty, or both; of others, or hoc-omc nuisances; to cause all lots or premises to be the roughly rtlruinedj and ,;t<n this cud n Vt jditchtSHjk draulj or till up dcinftr, |crov£tjqiii, pijs i i ^lj£c | hcs or ponds; at the cxpcifle Of .t^qjy.jperjor ■owners thereof, wheu they, after rea sonable notice, fail to do so. Said ex pense to he collected as city taxes arc collected. To license ‘ana^ regulate drays, hacks, oiijtiilmsses, wagons and vehicles making .1 business of hauling for hire pr-gajii, any nrtufa, on mate rial of any kind m saincity.'Provided this clnuso shall not apply: to any farm products brought to said city Iry the producer thereof,for salcor barter. To regulate,control and licenso all livery, feed anti sale -Stables, -pumps, wells, fire , engines. , fiese f or engine companies; ' to"'require a license from all ftqqtjobceifiq and also to collect a commission on all goods sold at auction 1 oPthHcommis-iou iu said town, and to fix tho amount ot license and to issue’4^ withhold license as to them may seetn,best. Section' 13. Bedt further enacted ’If- •. : • by the authority aforesaid: That said Mayor and) Aldermen shall havo full power mid authority to open, lay out, curh, pave nnd drain streets, alleys or lanes, or to widen, straighten or other wise enlarge or improvo streets,'alleys and lanes in said city; to purchase, improve and beautify public squares or parks in said city. And said Mayor and Aldermen shall lmvo full power nnd authority to condemn private, properly for streets, lanes, alleys, pub lic squares or parks, or for laying sew er or water pipes, in tho same manner us railroad companies are authorized to do under the general railroad law of Georgia, as contained in the Code of 1882. Section 14. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That said Mayor and Aldermen shall have the exclusive right to grant license to sell liquors (spirituous, vinous or malt) in said city, to say whether such liquors shall or shall not be sold, to fix the amount to be paid for license to prescribe such regu-lations for the keeping and manage ment ot places where liquors are sold as may seem fit, to grant or refuse license to any applicant, as may seem to them best, to punish by fine or im prisonment, or work on the public works of said city, any person selling without license (each sale to constitute a separate offense) or otlrerwisc vio lating any ordinance, rule or regulation of said Mayor and Aldermen, and to withdraw such license at any time for a violation of the ordinances, rules or regulations passed by said Mayor and Aldermen, to require a bond in such sum as they may deem best from each party taking license, to keep a decent and orderly house and observe the or dinances, rules and regulations pre scribed by said Mayor and Aldermen, tlic giving of such bond to be a condi tion precedent to doing business. They shall have power *0 license, regulate and control billiard, pool and bagatelle tables, bowling alleys, ten pin or nine pin alleys, and to refuse and revoke license upon proper case made by any citizen injured or annoyed by the man ner in which any such table or alley is used, or house selling liquor is con- LEVY’S Has Made a ducted. Section 15. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That said Mayor and Aldermen shall have full power and authority to prevent horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep,.goatr,dogs, and lowls from uinning at large in said city, or any portion thereof, and to prevent and prohibit the keeping of hogs in the city limits, or regulate the manner in which they must be kept, if allowed to remain, and shall lmvc full authority to take up and impound any such animal or fowl and remove hogs from the town, and punish all owners of such animals who refuse to obey any ordinance passed by said Mayor and Aldermen to carry this authority into effect. Section 1G. Be it farther enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the said Mayor amt Aldermen arc hereby authorized and empowered to pass all such ordinances and rules ami regula tions as may seem to them necessary or pro|ier to prevent tho iimlntair.ance ot any liopso of ill fame, assignation or prostitution within said city and to punish for any violation of any such ordinances, rule or regulation, by fine or imprisonment or wurk on the public wurk«, or removal and ex clusion front said city. Any one or more or all said punishments may Iro included in one sentence, .Section 17. Hu it further enacted by til., authority aforesaid: That said Mayor ami Aldermen shall havo full power and authority to establish and regulate a city police, and to elect Chiet ol Police uud such other officers and members of tho Police force os may scum to thorn necessary. The marshal of said city and any member of said police force, shall have author ity to arrest, without warrant, any person acting in a disorderly nrannor or disturbing the peace and good or der of said city, or committing or at tempting to commit any crime in said city or suspicious characters and coniine them, or cause thorn to be confined, in the guard house of said city or the common Jail ofsaid county to await their trial oj exami nation. Soctiou_18. Be it further cuacteil by the authority aforesaid.' Thit it shall he the duty of every person owning property iu said-city, cither in his own right or as agent of anoth er or in nay' fiduciary capacity, to make annual returns thereof, under oath, to the city clerk, in such form and upon such blanktlrs said Mayor aud Alderman may prescribe, for tax ation, and upon failure or refusal of any person to make such returns the. clerk shall hmkitftlhfreturn for taxa tion of sqM fiegomand property .hall he double tajpxl os now nrcscribed . Cofitfnfted on 4th page, To continue until Closed OUt. , ; ’ Our remnant table is f*ul of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. .. Still left, a few of our 3 3-4 cts. Ging>- hams, worth 10 cts. Levys