The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 30, 1889, Image 1

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THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORN I NCR JUNE 30, VOL 1 —NO 4:i Parties desirin'- ico ortom for hom e can be uccommodtrfejfot L. Schmidt's. IS pr4p»rctH<f j)*ck jt id ice cream pails. V> , ■;'■■■'■ -WfcV , CATARRH fCURfiP,’ health and an breath'secured, by Shilol'a Catarrh Ucmt .Price<0 c«jlj .,Haaal Injectorfrco about tlie one humlreil thousand dol lars being raised for the, read to Cor* Prof. Lovejoy will begin to makje shipments of grapes nest week, fie reports that his pear crop will be very fine. Cfcairman Davies, at tin; railroad meeting on Friday night, showod good judgement in the .-election Oltnd canvassing committee. Mayor flo^- kins, Mr. J. AY. Reid and Mr. Char ley Williams, arc hustlers. Tliomnsville, at last, has lcanicd to depend, on herself, .^ul she’s not leanihg Oh a broken reed. ' ’’"Y'r Strike while the iron is hoi, and _- iSSsSSiS JRRBBYMIbK. do something toward man the iicw railroad. Seventy-three thoifsal®-dollars gap scribed in two days, 'for a railroad; is’ pretty lively wofk. Tliomnsville is aroused. That thd, additional .sutn Shoes, Hals, Hcalligp. aild.Btfch goods sold cheap at Pickett’s to make room for cheap groceries. * ^ I A ’ 1'ULL FLIES. • . • , Tuscct Powder Fly Paper. • OASSBMr PlIABMACrr i ' • M.8 Broad street. j Wo have a splciidiilarlicioofstrlSly first-class Kj rtip, pit tup-III small har- ela for filiiiily use.' Call ami scoff. J • I’lAss & Ml K IN.VOX, ■j A.,viy ;• 116 Broad Street. ’ Table liiicu 4 and towclili;; lielow rcqWrM to make -up, the 8100,000 •necessary, will he raised, none who kfSwthe .grit of Thohms.villc people, W’fll doubt. . , • ■ * ' “ • ( ■ ^ Mayor Hopkins says lie will give lilt? next thirty, .days to working for, fhfe'm w railroad. Thnt’a the way jto Those who have confidence in the < financial ability and business capacity of Col. A. P. AYright, Col. A. T. Me- , Intyro and Mr. T. C. Mitchell, will not hesitate to subscribe to the capital stock of the new railroad. Tlicad gentlemen arc not fnmous for going .into s|)eculations which do not pay v They have agreed to put a round t; forty-five thousand dollars into a road ' iiisintss cares should ho laid day; hut if your, mind .will Liusidess,' ’think aSoyt Jtotf III nil ghl to subscribe to the. f' Ltipk lirat -Plckcttfs greatest' bargains ever offered' in TliomasVillc. Woman’s kid button •ftjleq's ifaiHtsQ^rCd Shoes for fl.OO. ' | | Pick m 1V. til re,'.Carpfcts,'^Bedding, Children''* I','' ..W.itl r cr-l W Slimlrs, «KMnt'rtti«, 2tc. - The bwDgtyMit »Mji|SvestprfcB8 la tint city. •:,! - w ' v* GE0.,W,-FORB):s, e-flAcgl do. ‘;A» M wiry Building* Has Made a y The imivcikalitiiciiijgaudscutimcijt iaf Hi am ,yilling;to risk my Jhouffy where such’men as AVrighl, Mcltityro ami Shcllii M are. willing to risk Y Corner a (log and- hc’JI. fight every time. Thomasville is being cornered; and she intends to tight her. way out. She’s coming, and she’ll coming “a huudred thousand strong.” Hclah. IS ALL LINES OF I what tlicy put in. AYe do not take into account the great impetus the road will give the town. Every de partment of business will feel the quickening impulses of the new road. With an independent line to Cor- ilclc, there connecting with n number, Thomasville will open her gates to other lines. And they’ll come. PER ANNUM i. •'* Mr. J. II. Jenkins has just had completed a new model of his sash' balance patent that is both useful and ornamental. It is made of curleyjpine and the grain being highly polished, shows up well. Our correspondent at lamonia, Fla,, informs us that two colored women got into a row there the other night, and Roseina Gilam had her throat cut by Sallie Walker. Dr. Robinson attended tho wounded woman, but had no hopes of her recovery. Do the merchants of Thomasville want to regain their lost trade? Then let them help to build a new railroad which will make Thomasville a com petitive point, thereby giving them advantages in freight rates which can be had iq no other way. Mr. H. AY. Kurtz, of J. H. Seward & Co., Baltimore, came up from Quit- man yesterday to spend Sunday in our city. Mr. K. bos.bought melons on the line of the S. F. & AV. Ry., for a number of seasons, and has put quite ,.&• lot of money in.circulation among the farmers in this section. Pear Rates. Agent AVilder, of the Southern Express Company at this point, told a Times-Enterprise reporter yester day that pear rates for the coming season had not yet been arranged. The Express Company is waiting for the railroad lines to make its freight rate charges. It is not likely that any marked' change, from -the rates of liut year Will be mtuta., * W It Will be on the im of July. gl^B “Yours, most of the time, J. M. Blackshear," says that the big picnic at Duncan- villc will conic off on Thursday, the • nth of July. Mr. Blackshear says « everybody is invited. The occasion will be a very enjoyable one. The eating editor of the Times-Enterprise will be there For More Than Half a Century. Mr. E. M. Young, one of the staunch farmers of the county, walked into tho Times-Enterprise office yesterday and renewed his subscrip tion. Mr. Young has foil,wed the plow for fifly-cight years, which is a fiuc record, ft may be that tho fact that he has always paid for his court ty paper may have something to do with his hale old age. At any rate his example is worthy of imitation. Round Trip Tickets, The Savannah, Florida & AVestcrn Railway will sell tickets at the rate of one fare lor round trip on July 3rd and 4th, limited to July 6th, to all stations on its lines. All lines in the Southern l’as c enger Association will sell round trip lickets to those wishing to go be- yond the line of the S. F. & W. Ry. Tho Melon Crop at Pelham. ^ Mr. John J. Mize, of Pelham, has already sold 4 cars of melons on the Jrack at $126 net, each, and has ship ped 6 or 8 more, for which he has had no returns. Hon. J. L. Hand has shipped even more than Mr. Mize. The money re ceived tor melons at Pelham will run way up into the thousands this season. Death’. Mrs. Mary Pratt Small, wife of Gen. M. P. Small, of the United States army, died in Baltimore June 24th. Mrs. Small spent last season in Thomasville, the guest of Capt. H. M. Sapp. A Pointer For Merchants. With a new railroad, making this a competitive point, thus insuring low rates ol freight, and a cotton compress, Thomasville would regain all her lost cotton. Will our mercantile friends make a note of this? And then they will please add the wool crop for fifty miles north of us. Railroad Rumbles. Mr. D. S. Dixon, of Iamonee, Fla., was in town yesterday. And hereby hangs a statement. Upon being in formed that Thomasville was, at last, going to make a supreme effort for on independent line of railroad, and that Col.’s McIntyre and Wright and Mr, T. C. Mitchell had subscribed 815,000, each, Mr. Dixon said: "“I am willing to risk my money where Col. AVright, Gol. McIntyre and Mr. Mitchell are. willing to risk their’s.” Continuing he said: “You are authorized to put me down for a share." Mr. Dixon lives eighteen miles- from Thomasville, in the state of Florida. Ho does not own a dollar’s worth of property in this town. But he does his trading here, sells his cob* ton here, and realizes that a new road would be worth much to him. Besides he recognizes the fact that ’tis a safe investment. Certninly when a gen tleman, qnd a cool, clear headed, bus iness man to boot, will thus come for ward and aid tho projected’ Toad, without owning any properly here, surely our own citizens will not be slow in hacking the enterprise. The day upon which it is announced that Thomasville has subscribed the one hundred thousand dollars, neces sary to build the road to Cordelc, will be a Red Letter day for the town. It will sound the death knell of mo nopoly, emancipate her business men and put the place on a foundation as solid as the rock of Gibraltar. Speed the day and hour. Mr. D. J. Sheffield, whoso financial ability is well known, and whose investments are always of the most solid character, takes 82,000 in tho new roa«Y fj AVlien Mayor Donkins, who was on the subscription committee at the meeting on Friday night, an nounced that Air. J. AV. Reid, had put down 85,000 for Mr. J. AVyinau Jones-, of Englewood, N. J., the crowd broke into a ringing cheer. I t would ltavo done Mr. Jones good to have heard that shout. Mr. Jones hasn’t forgot ten Thomasville, and Tliomnsville will not forget Mr. Jones. Thomasville now appeals—and that appeal will not lie in vain—to her sons for her preservation and future prosperity. Let to-morrow, Monday, close lip the Hundred Thousand Doi.ears necessary to give the town ail independent railroad. Every subscriber to the Cordelc road, if it is only one share, will he on the ijrniiml floor with the men who have put in their thousands. They will share, in proportion, in all the profits and benefits accruing from tho investment. Just wait a littlo while and you will hear something drop. Every one is perfectly sanguine now Read This. I'ribuuc ol Rome. It is a fact, and a great pity, tiiat some people are blind to their interest when it comes lo sustaining a news paper. They cannot understand lb c wonderful work it does for a town in which it is published, how it heralds forth the advantages of its section, con stantly voicing its needs, illustrating its growth and advocating its interests far from the narrow circle in which the paper is published. They know that it costs a dollar a year and that is all they think of. The most insignificant country pa per in the state is the biggest inslitu tion in the town where it is printed; and notwithstanding the editor may not himself appreciate the fact, he is really an important factor in the growth and developcment of the country. The free advertisement that a news paper gives a town in a year is worth thousands of dollars to it; and its gen eral value to any locality cannot be over estimated. It should he placed side by side with all the worthy institu tions of its town, and given equal en couragement w tli all of them. A gentleman of Cleveland, O., in a to the Morning News says: “The letter south wants a rowing machine factory somewhere within its borders. AVitli its wealth of woods, iron and coal, sido by side, machines uouhl be manufac tured so cheaply that they could be sold for less than any sewing ma chine now in the market. There is a sewing machine ninniifacfurcd in this city which sells for 88. I am sure that it could lie manufactured in the south so ns to he sold for 8(1. It is in every respect as good as any sewing machine now in use. There arc great possibilities in the sewing machine. The demand for it is beyond the sup ply, and will continue to bo for years.” — Georgia is to have another great railroad be built in connection with the Chattanooga, Rome and Col umbus, the Columbus .Southern and other existing lines. \V. B. Lowe left lor New York to consummate arrange ments with Messrs. Sullv, Borg and Dow, the capitalists who furnished the money to build the Chattanooga,Rome and Columbns.—News. K. M. MAIXKTTB. A Nouml l«csal Opinion. K. Dninhriilgc Mmuluy Ksq. Esq., County A tty., Clay Co., Tex., says: “Have used Electric Hitters with most happy results. mv brother also was very low with malarial fuver and jaundice, but was cured by timely usq.of this medicine. Am sytisfied Electric Bitters saved his lite.” Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky. adds a like testimony, saying. He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitter This great remedy will ward off. as well as cure all malarial diseases, and for all Incy, Liver and stomach disorders stands unequalcd. Price 50 cents and $1.00. S. J. Casskls, Tlie secret of the universal success of Browns Iron Bitters is owing to the fact that it is very best iron preparation made. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood it reaches every part of the body, giv- health, strength ami enduranco to every portion. Thus beginning at the foundation it builds up ami restores lost health. It does not contain whiskey or alcohol. It will not blacken the teeth. It does not constipate or cau«e headache. It will cure dyspepsia, in digestion, heartburn, sleeplessness, diz/.iness; nervous debility, weakness, etc. IIucltlrnN Arnica Naive. >e Best Salve in the World for (hits, Bruises, Sores, Cleers, Salt Klicuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and positively > Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to Jive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. YOU KNOW NOT YOUR FATE. If you continue to yutter with indiges tion you will never know what your fute may be, and it must oomo sooner or later. Dyspepsia after a time will wear your system and digestive organs away, and you will bo worthless to yourself and ob noxious to others, Begin immediately to emedy tho evil by taking Westmoreland's Cali say a Tonic, tho greatest remedy known for a torpid liver and diseu^od blood. It will set the liver to work, puri fy the blood and give tone to the whole system. Buy it of your druggist for 50 cents and $1 a bottle. The iX^rr Diicovcrr. \ on have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal ex perience just how good it is. If you have or tried it you are one of its staunch ieuds, because the wonderful tiling about is, that when once given a trial, Dr, ing’s New Discovery ever after holds a aee in the house. If you have never used and should bealliieted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, se- i bottle at once and give it a fair trial, t is guaranteed every time, or tnonev re fill.tied. Trial bottles free at »S. J. Cassbl s Drugstore We are familiar with the style of crates needed by pear shippers, and we arc now fuming out just’ what they want. We arc prepared to fill orders for any quantity. Snodgrass & Smith, 6 lw Thoiuasvillo Mi\\ To continue until closed out. Our remnant table is ful of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. BgiSi^Still left, a few of our 6 3-4 cts. Ging hams, worth 10 cts. Levys Dry Us lot so