The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 30, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TiMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - • - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. fbe Daily TmBS-EBTBitrRisE ii publish'd every morning (Monday exc'pted.) The Weeelt Enterprise is publish'd every Thursday morning. The TVirxly Times is published erery Sat urday. ' SunscBirTios Rates. Duly TiMaa-ENtEiraisB, . ... $5 00 W iekly Enterprise 1 00 Weekly Times 1 00 Daily Advertis no Rates. {Transient Rstea.—50 cti’. per square for the first insertion, and 40 cei Is for ea h snbse- queat insertion. One Square, one month, - - - ■ I 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three monthi, - - - 12 00 Olo Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve mont ns, - - - 35 00 Snbjcet to change by special nrrniif emcnt. B. ■. BOHR, Ititnlnaaa Planagrr. SPECIAL JkOTICK. In order to insure prt mpt -inscrtii n, all adrcrtisements, changes, locals, etc., should oe handed in by noon be ore the day if pub lication’ bi sia ess voritE. Parties learing Thomnsrille for the sum mer tan hare the Timks-Knteuhrise sent to any address for 50 cents per month. Ad dresses can be changed as often as is desired. SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 188£. = *~ “Ananias” Chandler is what lie is called now. Augusta has found the man who can be elected governor: Gen. C. Evans. Georgia politics is, just now, in a quiescent state. They will, however, be stirred up pretty lively during the summer session ot the legislature. It is too early to be trotting out can didates for the next general election in Georgia. They will lose their wind before getting to the starting point. The big telescope at Lick Observat ory, California, has discovered its fourth comet. As comets are several millions of miles from our earth, this is not in tended as a local item. Germany is growling at the little re public of Switzerland. This is the case of a great big bull dog and a little fire. If Bismarck wants to show his teeth at a republic, let him snarl at Uncle Sam. P'Tfie cry of the caterpillar will soon be heard in the land; and then the mortgaged mule will be watched with solicitude, when he is driven to town. The merchant will go in the back lot and examine the mute. Dr. C. VV. Arnold has been appoint ed revenue collector for Georgia. This is another victory for Buck. It is presumed that the doctor will con fine himsef to male attire, during the incumbency of the office 1 Adjutant General McIntosh Kell has issued the following call for a conven tion of the military of Georgia, which will assemble in Atlanta on the 15th ol July: "A majority of the advisory board having recommended a convention of delegates from the military organiza tions of the State, and a meeting of said board and that recommendation having been approved by the com mander in chief, General Gordon, said convention and meeting are hereby called to take place at the capitol in the city of Atlanta on Monday, the 15th of July, at 12 meridian. "Each company of the organization •tthe Genrgia Volunteers is invited and cordially requested to send del egates to said convention." Atlanta, Ga., June 20.—Capt. Tip Harrison has at last arrived at the ragged edge of the Confederate pension list A few straggling appli cations continue to come in for pen sions, but they arc so few in number that no time is consumed in disposing ingofthem. Up to date 2,441 pen sions have been paid to disabled veter ans, aggregating nearly $1.50,000.— Chronicle. The Farmers’ Alliance. The Farmers’ Alliance, in their de- termind stand against the unjust ex actions of the jute bagging trust, have saved to the farmers of the south $8 S o ,000 on a cotton crop of 7,000,- 000 bales. This organization is show ing the necessity, importance and ben efit of organization and combination. The formers should give this organiza tion their hearty support, and each one should do all he can to perfect its working and make it still more useful. -Ex. The Alliance men are still whacking away at the jute trust. They have ned it every time. BEHOLD THE MAN! A Georgia Justice Plays Pontius Pilate.— An Ohio Man Passes as the Saviour. The little village of McIntosh, Ga., 170 miles below Tiiomasville, and thirty miles from Savannah, is just now the scene of a sensational drama, the like of which, it is safe to say, has never before been witnessed in Geor gia- Considerable mentiou has been made in the papers for the last ten days or two weeks of a strange clinrac ter who had appeared in that vicinity claiming to he Jesus Christ, and the large following secured by him among the negroes there. A warrant was sworn out against the pseudo Christ by Rev.Henry Stiles (colored) on the charge of vagrancy. Hon. Thomas 51. Norwood appeared for the prosecution, and at the hearing in Hincsville several davs ago the charge of vagrancy-was not sustained, and tho prisoner was discharged, greatly to the delight of his 200 or 300 followers: Another warrant, however, was sworn out against the man (whose earthly name was given as Dupont Bell) charging him with being insane. The case was set for Friday, 28th inst., at McIntosh, be fore Justice AV. A. Fleming. Mr. Carey B. Townsend, of our city, happened to be in McIntosh Friday, and attended the court proceedings, and from him ivc gather some inter esting facts in regard to the case nnd the remarkable individual who is oc casioning the sensation. At an early hour Friday morning the railroad track and the country roads leading to McIntosh, were thronged with the negroes of Liberty county, making their way to the scene of the trial. A goodly number of whites also came into the village. By 11 o’clock, the hour set for the trial, fully 300 people, white and black, a large proportion of the latter being women, had assembled at the court grounds. The court house used on this occa sion was an old store, formerly occu pied by Miller & Norman, but now abandoned. Tho Justice (AV. A. Fleming, sat on a bench, his table be ing a dry goods box; Thejurysatdn one of the store counters. The jurors weie all intelligent, representative cit izens of Liberty county. Hon. Tom Norwood conducted the examination of the prisoner, which is described as one of the most remarkable which ever took place in a court room. Tho man Bell, who claims to he Christ, is about five feet ten inches in height, of very slender build, and has long black hair falling over and about his shoulders, and wears a black beard of medium length. His appearance corresponds strikingly with the usual pictures of Christ, with which every one is familiar, and the likeness be tween Bell nnd the young German who has personated the Saviour on two occasions at Obcr-Ammcrgrnu, at the representation of the Passion Play, is certainly close. This man is very meek and quiet in manner, except when aroused by searching questions relating to his identity nnd his mis sion on earth. Then his eyes flash; and his manner becomes excited, but he never showed any disposition to at tempt violence. His dress is quite shabby, and consists of an old well- worn felt hat, with the band gone, a faded frock coat, the color of which was once black, vest to match, and dark grey pants. He wore a pair of light canvas walking shoes, and car ried in one hand an oaken staff and in the other a copy of the Scriptures. During the examination of the pris oner his followers, to the number of about 300, all ignorant negroes, most ly from the rice fields, crowded about the building, peeping in at the doors and windows, and were with difficulty kept on the outside. Col. Norwood conducted the exami nation of this strange personage in a masterly manner, his task being by no means an easy one. The man insists that he is Jesus Christ, and that he is armed with power from on high. The examination elicited the following statement from the prisoner: Ilis earthly name he gave as Christopher Columbus Jacob Orth Dupont Bell. His age 30 years, his original earthly home residence Circlcvillc, Pickaway county, Ohio. He lauded upon the earth the night of the great earth quake, in August, 1886. His coming caused tho shock, he said. He has been in Georgia one year and five months, during which time he has visited the counties of Glynn, Cam dem and AVaync, and for a short time he was in Chntham county. AVhile in Savannah was arrested for causing a sensation among the negroes, but on being brought before a justice was promptly discharged, being protected by heavenly powei;. This is his sec ond appearance on earth, he says, as he comes every thousand years. The last time he was on earth, a thousand years ago. lie appeared in the person of King Janies, of England, who was none other than himself, the Christ. He is the same Jesus who first ap peared on earth, that is, the same spir it, but not the same body. Being asked if he believed in the resurrec tion, he replied: “Yes, because I am the resurrection.” On being asked to perform some miracle, lie refused, say ing that he would not do so to gratify idle curiosity; that when on earth the first time lie often had to refuse simi lar requests from unbelievers. Among his followers, however, he said, lie performed miracles every day. (The negroes testify to the fact very earn ly). The scene in the court room was an extraordinary one, and one not soon to be forgotten by those present. The strange nature of Bell’s claims, his earnestness, his remarkable familiarity with the Scriptures, the ab sorbed interest of the crowd in the room; the large multitude outside, (most of whom had abandoned house and home to follow the man on trial, Ever and anon a hymn would be sung bv the negroes in the grove, and the excitement pervading the ignorant creatures was intense, Some amusing passages occurred be tween the pzeuvo Saviour and Col.Nor- wood. Taking a chew ol tobacco from his mouth, Col. N. asked him: "Where did I get this piece of tobac co?” Bell. I gave it to you. Everything you possess I gave to you Col. N. You did, sir. Well, I am very much obliged to you, I am sure. Now, I want $1,000 very much. Can’t you let me have that, please? Bell. I will not. My father and I know wbat is best for you, and we do not see fit to grant you* request, just now. < - ' ■ ’ ' ' * Col. N. Did you know George AVashington? Bell. Of course; I am Geo. Wash- ingcon, himself. Col. N. How about the story of the cherry tree and the hatchet? Was that story true in all its particulars? Bell. Yes, sir; every word of it is true. Col. N. (cordially). Then, sir, lam very proud to form your acquaintance. Belt. I am also Abraham Lincoln Col. N. How about Jeff. Davis? Bell. I am Jeff Davis, here before you. Col. N. You say you are Abraham Lincoln and also Jeff Davis? Bell. That is what I said, sir. Col. N. Well, then, it must be true that the world will come to an end on the 16th of July. I heard you had so said. Bell. The end will not be revealed until the day set for it. Col. N. How is it your followers are all black? Why don’t you try to save the whites, too, if you are, as you say, the Christ? Bell. My followers are not black— they are all white. Col. N. (Glancing out at the coal black faces peering in at the windows) You say those disciples of yours are while! Ain’t you mistaken? Bell. Certainly not. • Their faces may be black, but their souls are white- just like your (ace may be white, but your soul black. Col. N. The scriptures record it that you raised Lazarus from the dead. Can’t you perform such a miracle down here for us? Bell. Well, possibly, if some one would come along and kill you,I might do such a miracle. Col. N. Some ol us have heard a good deal about hell. Can’t you de scribe what sort of a place it is? Bell. You will get there fast enough, if you don’t beware; so you had belter, be cartful. It is a bad place to gel to. Col. N. Were you ever married* Bell. No, sir; in my kingdom there is no marrying, or giving in marriage. The examination lasted about two hours, at the end of which time the jury retired for deliberation. Of course there were only two conclusions to arrive at: Either tne man was exactly what he claimed to be, or he was hope lessly insarte—as crazy as a March hare—in tact. The jury decided upo* the latter verdict, after a short consul tation, but for good reasons the ver dict was not announced right then, as it became evident that the deluded ne groes would resist the committal to prison of their supposed Saviour. The news was quietly given out- that the jury had decided to release him,where upon the crowd went off, with Bell in their midst, singing hymns and dancing for joy and indulging in extravagant demonstrations. Bell had refused to allow them to bring their guns and knives in the morning, telling them that he would be released and nothing would be done with him. The result appeared to confirm his prediction, and he became more sacred in their eyes than ever. It is difficult to tell how this thing will end in Liberty county. The num ber of Bell’s followers is astonishing, and most of them have sold their cattle and chickens arid hogs and have abandoned their crops, which have completely gone to ruin. The turpen tine farms and rice plantations are almost without labor, and the outlook for the future is indeed gloomy. The ordinary ol the county, however, will at once issue a warrant for the arrest ol Bell, under the verdict just rendered, and it is probable that the crack cav alry company of Liberty (the “Inde pendent Troop’’) will be called upon to conduct the prisoner to the jail. Nothing short of a strong military force will succeed in taking the man away from the midst of his deluded dis ciples. The white citizens of McIntosh are intensely worked up over the demoral ized state of affairs around there. Mr. R. Q. Cassels, brother of our fellow- townsman, S. J. Cassels, Esq., is a res ident and the leading merchant of McIntosh, and in bis company Mr. Townsend attended the strange trial above described. Bell is, of course, a hopeless lunatic, having gone crazy doubtless during some period of religious excitement. Reid & Culpepper nrc keeping up with the procession, they Uuvo secured tlie ngcncy of the famous Star Mineral Water, tlie finest preparation k’K’Wn (or dyppepsiiiy It is uarantced to cure. 4 6 tf r ram -FROM— THOMASVILLE. Passenger IVt S. F. A W. By., ) Tiiomasville, Ga., Is June, 1889. f Alexander, X. C $22 70 All Healing Springs, N. C 2.1 10 Asheville, N. C 22 Anniston, Ain 17 40 lilack Mountain, N.C 23 00 Big Tunnel, Vn ’. £■* 90 Blue Ridge, Vu 30 90 Cumberland Falls, Ky 23 G5 Flat Rock, N. C. . 22 50 French Lick Springs, Ind.. via Mont gomery 36 Gainesville, Ga 14 95 Hendersonville, - N. C 22 70 Hickory, X. C 23 50 Hot Springs, Vn 40 50 Lola, fcn 15 00 Luray Caverns 35 8 Marietta, Ga 13 30 Marion, X. C 24 *p5 Mount Airy, Ga 10 30 Newport News, Va 37 30 Niagara Falls, X. V. via Cincinnati... 45 55 Norfolk, Vn.... 37 30 Old Point Comfort, Va. via A. C. L.... 39 30 Powder Springs, Ga Roanoke, Va Spartanburg, S. C Tate Springs (Morristown).... Tallulah Falls, Ga 17 25 Toccoa, Ga 10 95 Tryon, N. C 21 55 Walhnlla, S. C. 18 80 Warm Springs, Ga 12 70 West Baden Springs, Ind., via Mont gomery 36 75 White Sulphur Springs, Ga 15 25 White Sulphur Springs, West Va 34 50 Tickets on sale June 1st to September 30tb, 1889. Good to return not later than Octo ber 31st, 1889. The above named points arc only a few ot the Summer resorts to which tickets are issued. Should parties desire information in re gard to places not mined in the above list, 1 will cheerfully give it to them.' F. M. Van DYKE, Passenger k Ticket Agent, Tiiomasville, G*. W. P. HARDEE, Gen. Passenger Agent, • Savannah, Go. 13 45 30 90 51 90 ATTENTION Farmers it Fruit Growers. I will sell ut public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, on tho corner of Broad nnd Jackson streets, on Saturday, July (Hh, at 11 o'clock a. m., fire I-'ruit Evaporators of the best make. Don’t fail to be on hand promptly at tlie hour named, nnd buy a bar gain. GEORGE KKAIIN. Ii-23d2w Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus kins and shoes to bo sacrificed at l’ickctt’s. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jcwolcr, tins sc- enrctl tlie agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest pricos for casli or on. long time. Tlioso desiring to purchase will do well to learn 1ns prices and torms. —»>-•■•- ’ TO-DAY. 3 Boxes Genuine Messina Lemons. A. C. BROWN, ti-27-31 The Jackson St. Grocer. lJiglinc of men’s shoes at $1.00 at Pickett's. Wagon Brichin, Plow Bridles, AVagon Lines, llamc Strings, Plow Lines, Buggy Backs and the like sold at a sacrifice at Pickett’s Cash Store. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY. For the next GO days I will sell any article in my stock at tlie lowest prices ever known in the millinery business of Thomasvillc. Here arc samples: Straw Hats, all shapes and colors, selling at from 50 cents to §1, your choice at 20c. Ribbons, sold - everywhere at 50c. 75c. and SI, your choice at 25c, 35c. and 50c. Plumes and feathers, milliners’ prices $1, $2 and S3, you may have at 50c., $1 and SI-50. Bunch flowers and sprays, price else where 75c., SI -25 and $2; your choice for 40c., 05c. and $1. Black hose, fast colors, 25c. per pair. Towels 2c. each. Hand kerchiefs 5c. to 10c., worth 20c. My styles arc latest, stock fresh, juices incomparable. Ladies from the country will find it particularly to their in terest to call. Leave your ..raps and packages at my store; will take good cure of them, and be glad to sec you whether you purchase from me or not. Mrs. Jennie C’arroll, Lower Broad Milliner. THE INVALID’S HOPE. Many seemingly incurable cases of blood poison, catarrh, scrofula and rheuma* tism have been cured by B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), made by too Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write to them for book filled with convincing proof. G. W. B. Raider, living seven miles from Athens, Ga., writes: “For several years I suffered with running ulcers, which doctors treated and pronounced incurable. A single bottle of B. B. B. did me more good than all the doctors. I kept on using it and every u*ccr healed,” B. C. Kinard & Hon, Towuliga, Ga.. writes: “We induced a neighbor to try B. B. B, for catarrh, which he thought incurable, as it had resisted all treatment. It delighted him, and continuing its use, he was cured sound and well. ’ It. M. Lawson, East Point, Ga., writes: “My wife had scrofola 15 years.. She kept growing worse. She lost her hair and her skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emacia tion and no appetite followed. After physi cians and numerous advertised medicines failed, I tried B. B. B., and her recovery was rapid and complete.” Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Md., writes: “I suffered from weak back and rheumatism. B. B. B. hns proven to be the only medicine that gave me relief.” When you are con templating a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved iCT WISELY By coming to look over our large and well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur nishing Goods, Hats, etc., that is new and seasonable. Decide Ejuicklv To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impossible to do as well elsewhere. > FEAR CRATES, 0HLY30TS. Purchase your crates now and make them up before the rush comes. „ We handle crates made from Gum wood only, there fore you need not be afraid of your Pears partaking of the taste and smell of pine. L. F. Thompson & Cq. ALL PINE, And a Yard Wide. Our Pear Crates are all pine, and not gum sides, top and bottoms and pine heads, like some advertise. Pine crates will not affect the pears in any way. 8 cents is all we ask for the best crate in Thomasvillc. Snodgrass & Smith. JNTO a be found. We get the choice of the best goods on the market, andbuy and sell them at LOW. You can Depend Upon It That our prices are the lowest, our as sortment the most complete, and our quality the highest. Dont fail to call on us. C. H. YOUNG & GO Clcthiers and Furnishers. 106’Broad St,