The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 02, 1889, Image 1

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' v . - - * • ■ - - 'f ' V. . v . VOL 1 -NO 44. H CO rc> bd 8. 5P H CD & CD cc o crq s cc o ^ V B H- P M I O o ft H H QQ P CD CD P- erK P* CD T3 CD CD £» go CP CD *-t CD O .O' a p p p p- o e CP p CP CD CD & 0 V > H (D ■d o 0 H 8> H H t g o P 0 0 & 9 b cl Q ■G H 0 * ■03 H w * b » . 0 < < • H § W |b S S b § i> 'b ■ G b fel ifl Local Matters. The Stuart house lias changed por ters. ► 4 » H H V » “Trial by Jury” will not go to Bos ton. They were unable to procure a piano, and so gave up the trip. The artistic outlines of the new Episcopal church begin to show well It is going to be a beautiful cdiliec. The Jackson street railroad crossing will be filled in with broken stone, This improvement will he duly appre ciated by those driving vehicles. Isn’t it about time that work the boulevard was resumed? That splendid drive around the city should he completed. It will prove a great attraction. Marriage. At the law office of T. N. Hopkins Esq., yesterday morning, Ilev. R. R, Downs, col. officiating, James Leo Clark and Iveila Conoway, of Bain bridge. The Electric Light Plant. Mr. Hargrave, of the Thomasvillc Electric Eight and Power Company, told a Times-Enterpkisk reporter yesterday that by September 1st the company would be ready to turn on the light-, A pile of poles at the de pot, and huge coils of wire at the works, are ready to be put in position Tho Roads. Chairman Bulloch, o( the committee on road%and bridges, ol the board of county commissioners, gives notice to-day that all the roads of the coun ty must be put in the condition requir ed by law by August roth. The road commissioners in the various districts must inspect and report qp the con dition of the roads in their districts. Another Burglary. There seems tc- be an epidemic of burglaries lately. They visited Mr, C. C. Atkinson’s residence on Monroe street, Sunday night, and secured the pants and purse containing about $25.00, of Mr. B. D. Hodge, of Ocala Fla. Mr. II. travels for Sharpe, Cox it Wrie, of Philadelphia, and is a nephew of Atkinson. The thief kept the money but threw away the pants. As the pants were placed on a chnir near the window, it is thought that the parties did not enter the house, but secured them from the outside. Inercaso of Salary. Under the now apportionment, based on increase of business, the salary of the postmaster at this place is raised from SI,800 to SI,900. Thomasvillc stands at tho head of the smaller cities in the state, receiv ing moro than Americus or Ilawkins- ville. Three cities, Athens, Barnes villc and Tallapoosa show a decrease. Tho LcContc Pear. Hon. >S. G. McLendon has received a letter from Mr. M. B. Waite, who conducted the inquiry into the pear trouble, in which he s^ that the heads of the department agree with him that it would he advisable to continue the experiments next spring. It is likely, therefore, that Mr. Waite will return next spring. Aliqe Ann Sti^rt. Mrs. Alice Ann Stqart died at her residence, 227 West Twentyfifth, Mon day night, after an illness of several weeks’ duration caused by general debility resulting frogi plfl age. Mrs. Stuart was the mother ol Stu art Robinson,the well known actor,and she was born m Annapolis, Md., ip 1806. She was descended from two well known southern families, her fath er being Henry Thompson and her mother Eleanor Johnson. Her hus band was Charles Stuart, a descendant of the Scottish family of that name. Mrs. Stuart leaves three children, Mrs. Mary Stuart Nevisson. who was with her when she died; Charles Stuart,who resides in Thomasville, Ga.and Henry Robinson Stuart(StuartRobinson)who was at his country place, pphitsset, Mass., when his mother died. * The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Deems will conduct the services. The burial will be in Greenwood.—N. Y. Times. Great Wealth. 'fhe rich men down south arc small potatoes and few in a hill compared to the many millionaires of the north. Recently a statistician made an esti mate, and found that by adding to gether the wealth of seventy-two citi zens of the United States, the result is a sum equivalent to the national debt. Cornelius Vanderbilt is rated at $110 ,000,000, a sum larger by ten million than that opposite any other name. John J. Aster and \V. M. As ter arc put down at 8100,000,000. W. K. Vanderbilt docs not seem to be so very rich, after all, with $85,000,000, and Jay Gould with his $75,000,000 and J. I). Rockefeller with bis $60,- 000,000 arc not as important as they would have it appear. John I. Blair, Andrew Carnegie, C. J’. Huntington and Leland Stanford, with $40,000,- 000 each, rather lose in importance in the public eye. Mackey with his $30,000,000, Armour $25,000,000, Coxe, Drexel, Sprecklcs.Westmghousc, Fair and Linton with their $20,000,- 000 each, and J. J. Hill, John l’.Jones, Marshal Field, H. A. Flagler, F. W, Vanderbilt, John T. Davis, D. W. Bishop, W. D. Sloane, George Lanier, George \V. Childs, John Wanamakcr and Sidney Dillon, with their $15,- each, seem to have hardly enough to attract. But men like Can non, Palmer, Bonner, Pullman, Alger, Barnum, English, Pratt, Miller,Gorman and others, with their insignificant $5,000,000 or $6,000,000 apiece, arc veritable paupers by comparison.— Macon Evening News- TKOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 2, !880. A Town Which Encourages Railroads'.-- The Example of Athens. Athens, Ga., June 29.—The rumor is afloat, and It amountsWalmost* a settled fact, that the Georgia railroad will build a road from Atlanta to Knox- villee, and then give Athens another splendid rrilroad. The president of the road, it is understood, heartily endorses the idea, and it is safe to say it will be built. It is proposed to build the road from Athens to Jefferson, thence to Gainesville, thence to Ball- grown, a point on the Marietta and North Georgia railroad, and from there on to Knoxville. This will be a very short direct line, and -ihc people of Athens are in for it. They are wild over railroads just now, and it seems as if Athens is'to be a railroad center. She has three roads, the Georgia, Car olina and Northern and others arc surely coming. The Athens and Jefferson, the Augusta and Chattanooga, and the division of the Georgia arc being s:rongly talked of, and some have been started. The citizens meet in mass meeting on Mon day to form a land improvement com pany, which will look to the develop ment of Athens real estate. A Stagerer for Croakers. Baltimore, June 27.—The Manu facturers Record this week, in its quar terly report of the south’s industrial progress, says that a comparison of the new enterprises organized during the last six months shows an increase of 600 over those of the ' corresponding time last year, and that the amount of capital and capital stock of the new enterprises during the last six months is $27,425,000 in excess of that of 18S8. Green Stamps Must Go. Hpceifieutions just issued by the Postmaster-General for tho guidance of bidders under the next contract for postage stamps advertised for un der date of June 17, 1889, provide for bids for two series of stamps of dif ferent sizes, one of them being the size now in use and the other about one-third smaller. The color of the 2-eent stamp is to he either carmine or metallic red, tho latter being the color in use when the change to green was last made. Washington, June 27.—Com missioner Tanner said, before he left for Iowa on Tuesday, that on his re turn next week he would have money enough—the appropriation for the next fiscal year being available on Monday —to pay pensions as he wants to do. To use his own phrase, “We’ll pull the throttle wide open.” Yes, and ifTannet doesn’t wreck the administration tram it will be a wonder. There’s no question about plenty of steam and an “open throttle.” lic it is estimated at (lie treasury partmeut that there lias been ft de crease of about 815,500,000 in the public debt since June 1. This will make the debt' reduction for t'he’fisoftl year ending June 80, $88,182,200, The New York Star directs ntten tion to the fact that the wonderful growth of the South has been attain ed since the southern states govern ment became democratic. To this fact, by the way, the republican or gans never allude. The Star says: “The Hint manifestation of this growth was nlmost contemporaneous with the end of the scandalous republican misrule in the south. It has been pursued exclusively under democratic administrations of the various south ern states and municipalities. It has found its lenders in democratic .south erners themselves, and so far as there is any real connection, between poli ties and business it has been demo cratic from the start. CATARRH CURED, health nn-1 sweet breath seeurecl, by Shilot’s Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free JERSEY MILK. Parlies desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, IS80. Curos Trlckly Heat, and dialing, Is highly perfumoil ami Iloracluo Is a superior toll.t amt nursery powder. Kooomiao-xdcddyorory motli- Mcltao & Marctro, Tliomasville; A; Ilradlord, Columbus; Alexander Drug and Scod Co., Xu- ■ usia; K. Von'.Oven, Charleston, Agents. Fresh peaches every morning at Sampson*s Jackson st. Fruit Store FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Rkv. C. I. I.aRociie, If. Flctchcrvillc, Shoes, rials, Beadier and -such goods sold cheap at 1‘iekctt’s to make room for cheap groceries. KILE FLIES. Insect l’owdcr Fly Paper. Hansels’ Pharmacy, 118 Broad street. NOTICE, 1lOl'SEK EE PE IIS! We have a splendid article of strictly first-class syrup, put up in small bar- els for family use. Call and see it. Bass ,fc McKinnon, llli Broad Street. Table linen ami toweling below New York cost at Pickett's. Book in at Pickett's and see the greatest bargains ever oll'ered in Tliomasville. Woman’s kid 'button shoe for $I.0<1. Men’s hand sewed dines for $-1.00. Pickett’s. Furniture, Carpets, Redding, Children Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Straw mailings, Rugs, etc. The best styles ami lowest prices in the city. CEO, W. FORBES, II-1 l-w-JI dtt Masury molding- FOR RENT. On his eighty-eceond birthday, the Hon. Simon Cameron wrote to a young friend in Philadelphia as fol lows ; “ I’he host duty any of our country can perform is to do our duty as citizens so as to transmit this heritage, increased and perfected, to those who shall come after ns. To do this, a steady, sober, industrious life is the first of all. Then a calm and thoughtful care to perform ifll our political duties, with a view to hc’i?: fit the jjpqcpql mass or cmr tellow citi zens ; apd last, ami greatest, to serve our Creator well and truly. Do these as well as you can. God asks no more from anv-oiip. And wherein you fitil He has arranged a wise and merciful way in which all short comings will be overlooked in those who have done their utmost,” Indianapolis, June 28.—The Jour nal’s Kokomo correspondent reports that last Tuesday, two miles south of here, Mrs. Ifenry Jones had horn to her twin girls inseparably connected at the hips and lower abdomen. No vital organs are connected except the spinal column, which is.continuously from one end to the other. Each breathes and piilralcS quite iiulepeu- deiiily of each other, and both are perfectly formed and have free use of their limbs. Flic infants are apparent, ly as hearty as any children of their age. The Fudge house, below the Musury Ho tel, is for rent. Apply to c-10 F..M. maldktto.* \ Mound lit’Kn! Opinion. K. Hain bridge Monday Esq. Ksq., County A tty., Clay Co., Tex., says: “Ifaro used Klcctric Hitters with most happy results. mv brother also was very low with malarial lover and jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sytisficd Klcctric Kilters saved his life,'* Mr, D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horsv Cave, Ky., adds a like tpslitaoiiy, saying. He positively believes ho would have died, had it not been fo~ Klcctric Hitters. This great remedy will ward oil. as well as cure all malarial diseases, and for -all kidney, Liver and stomach disorders stands uncqualcd. Price jo cents and $1.00. 8. J. Cassels. Tin. se.Tet of the universal success of Hrowps Iron Hitters is owing to the fact that it is 1 lie very best iron preparation made. By a thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood it readies every part ol t\\e body, giv ing health, strength and endurance to every portion. Time beginning at the foundation it bwil.L up and restores lost health. It does contain whiskey or alcohol. It will not kcu the teeth. It does not constipate or >c headache. It will cure dyspepsia, in- stion, heartburn, sleeplessness, diz/'inoss, nervous debility, weakness, etc- LEVY’S Has Made a Bin m IN ALL LINES OF To continue until closed out. Our remnant table is ful of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. ItUtkiuM* Arnica Halve. t Salve in the World for Cuts, l-leers, HalLHli Sore s, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively s Files, or no pay required. It is guar- t d to g;vo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sitfe by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. Ftqiu Rnris comes the report that Edison has invented a clock,*phono graph, which strikes 1 o’clock and then calls out ‘‘Dinner time”—10 I’clock, “Be l time,” and so on. Fath ers of marriageable families will do well to inquire into this. No fewer than 350 persons out of every 400 passjng q big niin-or in a big Philadelphia dry - goods house glance at themselves from head to foot, so one of the local papers re port. The Northwestern Railroader puts forth a novel theory to account for an ullctlged increase of storms and floods in these later years. It says that, there arc mure than 80,000 locomotives in use in North America, and that tin- vapor from these sent out into the atmosphere each week will measure more than 50,000,(XX) cubic yards, which must he returned as rain, or 7,000,000 cubic yards a day -quite enough to produce a rainfall every twenty-four hours. The following is" submitted as an appropriate advertisement for Presi dent Harrison’s use: “Any person or persons knowing themselves to be in any way related to the President, or related to any of his relatives, will hear of something to their advantage U/ presenting themselves. All known members of the family have been pro vided with offices, but several places remain to be filled. A limited numb er of persons of ancestral origin and no visible means of support can also be fixed.” YOU KNOW NOT YOUK FATE. _ If you continue to suffer with Indiges tion you will never know what your fate may bo, and it must come sooner or later. Dyspepsia after a Minn will wear your system and digestive organs away, and you will ho worthless to yourself and ob noxious to olliers, Hogln immediately to remedy tiio evil by taking Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic, the greatest rornody known for a torpid liver unit disc’asod blood. It will sot the liver to work, puri fy the blood and give tone to the whole system. Huy it of your druggist for 5U cents and St a bottlo. E$£^Still left, a few of our 6 3-4 cts. Ging hams, worth 10 cts. Levys The New Diacorerr. Von have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be on* 1 of the many who know from personal ex perience just how good it is. If you have ever tried it you are one of its staunch friends, lieeause the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after hold3 a place in the house. If you have never used it and should beafliicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, se cure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every tune, or money re funded. Trial bottles free at S. J. C vsfiML s Drugstore Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus kins and shoes to be sacrificed at Pickett'*. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jowolov* has> se cured the agency for aU the lirat-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Thtvso desiring to purchase will do well to loam his prices and terms. Biglinc of men’s shoes at .$1.00 at Pickett’s. Dry floods Bonn 1 m