The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 03, 1889, Image 1

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0 ! CD % a3 •■d H-j • S crq p p p- 05 f=S 3 ® ft H ' H 2 CD P CD CD P- erf- sr CD H D CD CO M bd < CD CD P 03 CP It CD ' >-+: © d o' CD 03 O CD CD e-H o p. p p p- O P 03 P* P ►TS CD CD CD <1 CD P P ct- H n Tl (D 0 H' 9) H g i ^ P H* <4 (D P o 0 & 0 V > 1-3 tJ Cj Q H H 0 fel 03 H tel <1 , H & H H n 5 b u ttkrpri VOL 1 -NO 45. THOMASV1LLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 3; !8B9. tf 4 0 E I !> 5' ID V fel ► 4 r< o n 9) 4 H M 4 91 \3 » Local Matters. The humblest citizen of the town is interested in the new road. Do all your shopping to-day; the stoics will he closed on the 4th" The canvassing committee have been averaging about 82,000 per day. Pretty good work, that. To the committee: Keep up the fight. Don’t get discouraged. Suc cess will crown your efforts in the end. The sanitary condition of Thomas- ville this summer is of the first impor tance. Keep the town clean nnd healthy. A good crowd would go over to Ilainbridge on the 4th if an excursion train would make the trip to and from our neighboriug city that day. There is a tide in the affair; of a town—as well as of men—which, il taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; but which, neglected, &c.—See Shakespeare. The birds ordered by the Thomas- ville Gun Club have come, and the boys will once more try their hands at the traps. They are getting in trim for another match with the Bos ton team. We understand that after paying all incidental expenses of getting up “A Trial by Jury” quite a neat sum was turned over to Miss Mary Laurie, the faithful Principal of the Music Department of the South Georgia College. A bevy of railroad men, John L. Brown, of the Chattanooga, Rome & Columbus, Robinson Wallace, ot the L. & N. R. R., and .perhaps others, went up the Albany branch yesterday to look after melon shipments. These gentlemen say this wif be the week of the heaviest shipments of the season. The Times-Enterprise offers a cheap ehromo to the croaker or kicker who can advance one single well grounded argument against every cit izen of Thomasville, who possibly can, subscribing to the stock of a new rail road, A postage stamp should be enclosed as an evidence of good faith, as well as ot the liberality of the objector. Will Olose To-Morrow. The following agreement entered into by the merchants shows that they are not deficient in a feeling of vener ation for the “Glorious 4th.” In an cient days the 4th was universally observed in the south, and the custom ought to be re-instated: Thomasvillk, Ga„ July 1, 1880. Wo, the undersigned merchants Thom- asvillc, agree to dote our places of business on the 4th of July, the same being a Nation al Holiday. C II Young k Go., M I* Picket, Motchouse k Brandon, Ihiss k McKinnon, F N Lohnstoin, C F Collins, (J W Ferrill, Joe Fass, R F Whiddon, James Watt k Hro., S A Jones, A F Prevntt, Jos Jerger, The Jelks Shoe Co., H Wise, West k Foam, Reese k Eason, I Levy k Co., G W Forbes, W S Brown, B D Fudge, T J Ball k Bro., E 0 Thompson, A C Brown, J L k W A Pringle, L F Thompson k Co., L Steycrman Hro., John Stark, J JjStophens, J L Linton, B I) Ainsworth, H R Cooke & Bro., Fall is A Son, W L Cone, Mrs Jennie Carroll, Reid & Culpepper, J L Finn, Evans & McLean, Miss Laura Jones, Griffin & Sturdcvant, II Wolff & Bro., B Glickman, Estate J Stark, HJ5 Dekle, Mitchell A McIntyre, D J Sheffield, Miss A E McClellan. Moore & Williams, Tobacco, its use and abuse, by Rev. J. B. Wight, of the South Georgin Conference. The above is the title of a very readable nnd interesting volume, laid on our table by Miss Addic McClellan, with the compliments of the author. It treats of the use and abuse of to bacco in a very fair manner, and its perusal would be of incalculable value to any one addicted, or inclined to be, to the use of tobacco, if they would give heed to the facts contained therein. Call at Miss Addic McClel lan's and get a copy and read it, or give it to your boy. - Clean up—We Mean the City. The continued rains have created several “disturbing elements” that stand in wait to offend the olfactory senses, and through them the health of those that arc abroad after night fall. There arc scvcial low places on Broad street that ought to be filled, and some of the cellars in town arc not ns fragrant as they might he. Extra diligence at this season will be a good policy. ' Clean up. Ho Dcolincs. Messrs C. (S'. Boiulurant,T. N. Hopkins and J. H. Merrill, Committee on prize Declamation and Debate in recent com mencement of Sotdfi'Gcorgia College, Gentlemen - —I beg to acknowledge die compliment, and tender sincere thanks to those who, through you, made the request that I furnish to the Times Enterprise, for publication, a copy of my speech delivered in the debate on that occasion. After delib eration I most respectfully beg to de cline. With much respect, John S. Roberts. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Room, July 1st, 1889. Council met in regular session, Mayor Hopkins presiding. Aldermen Wright, Hayes, Mitchell, Whiddon, Jerger and Merrill pres ent. Minutes of last nfcctiug and called meeting of Juno 2lith, read and eon- firmed. Petition of Wm. Jenuings was re ferred to liealth committee. Petition of W. L. Mardrc was re ferred to street committee. Petition of E. Hamilton was referred to street committee. Liconse of Hamilton & Green trans ferred to John Wob. Hamilton <fc Green granted a res taurant license. The proposed irapiovcments on the engine house was referred to the com mittee on tire department. The mayor was requested to confer with Mr. Sugdcn about the sewer. Following accounts passed for pay ment: C. S. Bonduraut, SfiO.OO; Pittman & Singletary, 820.86; John Miller, 862.00; A. F. Prcvatt, 89.30; B. W. Green, 75c; Mitchell & McIntyre; 8218.70; E. O. Thompson, 8186.95, Gordon Steam Pump Co., 824.30; J. A. Hurst, 82.40; E. O. Thompson, 86.70. Council adjourned. K. T. Mai Lean, Clerk. Thomasville was never healthier than now. Keep her so. We rise to remark that Broad street’s concrete pavements should he pushed to completion. Only one or two small gaps remain to he filled. Thomasville cannot afford to let the present opportunity pass to get a new outlet. It is in sight. One hundred thousand dollars will insure the roa’d to Cordele. Lieutenant Wilder put t^e Guards through night before last. The boys are learning to play soldier right along. The interests of Thomas county will be safe in the hands of her two able representatives in the legislature, during the session of that body this summer. And then there’s Charley Hansel). He makes a good standing members. Charley always keeps au eye on everything pertaining to the interests of this section. It needs only a casual glance at the map, only a brief scanning of the roads already built, and those which arc licing built and projected, to con vince the dullest, that Thomasville is being side tracked on every hand. Will she fight her way out? That’s the question. Thomasville is in earnest about the new road. Railroad Gossip. The Chattanooga, Rome aud Col umbus system is still growing. President J. D. Williamson, of the Chattanooga, Home and Columbus railroad, was in the city yesterday. When asked about the develop ment of the scheme for the extension of his road in Georgia, he said:' : . “I can’t tell you anything yet. The matter is not arranged, and we nre all hound to secrecy. There is a great deal of road going to be built, but just where it will he built is net set tled. Two things nre certain-—the Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus system is going to the coast, and it is going to Florida.” “You remember that two years ago you called attention to__the fact that the Chattanooga, Rome and Colum bus, with the Cincinnati Southern, made a direct north and south line from Ciucinnatti to the gulf coast? “Yes; to Quincy, Florida,” “Will you build direct fom Carroll ton to Columbus, and connect with the Columbus Southern and the ex tension to Quincy, or will you build from Carrollton to Warm Springs, run into Columbus over the Georgia Midland and extend your main line on from Warm Springs to Cordele aud Savannah? “1 can’t tell yet, exactly, by what routes we will go, hut we will have an entrance into every important city in Georgia.”—Constitution. Split the difference and come by way of Thomasville, The Population ofthe United States. The present estimated population of the United States is 64,000,000. The rate of increase, exclusive of im migration, is estimated at 1.8 percent, per ainfuiu—about 100,000 a month. By immigration the increase of popu lation averages over 48,000 a month, or over a half a million yearly. The aggregate annual growth from both causes will not fall much short of a million aud three-quarters. The esti mated foreign population is not far below 14,000,000.—Scientific Ameri can. Fourteen millions of foreigners! That is about four times the popula tion of tin’s country, when the war of independancc was fought. And the natives stand at a round fifty mill ions. Verily this is a growing coun try. Minneapolis, Minn., June 28.— The Journal’s Rushford (Minn.) spe cial says: “A combined cyclone, wa terspout and hail storm passed from ono to five miles oast of boro last night, destroyiug everything in its path. A belt two miles wide in the pathway of the storm, and forty miles in length is absolutely laid waste, trees being as bare of leaves as in mid winter. Madison, Fla., June 28.—A new railroad company was organized at this place yesterday, to he known as the Tobacco Belt Railway Company Its capital stock is about 8350,000. It runs from Belleville to Madison, thence through the counties of Taylor and T.afayitto to deep water on the Gulf, a distance of about ninety miles. The incorporators are L. B. Plainer, of Jacksonville, and W. 8. Jorday, R. II. Marks aud H. J. McCall, Jr., of Madison. Strayed. Lust seen Monday morning near Jno. W. Wilsons, five miles northeast of town. Hay horse, black points, small white spot in fore head, six years old. His return to me will be rewarded. 7 2 d2t wit Jos. Hanscll Mcrrril. CATARRH CCRED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilofc’sCatarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free JERSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN CHASTAIN. April 10, 1330. Cures Prickly Heat, and Chafing, Is highly porfumod and Boraclno Is a superior toilet and nursery powder. Recommended dy every moth er. McRae ft Mardre, Thomasville; A: Bradford, Columbus; Alexander Drug and Seed Co., Au- us.a; F. Vbn Ove:i, Charleston, Agents. Fresh peaches every morning at Sampsons Jackson st. Fruit Store. FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I. LaRociix, tf. Flctchcrvillc. Shoes, Hats, Leather ami such goods sold cheap at l’iekctt’s to make room for cheap groceries. NOTICE, HOUSEKEEPERS! We have a splendid article of strictly first-class syrup, put up in small liar- els for family use. Call anil see it. Bash & McKinnon, 116 Broad Street. Table linen and toweling below New York cost at Pickett’s. Look in at Pickett's and sec the greatest bargains ever offered in Thoinasvillr. Woman's kid button shoe for -fl.OO. Men's hand sewed shoes for 81.00. Pickett’s. Furniture, Carpels, Bedding, Children 8 Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shade 8 ' (Straw mailings, Ruga, clc. The Lest styles and lowest prices in the oily. (i LO, W. FORBES, 0-11-wJt illl Masury Building- The secret of the universal success of Browns Iron Putters is owing to the fact that it is the very bi'slirun preparation made. By n thorough nnd rapid assimilation with the Mood il reaches every part of the body, giv ing health, strength nnd endurance to every portion, Thus beginning at the foundation it builds up amt restores lost health. It does not contain whiskey or nlcohol. It wilt not blacken the teeth. It does not conslipatcor cause headache. 11 will cure dyspepsia, in digestion, heartburn, sleeplessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, etc. IliicUlru’* Arnicn Noire. The Best Halve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, .Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, 'Chopped Hands, Chilblains Corns, nnd all Skin Eruptions, nnd positively cures Piles, or nopaj required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2D cents per box. For snlc by 3, J. Cnsscls, Drug Store. YOU KNOW NOT YOU It FATE. If yof eontlnuo to suffer with Indiges tion you will never know wliat your fate may ho, nnd it niuntuomo sooner or Inter. Dyspepsia after a tlrao will went- your system and digestive organs away, and you will bo worthless to yourself nnd ob noxious to others, Begin immediately to remedy tho evil by taking Westmoreland’s Callsaya Tonic, tho greatest romody known for a torpid liver ami diseased blood. It will set the liver to work, puri fy the blood and give tono to the whole system. Buy It of your druggist for 50 ills and 81 a bottle. Reid !i Culpepper are keeping up with the occasion, they have secured the agency of the famous Htar Mineral Water, tho finest reparation known tor dyspepsia, J' uaranteod to cure, 4 0 tf LEVY® Has Made a B16 CUT IN ALL LINES OF Fbkkmoxt, O., June 2S.—The body of Mrs. Hayes was embalmed af ter death. This morning at-10 o’clock it was arrayed for the grave, and placed in a casket which was of red cedar, tho corners being relieved by pilasters. It is covered with heavy black broadcloth with massive oxidiz ed silver extension handles, full length. The plate hears the simple in scription: “Lucy Webb Hayes, June 25, 1889.” The hotly was arrayed in a dress of ivory cream satin with white passementnrio ami lace trim mings. According to the figures of the just completed directories the population of the Twin Cities is now dose to 500,- 000. Wagon Bricliiu, Plow Bridles, Wagon Lines, Ifamc Strings, Plow Linos, Buggy Backs and Hie like sold at a sacrifice at Pickett’s Cash Store. Oltl ladies half cloth shoes, custom made, worth $2,00, sold at Pickett’s for 81,000, 1.25, $1.50. TAKE A REHT. Excursion tickoti at low rates will be sohl to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October 31st, Fast train service with Pullman cars. II. W. WRfiN’N', Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt Uigliitc ot men's shoes at $1.00 at Pickett’s. Few more pairs Old Ladies Bus kins ami shoes to he sacrificed a 1 Pickett's. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, lias se cured tlm agency for all tho llrst-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long .time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to leant tils prices and ter;w>- FOR RENT. Tiic Fudge house, below the Masury Ho tel, is for rent. Apply to L-lu E. M, M-ALLKTTB. New \ ork dailies, Times, World. Tribune and Herald, Macon Telegraph and Atlanta aud Savannah dailies, every day. Miss addie McClelland, Jackson Street. To continue until closed out. Our remnant table is ful of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. B&^Se^Still left, a few of our 6 3-4 cts. Ging hams, worth 10 cts. Leyys 1 Dry Bools to