The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 03, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. fh» Duit Twss-KNTKitrKUS is published trtrj Horning (Monday excepted.) The WxtXLT EsTERrstsF. is published erery Thursday morning. The Wmily Tims is published eeery Sst- nrdsy. SrsscsirTios Kates. DillY TlMlS-KNTEtrRISE, . . . W .ekly Enterprise Weeelt Tikes $.S 00 , 1 00 1 00 Daily Advertis no Rates JTransient Rates.—SO etf. per square for the first insertion, and 40 cei ts for ca ii subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - ■ $ 0 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 •ne Square, three month's, - - - 12 00 Oho Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve monies, - - - 3D 00 Subject to change by special arranf eiucnt, H. ■. ITRI, Itiislnosa Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE. In order to insure pri mpt insertic n, all adTertisements, changes, locals, eic., should oe handed in by noon be ore the dny of pub lication BI NI.M.IS xotke Parties leaeing ThomaSTille for the eum- iner ean hare the TiKES-KsTsaraisE sent to any address for DO cents per month. Ad dresses can be changed as often as is desired. WEDNESDAY, JUI.Y 3, 18fif. Well, Cleveland can beat Harrison fishing. There’s some consolation in that. Dawson is getting to lie quite Frenchified: boys make a living there by selling frog legs. The health of Senator Brown con tinues to be a source of solicitude to the politicians, as well as to his friends. They haven’t had a murder in Bir mingham, Ala , for two days. What’s the matter? Look out for the millen nium. The democrats will have to wander in the wilderness till March 4th, ’93. And then they will cross over into the promised land. One of the Chicago papers boldly asserts that “Chicago is not piggish.” She has outgrown piggishness; she is hoggish, now. Will not some “well inlormed and reliable Washington correspondent” inform an anxious public whether Wanamaker’s yacht carries bait on Sunday? To Memorialize the Legislature. At the recent meeting of the alumni of the State University the following committee, to memorialize the legisla ture to give the rental of the state road to the cause of education in the sta'c, was appointed: 1st Hist., A. P. Adams, Savannah. 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th 6th 7 th 8th 9th 10th S. G. McLendon, Thos’villc K. A. Hawkins, Amcricus. , , _ , , , ,. John W. Tark, Greenville., consumed, J. Cohen and Byck Bros. suffered heavy loss, while S. W. Branch had his stock of groceries injured by water. One fireman was killed and eight olliers injured by a falling wall. There was a fair amount of insurance on the stocks and buildings. The Governor of Mississippi offers a reward of $500 for the arrest of Sulli- vaan and Kilrain, their aiders and abettors, if a prize fight is attempted or carried out in that state. Savannah had a hundred and fifty thousand dollar fire on Monday even ing." The extensive furniture estab lishment of A. J. Miller & Co. was “What is the country coming to?” dramatically inquires a contemporary. It’s coming to the point when the bottom of the treasury will be seen—if Tanner holds on to his place. It is thought the attractions, conve niences and allurements of the new capitol will cause the legislature to linger within its walls until long after the biting frosts of autumn. Chandler’s ear is getting well. He ought to wear a pair of ear muffs, or protectors, during his next term in the senate. He that hath ears, let him protect them—especially if Joe Black- bun), of Kentucky, is around. A railroad would make Colquitt county one of the most inviting sec tions in the state. Old Colquitt has been classed among the back woods counties long enough. We would like to see her get out of the woods. The Sulhvan-Kilrain fight, which is billed to come off in Louisiana on the 8th, is attracting a great deal of atten tion among sporting men. The Gov ernor of the state has issued a procla mation forbidding the fight. Col. Buck, after a sojourn of some months in Washington, directing and advising in matters per taining to thc.distribulion of federal pap in Georgia, has returned to At lanta. The Col. is the hero ol the hour among the faithful. Some sensible, patriotic member of the legislature will introduce a bill to tax dogs. And then the house . will vote tt down. Of course it will. The g entleman from Lick-Skillet could not e returned, if he voted for the bill. Every constituent who owns a flop-ear ed hound would vote against him—and he knows it. W. A. Hcmhhill, Atlanta. T. F. Newell, Milledgevillc I F. Thompson,Cedartown J. S. Turner, Eatonton. H. Thompson, Gainesville Geo. T. Barnes, Augusta. This is a very strong committee,and as its suggestions will come as a moral support to the bill proposed by l)r. Felton on the subject, it is safe to say that the friends of the bill and the cause will make a gallant fight for education. The Eden Extension Contract. The contract was let yesterday to Wright & Strother to grade sixty miles of roadway for the Eden extension of the Savannah and Western railroad as far west as the Ohoopee river. Jhcy will begin work at once, with a large force, and will complete the grading by Sept. 15. Wright & Strother buili the Ozark extension and, have only very recently comphted the Alabama Midland. The bridge and trestle work over the Canoochcc will be let this week. The Central railroad may be said to be pushing westward sure enough. A movement has taken definite shape for the organization of the state asso ciation of Confederate survivors, the object being to effect thorough organ ization in every county in Georgia. A call has been sent out for a state con vention to be held in Atlanta, August z 5th. ___ _____ The man who first brought the English sparrow to this county died about a week ago. His name was John W. Bardslev, and lie was thrown from his buggy and killed near his home in Germantown. Many towns will iccl themselves avenged. Retribution generally over takes a man who commits a great crime. The Sullivan-Kilrain fight is all the excitement now among sporting men. Both men, their trainers and hackers, have started for New Orleans. l’lte authorities say the light shall not occur; the interested parties say it will conic ofl. Big money is at stake. "If you want wealth, health, hair and happiness, come to Florida. Its golden climate makes the sad heart rejoice, and the bnld head to blossom like the rose.” The above from the Times-Uuion is calculated to mislead. There are bpld headed men in Florida. But they arc married men. Lowndes county is making an un enviable reputation. A special to the Constitution, says: “A corpse was manufactured out of the anatomy of Joe Johnson last night. York Langford did the work with a thirty-eight, et adds oue more bloody page to the history of Lowndes county, and makes the tenth murder committed in less than two years." Homo hempen neck ties would tone down the belligerent population, per haps. The remedy ought Uj he tried To-day speaker Clay's gavel will call the legislature of Georgia to order. And then for a long, laborious summer session. Vital questions — questions involving great interests arc to be discussed and decided. For tun ately for the state, the legislature is composed largely of cool, clear-head ed men. Washington, July 1.—Secretary Blaine and Walker Blaine left the city this evening for Bar Harbor, where the former will remain until September. Bresident Harrison con templates paying the Secretary a visit some time in July. — m» • • •» — - - Washington, July 1.—Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin, thinks he has succeeded where Senator Quay and others failed in getting Gen. Joe Johnston out of the commissionership of Pacific railroads, in spite of Senator Sherman’s request for Gen. Johnston's retention. Senator Spooner thinks that his personal friend, Horace A. Taylor, a Hudson, (Wis.) editor, will shortly supersede Gen. Johnston. A Halo Inresluicnt* Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this plvn you can buy from our advertised u.uggist a bot tle of Hr. King’s New Discovery for Con- r-un.plion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consump tion, Influmntion of Luugs, Bronchitis, Asthma, 'Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at S. J. Casskls’ Drug store. Merit Wills. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery tor Consumption, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve and Elec tric Bitters, and have never bandied reme dies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesi tate to guarantee them everytime and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popu larity purely on their merits. N. J. Casskls' Drug store Bu«l will* r.xvr.cmn. Hntr nil done. Sculp covered with criiplioniiqTlioii&hf him liuir lvoulil naVer crow. • Jared by remedies. Hnlr ■plcmlid i«n«I not n pimple on hlna. I cannot say enough in praise of the Cutlcura Remedies. My l*>y, who when one year of - „ _ age, was so bail with eczema that he lost all his A lr4AixrhAi«n hair, llisscalp was covered with eruptions, WG11 C1SGWI1G1C# hich the doctors said was scald head, and iat his hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began the use of Cutieura Rome dies, and, am happy to say, ■ perfect success, llis hair is now splendid and there is not a pimple on him. I recommend theCuticur.i Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that cv-.^ cry mother who has an afflicted child will p* thank mo for so doing. Nrs. M K. WOOD8UM, Norway. Me A Ferer More Bight Yeurn Cured. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured by using Cuticu- ra Remedies, of an old sore, caused by {a long spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago. Ho was so bad ho was fearfnl he would have to have his leg amputated, hut is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar, lie requests mo to use his name, which Is H. II. Cason, merchant of this place. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Oainsboro, Tcun. Severe Scale Disease Cured, A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of tho scalp, land re ceived no relief from the various rumpuios she used until she tried Cutieura. The disease dromptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entirely well. There has been no return of the disease and Cutieura ranks <^o. 1 in our estimation for diseases of the Here is a gem of sense and political wisdom from the address of Mr. Grady, the other day: ‘‘Exalt the citizen. As the £tate i9 the unit of government he is the unit of the state. Teach him that his home b his castle. and his sovereignty rests beneath his hat. Make himself self- respecting, self-reliant and responsible, bet him lean on the state for nothing that his own arm can do, and on the government for nothing that his state ean 4a » NOT A PIMPLE ON H1N NOW. n 1111 { When you are con templating a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved Cutieura Rcmedlm. Are a positive cure for every form of skin, us. Sqjd everywhere. Trice, Cutieura, 5oc.; Soap, 13.; ResoLi/it, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass. DIDV’C Skin and scalp preserved and beauti- D/UJl u Hen by Cutieura Soap. Absolutely Two. No. L (i.ood horses for sale bv p.-v-fuss, EVERY MUSCLE ACHED? Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains and weaknesses relieved in one min- ^ ute by the Cutieura Anti-Pain Plas ter. "The drst and only instantaneous pain-kill- u,s, £4e^^hcning plaster. 145 cents. Rutledge, Ga., June 30.—Mr, McAllister, an expert in the oil lnisi nc«>, eaye there arc immistakblc signs of oil on a line extending from Hol land's spring to a point iu the ravine opposite Mr. Atkinson’s residence. He also says that so confident is lie that oil cau be found in paying quan titics that he will lie willing to lake stock in a stock company organized for that purpose. June, the month of commencements, of sweet girl graduates, compositions, declamations,diplomacy and diplomas, breathed out its life at the witching hour of twelve o’clock on Sunday night. ’Tis gone—gone like the breath and perfume of the faded flowers of spring. Carlotta Patti, the great singer, died in Paris the other day. Whc was a veritable queen of song. By coming to look over our large and well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur nishing Goods, Hats, etc., that is new and seasonable. Decide tyiiddj To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impossible to. do as JSTO a be found. We get the choice of the best goods on the market, andbuy and sell thorp LOW. TUB UiVALiB’S HOPE. Many seemingly incurable cases of fcjood poison", catarrh, scrofula and rheuma tism have been cured by B. B. B. (Botanic liLcod Balm ), made by the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, tja, )Vritc to them for book tilled with convincing prorf, O. \V. B. Kinder, living seven miles from Athens,Ua.,writes: “For several rears f suffered with running nicer*, which doctors treated and pronounced incurable. A single bottle of B. B. B. did me more good tti I he doctors. I kept on using it and every itjcer healed.” Son, Towaliga, Ha., writes: “We induced a neighbor tq try B. B. B. for catarrh, which he thought i*ct.r»b*c, ?« " had resisted all treatment. It delightedtA and continuing its use, he was cured sound and well. * U. M. Lawson, Last Point, (la., writes: * S\j n> i,fc had scrofola 15 years. She kept growing uor*c, .She lost her hair and her skin broke oi|t foarjuiiv. debility, cmaciu tirn and no appetite folk, wcii.'^Bcr dan* an.! nutm-roii. adrcrliioj tji,ed-ciqcg ~ lin l{?-. r .bn liio-liauf failed, I tried R. It. ft., andlier Ft'ClHfry »a» flUtpllby plfp IIJgllt/SL. rapid and complete." 1 Oliver Secor, llaltimore, Md., writes Eotiernd from weak back and iliciimatisin. II. It, 14, lue prprun to be the only medicine that gave me relief," TAILORING. There is an end to all tilings, so tho people say,'out there is no end to tho Lpleudid titling clothing made at Hi Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done In the neatest manner. Give mo a call. John Kenny, Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I2ST GEORGIA- Where yon can tind fresh mid pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squildj's preparations In the prescription department mul guarantee goods and prices. REID A CULPEPPER, ISO-132 ISroatl Ml. *1 Headquarters for Drug REID&CULPlMR’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga : School andlank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, h/c. <j BE A H IN M I N I ) t- -THAT THEY HAVE THE- -jfc. T- L. STEYERMAN A BRO.’S. Causes o At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. REMBM BEiRa THE PLACE: T i. Steyerman & Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-&c. CLOTHING-! CLOTHING! Our Bargains tho talk of the town. Com petition completely baffled. Call anti be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., 120JBROAD .STKKKTw THOMASVILLE. THOMASVILLE Bottling Work L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for pure carbonated bever- age$, at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors .Specially fitted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. h can t Depend Upon It That our prices are the lowest, Qijr as sortment the most complete, and our On draught also, the new Mexican beverage, “FRUI MIS.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NKltVK TONIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed irony the soda fountain, but is as wefl a perfect tonic and cystcm vitnlr;er. It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract irom a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, et which the medicinal prop erties arc invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot 11c Used to Excess. Not a foaming gas drink, causing belching ot wind and unpleasant effects uftpr drink ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an cxtppinely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which ninu out of fen persons are erphifsias, tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wauls It, Everybody Drinks It. •‘FRUI MIX,-’’ the limit Ivcvcnigc "ill tli^ worl.1. DISPENSED IIy L. S€H JUIUF, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Dont fail to call on us. C. H. YOUNG & GO Clothicts and Fnr&iahcra lOG^Broid St. #■ Tltomnsville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis,^Prop’rs. Manufacturers andiDealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS,' STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. 8? Witv Screen Doors ami Windows, S|isl|, Doors and lllind3 TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. SSyCORRESPONDENCK SOLICITED.; B, D, FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., —dealer IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, GEORGE FHARN, SEAL ESTATE ACI AT, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cjlj ?ftl Coatiri fraptiti Iff Salt IIOUSES - RE NTED Ami Taxem n i«i. : DOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a ile^-ipllqn qi jw prosper of all kinds, and agent Toy Powder Oo 5 «ptl3-dt!lil MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY, 1 Oraat Inducements to (