The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 04, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. 8. B. BURR, - Business Manager. fhe Daily Timks-Ektmprisk it publish'd erery morning (l!ond»r eic>pted.) The Weekly Entkspsibk is published erory Thursday morning. The Weekly Times is published every Sat urday. SusscsirTios Kates. Daily Times-Estespbibe $•'> 00 W ;ekly Enterprise 1 00 Weekly Times, 1 00 Daily Adveetis nu Rates jl'raiisieut Rales—00ctT. per square :or the first insertion, and -10 cel tfl for ea ii subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • t 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 •ne Square, three month', - - - 12 00 Dbc Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 •ne Square, twelve montns, - - - 35 00 Sqhieet to change by special arranf ement. ■. IIEK Business Saunter, " " "special A otick. In order to insure pn mpt insert,. n, all Advertisements, changes, locals, etc., should DO handed in by noon be ore the day of pub lication ■lainfEiit tiorifi. Parties leaving Thomasville for the sum mer tan have the Tisies-Kntkrprihe sent to any address for 50 cents per month. Ad dresses ean be changed as often as is desired. THURSDAvTjVLY 4, 188S. The groat cotton mills of New Eng land will finally come nearer the cot ton fields of the South. The Northern press is severe on the result of the McDow trial in Charles ton. They should not forget that seven negroes were on the jury. JudgcN. C. Barnet! is eighty-eight years old. He lias held the position of secretary of the slate thirty-one years. lie went in with Governor Crawford in 18111, and lias been in charge of the portfolio of slate fifteen years in that time. The great American Eagle will flap his wings, give a scream which would paralyze tyrants (if they could hear it) and start on his hundred and four- . tcentli annual voyage, this morning. • Great is the American Eagle. To'work out the great industrial problems which now confront us; to preserve law and order, and to main tain those great principles which arc the bulwarks of liberty, should be the high aim and object of Southern states men. To this work let them bend their energy and devote their talents. Let the education of the masses claim equal attention from the legisla ture, with the efforts being made to enlarge and raise the standard of higher education. Georgia owes, at least, a gold common English educa tion to every one of her children. And then she should he liberal in pro viding for those who may fit them selves for the higher branches of learning. The prospect for good crops through out South Georgia, was never belter. The harvest promises well. The toil ers have bright promiso of fair comp ensation for the labor of ’89. And no class of men more richly merit and deserve generous returns for the heads of sweat which have stood on their honest sun burned brows, during these long summer days. The Cabinet Discusses the Flan nel Shirt. At the cabinet meeting to-day, when the thermometer registered 89°, the grave subject said to have been under discussion was whether or not cabinet officers, might wear flannel shirts. Secretary Rusk proposed the subject, just after Mr. Blaine had told a funny Btory. It had been on his mind for some time, and he became eloquent es he enlarged upon the comforts and beauty of that style of dress. He said that these shirts were the srlvation of farmers in the harvest field and at the threshing machine, and that he had never been so happy in his life as when he wore one—a heavy homespun, none of your new-fangled, lmlf-silk gauze. Mr. Blaine, it is understood, rather approved of the idea, hut he thought the soft silk or crape was better than the flannel. It was too serious a ques- however, to decide at one meeting, whether the cabinet miglii he perfect ly comforable if they chose. But Uncle Jerc’s description of the com fort o the shirt shook the ioundation of the cabinet dignity until it totter- \ ed. But for the cool appearance of Mr. Prfictflr and the dignity of Ben Harrison, it is believed that lie would have secured cabinet sanction of the Bp! flannel. HONGKONG FLOODED. A Rainfall of 29 1-2 Inches in 33 Hours Caused Destruction. San Francisco, July 1.—The steamer City of Rio dr Janeiro arrived from Hong Kong and Yokahomo to day. One of the most destructive rain storms in the history of Hong Kong, occurred May 29 and 80. The total rain fill for thirty-three hours was 291, inches. Atone time the tall measured neatly three inches per hour. Hong Kong papers do not venture to esti mate the loss to private property, such as residences, stores, etc., hut place the loss to public property at 8200,- 000. Nearly every house within an area of thirty square miles suffered. All the roads and streets were turned into mud heaps, and innumerable shops and dwellings .were flooded. VIVID FLASHES OF LIGHTNING. Most every minute during the storm vivid flashes of lightning lighted up the streets, which seemed more to re semble the bed of a river than roads in the center of the town. The water pipes burst at every corner, the roads were cut up almost beyond recogni tion, and level roads were piled with earth and loosened stones and debris from the upper streets so as to he im passable. Fftcon lives were known to have been lost when the steamer sailed. Self-Preservation is the First Law of Nature. Great combines are being made by overgrown capital to control the rail roads of the country. Every one rec ognizes the fact that these big combi nations do not mean good to the people. Compctiton in railroads are essential to reasonable rates. Most of the roads in Georgia have combined, pledging themselves to prevent rival lines from invading their territory. I)o these combined roads auogate to themselves the right and power to exclude and shut out competition? Do they claim the caitW If Thomasville secures an independent road, she can make fair terms with the big combines. Thomasville has no war to make on any road, or system of roads,but she is deeply, vitally interested in protecting .herself. And she's going to do it. Mark it. Natural Gas Struck. Birmingham, Ala., July 1.—Nat ural gas was struck to-day near Cor dova, Walker county, about thirty miles west of this city. It has a pres sure of sixty-five pounds to the square inch, and was struck at a depth of 700 feet. It was discovered on the prop erty of the Cordova Coal and Coke company, and the experts in charge of the work say there is no doubt of the gas existing in paying qualities. Nicholas of Montenegro governs his subjects in old-fashioned paternal style. He recently caught his min ister of public instruction stealing some state archives, and lie had him laid across a block in the courtyard of tho palace and publicly whipped, and, alter fifty strokes with a birch rod, sent him to prison for twelve months. Nicholas holds a court every week, and offenders are birched in his presence. But he is always ready to remit a certain number of the blows for cash.—Ex. . If the same course was pursued at Washington, some republican would be stretched acroas a block and well belabored every hour in the twenty four. One advantage would flow from the adoption of this custom; it would create a new office, a court whipper, so to speak. But then the rascals, most of them, have stolen enough to buy absolution. Washington, July 2.—Tho Secre tary of the Treasury to-day issued warrants in payment of 816,003,000 of pensions, being the first payment on this account for the new fiscal year. Washington, July 2.—Secretary Blaine is superstitious and so he went north yesterday instead of waiting un til to-day to travel with the President, lie never forgets July 2, 1881, when be drove down tc^ the station with President Garfield on their way north, only to see him shot down by Guitcau. Some people in town feared a repeti tion of that scene to-day, for there arc a dozen Guiteaus in town crazed by disappointment in office seeking, hut nothing unusual occurred. Washington, July 2.—The Presi dent and party left this afternoon for New York and Woodstock, C'onn. At the latter place he is to attend a Fourth of July celebration. Latest Telegrams. LvNt'HiiURti, Va., July 2—A fear ful accident, by which many lives were lost and a large number of peo ple injured, occurred on the Norfolk and Western railroad at 2:80 o’clock this morning one mile above Thaxtou switch and tliirly-onc miles above this place. ft is impossible to -tale the number of persons killed, hut the most relia ble estimates place the number at be tween twenty-five and thirty. The number of wounded will lie far in ex cess of the number killed. Thirty of the wounded have been taken to Ron noake, thirteen toBufordville, anil fif ty to Liberty. Chicago, July 2.—A dispatch from Wavcrly, O., says:. “An un known man was taken suddenly sick Friday last in Scioto county, and ex pired in a few minutes. Two doctors pronounced it a genuine ease ot Asi atic cholera.” Cordova, Ala., July 2.—Natural gas has been struck here. It has been flowing for hours, with an estimate pressure of sixty to seventy pounds to the square inch. Washington, July 2.—Gen. Law- ton, ex-minister to Austria, was here to-day on his way home, and called and paid his respects to the Presi dent. London, July 2.—Tho world’s Sunday school convention opened its sessions in London to-day. There were 900 foreign delegates present, including over 300 from the United States. Lord Kinnard delivered the address of welcome, and Count Rom- storlf of Berlin and Rev. Mr. Cuylcr, ofBrooklyn, responded, in behalf of the delegates from European and American continents. London, July 2.—The Rome- cor respondent of the Chronicle says: “In receiving the Spanish ambassador the pope alluded to his possible departure from Rome. It is certain that ar rangements for his refuge in Spain have been completed.” 1'iTfiilr Pieces of Bone. My little niece, left me by her moth er, had one of the worst cases of white swelling I ever saw. More than twenty pieces of bone came out of her leg,one piece being .about the size of the small end of a walking cane, and nearly three inches long. The hole left by taking these pieces out was as large as a good sized walnut. She was not able to walk a step for eight months, and was after wards compelled to use crutches for nearly a year. The doctors said there was no cure, and advised amputation of the limb. This I would not consent to.but put her to taking Swift’s Specific leaving off all other treatment. It has cured her sound and well, and I shall never grow weary ot speaking its praise. • Mrs. Annik Geesling. Columbus, Ga., Feb.n, 1889. TAILORING. There is an end to all things, so the people say, but thero Is no end to tho splendid lilting clothing inado at 81 Broad stroet. Cleaning and repairing done in tho neatest manner. Give mo a call. John Kenny, FKK.SH FALL SEEDS! Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Lettuce, Ac. • S. J. CASSELS, 118 Broad St. THE INVALID’S HOPE. Many seemingly incurable cases of blood po'son* *, catarrh, scrofula and rheuma tism have been cured by B. JL B. (Botanic Blood Balm ), made by the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write to them for book filled with convincing proof. G. W. B. Haider, living seven miles from Athens, Ga., writes: “For several years I suffered with running ulcers, which doctors treated and pronounced incurable. A single bottle of 1L B. B. did me more good than all the doctors. I kept on using it and every ujeer healed.” 1). C. Kinard k Son, Towaliga, Ga.. writes: “We induced a neighbor to try B. B. B. for catarrh, which be thought incurable, as it had resisted all treatment. It delighted him, and continuing its use, lie was cured sound and well. * It. M. Lawson, East Point, Ga., writes: “My wife had scrofola 15 years. She kept growing worse. She lost her hair and her skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emacia tion and no appetite followed. After physi cians and numerous advertised meuiemes failed, I tried B. B. B., and her recovery waa rapid and complete.” Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Md., writes: “I suffered from weak hack and rheumatism. B. B. B. has proven to be the only medicine that gave me relief.” Ulcrit Win*. Wc desire to Bay to our citizens, that for years wc have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery lor Consumption, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve and Elec tric Bitters, and have never handled reme dies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesi tate to guarantee them everytime and wc stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popu larity purely on their merits. ,S. J. (’assels’ Drug store . Moreland Park Military Academy Noar ATLANTA, GA. Til* next .elision begin. Sept. 'Jtli. For tire filar J address CIIA8.M. NEEL, Supt., Atlanta, On. When you are con templating a pur chase of anything in our line, no matter how small may be the amount involved ACT WISELY By coming to look over our large and well selected stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur nishing Goods, Hats, etc., that is new and seasonable. Decide Quickly To buy of us. After seeing the prices and examining the qual ity of our goods you can’t resist them. It is impossible to do as well elsewhere. a be found. We get the choice of the best goods on the market, andbuy and sell them at prices worn DOW. That our prices are the lowest, our as sortment the most complete, and our quality the highest. Dont fail to call on us. C. H. YOUNG & GO Clothiers tad Furnishers 106 a Bioad St. Headquarters for Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 mo AH IN i\I INI) i> THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I2ST GEORGIA. w Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squihb's preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. I!EII) CDLPEPPEB, 120-123 Kroatl »t, .A. T L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. T-wo Cases o La-wn, At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard. REMEM BER THE PLACE: L. Steyerman <fc Bro.’s. One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-£c. CLOTHING! CLOTHING-! Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com petition completely baffled. ljEjStr^Ctill and bo convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., "SKEST THOMASVILLE Battling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis,>JProp’rs. Manufacturers andiDealers'* Headquarters for pure carbonated bever- PtOTJGrlT tS& DR1CSSED ages, at wholesale and retail. Best soda - water with pure fruit juice flavors. -L< U JM.x3EX^. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for tiie accommodation of the Ladies. On draught also, the new Mexican beverage, “FRET MIZ.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC, This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic and system vitalizer. It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract trom a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop erties arc invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not a foaming ga3 drink,causing belching ot wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, hut a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out of ten persons are cn'husias- tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. “FRUI MIZ,” the tinest beverage Jin the world. DISPENSED BV l. scrim ii>t, Proprietor Tbomasvllle Bottling Works, GEORGE FEARN, BEAL iSTATE AGIM, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cilj and Cog ttrj Properti for Sale. iiouses’kented Aik! Taxes i*» *«b TjOANFI NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your protyper LATH KS, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL-WORK, 7 MANTLES, BALUSTERS," STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. (5. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, .Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORB Ell. STAIR BUILDING,! AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY.' BO-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.} B. D. FTJD&E, THOMASVILLE, GA., —dealer in HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, of all kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. c ptl2d6m MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine Sratem of Memory Training.