The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 11, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. B. B. BURR, - Buwness Manager. fh« Daiit TiMM-Eirr*»r«JB* ii pnbliibed ft try morning (Monday excepted.) Tht Weekly Kmeemhe ib published «very Thursday morning. Tho Wkkkiy Timib is pobluhcd every Sat urday. Smscnirtios Rates. Daily Thus-Entmebise *5 00 WlKKI-T ’ Weekly Time 1 00 Daily Aovektie ko Rates. irronsic.t Ratos.—so etc. per square for the first insertion, and 40 re, ts for e. n subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, $ S 00 One Sqnare, two months - - - - » •dp Square, three month S - - - ‘ * 00 •ko Square, six months, - - - * 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - J5 00 Bnhject to change by special arranj ement. H. ■. BI7BB, Basiaeu A Good Bill. * Simmoms, of Sumter, has introduced a bill to appoint a jail inspector for the slate. All jails arc to be inspected once a year, or oftener, if necessary. The jail inspector is to be appointed Latest Telegrams. N. Y., duly 0— A Sihknkcia cloud-burst washed away the Central railroad tracks between Akin and Tribes Hill station's, about five miles by the governor, and for a term of four west of Amsterdam, this afternoon, SIPKCIAI. SOTItT. In order te insure pr, mpt insert!, n, all advertisements, changes, locals, etc., should te handed In by noon be ore the day of pub- Mention ■ IIISISISS HOTICIt. Parties leaving TUomasville for the sum mer enn have the Tivks-Isvt.bnose sent to any address for SO cents per month. Ad dresses can be changed as often as is desired THURSDAY, JCLT It, 18*!. | Atlanta is full of Sheriffs. It is now claimed by Kilrain s friend that he was in no condition to fight. years. His annual salary is fixed ... $2,000. It is stipulated that the in spector must he a competent physician and a resident of the state. The inspector shall have power and authority to condemn all jails not con structed with a view to comfort and sanitary conditions, and if he deem., best, to order any and all necessary changes made. When it becomes necessary to tear down a jail or change it, the inspector shall make a detailed account of ali work to be done, to the judge of the superior court of th.te county. This report is to be carefully examined by the judge, and he is to judge of the necessity of the changes proposed His order shall be a final judgment to the ordinary, or the county commis sioners, as the one or the other controls the county revenues. The expense of such condemnation or change is to be met by the county like all other cur rent expenses. Thomas county will be ready for the inspector when her new jail is com pleted. Savannah had another fire yesterday Fires arc getting very common in that city. A Kansas woman knocked a burglar in the head, who had broken into her house, the other night. These Kansas women art bad ones to fool with. The New Orleans Picayune very sensibly remarks that education docs not hurt a young man if he has good common sense to go with it. A good bill for the legislature to pass: Establishing a geological bu reau, and providing for the uncovering of Georgia’s mineral wealth. The railroad committee in the house has decided, unanimously, in favor of leasing, and against selling the state road. This action will be very gener ally appiuvcd. The general judiciary committees of the House will favorably report a bill providing for county taxation of railroads, The bill has been before several legislatures but has never be fore had a fivorable report. The Pavement of the Future. The best of all pavements, as lias been shown by experience in our own and foreign cities, is made of asphalt. When asphalt first came into use in this country it was largely made with coal tar, and proved defective in many ways; afterward the methods and materials used in the Old World were imported and gave excellent results. * * * The result of the experience of the last ten years has clearly shown that the pavement made with the Trin idad asphalt is equal to any in the world and superior to any other kind of pavement in use. Its excellencies, cleanliness, silence and salubrity are so apparent that no argument is now needed to enforce them, and to these may be added, and placed first on the list, economy; for it costs as little and lasts as long as any of her good pave ment. and is much less trying to horses, vehicles and human nerves. It is rapidly growing in favor, and it is not too much to say that it is the pave ment of the future, and is destined itt most localities to supercede all other kinds.—Professor Newberry in .School of Mines Quarterly. The mill between Sullivan and Kil rain seems to have stirred up a good deal of belligerent bile. Atlanta had four fights the day after the slugging match. One man had his spectacles knocked from his nose. This was the principal damage done. Kilrain, from all accounts, appears be a very clever sort of a fellow, for a bruiser. Public sympathy was largely with him in his fight with Sullivan. The latter is regarded as a great big brute. The legislature ought to pass a law providing a pardon board for the state. Jt is well nigh impossible for a governor to give the necessary inves tigation to the hundreds of such ap plications. The Baldwin I.ocomotivc oiks last week turned out their ten thousandth locomotive. The first engine built at the works in 1861 weighed eight tons the No. 10,000 weighed seventy five tons. A new religious sect has been started in South Carolina, If they would adhere more closely to the tenets of the older religious denominations in that state, there would lie fewer murderers, and the latter would be hung. The Constitution pitches into Sul livan with gloves off, so to speak, but prudently reserves the right to amend its remarks, provided: Mr. Sullivan should return East via Atlanta. At the hour of penning the fiery article it was understood that the slugger would return home by way of Louisville, Ky A negro preacher was arrested in Pittsburg, Pa., this week, charged with having committed murder in South Carolina, two years ago. He had just called up monrners, and now he mourns himself—in jail. The state road lease question has been made the special order for the 18th inst. The discussion will he a lively one. The lease will go through but there arc conflictings opinions about who shall bid, the minimum price and other restrictions. Some patriotic citizen of Indian apolis, Ind., tried to blow up the bar- backs of the Salvation Army in that city on Monday night. He shattered the building pretty badly; but, unfor tunately, did not destroy it. Governor Lowry’s state militia needs hauling over the coals. They allowed trains with the law breakers, Sullivan and Kilrain, to run right through them The Mississippi soldier appears to have dcteriorated.Thcse sluggers could not have fought in Georgia. Gordon backed by the crack military compa nies of the state, would have knocked them out on the first round. There may be a more perfect picture of supreme happiness in the woild than a negro gamin with his head immersed in the half of a Georgia melon, but we have never seen it. Further than this we are prepared to say that we would make a journey to see a more perfect picture of beatitude. aiisitig another delay to all trains. Trov, N. Y., July 9.—A telephone message from Johnstown says: "The town is in total darkness Ninebridg cs were washed away. The electric plant has been washed away, and also three skin mills at Glovcrsvillc. One body has been recovered. The water is three feet deep in the village of Fon da. At 12 o’clock to night the rain is falling in torrents in Johnstown, and the flood is assuming a terrible aspect. Mills and sheds arc being carried rap idly away. It is beginning to rain here (Troy) and threatens to be a heavy storm. Macon, Ga., July 9.—This after noon George F. AN ork, of Fluladel- phiti, and Henry Horne, of this city, purchased the street railway system for 875,000. The fiew purchasers will put electric motors on the lines to take the place of mules. They will take charge at once. Arri.K'roN, AY is., July 9.—August Ilclz was called to his door by a doz en AVhite Caps Sunday night. They nttenpted to flog hint for alleged wife beating. Belz drew a bowie knife and slashed right and lett, cutting number of his assailants, giving one a probably fatal wound in tho stomach. The AVhite Caps escaped with their wounded and Belz got safely back in to his house. Aucusta, Ga., July 9.-A summary of 135 replies to inquiries sent out by the Augusta Exchange through sev- tecn counties iu Georgia and Caroli na, indicates the cotton crop to be front five to twenty days late. Early planting is as good as last season, but late planting is small aud grassy. The former is fruiting well, while the latter is only beginning. The weather for June has generally been favora ble. The conditions arc regarded as good for the season. Ringing Resolutions CnABXxsTos, July 9.—The Char leston clergy were considerably exer cised by the acquital of Hr. McDow At a meeting of the ministerial union yesterday, Rev. C. C. Pinckney', H. D., rector of Grace Episcopal Church, offered the following, which was adopted by the union: In view of the recent occurrences .11 our midst, we. the ministerial un ion, feel constrained to ndopt the lol- lowing resolutions: That we proclaim our ahlior- ence of murder, adultery and all deeds of violence which defile the land with blood and violate the laws God aud man, aud deprecate all demonstrations that seem to sanction them. 2. Resolved, That wc endeavor to stimulate public conscience by setting forth the divine law against reckless shedding of human blood, and the utrsc that law entails upon a commu nlty which refuses to punislt crime. 3. Resolved, That wc invoke the pulpit throughout the city and state to unite with us in putting down the deeds of violence which have so often disgraced our land and exposed us to the just rebuke of those who honor the command. “Thou slmlt not kill,’ and “Thou shalt not commit adu lterv.” Blood llnmor*. ^ Balls, pimples, blotches on the skin, eruptions, etc., evidence the fact that the blood is not in a good condition. These symptoms result trom the effort of nature to throw off the impurities, in which she should be assisted by Swift’s Specific. This will remedy the disturbance, and bring speedy and permanent relief by forcing out the poison, and will build up the system from the first dose. Alter recovery from a severe attack ofcongestion of the brain and stomach, my little son had a number of bad, ulcers and running sores to come on his head and body, which lasted for four years. I tried all the doctors and many remedies which were recommend ed by other parties, but the sores still grew worse, until I did not expect him to recover. My friends were confident that il the sores healed it would kill him. I at length quit all other treat ment and put him on Swift’s Specific, and less than three bottles cured him sound and well, and he is to-day a sound and healthy child. S. S. S. also cured a sore on another of my chil dren. R. J. McKinney, Woodbury,Texas. Merit Win*. f Wc dfsire to Fay to our citizens j - - . tLit lor years wc linvr Ijccii selling Dr. King’s New Discovery lor Consumption, Dr. King’s .New Life fills, llucklen’s Arnica Salve and ,Klec- tric Hitters, and have never handled reme dies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesi tate to guarantee them cvcrytimc and wc stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not totlow their use These remedies have won their great popu lnrity purely on their merits. S, J. Cassias’ Drug store. NOTICE. Headquarters tor Drugs! REID 8s CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga : School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Piancs and Organs, Sheet Music, E c. < UK AH IN MIND> THAT TIJPV HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store insr GEORGIA- Where you can fiuil fresli and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, hy competent Pharmacists. They me only Hquihh’s preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REI1> A CULPEPPER, 120-122 Broad «t. L. STEYERMAN A BRO.’S. All male persons in the city of Thomas- villc, between the ages of 10 and 50, except those exempt hy law, are subject to street duty. They have the option of paying $3 for street tax, and in default thereof, must work 6 days on the street. Those not ex empt nnd who do not pay til" tax arc order ed to meet at city hall Monday, July 22d, at 9 o’clock, a. m., realtor work. ^ E. Ii. Wuiddox, 7-IO-tf Ch. Street Com. Lessons in vocal music by Mrs. W- F. Moss, Clay and Hardaway streets. Terms reasonable. 7-9-6td TAILORING. There is an end to all things, so tho people say, but there is no end to tho splendid fitting clothing raado at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing dono in tho neatest manner. Givo mo a call. John Kenny, Lessons in vocal musicbj Mrs. W. I .Moss, Clay and Hardaway sis. Terms reasonable. The Chicago police arc still on the hunt ’for the Cronin murderers. It appears to he a still hunt. Still, they may run them down. And they may do it in tho “stilly” night. Sullivan says lie will never enter another ring to fight. Reform better late than never. Kansas claims to have made 120 bushels of wheat to the acre this year And this when Kansas is a dry state If it had been wet, the yield would probably have reached 219 bushels, Strength to vigorously push a busl- ness, strength to study for a profession, strength to regulato a household, strength to do a day’s labor without >hysieal pain. Do you doslro strength F if you arc brokon down, have no energy, loci as if life was hardly worth living, you can be relieved and restored to ro bust health and strength by taking Brown’s Iron Bitters, a suro euro for dyspepsia, mala via weakness and all dis eases requiring a true, rcllablo tonio. It acts on the blood, nerves and muscles, and regulates every part of tho system. Wings at $5 a Pair. The Louisville Courier-Journal says, with apparent earnestness: “There is a claim in the patent office for a patent on the Lord’s Prayer, tho spec- lfication being that the repetition of the same ‘rapidly in a loucl^ tone of vniffft’ will cure stammering.” It begins to look as if there is some method in the Liberty county lunatic’s madness. The "kyarload” of wings that he told his followers that lie had ordered out for them to fly into^ the land ol Canaan with, has not arrived, but he is collecting $5 a pair for the wings, so that when they do come to hand the chosen 360 will have nothing to do but to buckle them, and soar away into the land flowing with milk and honey. If the fajsc leader suc ceeds in collecting $5 apiece Horn his entire flock, he will have a neat little sum to fly away with himself. 'The reason why Bell has not been put out of the way since he was ad judged a lunatic, seems to he that there is no room in the insane asylum tor him, and the Liberty county au’.hou- ties are not disposed to take charge cf him—News. voice’ will cure stainmerin AVc have been expecting some Yan kee tc get up a corner on that prayer for «ome time. To Policy Holders in the Southern Mntual insurance Company I»lca.e tee u»i»t>out renewing your insurance before liccillng the statements ramie against tlie company hy interested nartlca; and remem ber. t«». that we represent twelve other couipa her tomtit* we ropresant twelve otner compa nies beside the Mutual, that "Iter all the ad- vantag.s of any or tho companies represented by other agents hero. ilANSELL Sc MERRILL FRESH FALL’SKEDS! Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Lettuce, Ac. S. J. CASSELS, 118 Broad St. T-w"© Cases o At 31-2 Cents per Yard. REMIEIME BER THE PLAOEl T jm Steyerman & Bro.’s, One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-&c. CLOTHING-! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk of the town. Com petition completely baffled. and be convinced. L. STEYERIWAN & BRO., 129JBKOAD STREET. THOM AS VII JaK. THOMASVILLE Bottling Works, Headquarters for pure carbonated bever ages, at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. —FROM— THOIV1ASVILLE. 23 10 PAS3r.NT.KR Di*’t H. P. & W. Ky„ Thomasville, Ga., Is**June, 1889. Alexander, X, C $22 All Healing Springs, X. C. Asheville, X. 0 Anniston, Ala Black Mountain, X.C. Big Tunnel, Blue Ridge, Vn Cumberland Falls, Ky Flat Rock, X. 0 ; French Lick Springs, Iud., via Mont gomery Gainesville, Ga Hendersonville, X. G. 22 70 Hickory, X.C 23 50 Hot Springs, Va 40 50 iOlu, On 1“ «? ,uray Caverns 35 ° 17 40 23 CO 30 00 30 00 23 C5 22 50 L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accpmmodation * of the Ladies. On draught also, the >rw Mexican “FRTJI MXZ.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NKRVE TOXIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain,, but is as well a perfect tonic and system vitalizer. It improves the appetite, aids digestion nnd maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers andiDealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATH US, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK,! MANTLES, BALUSTERS" STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the racdicinul prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors aud Windows.} Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY.’ ^CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. - Not ft foaming gas drink, causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink- ing. No ethcral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; nn extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons nrc enthusias tic with praise. I,uray Caverns 35 1 EVCrybOdY IAeS It Marietta, Ga * , Marion, 34 So Mount Airy, Ga J® Newport News, Va 37 30 Niagara Fulls, N. Y. via Cincinnati... 45 55 Norfolk, Va 33 30 Old Point Comfort, Va. via A. C. L.... 39 30 Powder Springs, Ga 13 (5 Itoanoke, \’a...... 3 <) 90 Spartanburg, S. C 30 70 Tate Springs (Morristown) S I 90 Tallulah Falls, Ga 17 25 Toccoa, Ga I® 33 Tryon, N. C 31 55 Wnlhalla, S. C. 18 80 Warm'Sprlngs, Ga 12 70 West Baden Springs, Ind., via Mont gomcry White Sulphur Springs, Ga 15 25 White Sulphur Springs, West Va 34 50 “Tickets on sulo June 1st to September 30tb, Tseo. Good to return not later than Octo tier 31st, 1899. The above named points are only a few oi the Summer resorts to which tickets arc issued- .... ,, , Should parties desire raiortuution in re gard to places not turned in the above list, I w ill cheerfully give it to them. F. M. V*x DYKE, Passenger K Ticket Agent, Thomasville, tlu W. P. HARDEE, Gen. Passenger Agent, Savannah, Go. Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. the ‘FRUI MI/,,” the finesUhevcragcJiu world. DISPENSED BY I. SCHMIDT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Fife & Beverly MEIGS, GEORGIA. —DKALKA8 fN General Merchandise -AND ALL KINDS OF- Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. We uro prepared to furnish auythlng wm ed in the Lumbeu Line, Wo niako a spcclult Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. GEORGE FEARN The mostoleborato designs will bo faithful ly apd correctly exoeutod. Wo operate tho best equlppod mills, and carry tho largest stock of so asoned lumber In Southern Geor Cta, Parti »» wanting lumber wlllsavo money by consulting us before placing their orders. FIFE & BEVERLY REAL ESTATE AG1VT, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. City ind Cojtlrj Proptrtt lor Salt. IIIOUSES RENTED And Taxes i*t Id. NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your prosper MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training! Four Books Learned tn one reading, nifiud wandering cured. Every child and nd jU greatly benefltted. * Orest inducements to G.irrospoads»ce Classes. Proapestax, with opinions of Dr, Wm.A.” inond, the world-Urn**d KpoelshstTn Mind D iniel Greenlfaf, the f rsstj I ID. WUllu-l«.reu stated