The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 16, 1889, Image 4

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Sad Commentary on Southern Jus tice. Trom the New Vork World. McDom, the murderer of Captain Dawson, of Chnr’cston, was acqiiitlcd yesterday. The event is an extraordi nary miscarriage of justice, but it will (surprise no one who has attentively followed the reports of the trial. From the first it has been evident either that the prosecuting officers were a net of imbeciles, incapable of man aging their case, or that they were not anxious to convict their prisoner. They bungled the business in aston ishing fashion at every step. The trial leaves no doubt in honest minds, however, as to the real nature of the crime. McDow justly adjudged him self guilty when he tried, for some hours after the killing, to obliterate the evidence and make way with the body of his victim. That was the act of a man conscious that a murderous purpose had prompted his murderous deed and that a murderous spirit still remained in his heart. Yet this man is acquitted, and is henceforth subject to no punishment except such as the loathing and con tempt of all honorable men can in- Jiict. He, a married man and a father, deliberately sought to degrade and de stroy a defenseless girl, following her for that purpose even into her. em ployer’s house, which he entered like a sneak-thief. When the girl’s em ployer, with cbivalric impulse and high sense of duty, sought to save her, McDow shot him to death from be hind and then tried to bury the body under the floor of a closet. This is the story. It does not pre sent a state of facts which ought to have led to an acquittal. It is a sad commentary upon southern justice and a fresh blot upon the state of South Carolina, which permits its fore most and most useful citizen to be slain like a dog without making even an honest effort to punish his slayer. He Skipped. Albany, Ga., July ia.—Prof. D’Al- bert Wenzel, a self-called world-re nowned pianist, struck the city a few days ago, put up at the Artesian house, ran a printing account and billed the city for a concert to-night. When the time arrived for the music to begin the noted musician was missing, and upon investigation it was discovered that the professor was dead drunk at the hotel. The printer, hotel keeper and opera house manager came out with light purses. The piofessor gath ered in his little grip and left the city to-night, taking the wagon road to wards Leesburg. Tracks May be Torn Up. Atlanta, Ga., July 12.—Gossip here about the Western and Atlantic railroad and betterments, hns taken a fresh and sensational turn, involving aome activity on the part of the .Louisville and Nashville railroad and it* agent for the purpose,. H. I. Kim ball. This is the first visible appear ance of the Louisville and Nashville in this fight, although they arc known to be the practical owners of the ex piring lease. Mr. Kimball is reported to have said that within a day or two the lessees were determined to force the state to an issue on thequestion of betterments, and that it would not be permitted to shirk it. Humor has it that the plan is to tear up the sidings, carrying nut to that extent the threat of Senator Brown to dismantle the property, and if the state interferes, to take the matter into the Tennessee courts. Members of the legislature whom these reports have reached, dis cuss the matter very gravely, and it is likely that they will bring it up in the House in some shape very soon. If the L. A N. should undertake to tear up any of the tracks of the W. & A. R. II. there would he music in the air. A Leather Trust. Nkwabk, N. J., July 11.—Arrange ment* are making fo form a leather syndicate or trust here. This city is the center for patent leather, nine- tenth* of that made in the country being manufactured here. The pre liminary steps are being taken, so that when George A. Halsey and Samuel Powell return from Europe the trust will be ready to go into operation. It is easier to make moucy than to nave it. Thi* should lie pasted in the bat crown of every young man in the Vuifi/. %f -■ ■ — — Little Minnie (whose big sister has just married)—“Why do new married folks go on wedding tours?” Bobby— "Oh! Just to see whether they like etch other or not.” IMPORTANT WHICH WILL IT BE ? Which is the fairest, a rrtso or a lily? Which is the sweetest, a poach or n pear? Merry's coquetish, and charming is MilJy: Dora is gentle ami fair. [her. Sweet as a flower was her face when I kissed (Love is the romance find glory of life,) Miiiy, my playmate, f love ‘ like a elster,'* But Dora I choose for my wife. That is right, j you love, by all i _ ... Should her health become delicate and her beauty fade after marriage, remember that this is usually duo to functional disturbances, weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to her sex. :n the cure of which Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is guaran teed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. See the printed certificate of guarantee on bottle-wrapper. For overworked, “ worn-out," 41 run-down,” debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, “shop-girls,” housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gener ally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequalcd as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic, or strength-giver. Copyright, 1888, by World’s Dis. Med. Ass’h. Dr. PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. One a Dose. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. Formerly I he F. It. A - N. Co. Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. | 7 |SOUTHERN: 5 (X) p 1U03 7 00 p 11 45 COOp 1127 a Lv 8 30 p 12 42 p Lv 9 25 p; 1 27 p Ar 9 65 ]>i 142pAr 10 30 p 2 27 pAr 1120 a 302 p Ar llawlli 4 29 p Ar Ocala Lv Fcrnandina Ari 305p 830a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150p Callahan Ar 153p 6 40 l!ald win Lawtoy Starke Waldo Arll242p 5 00a Ar il 58 a 3 55a Ar 11 28a 3 30 a Ar 10 52 a 2 50a Ar 10 23 a 2 00 a 107 p 12 01 p 3 50ft 542 pAr Wildwood Af 81.0ft 9 20p 5 10 i Leesburg Ar 7 35 C 40 p Ar Tavares Lv 7 10 8 22 pAr Orlando Lv! 5 45 1 55 p 7 00 p 4 00 p | TAMrA DIVISION. | 9 30 i 10 23 i 12 03 j I Lv Jacksonville Ar ; Lv Wildwood Ar | Ar PanasolTkeo Ar ; Ar Siwntorvillo Ar (Ai’St. Catherine Ar J Ar I «icoocheo A r JS2) I- Dado City Ar Ar Plant City Lv | 5 50 p 510p 4 30 p 3 OOp 2 15 p imp 111 45 p . 4 00 p t KEY D1V. | U j 24 1) p 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150 p 010 a 0 a! 4 10 pLv Waldo ArilOOSp 340p 9 <ij 4 53 p Ar Oaluosvillo Ar 9 40 a 230p 542 p Ar Archer Lv 8 25 a 1215p .. Gl2piAr Bronson Ar 7 48 a ... 18 |Ar Cedar Key Lylji 30 hL.....^.. j r~T WESTERN 1)1 VISION [ 2 | P> ti 10 i. 8 00 l 9 20C 10 27 11 28 a 12 52| 2 0-2| ijl.v Jacksonville Ar; 3 20 j: i A r Baldwin Ar, 2 35 1 ij Ar Lake City Ar 1 08 |i ijA r Live Oak Ar,12 2:ij i A r Madison Arjilloii Ar Monticollo LvjloDOn Ar Tallahasseo Lv 9 50 o Ar Quincy Lv 8 57 ji ArlUver June. Lv 8OO11 1,2, 7, 8, 9,10,13,11 Dally. 02, and 03 Daily. 3, 4, 23, 24, Daily, except Sunday. 30 Dally except Sunday. 31 Dally except 845p-4 30 a Lv Jacksonville Ar850n-G00p 1003 p-GOO a Ar Fernaudlna Lv 7 15 a-4 30 ■ 5 and 6 dally, except Sunday. 00 and 01 Sundays only. 7 :15 a. in., New Orleans Express. Shortest and quickest lino to ull Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile and Now Orleans. 7 :15 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. trainscon- noct $1 rough to -Thomaavllle, Montgomery, Nashville, Kt. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrlvo at 2:45 p. ni. and 3.45 p. m. 11:43 p. m. Mull and Express for all points South, Oalnesvlllo, Ocala, Leesburg, Tavares, Apopka, Orlando, PanasolTkeo (St. CalMarlue) Dade City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:5Up. in, 7 :l)0 p. in. Local, connects through tor all points South, Ocala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at 0 :10 a. 111, x 11:45 a. in. Cumberland Route Express, con nects at Fernaudlna with steamer City of Brunswick, daHy, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati Ht. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 1:50 p. in. 4:30p. m. Fernaudlna Mail and Express, dallv, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas for Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers foi New York. Arrives 8:30a. in. Sunday trail* leaves Jacksonville 8:45 a. in. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for all points Noytli and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandina, connecting with Str. City of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Allauta mid all points N v rth and Wost. _ D. E. MAXWELL, A. O. MAc’DON ELL, Gen. Manager, U. P. k T. A. J. W REID. Agent at Thomnsvllle. Ga. . FRESH HEATS. Wc will open, Monday, April’ 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. I*. H. Hone a fine stock of fresh incuts. Henf, Mutton and Pork. Our meats arc from our own farms, fat, juicy and sweet. Wc will be glad to receive our patronage and will serve you with the est meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn k Bito ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W. A. ELDER Proprietor. SEASON OF 1889. For rates, analysis o[ water anil infor mation, address CIGtf E. A. Elder Manger. PEAR GROWERS & SHIPPERS. Consolidate your Shipments to Houses who have Standing and Ability. After careful investigation I have connect ed myself witlf the following*reliable houses: YV. L. Snyd*»r, John Stout and \Vm . G liable A Co., New Yolk, Kedticld A Son. Philadel phia, Bennett, Rand A Co., Boston. The above houses will act in concert and indeavor to hold the markets up. I will re main in New York during the shipping sea son, and give 111 \ personal attention to the business. Receive dailv quotations from each of the markets, and wire to the Times-Knter- prise for publication. YVheii your shipments are scattered it tends tobreak down the mar kets. Respectfully, Jos. 8. Norton, Office829 Washington St., -tf tfew \ ork. Ufw.'r llliiit, Ambrose Olivil, J. P, Cowpir. Olivit Brothers, Comission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties. 3:15 Washington St., NEW YORK. Reference: North River Bark. Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y„ Com ml salon Dealers ^Southern Fruit and Produce- Particular attention paid to' the sale of peaches, pears and melons. Sales reported daily -and returns promptly made. Bennett’ & Hall, 4 0.71 Ml.SMI OX 71 KltC’II AIN TH,| Fruits and Produce. Melons and Pears SPECIALTIES. No. 101 WEST STREET. NEW YORK. Jacob T. Bcnncll. Joseph W. Thom. BENNETT & THORN, ;peoduce Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. <;-n-2m William Halley & Co., PRODUCE COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Melons a Specialty. 7 107 WEST STREET, NEW YORK. Reference: New York County National Bank. * d&\v2m ' WALTER S. HILL, Produce Commission Merchant, — FOR TIIK SALK OF— . Southern Fruits. 5 VEGETABLES, Lef onto Pears and Melons a Specialty. 200 DI ANE NT,. NEW YORK. References: Irving National Bank, ,\. Y.; Fruit Growers’ National Bunk, Smyrna, Del. Represented in Thomasville by A. C. Brown. WANTED, 500 Gars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, Forjwhicli I will pay highest market ’price in cash, or sell on commission, and I will pay a reward of $25 to the person shipping me the car of the largest melons tliis|scason. This reward is over and above the market price of said car when received. A. 1\ RICKETS Wholesale Frail and Prodnce Dealer, Chattanooga, Tcnn. KiTi rern r: I Vo pie's Rank and other hanks licre; also li. (J. Dun k Co.,nndthe wholesale merchants of this city generally. Jk— KSTAO LINHKD I WIN. E. IS. WOODWARD, GENERAL Commission Merchant, Melons and l’ears Specialties. 17-i CHAMBERS ST.. NEW YORK. tK.C-20 d&w 2m - JOSEPH PIKE’S SON, Commission Merchant, —And Dealer In — Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida & Georgia Frnits & Vegetables A SPECIALTY. PA ItK Pf.ACK, IfKW VORK. Melons and LeConte Pears Solicited. Represented in Thomnaville by A. C. Brown and John \V. Mitchell' nuns. Ily shipping year Green and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, Or anything you may hare, to We hare a very large trade in the above articles, and can place your shipments tons good advant- ag •. as any house on the market. We invite correspondence from all parties having any thing in our line to ship. SUMMERS, MORRISON A CO., Commission Merchants, i 74 South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois. Reference: Metropolitan Nat. Bank, d*w . ,,; ; ,c!rnP'—r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. C. SXtoORJSS. B. F. HAWKINS •jBjXODGRASS & IIAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. f°e fflee. Formerly occupied by Entcrprlpojof- IJ1 M, McINOTSH, Physician A Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. BJP-OFFICE lover .Stark’s,tcornerj Broad and Fletcher Streets. J)R. JOEL, B. COYLE. DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St.. overlPlckett’s. J H. COYLE, d. d. s., Resident Dentist, Thomasvtlle, Ooorgia. Offers his sorvlcos to tU citizens of Thom asvlllo and vicinity. Ofllce hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from2to 5 p.m. Office—On Jackson street. M MllCUILl. . O.yiKDUt 'ITCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasville, • • Ooorgia. H ANSELL & MKR1ULI, Attorneys-at-Law anil Insur ancc Agents. rhomosville, • Offlco—Over Watt’s store. s. O. McLENDON, Attornoy-at-Law, Thomasville, • • • Georgia Promptattontlon given to; al trusted to him. Office—Over Watt’s storo, corner Jackson stroots. w. W. BRUCE,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. ^ S. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Cornor College Avcnuo and Mag nolla street. Telephone communication, No. 23 for night calls. BY FAB THE ROUTES —TO— HEW YORK OR ROSTOR —isvia— SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:-: LINE —VY THK-=r Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale nl reduced rntes, Good to return until October 31st, 1889. .Magnificent Steamers nnd elegant ser vice. Free from the heat nnd dust incident to nil-rail routes. If you are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. Go cast by sen and you'll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further infoimation may be had by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, W. F. SHELLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager, JE.jT. CHARLTON, CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah, Ga. THE BEST AND HOST—— Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet SleoplngCars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin cinnati and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be . tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* noctlons are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New Fast Hail, Leaving Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at 7 *30 a. m. Cincinnati, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. Tho most rapid service ever attempted do* tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio IUver and Chicago. JO-l hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, nnd your safety and com fort provided for, aro among tho points that have made the TilONQN ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B. CARSON, Vico-pros’t and Gon’l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gon’l TrafBo Manager, E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent R. W. GLADING. Passengor and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasville Ga. TO SELL -ON— Easy Terns, Whiddon House ' (Opposite Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E.B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, locatcdjn the most desir able nnd central part of tho city, is new and eomploto in every particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern liotds. Tho menu is porfcct, nnd the servlco rendered by trained and'-po- llte servants. Terms reasonable, nnd prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. - Carriages from tho houso meet nil trains. declO-ly Fife & Beverly MEIGS, GEORGIA. —DEALERS IN- General Merchandise AND ALL KINDS OF Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. ro propared to furnish nnythl .0 Lumuer Link, Wo make a i Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. Tho mostolrborato designs will bo faithful ly and correctly oxecutod. We operato tho best oqulppod mills, und carry tho largost stock of so isoned lumbor In Southern Geor gin. Parti >s wanting lumber wlllsnvo money by consulting us before placing their orders. FIFE k BEVERLY Men&LfiM, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. We will bo glad to make contracts for, or superintend, ull classes of buildings, public or prlvato, In either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and specifications If required. If you want any building dono oaU on us, and wo will submit estimates whothor contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction in all our work. We refer to tho many buildings eroded by us in Thoinasvlllo, and to all partlos for whom wo havo worked. Shop on Fletoher st., 2nd door from Broad. ThomasviUo, Ga., April 3, 1889. E. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., —DEALER IK HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gis aM Sprig Goods of all kimle, ami agent for King’s Powder Co. The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantlj furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First class in all of its appointments, has been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own er and proprietor of tho late “WHITLOCK HOUSE,” His table and service will satisfy the moat fastidious. His beds arc delightful. Terms teasonalile. Address, M. G.^WHITLOCK, Marietta, Ga. The Old Bill Bryant place on Jackson St., in Fletcherville. LARGE LOT, Healthy Location. Good neighbors, and convenient to South Georgia College and Depot. Terms so easy that anybody having the will, can have a good home. Apply imme diately to E. I Mallette, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. GFeor-ia