The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 17, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Ed i lor, 8. B. BURR, - Business Manager. fh# Daily Tmn-Rirrnrania i’ publish'd every merning (Monday exc-ptcd.) The Wkilt Tutrs-RsYKtiesisK ce published •very Saturday morning. Si BAcnirriox RxTrs. Baily Tm*9-KNTti»r»isr $5 00 WlYkLY “ 1 00 Daily AnvenriF kg Raws. ITnnsie.t Rotes.—$1.00 per equsre for the first insertion, and T.O eel ts for ea- h aubsc- quent insertion. Bne Square, one month, - - - • $ 5 00 One Sqnare, two months - - - • a 00 One Square, three month:, - - - 12 00 One Square, tin months, . ... 20 00 One Square, twelve raonlna, - - - 35 00 pSubjeet to change by rpceial arranf -ment, ;a, R. ll'KK, Bnalnean Sunnier, The Legislature. . Gov. Gordon pays the personnel of the legislature the following compli ment : “The personnel of the present legulature is superior to that of any other I ever saw, in Georgia or out of it.' Congressman Clements said of the House: *‘1 never saw a stale legislature to com pare with this. The house of representa- ’t look ns dignified legislature did to- Latest Telegrams. •IHIXFJS XOTICK. Parties leaving Thotnasrilla for thf si mcr fan hart th* Tmus-KKTiarnisn srnt to nny address for 50 cents per month. Ad dresses can he changed as often as is desired. WEDNESDAY,JULY 17, 108!. Thirty federal soldiers deserted from McPherson barracks, near At lanta, last Saturday. They evidently -do not like the pew barracks. The president is cooling off at Deer Park. “Lige” is with him, and all is well, and everything is, apparently, “Quiet Along the Potomac to night.” Savannah refused to invest in Primus Jones’ first bale, but Henry Clews buys it in New York. Primus is avenged. When will we hear the last of the Sullivan-Kilrain fight? Introduce something new, Ben Butler’s New Orleans record, for instance. Any thing to change the subject, * jfHod. Wm. H. Venable, of Fulton, has introduced a bill for the estab lishment of an asylum in Georgia for inebriates. The measure will be warmly supported. It would doubt less tedeem some whose appetite for strong drink is beyond control. Dr. Brown .Sequard lias discovered the elixir of life at last. This elixir will enable any man to live Rlways, with or without a wife; whether, in first case mentioned, lie links Jicr or not. See! Do you catch on? But we hnven’t time to explain. Mr. Tatum’s bill to prebibit the importation of dressed beef in Gcor- gta will be found in the soup, when it is called up. And there wont be Enough of it to thicken the soup. It is a very foolish measure. l.adics who lavor the Atkinson Industrial School bill, now before the legislature will do it a service by drop ping in at the Library and signing the petition asking the legislature to pass the act. Persia’s Minister, Hadji liasscin Ghooly Kahn,—what a name!—has gone to Europe to meet lus High Hogship, the Shall. The collection of taxes, the payment of pensions and protection to trusts and monopolists, will go on just as if Ghooly had not left. Thomas Jefferson, colored, was hung the other day in Memphis, Tenn. Thomas had a through ticket, limited express, without change, to - heaven—lie said. This reminds us that George Washington is in jail, out in Indiana, charged with burgla ry, while Andrew Jackson is working out a three years sentence in the Ten nessee penitentiary for c >w stealing. Our.grcat men appear to be deterio- atiiiR- The French citizens in New York celebrated the one hundredth anni versary of the fall of the Bastilc, on the 14th. Many distinguished Amer icans were invited, among them Mr. Cleveland. Not being able to attend he sent the following seutiment: The friendship which lias so long existed between the I'liitcd .States and France is made more sacred and binding by their com mon devotion to the doctrine ol popular •i by the mission they have under > demonstrate the fituers of mankind government. Major Wallace thinks that the rail road commission of Georgia is ample protection for the people. lie favors the encouragement of more roads, be lieving that they will inure to the benefit of the people. The Major thinks the present laws give every needed protection and is opposed to legislation which would cripple the roads, or prevent investment in new lino. And Major Wallace is a mighty clear headed man. SB fives in Washing!™ nml business-like at iliiv.” Ex Congressman Rawls, the present representative from Effingham, said yesterday : •‘That legislative hall isn't as large n- the one in Wnshingto i, lull it's finer looking. Nine men on! id' len, (lint lime ;een bnlli halls, will agree with me in Unit assertion. What's.more tliun that, I believe Unit s fie finest state legislature that ever assemble I in the South." It is fortunate that the present house is such an able one. There arc many grave and important questions to come before it, questions affecting, vitally, the people ot the Stale. Thomas county is well and ably rcprcscr.lcd. The interests of county and stale will be carefully guarded by our immediate representatives. A Grave Question. The question as to who found or founded the watermelon industry, is agitating half a dozen newspapers. The Valdosta Times, Quitman Free Press, Albany News and Advertiser, all elaim to have presided at the horning, while the great big Constitu tion claims' to have been the “granny” who bought the infant industry into cxistance. Pendleton fires this broad side: “The Constitution i ml the News and Ad vertiser fisrt learned of the Melon business through the columns of the Times." Now lets hear from the Free Press. If we remember right, that sprightly paper had a few scattering paragraphs on the Kolb Gem, a tew years since, It was generally thought, at one time, that Perham used a Kolb Gem for a pillow, when sleeping. Georgia’s Volunteer Soldiery. The convention of military men, now in session at Atlanta, will proba bly have an important beating on the future of volunteer Military organi zations. As a matter of general in terest we take the following extracts from the proceedings of the first day: Tl c stole military advisory board held its annual meeting here to-day. The board submitted its unnual report lo Gov. for Ion. Tbc report is concise and ezplii il. and sets forth tlie claims of the volunteer soldiery of Georgia in n forcible manner. It recom mends that the stale appropriate $5,000 lor the maintenance of tbc adjutant general, his assistant nnd the advisory bonrd. The report further recommends that tv parade ground sites for state encampments he selected and established by tbc legislature, one in tbc northern part of the state, and one on tile const. It recommends the adoption of a uniform service uniform, ami many other excellent changes in tbc management, organization and equipment of the state militia The convention requested the udvisory board to draft a bill for the legislature set ting forth the needs of the state military and asking for sufficient appropriation to make the system efficient. The con also memorializes the legislature, the passage of a law making one year's mili tary service compulsory. The following premiums, lo be awarded at the State Fair, Mat on, in October, should interest our ngricul tural friends in Thomas: To the county making the largest and best display of products, groxvn or produced hy residents of the county $1 .into m To the county making the second best display ns above 5tm ot To the county making the third best display as above hint ot To the individual making the larg est and host display of products grown or produced hy him ot her, or under his or her direc tion :i5o to: To the individual making the st-e- •ondbest display as above 250 ot) To the individual making the third best display as above 150 no To the individual making the fourth best display ns above too 00 The articles entered may he entered al as an individual display nnd lor special premiums hy the producer or grower. C’annol our Alliance friends bring Thomas to the Iront in this contest? The effort should be made. Cancer of the Tougne. For three or four years I hail an eating sore on my longue that made a considerable hole in it. I been me alarmed til it progress, and went to Atlanta for treatment. The result was that 1 commenced the use of Swift’s Specific, anil the sore was soon one, without a trace of it left. A. Lkwis. Thomaston, Ga., March 11,1889. In 1887 I gave yon a testimonial showing that, 8. 8. 8. had cured me of rheumatism of twelve years' stand ing, and I lake pleasure in saving that I have never had any return of the disease. As a tonic in the spring, S S. S. is a splendid medicine. J. II. M. Martin. Jackson, Miss., Mar. 11, ’89 CtNtTNNVTr, ()., July 15.—A wind storm, which|nonrly demolished the village of Princeton, in Butler coun ty, yesterday, came about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. lfAUKisoNiirm:, Va., July 35.— This section was visited last evening I by it severe hail and rain storm, doing | niucli damage in parts of the county. Corn is ruined and lamf badly wash cd. Mii.\v.wki:i:, Win., July 15.— E. J). Wheeler, of Manistee, Midi,, one of the most prominent salt manfactur- ets in the west, is in Milwaukee to day, and gives an outline of the plans of the proposed inter-national salt trust. The association will be organ ized with a capital of 820,000,000, and will,be*incorporated under tlie laws of Now York. Nkw Oki.kans, La., July 15.—Hon. John Fitzpatrick, of Nc-w Orleans, the referee in the recent prize fight, re ported in person to Gov. Lowry, at Jackson, Miss , to avoid arrest and a requisition. Gov. Lowry required him to surrender to the sheriff of Hinds county, who released him on $1,000 bail to appear lor trial at l’urvis next Thursday. Rerun, July 15.—The government’s new rcstriclions on the Swiss frontier have caused much indignation among the people of Southern Germany. Pittsburg, Pa., June 15—Jake Kilrain, lhc defeated pugilist, accom panied by his trainer, Mike Donovan, passed through this city on the Penn sylvania railroad limited train this morning. Their stateroom was lock ed. They did not appear for break fast, and seemed fearful of their pres ence becoming known. No reporter was able to secure an interview. RAiNimiiMi!-:, Ga., July 15.—Maj. I!, N. Ely, recently reported dead, was in town Saturday. He was hunt ing up his obituary notices. Atlanta, Ga., July 15.—Follow ing the appearance of glanders among the stock in the counties of Clay, Cal houn and Ware conies a report to the department of agriculture that it lias appeared in Pike county. The citi zens request that a veteniary surgeon he sent there at once. The commis sioner will send an expert to make an investigation. Chicago, It.1... duly Jo.—In the*i-ir- i-ttit court to-day it tresspass case was filed by lhc Goodlatidci- Mill Com pany for $200,000 against the Stand- aid Oil Company. II is believed that this is Die first move lo prevent the Standard Oil Company laying pipe into this city as proposed in the city council. RKt-rsKii a ititiirr or wav. An ordinance granting the Stan dard Oil Company the right to con strue! and operate a pipe line to the center of the city was vetoed by Mayor Crcgier lo-niglit. An attempt It: pass thu ordinance over I lit veto (ailed. Mayor Crcgier in his veto message look lhc ground that free franchises were things of the past, and that the proposed enterprise was too great a possible menace and nuisance. From Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., July 15.—The Sen ate went on record to-day against con verting the cnpitol into a ball room. The question came up on the resolu tion tendering the eapitol to the citi zens’ committee of Atlanta on the the evening of Aug. 8, the occasion of a public reception in honor of the opening of the new building. It had been anno meed here that the feature of the reception would be a grand hall. When the resolution was re ported hy the committee on public property to-day, they had amended by adding a proviso that there should he no ball or dancing. The amend ment was opposed by the younger senators, but the overwhelming senti ment was in favor of it, and il pre vailed. Among the new bills was one adding Valdosta to the cities winch may have a slate depository, and one to exempt toll-bridges from tax when made free to the public. The bill also passed authorizing the Columbus Southern railroad to expend Speaking of the great C'onematiglt flood, Rabbi Hamfield, in the Memphis Jewish Spectator, says: “God, in his wisdom, has 'set hounds for man which he cannot pass,’ and has decreed ‘that the waters should not tiausgress his order’ of gravity, velocity and hydrostatic nobility, and whenever man does not adapt himself to these immutable laws every impeachment against the wisdom and goodness of the Supreme Intelligence turns it self into a terrible accusation against human folly and criminal careless ness. Every calamity, however ter rible a loss of life it involves, should teach man to study first the laws of nature and to take into account th tremendous power of each clement which he is more than willing to use for his benefit and comfort whenever and wherever he can. The devasta; lion of the Conctnaugh Valley teaches the terrible lesson to the world thnt man dare not tamper nnd trifle with the stupendous forces of nature.” I-Oll RENT- Five Room Cottugr on Love street, near Wttrren street, nt $12.50 per month Nor. t, 1880. Apply to E. M. Mallettb. until New York dailies, Times, World. Tribune and Herald, Macon Telegraph and Atlanta and Savannah dailies, every oar. hiks addie McClelland, Jackson Street. Don't fail to try a can of Pickett’s I toy a I Ilakiitg Powders; guaranteed Kccoinl to nono in quality. 1 lb cans 25 cents. Grits arc just as cheap a« ever at Pickett’s. l’ickclt lias just received a nice lot of Ml. Vernon Boneless Uacon and Shoulders. Call and see them. Do you want a barrel of flour? If so, cornu tip town soon in the morn- . Call on everybody who handles the article, get their lowest cash prices, Jew them, make them cut at each other, and then come to Pickett’s and buy il 50 cents cheaper than their lowest prices. Headquarters tor Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER'S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, li e. < BEAR IN MIX I ) -THAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN’ GEORQIA- Whcre you cun find Ireslt nnd pure drugs amt get prescriptions compounded nt nil hours, tiny or night, hy competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb's preparations in the prescription department nnd gonrnntee goods nnd prices. It Ell) A €1IL1»EPPEB S 120-122 Broad «t. -AA T L. STEYERMAN & BRO.’S. T-wo Cases o ILa"\xrii, At 31-2 Cents per Yard. REMEM BER THE PLAOEi L. Steyerman & Bro.’s, One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-2c. CLOTHING-! CLOTHING-! Com petition completely baffled. KjES^Ciill and be convinced. L. STEYERIVIAN & BRO., Gome and get a can of Pickett’s Royal Raking Powder,and iFit doesn’t Bc^tZh!d! sft ' ,!tio,, ' om ' , " oncy ' vil1 Our Bargains the talk of the town. ABROAD .STREET. THOM AS VI ELK. THOMASVILLE extenc its line to Florida. The governor will send in a special message to morrow recommending the early sale of lhc old eapitol, the pro ceeds to be applied to the public debt. lie will also recommend that the soldiers’ bounty act be extended to the indigent widows of confederates and destitute orphans. He will also recommend bounty be withdrawn from wounded soldiers who*are in no need of assistance the state. TAILORING. Thom is an end to nil things, so the people say, but thero is no - end to the splendid fitting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning nud repairing done in the*neatest manner. Givo mo a c^ll John Kenny, l FRKSH FALLJSKEDS! Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Lettuce, Ac. lS. J. CASSELS, 118 Broad CATARRH CURED, health nnd sweet at wholesale find/' retail. Best soda breath secured, by Shilok’s Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free JERSEY MILK. I’arf if a desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied,*in any quantity, delirered, on application to, or by addressing JOHN cn AST AIN. April 10,1889, FOR RENT. The Fudge house, below the Masury Hr tel, is for rent. Apply to 0-10 K..M. MALLETTB. TAKE A REST. • Excursion tickets at low rates will b Bold to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st gootl to return on or before October 31st. Fast train service with Pullman cars. R. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Tick ct Ag PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jewider, has se cured the agency for uli the llrst-cluss Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling ut the lowest prices for cosh or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn Ills prices nnd terms. Reid.A Culpepper are keeping up with the procession, they hare secured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the finest reparation known for dyspepsia. It is uarantecd to cure. 4 G tf CONVINCING PROOF. In many Instances it has been proven that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) made hy Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., will cure blood pois on in its worse phases, even when all other treatment fails. A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, writes: “I had 24 running ulcers on one leg and G on the other, and felt greatly prostrated. I believe I actually swallowed a barrel of medicine in vain efforts to cure the disease. Willi little hope I finally acted upon the urgent advice of a friend anti got a bottle of B. B. B. I experienced a change, and my despondenc y was someirimt dispelled. I kept using it until I had token sixteen bottles, And all the ulcers, rheumatism and all other horrors of blood poison have disappeared, and at last I am sound and well again,after an experience of twenty years of torture.” Robert Ward, Maxey, Ga., writes: “My disease was pronounced a tertiary form of blood poison. My face, head and shoulders were a mass of corruption, and finally the disease began eating my skull bones. My Ik)nes ached; my kidneys were deranged; 1 lost flesh, and life became a burden. All said 1 must die, hut nevertheless, when I had used ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pronounc ed well. Hundreds of scars can now he seen on me. I I ave now been well over twelve months.” FOR RENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Are- ic. Possession given at once. Apply to Rev. C. I. LaRocne, tf. Fletcherville. Boiiling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprieior. Headquarters for pure ‘.arhonated bever- water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accommodation , of the Ladies. On draught also,J*tht'"JJnrw Mexican beverage, “FRUI MIZ.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC, This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic and system vitalizes It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from . the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop erties arc invaluable, and its lavjr delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not «. foaming gas drink, causing belching of wind nnd unpleasant eflt'cfs after drink ing. No ethcral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink: an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out of ten ptrsons are cn liusias- tie with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. “FRl’l Ml//' ilio finest'bcvcrnge|Jin ’ th-’ world. DISPENSED BY Ii. SCtOlIUT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop'rs. Manufacturers andIDealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, * SCROLL WORK,a .MANTLES, BA LUSTERS,? ■ STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Wiw Screen Doors and Windows," Sash, Doors and Blinds " TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND -INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY.| «@-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. GEORGE FEARN, RKAL VSTATE AGI\T, OFFICE !K MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. (il; and Cos fir; Property (or Saif. HOUSES~RE (SITED An«l ‘/Taxes l't Id* EOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your property NOTICE. All male persons in the city ol' Tliomas- ville, between tbc ages of li; nnd 50, except those exempt by law, arc subject to street duty. They have tbc option of pitying $:t lor street tux, nnd in delimit thereof, must work 6 .lays on the street. Those not ex empt and who do not pay the tax are order ed to meet at eity hull Monday, July 22d, nt 9 oeloek, e. in., renily tor work. E. It. Wninimx, 7-10-tt Ch, Street Com. Uurldeu*. Arnica Mnlre. The Ilcst Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bunds, Chilblains Corns, nnd nil Skin Eruptions, nnd positively eures Piles, or no pny required. It is gunr- nnteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For suit hy S, J. Cnssels, Drug Store. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Trainings Roar Hook* Learned in one reading. AHnd wandering cured. Every child nnd ndnlc crently bcnefltted. m Groat inducements to Correspondence Clouet.