The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 17, 1889, Image 3

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ALL! MIDSUMMER THE DAILY TIMES-EHTERPRISE ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1889 Preparatory to go ing North for our Fal , stock we will offer for the next 30 days BAR&AINS Please notice the following as a sample 3 cases fast colors Muslin at 3 ets., for mer j)i'icc 5 cts. 2 cases last colors a•> 5 cts., for mer price 8 cents. 100 pieces fine Ginghams at 10 cts., former prices 12 1-f and 15 cts. 20 pieces combina tion French ginghams at 15 e., former price 25. 15 pieces Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 20 cents, former price 30 to 45 cents. Special cut in White Dress Goods (wash j’oods) at prices which are sure to make you buy. Everything in Loth stores at greatly reduced jirices in order to make plenty room for our heavy fall purchases. CLOTHING About LltH) suits clothing that must and shall be sold re gardless of price or protit. If you want good, genuine bar gains call and see us. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 100 & 111 MtOAD ST Local Schedule. Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 9 25 a “ “ “ u Ly...12 4§p ‘ “ from “ Ar... 1 31 p “ “ for Chattahoochee Lr... 200 p Train for Albany l/r... 9.^0 a “ from •• .....Ar... 5 20p “ “ for Savannah Lr... 850p Freight ami a« com. from Warc..Ar... 3 45 p “ “ “ for “ Lr... 8 40 a “ “ “ “ Cbatt. Lt. .. 4 45 p “ •* “ from Chatt. Ar... 715a ” “ “ for Albany Lv...4 25p “ •» from “ Ar... 7 55 a THOM A S VILLE AND MONTICKLLO. Freight accom. for Montieello Lr.. .8 45 a from “ .... Ar.. .6 20 p “ ... .Lr.. .2 06 p from “ ....Ar..!210 p Fast mail for SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT I!. Thomas JrY 126 Irul Street. O. S. Bondurant Vountoor Observer Wentlicr Bulletin for the 24 honri ending at*. o'clock!*. M, July D>, 1R89. TKMrERATI’RK. 7 u. HO 7 p. m 8- Maximum for 24 hours 02 Minimum 72 Rainfall Fast mail from Cbattnhooclicc was an hour late yesterday. Mr. H. C. Pickett has returned from Macon. Messrs B Clewis and Fred Justice, arc with J. O. J. Lewi*, lower Broad. B. II. Maynard, of the Central It, It.; is at the Whiddon. Col. A. Y. McIntyre left yesterday for Atlanta. Mrs. T. N. Hopkins has returned from a three weeks visit to Monti cello. Miss Mattio Ball, of Tallahassee, passed through the city yesterday en route to visit Atlanta. Miss Lou Bell, well remembered by many of our readers, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sanford, on Jackson St. Mr. Joe \V. Ball will leave to-mor row for a trip to his old home near Quincy, and other points in Florida No tidings have been received yet from the marooning party. Not even a consignment of 'gator skins has been received. There is just the faintest sort of a rumor circulating about a wedding, which it is said will come oil before the leaves begin to turn. Mr. J. L. Pringle spent several days at Indian Springs last week. Saturday he was registered at the Kitnbal) House, Atlanta, and by this lime is at Nacoochec. Mr. B. II. Wright, assistant cashier of the Bank of Thomasville, is off for vacation. He was in Savannah Monday. lion. George F. Newton, formerly representative from Colquitt county, and Mr. M. M. Blanton, a prominent merchant of Moultrie, were in town yesterday. J. D. Wade, Jr., Clerk of Superior court of Brooks county, and Mr. S. C. Benflcit, of Quitman, were auto graphed at the Stuart yesterday. Miss Katie Coyle, the charming little daughter of Dr. and Mrs John Coyle, celebrated her second birthday yesterday. The tiny little lady made the day very pleasant for her parents and those that helped her to do honor to the day. Two new recruits for the gang, in new uniforms, inarched up Broad street yesterday afternoon, under the escort of Sheriff Hurst. They were smiling as though it were a picnic they were booked for, rather than a punishment. Several cellars on Broad street need attention. Again the Timeh-Enter- risk takes occasion to say that our health authorities cannot he too care ful in keeping the city in a thorough ly clean condition. Mr. Herman Wise left Monday night lor Rome, where he goes as a delegate to the annual convention of the state Grand Lodge of the Legion of Honor, lie will spend a day in Atlanta. The Grand Lodge meets to-day. The returns for pears arc rather slow coming in. It would be a great help to shippers if commission men were more prompt in reporting re sults of shipments. It requires a de gree of faitn not often met with for one to continue to send forward ship ments when the results of those made from ten days to two weeks be fore has not been ascertained. Whero Shall the New Jail be Built? Messrs Bulloch and Mnllette, who are the committee to select a site for the new jail, took a tramp over the town on Monday, accompanied by Sheriff Hurst, with a view to locating the new jail. As the contractor will not begin work before about the 1st of Sept., the committee will have ample time to locate the jail. The location is one o( importance to both town and country. As the attention of the committee has, already, been directed to other lots, we beg to call their attention to the large lot, run ning from Broad to Madison st., be tween the white and colored cemeter ies, and which is now owned by the county or town. The distance would be a little greater from the court house than some other site, but the location is a good one, and the drain age easy, short and natural, to the run below. Cemeteries and jails are not very desirable neighbors, and mightthus make two unpleasant things one, instead of having two, would be the case if the jail was lo cated elsewhere. Twenty years from now, maybe in less time, there would doubtless be serious objections to the jail, if located in nny purely resident portion of the town. The town growing, and it will likely grow up around the jail - Population would never crowd it, or object to it, if located between the two cemeteries mentioned. The property can hard ly ever be utilized for anything else, and, if the town owns it, which is probable the case, it could he bought doubtless on very reasonable terms. We desire, simply, to call the atten tion of the committee to this, among other lots which will be offered. The TrMeh-KN"rt:uprisk has no further interest in the matter than a desire lo see the best possible location selected. And we have every confidence in the gentlemen upon whom this duty has devolved; that they will act l'or the county as if they were acting for themselves. The County Commis sioners have always guarded well ami closely the lnfeicsts of the people, and they will do it .in this instance. The entire matter is in the hands of a careful, conservative set of busi ness men, who will investigate the different sites carefully; prudently weigh their advantages, and decide the question on its merits. An Industrial School for Women. lion. AV. II. Atkinson lias intro duced a bill at the present term of the legislature, asking for an appropria tiou for an industrial school for the many women of the state. Petitions asking the legislature to pass the bill are being circulated over the state. One has been loft at our Library and ladies favorable to the bill arc requested to call and sign it. There is no reason why Georgia should not provide her fair daughter* with the means of solving the great problem of life and to Ibis grand work the proposed Industrial school is devoted. Wc publish this morniiigan interest ing letter from New York, which gives some interesting details of what women are doing in the seieniific world. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. 19nir nil! fione. l»fioia*,Tht>iiult( Id iwVir a row. a'nmlhy To Fruit Men. Captain Walters, appreciating the. importance of an evaporating and fruit drying and preserving establish ment, has put his money into niacl ery for these purposes, and is now ready to buy or handle fruit shares. His establishment is just be yond the railroad crossing on (Ste phens st. If you have any peaches or other fruit suitable for cvajioratio call on Cnpt. Walters, at his store on Jackson st. He will cither buy, pay ing chash, or handle the fruit on the shnres. This opportunity lo save fruit should be utilized, as it will save hundreds of dollnrs, The Times Enterprise congratu lates Capt. Walters on his enterprise, as well ns the public on an opportuni ty to save their surplus fruit. The Shoot Monday. The Thomasville Gun Club had a cry pleasant shoot at the grounds Monday evening. Three sweepstakes were shot. first sweepstake—six Tie between Whiddon and Master James Hopkins—five each; Hopkins won, Stark 2d, Lee 23. SECOND MATCH—FOUR PAIRS DOUREKS. Lee won 1st; II. W. Hopkins and White tied for 2d; White won. Whiddon and Stnrk tied for 3d; Stark won. THIRD MATCH—EIGHT SI.NGI.KH. H. W. Hopkins won without a miss; Lee 2d, Stark and J. Hopkins tied for 3d; Hopkins won. FOURTH MATCH—SIX SINGERS. II. W. Hopkins won lirst without miss. Lee, Whiddon and Stark tied for 2d; Stark won. White and Hopkins tied for 3d; White won. Concealed Weapons. George Henry was up before Judge Mitchell yesterday for carrying con cealed weapons. He was found guil ty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 ncluding costs or work on the chain gang for the term of four months. This is the season when some fellow will ask you with a knowing leer "if it hot enough for you.” A special law makes it no crime to brain him on the spot. The New Charter. The new charter of the city lias been adopted by the City Council, after a thorough discussion, anil went forward to Allauta yesterday. The provisions in the charier, not incorpo rated in flic old one, have been made necessary by the growth and necessi ties of Thomasville; it has been thoroughly discussed by the men most conversant with what wc need, and will doubtless receive the active sup port of our immediate representatives, Messrs. MacIntyre and Alexander. The Guard’s Inspection Postponed. It was expected, and so announced, that ('apt. AVight, of Albany, would be here this afternoon, to inspect the Guards. Lieut. Wilder received a telegram from Capt. AVight, yester day evening, saving that it was im possible for him to come, but that he would bo here to morrow afternoon, on the 5:20 train, when he would in spect the company. The Contract Let. Col. Wright, Chairman of the County Commissioners, lias signed the coniract with Mr. Will L. Landrum, representing the l’auly Company. Work is lo be begun within the next 45 days. Mr. Landrum says lie can complete the job in 6a days. - -| - • -• Ciiastaix, Oa., July lit, 1889. 1'iiilot: Tim<n~t'.nt.rfni.f,, fin: Genti.kmkn: In orilcr lor you lo know ioinclhing iihotil our section ns a pencil growing neighborhood I send you u sample. I have never seen such a crop before in these pans Very respectfully, , W. IS. Ui-kks. The specimens sent by Mr. Dukes arc large and luscious. They demon- * I rate that Thomas county can, with proper care, raise as fine peaches as any section ol the state. The trouble heretofore lias been that our farmers have paid little or no attention to fruit growing. And yet but few industries pay better. We hope the future will show more interest in fruit hereabouts than has been shown in the past. Another one of the chain gang suc cumbed to the heat yesterday, while working in the sewer ditch on Jackson street The ditch is sixteen and a half feet deep, and will he about twenty two feet deep by the time it reaches Broad street. It would ap pear that the proper direction to give the sewerage system on the west sale of Broad street would be in the direc tion of the branch that runs below Oak street. BimI tritli I.*/' Men Ip covered hi* hnir re medio*. Ilai pimple on him. I cannot say enough In praise of the Cuticura Remedies. My lx>y, who when ono year of had with eczema that he lost all his caJp was covered with eruptions, which tliu doctors said was scald he;] that his hair would nevercrow .again ing or a cure from physicians I beg; of Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His 1 • splendid and there is not a pimple on him, recommend the Cuticura Remedies ; speedy, economical, and suro cure for skin eases of infants and ehildrenfand feel that ery mother who has an afllictcd child thank me for so doing. . Nrs.M K. WOODHUM, Nor A Fner More Kiglil Years Cl I must extend to you the thanks of 01 customers, who has been cured by using Cuti< ra Remedies, of ail-old sore.caused l»y spell of sickness or fever eight y.>; was so bad he was fearfi * * hat is now entirely‘well,—sound as *a‘ ’dolla requests me to use Ids name, which Is II. If. Cason, merchant of this place. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Gainsboro, Tcnn. Set Neale Disease Cured, go my wifesulfcrcd very much I tho scalp, and re from a cutaneous d ccivod no relief from the various reinedi< used until she tried Cuticura. The discn dromptly yielded to this treatment, and in short Avhilo she a been no return ranks \<*. 1 in otn skin. ‘ f Rev. J. Ciiticm Area positive cur ol'ulai is entirely well. There has S the disease and Cutic estimation for diseases of the I’RKSSLKY RAKRKTT, D. D. Raleigh, N. C. a ICciiicdiOM. ; for every form of skin, uses, with loss of hair, from except possibly itohthyo- Sold everywhere. Pi 25.; Resolvent, $1. I Drug and Chemical Co Kfr \Send for “How G4 pages, 50 illustratioi Boston, Moss > Cure .Skin Diseases,” •, ami 100 testimonials. 'j wo, No. I, Good Ho It. A. flAK-S. EVERY MUSCLE ACHED? Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains ind weaknesses relieved in one miii- ite by the Cuticura Anti Pain Plas- !lirst and only instantaneous pain-kill- ug, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. pure!.; SACKS WANTED, hand sacks oat sacks—will he on delivery nt the f.atoniu Ice W, S, KKKFKK, :n Manager. ami go self to Nun-ly yspep.-i kilim- i.-hiv to l„- li,-:,Uh ls H I ■ntishiclory rt-turn ol p ran hn\- In. lie of Dr. K sumption, in every Throat, lull tiuo. loflal lit. (-.1 lo hi .•soils out, in- o rather misor- e otily Bittcrs n cure iveek- <•(-■110113. robust inrkuhle Who will bring in the lirst bain ol tv cotton? The mail who g< Is ahead of the Dickson brothers, will have t.. hustle around right lively. The first hale, was brought in by the Dicksons, last year, and, it we remember right ly, the 3 1th n( this month. The first hale will not he apt to make its ap pearance this seasonj before the 1st of August. Messrs. Gribben Jc Lcvick have the contract for putting in an arched brick sewer from the railroad track to the right of way on the newly open ed Fleming street, just lxtiow the pat- station. The sewer will he fifty feet long and will he of sufficient ca pacity to carry off nil the water that Fairview and that part of Fletehcrville west of Jackson street. Would it not ho a good plan to extend the sewer across Fleming street. C. II. Young & Co., announce to our readers to day that they will sell light weight coats and vests very low to close out, regardless of cost. They have on hand a very fine assortment of goods of all kinds usually kept in clothing and furnishing use of fit i 11| iivlius.- price, hn fhi.s-plun you ii.I v.-rli-. ll druggist n liot- ng’.s New Discovery lor Coft- ll is guuriiutce.l lo bring relief e, when use.l for any nflection of igs or Chest, .such us (lonsump- n.’itiou of Dungs, Bronchitis, Astliiiui, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agrcenble to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at S. .1. Cassm.s’ Drugstore. AN A I! KANSAS till AK 10 ID ‘•Wall, old I’cllcr, whafs tlie mai ler ?” "Only a little ague, stranger, bull though! 1 would shake myself out cr my hide." ’'I've had 'em myself, friend ; I Ink Wcslm.ii-claii.l's Oalisaya Tonic and I never fiave a shake.'’ ( advice lo the friend w ho \va -baking is implied in the friend's re ply. No case of malaria lias ever been found which bullied its curative pow er-. and one physician has success fully used it ill the treatment of !v- plioid fever. It costs fl IHI a hoi tie and one or two hollies will stop the fever. Ituy it of your druggist. furniture, Carpels, Bedding, Children's Carriages, Well I'np.-r nnd Window Shades Slruw mattings, Bugs, etc. The best style, and iow.-st prices in the eitv. CEO. W. FI IRISES, 4-1 l-w.'t d'-l Mu-airv Building- PRICES. C. H. Young & Co., Haling a Large Stock of Light Weight GOATS AND VESTS For summer wear, are now offering them very low. Regardless of Cost, to close out, so as to make room for fall gooffs. Our stock of -Bcrll Winn. We (le-iff to . ;ty to our citizen-', Hi:: viMi’> we I Live lireti Mlliof Dr. King'.; Di't'overv lor CottHimpiion, Dr. King' Life Fills, I»iu-k 1«’n’y Arnica Salve sniff trie Hitters, ami have never handled dies that sell as well, or that have -neli universal satisf.iciion. Wr do not late to guarantee tlir-m every'time and we .stand ready to refund the purchase price, if sati-factorv re«ults do not follow lhrtr use. The td 1 : cstablishiicnt, nnd will be glad to wait on customers. Call and see them. , won their great popu r merits. . I.'asselk Drug store. LOWER into AD MILLINERY. When I moved to Lower Broad friends warned me that my business would decrease, “It is too far from the business portion ol the street, and out oi the way for a millinery stand.” L determined that if first-class goods at lowest prices, with polite at tention to every one, had any merit, the people would come and my busi ness nut suffer. The facts sustain me; my hooks show an increase this month over the same period in July, 1S«,$. Low prices is the secret. People like to save money, and inilliucrv buyers are satisfied that Lower Broad is not so far away, and the amount saved on evorv dollar's purchase am ply compensates for about 30 yards additional walk. Mrs. Jouiile Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. is very large, first- class and of varied assortment. We shall be pleased to show our goods to all Avho will favor us with a call, and guarantee satisfaction. Our stock of FURNISHING-:-GOODS is always kept full and of the latest nov- efties, as well as stan dard goods. Get GOOD GOODS -at- LOW PRICES. Clothier;, and Furnishers, '/ .Y( 100 Broad st., Thomaswille,