The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 19, 1889, Image 1

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G- IE?, IE .A. T TR IE ID TJ CTIO IN" S X IN • IE "V" IE IE?, “X" ID IE X 3 _A. IE?, TIMI IE IN" T 7 ,Especial! in "Wtiit© Goods, Laces anci ESmtoroidLeries. We are anxious to* clear out our Spring and Summer stock. We need the persuasive cash, therefore prices no object. Call, and you shall be received at LOHNSTElNB 13£ BroacL Street. nkxpnm VOL 1 -NO 57. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 10, '.88R. ► H 0 H t in H H V ID Vi HI WEIGHTY MATTERS. In the dim light all evening The poor rocking-chnlr A full double burden • Had managed to bear. And it patiently bore it With faithfulne?R meek, Nor betrayed how it suffered By murmur or squeak. But there came from its depths, . In a voice soft and low: '•Do you think, Harry dear, T1 • t we heavier grow?” “I am sure,” he said, ‘‘Laura, No lighter you've grown !” “And I think,” she said slyly, “You’re ‘holding your own.’ ’ AN INTERESTING LETTER. A Tliomasville Doctor Abroad—His Im pressions of Places and Men. Marietta, Ga., July 15, 1889, Editor Times-Enterprise: I am resting here for a few days with my old friend Whitlock, of the “Elmwood House,” without a doubt tjje best summer house in the South, The house is crowded, nnd it it had one hundred rooms they would soon he filled. Mi. Whitlock is now giving his entire time and attention to the management of the “Elmwood,” hence its reputation as a first class summer house. The climate of Ma rietta is too well known to require anything in its praise from me. My trip north has been one of the most pleasant, interesting and satis factory of my life. My two days’ at tendance on the “American Climato logical Association,” at Boston, alone, has - fully compensated me lor the trouble and expense of my long trip, This is comparatively a small body but numbers among its members some of the most celebrated climatolo gists -and specialists of our country. The object of this association is, if possible, by -flic study of meteorology by careful observation, nnd by expe rimentation, to discover the localities best adapted to the various pntho- logical conditions of the lungs in con sumptive patients. Much progress lias been made in this matter, and in vestigntions arc still going on which must ultimately result in much good to the unfortunate consumptive. Our meetings arc quiet “experience meet ings,” where the members tell what they know of the advantages of differ ent localities, derived from personal obscivation; hence the knowledge de rived is of great impoitancc. At the American Medical Associa tion nt Newport, I gave my entire at tention to but one section, that on State medicine, which is engaged in the study of hygiene. By scientific investigation, if is endeavoring to dis cover all that is deleterious to, and conservative of health. Judging from the learned articles read in this section, I have arrived nt the conclu sion that the mysterious little microbe is the Alpha and Omega of all hu man suffering, nnd should he hunted down and exterminated like other beasts of prey. Nothing short of cremation of the consumptive sputa can prevent the propagation ot the disease. To do this successfully, it is suggested that the consumptive should he required by’law, to have about him, at all times, n paper spittoon, of the capacity of not less than eight ounces, into which he shall be required to expectorate. Every druggist, at every winter resort, shall be required by law to have a crema tory in his back room, into which, at certain hours of the day, the spittoons hall he dumped, and with their con tents cremated. Will you plcnsc call the attention ot our druggists to these scientific re quirements, that they may have due notice and be ready to comply. While the Medical Association af forded me much pleasure, I must say that the crowning pleasure of my trip was derived from the many cour tesies and attention extended me by my northern friends. It was my good fortune to be chaperoned by ladies, the very best chaperons in the world. I trust I shall be excused for the liberty I take in giving publicity to the names ot some of these good ladies. I do so simply to inform my numerous offspring in what perfectly safe keeping I am when away from them. At Boston, Mrs. Belcher nnd her good husband took charge of me and carried me to their hospitable and delightful home at Winthrop, a pretty little city six miles from Bos ton, and reached by steamboats and railroad. Every point of interest in this little city wits shown ami ex plained to me. Winthrop, on a pen insula washed on the one side by the waters of Boston bay, and on the other by the Atlantic, is destined, ere long, to become a competitor of New port as a summer resort. At Newport, through the kindness of my friend Mrs. Roberts, of the “Cambridge Manor,” I found a room at the Ocean House retained for me, though several hundreds lmd been re* fused accommodations. She hail been kind enough to write to her father, Mr. Bates, the manager, and he held the -room for me, and received and treated me like an old friend, ami with his good wife, in her carriage, I was driven for many miles over the beau tiful macadamized boulevards and avenues among the really beautiful city of Newport. Newport has more points of interest in it than any other city ot its size in the United States. At Naragansctt Pier I was so for tunate as to have the blight, intelli gent and affable Miss Maud Scofield to show me the ninuy beauties ot this celebrated summer resort. During our drive of many miles we visited “Cononchet," the once palatial resi dence of a man who, twenty-five years ago, was considered the wealth iest, the handsomest, and the most popular man in Rhode Island— Sprague, the “war governor” and United States Senator. “Cononchet,” to-dav, is nothing to what it once was. Its spacious lawns are umubwed, its beautiful shrubbery and rose beds arc withered and blighted, its once ma cadamized drives arc grown up in weeds, and its magnificent avenues of cednr and spruce ami hemlock are neglected nnd decaying, indicating that a cyclone of trouble had swept over it. The once proud owner of this once magniticcut homcstAd is now the chiof of police of Naragansctt Pier, at a salary of some live or six- hundred dollars a year. I made the governor’s acquaintance nt the Pier, and his withered look and unhappy expression excited my sympathy. I always sympathize with the unfortu nate. At Germantown I spent a most delightful week, one which I shall never forget. At Germantown they have an institution where the rites and courtesies of hospitality are regularly taught, at which every member of the Mama family have graduated. They have the handsomest women and men in Germantown of any city I have visited, nnd their hospitality is unsurpassed. Next to Thomasville, Germantown is the finest city in America. I am indebted to Mrs. Mason and Miss Bessie Hopkins for my first ride along the banks of the celebrated Wisihickcn, a ride long to be remembered. I li ivc poken of the handsome men and women of Germantown, and I am now ready to bet a fine hat that A. H. Mason, of that city, is the owner of the handsomest tandem team in the State of Pennsylvania—a magnificent pair of blacks, seventeen hands high. rode to the city with him one morn ing, and returned in the afternoon. As wc drove through the park wc— that is, the team—was the observed oS all observers. Moving gracefully over' the macadamized roads, with clock-like precision, at the rate of two- forty, handled by the finest-looking young man in the city, it is no won der that wc—that is, the team- attracted such attention. On my way south I spent a part of three days in Washington. My visit to the Department of Agriculture was a very pleasant one. I met there Prof. Waite, who has been promoted for his work among the LeConte pears. 11 is investiga tions arc entirely satisfactory to the department. He will he sent hack in the spring for further investigation, when, I have reason to believe, lie will he again promoted. First assistant sccictary Edward Willetts, who in at the head of the scientific department, is one of the most scientific men in our country, and was for many years the head of the University of Mich igan. Ih* is the right man in the right place, and is always ready and willing to do anything in his power for the benefit of our section, or the whole South, lie is approachable, pleasant and affable. T visited the Signal Service Bureau, where I met Captain Craig, who I had met before, and who is always willing and ready to do anything for us in a meteorological way. Daily telegrams arc only sent to towns where the “press dispatches” are not received, nnd only at such seasons as they may be useful to the farmer* or to the visitors. We will receive them during the winter on account of the visitors and through the summer if utilized by the farmers. I have explained the matter, I think, satisfactorily. I also visited the Post Office Depart ment. Just after the war I visited the same, place, Hence, this visit was a surprise to me. Instead of hlivin to face a grnnd and potent .Seignior I was met near the door by a handsome young man, seemingly not over 35 years of age, clean shaved and taste fully dressed, who, with a cordial grasp of the hand and a smile which bade me welcome, asked mo what be could do for me. This courteous young yian was John Wauatnakcr, the post master general. AVhilc in the office a gentleman entered and made inquiry about the appointment of a post master. Wanalnakcr ordered a clerk to hand him a book—he looked Into it and said, “this man’s term of office will not expire for twelve months—lie will not he removed—at the end of twelve months your peti tion will lie considered.” In my opin ion Wanainakcr, like Willetts, is the right man in the right place. T. S. II. McDonald .Dots. Mr. J. S. Roberts, of this place, wc learn, had a narrow escape in Sunnier, Ga., on last Friday. lie had hired a stable-man to send him out in the country, and when they reached the railroad the horse .became frightened and backed into a ditch, both vehicle and horse falling in. Ilow the men escaped no one knows. The horse was instantly killed. Wc learn that the accident to Mr. Chapman, the details of which we chronicled week before last, was, per haps, incorrectly reported here. Your correspondent’s purpose was simply to furnish an item of news, and not to reflect on the young man in any way. Wc are informed by one pariy that the horse was not under control, and by another that the young man was not under the influence of liquor. Wc arc glad to make the correction. Misses Iola and Sallic Reddick, and Miss J.illic Edmondson are the guests of Mrs. 1). 1). Peacock, and Miss Bessie Jordan, of Boston, is the guest of Mrs. W. J, Crenshaw. Uncle Johnny Reeves died on Mon day, the 8th inst., and was buried at Lebanon church, with Masonic honors, on Tuesday. The funeral procession was the largest known here in years. We are glad to say that Mr. W. E. Shackleford, who was so severely hurt by a runaway mule, is slowly but sure ly recovering. Rev. Mr. Ryder, who is conducting a protracted meeting at Lebanon (Methodist) church, is delivering a scries of sermons which are very much appreciated by the people of this com munity. Mac. The question of betterments will soon claim the attention of the legis lature. Wc hope they will not make ■ woi sermon ts out of it. To Close Out. LEVY’S gains in our line. Wc are offering our entire stock of Shoes and Hats at and below cost.. These goods must be sold by Sept. 1st, and we are offer ing unheard of bar- All sold for the cash. Positively no more goods charged, Wc also offer our store fixtures for sale, and store house for rent. All parties indebt ed to us will please come forward and settle at once, as we want the money. Has Made a BIB GUT IN ALL LINES OF 108 Broad St. To continue unti closed out. Our remnant table is ful of choice BAR- gains, and will be all Summer. ©^bStill left, a few of our 6 3-4 cts. Ging hams, worth 10 cts. -Levy* Dry Ms lows