The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 19, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. •fh# Daily Times-Kktbspsisk it published every naming (Monday exc»pted.) The Wkkklt Times-Esterpuse is published •eery Saturday morning.' St'BSCBirTins Rate?. B.ILY TlMIS-KSTEBrlllSE, Wjekly “ $5 00 1 00 Daily Advebti? mi Rates. Transient.Rates.—$1.00 per square for the first meertiaa, and 00 cei ts for ea h snbse- qnent insertion. ■ .no Square, one month, ' - - - • » » 00 One Square, two months ... - a 00 One Square, threo month t, - - - 12 00 0r.c Square, six maaths, ... - 20 00 One Square, twelve wont ns, - - - 30 00 Subject to change by special arranj ement. M, B. ITKR, Bnnluen. Malinger. "" sotke Parties learing Thomasiille for the sum mer can hare the TiMEs-KETiBrnisa sent to any address for 50 cents per month.. Ad dresses can be changed as often as is desired. FRIDAY, JULY It), last. t i; The betterment question promises to shake the new capitol. Itis again reported that Blaine is going to resign. Republicans rarely die or resign. It is not their way. The legislature should not overlook the road question. The road laws, like the roads themselves, need re pairing. The thundering denunciations o' the Charleston ministry against mur der and adultery reverberates throughout the country. Fitzpatrick, the referee in the Sul- livan-Kilrain fight, has surrendered. And the balance of the gang might as well do so; for Gov. Lowry will get ’em in the cud. Harrison plays ten pins at Deer I’ark. He puts his eye on a pin, imagines it a democrat, and down comes the pin. In this way he lias made several ten strikes. Miss Hattie Wooten, of Bainhridge, who has been spending some days with friends in the city, leaves to night for Louisville, Georgia, where she will spend the summer. It is said that Boulanger has lost twenty-one pounds since his arrival in England. That’s nothing: an Amer ican lost two thousand pounds lately in England. The other fellow held four aces. New Orleans having for years hied the country with a lottery, the Mexi cans have established agencies and propose to swindle the people through a big lottery in Mexico. Our advice to all is to let lotteries severely alone. m »»«*> The country will anxiously await the correspondence between (lov. Lowry and the Governor of Massa chusetts, relative to the extradition of Sullivan. Boston will bawl, if the slugger is sent back to Mississippi to work on a rock pile. Between the salt and sugar trusts, the people will be made lo sweat.* But Mr. Blaine lias said the govern ment has nothing to do with trusts and bloated monopolies. The people will pass on this issue in 1802. Mr. Snelson has introduced a reso lution in the house to prevent leaves of absence, except for providential causes. Go in Snelson, you’re on the right line. It is hardly necessary to add that the members promptly voted to table the resolution. Thus we go “Jack the Ripper” is getting iu his work again in London. Another wo man was found horribly mutilated and murdered in Whitehall district the other day. This fiend lias baffled the London police for more than two years. In that time he has murdered something like twenty women in the same district. Will It Be Arbitrated? The betterment question is one which the legislature will have to dispose of. It is a live question. The lessees propose to arbitrate, leaving the decision to live men, two to he selected by the Governor, two by the lessees, and one by these four. They are, if the arrangement is curried out, to pass on the following points: First, Whether tin- lessees arc bon ml to keep the leased property in the first-class condition until the end of (lie lease; second, Whether the lessees nmy not, under tile lease contract nnd the law, permit the property to •nil down to the condition it was in at the •ommcncemcnt of the lease; thild, \\ hetlier or not the lessees have the right, during the continuation of the tense, to remove any of the fixtures they have put on the really, ftnd what is the value of stuli fixture.-; fourth, Whether the state should pay any uni, nnd, if so, what sum in consideration of an agreement hy the lessees to keep the pro|ierty iu its present rendition to the end of tin- lease; Fifth, What is the value of the rolling stock owned hy the lessees over and above that roeeived hy the lessn s ot tin- state; .Sixth, What sum, it any. the stile owes ihc lessees for taxes paid to the state id Tennessee on that portion of the property that lies in Unit state and what ollsel. if ntiT, the state, has to that indebtedness. The country is in a state of mind not to be surprised at anything which the republican leeches, who are bleed ing the treasury, may do. Three ex aminers in the pension department were dismissed tljc other day, during Tanner’s absence, for rerating pensions, giving a number of employes iu the department another ’dive into Uncle Sam’s strong vaults. And Tanner gets up on his hind legs nnd fairly howls, protesting against the removal 'of tools whose only crime was to ilouli- le pensions for a few favorites. How long, O, how long, will the people ■abmit to this open, unblushing rob bery of their treasury? Chilling American Sympathy. The great American heart beats warm with sympathy for unhappy Ire land, and her cause of home-rule and local self-government. Nor will right- thinking men abate aught of interest ip the issue which, for centuries, the people of the Emerald Isle have been contesting; but, with a very large per cent of Americans, outrages perpe trated on American soil hy misguided sons ol Erin must have a tendency, for a lime at least, to abate the fervor of their zeal. Old Fancuil hall, "the cradle of lib erly,” had often been rocked to its foundation hy adherents ol Ireland, and hy those in sympathy with the Irish cause. They were freely accord ed the privileges of its walls, and they 'assembled therein with none lo molest or intimidate. Yet it will be recalled that two years ago, when an English dinner party was tendering an ovation in honor of Queen Victoria’* jubilee, the building was surrounded, incen diary threats were made, and shouts for blood would have broken up the meeting but for the stern interposition of the police. Hot headed Fenians attempted the destruction of American property hy tearing down the lion and the unicorn from the old state house, one of Boston's landmarks. English residents of this country had never instituted riotous proceedings to break up Irish demonstrations, and, therelorc, the unwarranted conduct at Boston two years ago served, of itself, to aflront even the most earnest sym pathizers with Ireland. The murder of Dr. Cronin, in a much larger degree,.is being urged by the enemies of the Irish cause as an evidence of unfitness for local self government. A people, it is urged, who trample upon the rights ol others exhibit but a poor capacity for guard ing their own. We refer to these matters as a warning to our Irish fel low citizens in America. So far Irom promoting their cause hy riot and bloodshed, they retard the liberation of Ireland more than they may realize. However the sympathies ol Americans may lean, 'hey will not permit their country to be made the arena of out rages at which humanity blushes.— Ttmcs-Union, Jacksonville. Rhode Island Swings Back From Prohibition to Liauor License. Pkovidunoi:, K. I., July Hi.—The legislature met to-day in adjourned special session to enact a license law A bill was reported in joint session and made the special order for to morrow, The bill provides for wholesale li cense fees from 850 to 81,000, to lie determined hy the license commission ers, and retail fees of 8-100 in Provi dence, running down to 82.10 in towns according to the population. There arc no sub classes of license provided for in the hill, and every body who wants to handle liquor of any kind must pay cither the whole saler’s or retniler’s ice. Certain provisions in the hill tend ing to party advantage arc likely to cause a hot contest and a prolonged The Georgia Colonel. Mr. Harry Tracy, an Alliance lec turer Irom Texas, has been attacking llic ‘ Colonels’’ in North Carolina. This, if kept up, will sound the death knell of the Alliance. No order, how ever strong it may he, can stand if it antagonizes the "Colonel." Mr.Tracy would likely he mobbed in Georgia, if he were to attack the Colonels in this state. Georgia has submitted to much from Texas. They took the flag from us a few years ago on the biggest democratic majority; they arc continu ally decoying feeble-minded people. Irom ibis state, and now one of her citizens has the effrontery to step across the Mississippi river, attack and assail a large and respectable body of citizens. This is going a lcctle’’ too far. Nine-tenths of the citizens of Georgia will consider them selves personally alluded to. Right here in Thomasville every other man will consider himself referred io when the “Colonel” is denounced. You ?ee they used to he "Majors,” most.of them, hut now that they have been promoted hy their admiring neighbors, to Colonels, the rank will he maintained and defended, it need he, at all hazards. Tracy, beware I Six Thousand Drowned. .Sax Francisco, July Id.—The steamer City ol New York arrived last evening from Hong Kong and Yokohama. The Japan Gazette of the 29th tilt, contains the following: Intelligence lias been received at Hong Kong from the Kiayiug Chan prefecture in the northeast of Kwang that early on the morning of June 2, Chau Ping and Ping Yuen districts were flooded by the bursting of a wa ter-spout or tornado, described by the Chinese as a water dragon, and the level country was flooded with nearly thirty-six feet of water. Many houses were wholly swept away, while others were inundated. Upwards of six thousand lives were lost. The Georgia State Horticultural Society n^ets in Griflin onjthc 31st. The session will bust three days, and will he a deeply interesting one to fruit growers. Rev. Dr. Charles F. Deems com pleted the With year of his life as a preacher, and the 23rd of his pastor ate of the Church of the Strangers, New York, last Sunday. He cele brated the event hy preaching a sermon on “memorials.’’ The Her ald save: “He went hack to liis*own youth, and told of nn experience when lie narrowly escaped drowning, lie said he would like to return and build a tm morial on the spot where lie was rescued. He advised his con gregation to erect memorials. They wero beneficial in many ways. They recalled special events and incited to good. They prompted action and whetted energy, and encouraged men to work for their own salvation.” Dr. Deems is one of the most popular and highly respected ministers in New York, nnd lie. deserves all of the kind things that the press of that city has said about him. This from the Chicago Herald: One of the deputies sent to watch the Car negie strikers at Homestead Says: “It was impossible to withstand the en treaties of the woman who tackled me. She came up with a baby at her breast. Her dress was very poor. Holding her baby in her arms, she said: ‘For God’s sake go home. If you men stay here and help the company to heat their employes you are going to drive us to starvation.’ Then she lx*an to cry, and said she was a wid ow whose husband had died not long ago, and that she was hoarding steel workers for a living for herself add children.” Yet, in the picturesque lauguage of Carnegie, “protection fills the dinner pail” and gives steady work and good wages. B.UNDitiixiE, July Hi.—Brown & Co., contractors, have sent over into Alabama a new improved Harris track-laying machine for rapid work beyond the river. The forces at the Ozark end arc coming cast with the track-laying and the two companies will hasten lo meet, when the road, except the bridge over the Ciintta- hoochec river, will he completed to Ozark. The surveying corps ot the Ala hama, Georgia and Florida railway have reached here irom Columbus via Richland and Cuthbcrt, and will push on to Quincy, Fla. A convention of settlers in Okla homa has decided not to organize a government for the territory, until Congress assembles. Latest Telegrams. Atlanta,. Ga., July 17.—The comptroller received the returns ol the Savannah, Americus add Mont gomery railroad to-day. The! U0 miles are valued at 8401,390. Baltimore, Mil, July 17.—Jake Kilrain returned to Baltimore from New York to-night, accompanied hy his wife, and bringing his share of the gate money. He is at his home here. He thinks of going south to see if the difficulty with Gov. Lowry cannot he arranged. Rio Janeiro, July 17.—The em peror of Brazil attended a theatrical performance in this city last night. As his majesty was leaving the thea ter at the conclusion of the perfor mance a Portugese fired a shot from a revolver at him. The bullet, how ever, missed the emperor, and he suatoined no injury whatever. The would be assassin was taken into cus tody. Atlanta, Ga., July 17.—The Western and Atlantic railroad com mittee held a protracted session this afternoon. The discussion was main ly on the question raised yesterday as to just what the state had to lease and should offer to lease. An amend ment to the bill was finally adopted to the effect that the road8bed should be offered to lease in its present condition, natural wear and tear ex cepted, and the personality as per inventory filed with the secretary of state, subject to the right of the present lessees, at their option, to return the rolling stock in as good condition ns when received, or to account for it in monoy. Another amendment adopted is to require future lessees to pay all taxes for which the road may be liable. The lease bill was finally completed and will be reported to the House some time to-morrow. New York, July 17.—Mayor Grant to-day sent a request to half n thous and of the most prominent men in this part of the country*, representing over 81,500,000,000, asking them to be present at a conference of representative citizens to consider the advisability of holding an internation al exposition in this city in 1892, nnd to arrange for the preliminary work if it is deemed advisable. The meeting is to he held on the afternoon of July 25th. Headquarters lor Drugs! REED 55 CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga : School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. < H I L A R IN MIND > THAT they have the Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IZST GEORGIA- Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours 1 day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squihb’s preparations in tin.* prescription department nnd guarantee goods nnd prices. • REID A EELPEPPEU, 120-123 Broad Ht. A few months ago the Baptist Sun of Gainesville and the Baptist Reporter consolidated, and under the name of the Central Georgia Baptist was pub lished at Macon. The paper is dead Cause: Its patrons didn’t pay up, and there were but few “ads.” The Atlantic band of Brunswick has forwarded its challenge to the Baras- villc band to play for $500 a side and the championship medal, and the Atlantics are now waiting an answer. If their challenge is accepted and a contest takes place, it will prove a rather expensive one to the losing band. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lias se cured the agency for all the Unit-class Pianos and Orguns, xvlilclt he is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to loarn his prices nnd terms. Reid A Culpepper are keeping up with the precession, they hare secarcd the agency of lie famous Star Mineral Water, the finest reparation known lor dyspepsia. It is uaranteed to cure. I 0 tf COXVIXCI SO PROOF. lit many instances it lias been proven that I!, li. 11. (Botanic Blood Balm) made by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga , will cure blood pois on in its worse phases, even when all other treatment fails. A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, writes: “1 had 24 running ulcers on one leg nnd 0 on the other, and felt greatly prostrated. I believe 1 actually swallowed a barrel of medicine in vain efforts to cure the disease. With little hope I finally acted upon the urgent advice of a friend and got a bottle of It. II. B. I experienced a change, nnd my despondency was somewhat dispelled. I kept using it until I had token sixteen bottles, nnd all the ulcers, rheumatism nnd all other ho-rors of blood poison have disappeared, nnd at Inst I nm sound nnd well again,after nn experience of twenty years of torture.” Robert Ward, Mnxey, Ga., writes: "My disease was pronounced n tertiary torni of blood poison. My, head and shoulders were a mass of corruption, nnd finally the disease began entiog my skull (tones. My Ito nes itched; my kidneys were deranged; I lost Hcsk, and life Itceame a burden. All said I must die, but nevertheless, when I hud used ten bottles of B. II. B. I was pronounc ed well. Hundreds of sears can now be seen on me. 1 1 uve now been well over twelve months.” FOR RF.NT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Ret. C. I. I.aRoche, tf, Fletcbervillc. -.A. T- L. STEYERMAN A BRO.’S. TSxr© Cases o Xa-wn,, At 31-2 Cents per Yard. REMEMBER THE PLACE: L. ©teyerman & Bro.’s, One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-2c. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Our Bargains the talk of the town, petition completely baffled. and be convinced. L. STEYERMAN & BRO., Com-. 120£BllOAD STUEET. THOMASVILLE. THOMASVILLE ’ Bottling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for pure carbonated bever ages, at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Specially fitted up for the accommodation of the Ladies. On draught also,|JtheJJnew Mexican beverage, “PETTI MIZ.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NKUVK TONIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic and system ritalizer. It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from „ the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not n foaming gas drink, causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quencliing, delicious drink; nn extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, i>ver which nine out often persons arc cn liusias- tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. “FRL’l Ml/,” the finest'bcverngcjjin * the world. DISPENSED BV L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers andJOealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK,i MANTLES, BALUSTERS,? STAIR- RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK IFRONTS, Wire Screen Doors nnd Windows,J Sash, Doors »nd Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY.) terCORBESPONDENCE SOLICITED. GEORGE FEARN, RBAL SSTATE ACI \T. OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cilj and CoDitrj Proper!) for Sale. HOUSES RENTED And Tnxea l't id. ROANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description 01 your property NOTICE. All mule persons in the city of Thom ville, between the ages; nnd 50, exc those exempt by law, are subject to sir duty. They have the option of paying for street tax, nnd in default thereof, m work C days on the street. Those not empt and who do not pay the tax arc on; cd to meet ot city hull .Monday, July 22d 9 o’clock, a. in., ready lor work. E. II. WuiDItON, 7-10-tf Ch. Street Ct llnekten’n Arnicn Naive. The Best Salve in the World for Cirts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curcs'Pilcs, or no pay required. Itis guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cnsscls, Drug Store. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Gcnulno Sy.tem of Memory Training, roar II.oh. Learned In ono rending. Mind trnnderlng cured. Every child nnd ndnlt nrcntly benefltted, — droit Indaoanuna. to Oorn»pond.ace Cluul. Proroutu. with opinion, of I>r. Wm. A.Hum. tnond, tho world-Kperialint Tn Mind IMbohms,