The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 28, 1889, Image 3

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A.LL! MIDSUMMER Preparatory to go ing North for our Fall stock we will offer for the next 30 days bargains Please notice the following as a sample: 3 cases fast colors Muslin at 3 cts., for mer price 5 cts. 2 cases fast colors at .5 cts., former price 8 cents. i 100 pieces fine Ginghams at 10 cts., former prices 12 1-2 and 15 ct£. 20 pieces combina tion French giilghams at 15 c., former price 25. 15 pieces Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 20 cents, former price 30 to 15 cents. M V! Spcciiil cut iu W liite Dress Goods (wash goods) al prices which arc sure to make you buy. Everything in both stores at greatly reduced prices in order to make plenty room for our heavy fall purchases. CLOTHING About lfiOO suits clothing that must and shall be; sold re gardless of price or profit. It you want good, genuine bar gains call and see ns. H. Wolff & Bro., {Leaders of Styles and low Prices’ 109|& 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1889 * Local Schedule; Faat mail for Savannah Ar... 0 25 a m “ « «* -Lv.. .12 40 p m “from “ Ar... 131pm “ for Chattahoochee Lv... 200pm Train for Alluny Lv... 9 30am Freight ami uccoui. from Wayc..Ar... 345p • “ “ for “ Lv... 8 40am • “ “ “ Cliatt. Lv... 4 46pm • »• *• from Cliatt. Ar... 715am • “ “ for Albany Lv... 4 25pm ‘ “ from “ Ar... 7 55am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Moutlcello Lv...845 a m from ..Ar.. .6 20 p ..Lv...2 06 p m ...Ar..l210 p m SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr's' 126 Broad Street G. S. Bondurant Vounteor Observer Weather ISiilletiii for the 24 hours ending at"7 o’clock P. M, July 27, 1889. Temperature. 7 a. in 7U 2 p. in, 7 p. m.. 78 Maximum for 24 hours 81 Minimum “ “ “ 73 Rainfall 20 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Ciickch—Rev. G. G. N. MucDonell, pastor. Prayer meet ing 9:30 a. in. Preaching hy pastor at 11, a’, m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school 4 p. m. Stewards monthly meeting Tuesday uight at 8 o’clock. Presbyterian CnuRcn.—Services iu the lecture room—Pastor J. H. Hcrberucr—services at 11 a. in. nnd and at night. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Sunday school 9.30 a. ni. Baptist Church:—Rev. \V. J. Williams, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. by pastor. Episcopal Church:—Rev. C. I. LaUocbe, Rector. Services at Library Sunday' morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:30 o’clock a. in.; sermon nt 11 a. m. Twenty-two drummers made it lively at the Stuart last night. Mrs. Livic Jones left but evening for North Georgia, where she will spend some time. We art pleased to sec our little friend Minnie DJIon riding out again, alter a protracted illness, Mr. C. T. Culpepper, of Chastain made os a call cn yesterday, lie will shortly go to Cypress Station, Fla., where he will take charge of a school. F. N. Tiohnstcin has improved his store hy arranging-his business office in a most comfortable and tasty man ner, thus giving him more room for his large stock of dry goods and cloth ing. Drop in and sec him. Don’t forget to prepare specimens of fruit for the approaching llorticul ti ral meeting in Gridin. Have them in the express office on Monday or Tuesday morning by 9 o’clock, at the latest. Slicrill Hurst returned from Mil ledgcvillc last evening, having safely delivered his charge, the crazy negro Plummer, to the lunatic asylum au thoritics. He reports a tremendous rain over there Friday night. Hon. A. T. Melntyrc ran down to sec his family and friends yesterday, morning and will return to Atlanta, this morning, so ns to he] on hand' Monday. Messrs. Moore <fc Williams arc con templating the use of crude petroleum ns a fuel for making bricks both in ibeir engine and kiln. Mr. Charley Williams investigated the matter- while in Chicago and thinks it can be done cheaper than using wood. Mr. John D. Carroll, representing the Savannah Daily Times, was in town yesterday. The Daily Times is a sprightly, well-conducted paper. If received here regularly it would soon be a popular paper in Thomasvillc. Miss Uattic Winn, who went north with Dr. and Mrs. Bower, will re main iu Manistee, Mich., for several months. Her many friends will he glad to welcome her back to Thom usville at as early a day as will suit her convenience. A Nice Home. m C'avc has finished his new resi dence, on the site where he was burned out lust winter, and will move in next Tuesday. That porttion of the city has been building up very rapidly in the past few months and you can stand in one place and count nearly a dozen new residences. It is a good portion of the city. Cheap Quinine. Never before has the price of qui- ae ly<ipn at such a low figure. Why [his is so may bo of some interest to your numerous readers, for quinine is almost as much a household remedy as the much used 6alts and castor oil. Quinine is tl c alkaloid or active principle prepared from different spe cies of cinchona. During the past few years the cultivation of the cinchona tree has become quite an industry in the countries suitable to its growth. Hundreds of thousands of trees have been transplanted and when they at tain the age suitable for the stripping of their bark we may expect a still further decrease in the price of qui nine. The large price formerly paid lor cinchona hark induced capitalists to put their money into schemes for its production, and so well have they succeeded that the shipments to this country have th^ year already ex ceeded those of previous years by thousands of pounds. This necessari ly has reduced the marketable value of the bark, on account of which the price of quinine has also decreased. The Italian government has been paying their manufacturers a bonus on every ounce of quinc manufactur ed in that country. This quinine has been imported into this Country in immense quantities, and, cn account cheap labor in production, it can be sold nta much lower figure than that of home manufacture. The quinine market is watched with much interest by druggists and it is expected that the price will be still lower than it now is. 8. P. ‘ Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still.” Now and then, from" the shadowy past, comes a sweet refrain from the long ago ; comes the strains of some old song, awakening memories which, perhaps, have slumbered for years. Such a song: "Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still," appears in another column It is classed among those old refrains which occasionally find their way into print. It is well to reclaim these half lost, half forgotten songs ol the olden time. There is a flavor, a pathos, and a depth of teel ing in many of them, which should be preserved. They make the heart ten der and stir the senses, repainting and retouching faces and scenes ’Which have been dimmed hy time, bringing out outlines which have faded Time cannot entirely dim and obliterate «omc scenes and faces which have figured in the lives ot almost every one. While it is said that every house hold has its “skeleton in the closet,” so have many some bright spot, some green place in life, some face, some loved one, which a familiar song will bring vividly to mind. Let us cherish the old songs. Items from the Cairo Record I)r. Glower is authority for saying that Thomas county dues not need any bureau of emniigration, that the natural increase of the population is sufficient. The doctor is good au thority on this question. One of the most pleasant sociables of the season, was enjoyed at the house of Dr. Clower, Monday evening. With Miss Eliza as hostess, the suc cess of any entertainment is assured; consequently all pronounce the even ing delightfully spent. Mr. John Davis, of Thomasvillc, while cn route to Alubanm, stopped over a day with us, and was kicked hy a horse in Wight & Adkisson’s stable, and had to he carried hack home. We learn from Sir. Mitchell who carried him back, that the wound was not dangerous nnd that he will likely recover in a few days. A Congregational Methodist church was organized at Isom school house, Thomas county, lust Saturday, hy Rev. L. B. Wilson, with fifteen members. Much interest is mani fested in the community, nnd those good people will proceed nt once to build a commodious house of wor ship 33 by 50 feet in dimensions. Extending Their Business. A Journal reporter yesterday learned that the leading boot and shoe dealers, J. C. & I. Daniel had, in con junction with Mr. J, T. Curtright, who was with them for several years, bought out the large shoe house of the ‘‘Jelks Shoe Co.,” at Thomasville, Ga. Mr. Curtright will have the manage ment of the Thomasvillc branch, which although at present large, will be greatly added to. Mr. Isham Dan iel has been in Thomasville for sever al days past, helping to consummate the trade, and assisting Mr. Curtright in making all ariangements lor success- ly operating the Thomasville branch. Mr. Daniel will, in a lew days, leave for a tour of the eastern shoe factories, where he will purchase an immense stock of the best goods that money will buy for the fall and winter trade, for J. C. & I. Daniel, Atlanta, Ga., and also for Daniel, Curtright & Co., of Thomasville, Ga. Wc ti list that every success may crown this new enterprise on the part of Messrs. J. C. & I. Daniel, and tak ing, as a criterion to go by, their past unblemished and successful career as merchants in Atlanta, their Thomas ville branch, with the able manage ment of Mr. Curtright, will prove a parallel to it.—Atlanta Journal. CONCORD fl RAPES. Leave your orders at J. L. A W. A. Prin gle’s Monday for Concord grapes at 4c per pound. Now is the time to make your jet- ley and preserves—gra| es will be delivered on Tuesday. 7 27 2t. Hurrah for cash groceries. They give better satisfaction and cost less than any other kind. Have you tried them ? Times are hard, money is scarce and it is to every one’s interest to economize. You can find no better way to do this than by buying your Groceries at Pickett’s cash store. He will save you 15c on every dollar you pend. FOR RENT- Five Room Cottage on Love street, near Warren street, at $12.50 |>er month until Nov. 1, 1889. Apply to E. M. Mallktt*. Henrietta Stevens, Mr wile, ginger-rake colored, weight about 110 pounds, a small scar under one rye, left her home near Dry Lake, Brooks county, on Wednesday, 17th of July, and has not been heard of since. She left her two small children. I shall l»e very thankful for in formation of her. Address me at Huston, Ga , in care O. T. Hopper. It .MELTON STEVENS. I have Powers & Weightnmn’a quinine in store. No better than any other. Chemicals furnished to prove it. jly2S-i;td S. J. GASS ELS. Go to Picket I’d iiiitl buy #2.25 worth of Groceries at regular price for $2.00 cash. Kvcry grocery man who hooka his gbocls will lose 15 per cent of them, so if Pickett doesn’t hook any, can’t he sell them for 15 per cent less than others can ? FOR SALK. Scraps of Song and Sonthern Scenes, by M. M. Folsom, for sale by J. A. Holloway, 7 20-tf. Jackson street. tt in Ti." Tiveufy-iimr (2d) years ago J sold vou Quinine as cheap ns I could, and I am doing die same thing to-day. Call on me; you shall have anything usually kept in a first class drug store as cheap as can be found in the city. Facts arc stubborn things; come and sec. S. J. (TASSELS. jIy‘2G-(itd New York dailies, Times, Willld. Tribune and Herald, Macon Telegraph and Atlanta and Savannah dailies, every day. Miss addie McClelland, Jackson Street. TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the country by the Bust Tennessee, Virglnin nnd Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or lieforc tlctolier atst. Fast train service with Pullman ears, II. \V. IV'RENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag Furniture, Carpets, Redding, Children's Carriages. Wall Paper and Window Shades Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The best style, ami lowest prices in the city. GEO. W. FORBES, 0-1 l-w2t dll Mnsury Building- A W.lllnll’n Discovery. “Another wonderful discovery lias liecn made and that too hy a Indy in this county. Disease fastened its clutch upon her ami for seven years she withstood its severest tests, hut her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly nnd could not sleep. She bought a bottle of Dr. King’s .Vow Dis covery lor Consumption and was so much relieved on taking the first dose that she slept all night nnd with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamrick It Co., of Slielhy, N. C.—Get a free trial bottle nt S. J. 1,'assel's drugstore. WEAKER THAN WATER. A man is never in n more debilitn'ed con dition than when lie linn weathered a ense of measles. The system finds it hard to hear tip under the weight of the disease anil almost rebels against the strain upon it And yet there is a remedy which answers the requirement of such a case. A prom- nent druggist nnd physician writ*-: Darlington, S. C. Gentlemen—Your tonic lias been going very well tins spring’. There has bcch a good deal of measles, especially among the factory operatives, which lelt them in a deb ilitated condition, for which your tonic seems to he the very thing, nnd it has sold well. Yours truly, John A. Boyd, M. D. TAILORING. There Is an'end to all things, so tlio people «ay, hut there Is no end to the' flplomllil fitting clothing made at 81 Broad Btreet. donning nml repairing dono in the neatest manner. Give mo a call John Kenny. Romantic spinster—“Excuse me, sir, but is not this the spot where that beautiful girl fell into the water last summer, and was so gallantly rescued by thcgcntlcman who afterwards mar ried her ?” Practical Bachelor (giv ing her a penetrating glance)—“Yes Ma’am; hut I can’t swim.” Gasli Millinery. Mid-Summer Notes. It is hot, and this reminds you it is still in order to buy midsummer milli nery. Naturally you want the best hat or bonnet for the least money— this is the dull season and you must ccononizc—there is hut one way to accomplish it, lll’Y FOR CASH. Break loose from the tyrant credit. How,long will you pay big credit prices for millinery when there is a cash store in your midst? Examine my goods ami prices. I sell for cash. No credit figures on my goods. You do not pay other people’s had debts iu trading with me. It makes a difference /<> ym that your goods are bought from a cash nnd not a credit’store. Mr. Pickett's grocery business is increasing because lie sells for no/i, loirer tint mother* ran aril nml that is precisely why my millinery sales are increasing iu midsummer. Yours for cash and low prices,* Mrs. Jennie Cari'oll, Lower Broad Milliner. D R COYLE'V^ V /\C, YVutNTIfRICE i^v^yCv^WOUTH WASH > // Clrani and Prowrvea the Xtt’U ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W, A, ELDER. Proprietor. SEASOiTor 1889. •For rates* analysis of water and Jnfor- mation, address C 10 tf E. A. Eldkl* Manger. JERSEY MILK. Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, supplied, in any quantitjr, delivered, on application to, or by addressing .JOHN Cn AST AIN. April 10, 1889. I am making a greater per cent, on the money invested, selling Quinine nt 40 cents an ounce now, than I did when I sold it at $5 a bottle. Call nml get a bottle. Quality guaranteed. S. J. CASSEL8. fitdwlt If diseaseTins entered the system tlm only way tp drive it out is to purify nnd enrich the bfood. To this end, ns is acknowledged by all medical men,nothing is better adapted than iron. The fault hitherto has been that iron could not be so prepared ns to 1m abso lutely harmless to the teeth. This difficul ty has liecn overcome by the Brown Chemi cal Company of Baltimore, Md. f who offer their Brown's Iron Bitters as a faultless iron preparation, a positive care, for dyspepsia, indigestion, kidney troubles, etc. ■V 'it AT— PRICES. C. H. Young & Co., Having it Large Stock of Light Weight COATS AND VESTS For summer wear, are now offering them very low. Regardless of Cost, to close out, so as to make room for fall goods. Our stock ot The Verdict Unanimous. W. I). Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testi fies: “I can recommend Electric Bitters ns tiie very best remedy. Every buttle sold has given relief in every cas”. One man took six bottles nnd was cured of rheuma tism of in years standing.” Abraham Hare, druggist, Bcllvill. Ohio affirms: ‘‘The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years’ cxj>erien« e, is Electric Bitters.” Thousands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. One dollar a bot tle at ,S, J. Cusacks Drug store. CONVINCING PROOF. In many instances it lias been proven that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) madq hy Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Gh., will cure blood pois on in its worse phases, even when all other treatment fails. A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, writes: “I had 21 running ulcers on one leg and ti on the other, and felt greatly prostrated. I believe I actually swallowed a barrel of medicine in vAin efforts to cure the disease. With little hope I finally acted upon the urgent advice of a friend and got a bottle of B. B. B. I experienced a change, and my despondency was somewhat dispelled. I kept using it until I had taken sixteen twltles, and all the ulcers, rheumatism and all other ho*rors of blood poison have disappeared, and at last I aui sound and well again,after au experience of twenty years of torture.” Robert Ward, Maxry, Ga., writes: “My disease was pronounced a tertiary form of blood poison. My face, head and shoulders were a mass of corruption, nnd finally the disease begun eating my skull bones. My hones ached; my kidneys were deranged; 1 lost flesh, and life became a burden. AU said I must die, but nevertheless, when I had used ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pronounc ed well. Hundreds of scars can now lie seen on me. I 1 avc now been well over twelve months.” Buckles** Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It i® guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale 1 y S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. is very large, first- class and of varied assortment. We shall be pleased to show our goods to all who will favor us with a call, and guaranteb satisfaction. Our stockUof FURNISH!NG-:-GOODS is always kept full and of tiie latest nov elties, as well as stan dard goods. Get[ GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES. Clothier? andi Furnishers, *' . 0 X03] Broad. 8t. J ThQEQ&SYillo, Ga|