The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 01, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -NO (X TEIOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, ifci f&Wv .; • 'Okm ■ Iw M WHO LOST THE TEN DOLLARS? P5 <<j B 4 j 1 VJ CD 3 o S *■* 0*3 M be c 0) 1-4 W f A Financial Conundrum That Drove a Man to His Grave. From tlie Pittsburg Times. Yon tire a financier. I am not, hut I had a friend who died of a finan cial conundrum, and although it is too late to do him any good, I would like to know tho answer. He' was n good fellow, poor fellow, hut he was unlucky. Besides, he was n good deal of a fool. He invested all his own money and some more in Gloriad mining stock, lie saw a great deal about it in a newspaper of great former morality and much'previous virtue. Undid not stop to r.otc that the stock was !)5 per cent or more below par, nor inquire if anybody controlling the financial columns of that paper had been presented with a block of Gloriad stock. He didn’t do anything but go and blow in his savings in Gloriad. The stock took a tumble before he did, and at the round up he found himself with a lai'gc hlock of Gloriad, which nobody wanted, and no money. His wife died, and his only son, who had been brought up in the expecta tion of luxury, went to the bad. Believing still that even-a mining stock which could get quoted and noted every day in the paper that uso|l to be honest when his grandfather rend it, must have somo value, and having nothing much to live for any how, lie came out here to Texas to investigate the condition of the Glor iad enterprise. His discoveries did not bring him cither consolation or cash. He found that tho nearer lie got to the supposed miuc of wealth the smaller was the demand for the slock entitling him to a share in its munificent profits. Hav ing embarked in the investigation^ "went biTiE.“'Tlie’ Turthei he went the worse he fared. When he struck El I’aso be had just one round, while silver dollar left to bis name, and he went and bought n drink with it. The barkeeper took his American dollar and handed hint a Mexican dollar in change. A Mexican dollar at that time was worth only eighty- five cents in United States money. There were rumors ot trouble betweeu the two republics, growing out of Indian raids and the pursuit of the robbers from onff country into tho other. A Mexican dollar was onty worth eighty-five cents in Texas and the United Stales dollar was worth but eighty-five cents in Mexico. It was early in the morning. Ho had nothing to do with the rest of the day or with the rest of his life, for that matter. The Mexican eagle on his last remaining coin suggest'd some thing to his desperate fancy, and lie wandered across to El I’aso Del Norte, on the Mexican side. He bought a drink of mescal there for fifteen cents, laid down his Mexican dollar, and re ceived an American dollar in exchange, equivalent to eighty-five cents in Mex ican money. He looked at the coin and an idea struck him. It appealed to his speculative humor. He retraced his step to the Amer ican side, walked into a saloon, called for a drink of whisky, paid for it with his solitary American dollar, which lie had received in change on the other side, and got a Mexican dollar in change. This lie promptly carried ove. 1 the line, bought a drink of mes cal and got a United States dollar in change. Then ho got to thinking. Here was the situation. He had pre cisely the same capital he started with an hour before, and had distributed (it) cents worth of liquor through his system in the way of dividends. The whisky and mescal were gone. They were no further use to anybody.. The visiblo supply of exhilerntiug bever age had been absolutely diminished to that extent. He had bought it at the market price. Ho had paid for it in cosh. He had all his original capital still in his pocket. True, he had contributed the labor ot walking back and forth from tho Mexican to the Texan side, and vice versa, but that, as ho shrewdly decided, was non-productive labor, ns far as the interests of the public were concerned. It earned nothing, for it added noth ing to the supply of anything. He might have walked back and forth until the river ran dry without any body being the better oil. Here was n chance to gc!l even with the section of country which had indi rectly been the cause of his bank ruptcy. Ho walked back to the Texas side, bought another drink, got a Mexican dollar in change, went back to the Mexican town, got another drink and n United States dollar in change. He kept it up all day. He picked up a stick and cut a notch in it for every drink, ns the old Indian fighters used to keep score of the scalps they took, lie kept it up pretty steadily all thnt day until closing-up time, and set at it ngnin the next day as soon as he could sec. He waxed enthusiastic over his speculation, giv ing n war-whoop nt every notch in his stick. But nt length lie got wondering who was losing all this money. Ap parently not tho bar-keepers. They were getting the market rate for their liquor. Surely not he, for he was holding his own. The problem both ered him. He was naturally a curi ous man. Tho more he thought *of it the more he drank; the more his head swam round with perplexity, and the more the subject in question became complicated with extraordinary things which reminded Jiim of the menagerie lie had gone to sec when he wns a boy. At length, when he lmd consumed 85.05 worth of Texas whisky, and 85 worth of Mexican mescal, he died in frout of the saloon where he got the fit-st drink, and with a silver dollar in United States.coin in his pocket—died of wondering who had lost the 810.05 worth of two kinds of liquor which he had consumed, although the local coroner said it wns delirium tremens. But neither the coroner nor the jury explained who lost the 810.05, and that’s whnt I want to know. A Disgusted Colored Republican. Henry Kennedy, a colored man from North Carolina, who was a Har rison delegate to the Chicago conven tion, has been in Washington trying to secure the postmastership at New born, N. C., for one ot his race. Mr. Kennedy is evidently disgusted. Hear what lie says: ,; I am disgusted; so arc the majority of my people. I am going to speak my mind when I get home, and tell the colored folks thnt they need no longer look to the Repub lican party for their salvation. We are only to he given the crumbs, except in a tew in dividual ea*c?, and white democrats who promise to become republicans, are to he given the fat places. There is absolutely no use in fighting any longer to keep up a republican organization. \ am in favor of my people making speedy' terms with the white people of the south, for in such a course there lies the whole solution of the race problem.” Kennedy has been evidently touched on the ‘'raw'’ by some of the great lights of the republican party; by the men who have been using him and his race ns cat’s paws ever since the war. Getting Ready. The deluded negroes of Liberty county arc getting their nseension robes in order for the lfith inst. That is the time fixed by Bell, the false Christ, when earthly things nre to be wound up. ’Poor deluded wretches! They have abandoned their crops, nnd nre now barely subsisting, ex% peeling, after the 16th, to be fed on angel food. They will find themselves hustling around after that date, trying to get. a hoe-cake and n rasher of ba con. This is the "angel food” they’ll get. Their wings, and it is said a goodly number of these have been bought, with which to make the as cension, will be useless. Instead, they will be “striking the grit” in an effort to reach some chicken roost. It is to be hoped the lesson in’store for these people will learn them some sense. • Sunset Cox: "Last year our corn crop was 2,000,000,000 bushels: It was raised from 75,6G2,753 acres. It would require 3,000,000 cars, with over00,000 locomotives, In a traln^to draw It to the sea hoard. It would take a year to pass such a train through Chicago.” There is an inviting field for "White Caps” in some sections of Georgia. Wherever Mormon elders nre found there should be some White Caps. The lecherous scoundrels should be hunted down by •■‘regula tors”—if there is no law to reach them. Drive them from the State. The saloon keepers "over tlieBhine” in Cincinnattii insisted on keeping opeu on Sunday. The police mafffe 150 arrests. - The hoodlums in that delectable locality attacked the blue coats and a general scrimmage en sued. The blue coats held the field. A negro man in Liberty county claims to be King Solomin. Now let the Queen ol Sheba put in an appear ance. Protect the Sick. The following bill, which has been introduced in the legislature, or some similar measure, should become a law: , “It shall he unlawful for the facility or officers of any medical college in the Stale of Georgia to grant or issue a diploma to any student of medicine or other person, unless sniff student or other person shall have satisfied the faculty of his or her pro ficiency in the English branches before at tending medical lectuies, nnd shall linve at tended three or more full courses of study of six months each income regularly char tered medical college in good standing anil shall have submitted to and passed a credita ble examination by tlie faculty or professors of said college upon all branches usually taught In.the, medical colleges; nnd if the faculty or officers of any medical college in this state shall riolnlcnny ol tile provisions of (Ills section, lie or they shall he subject to a line of #.1,000, said line to lie collected out of tlie properly of any or nil of faculty or officers of said college.” There is a looseness, a recklessness, about turning loose, annually, a field full of beginners, to practice on the anatomy ot the human race, which should be checked. Give the people protection against green, half educated physicians. St. Louis has developed a new weather prophet whose audacity almost entitles him to the notoriety he has not yet won. His last programme for the wtather contains the following : A great event in meteorology will take place between Sept. 12 to 15, 1889, and is destined to be the greatest storm period that has occurred in the past 100 years,‘or during the present century. The storm will be universal, covering every meteorological district of the globe. The main part of the storm will in all probability take its course along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, producing terrific hurricanes, tidal waves, and possibly earthquakes. The interior portion of the United States will be severely affected also by eddies or “spurs” from the.main storm, which will spread over the country in high gales and terrific storms during the passage of the main storm.—Ex. Take in your sails The outlook lor the purchase of tlie Cher okee strip, in die imliiio territory, by tlie government, is not promising. The Indium sny thnt they don't wnnt to sell their lands. Tlie Indian chiefs say thnt when their lands were girciiAhcm, Andrew Jackson, w ho was then President, said that the lands should remain theirs as long ns wuter run and grass grew. As there is no probability that wa ter will stop running or grass cease growihg, it IS probable that the Indians (fill remain in possession of their lands.—News. The Cherokee’s seem to have, as Jo Brown would sny, the argument. But, in the end, the whites will gobble up the strip, and the Indian Ire made to move on. Helen of Troy is said to have been sixty years old when Paris fell in love with her. Courage, ladies, courage. Your “Paris” is hanging around some where. Don’t give up. A taint Helen never won a Pam Is the Mystery Unravelled? It is now said the theory that a man was the perpetrator of the Whitechapel murders in London, has been aban doned, and that it is known, almost, that a woman has been doing the bloody work. The name of “Jack the Ripper” was given, it is said, to mislead the police. These frequent murders, twelve or fifteen—all women —right in the most populous portion of London, have been the wonder and consternation of London for the past few months. It is asserted that the fact that the killer is a woman was developed by an unsuccessful attempt to murder a harlot in Whitechapel, made within the last few hours, and the arrest ot the would be perpetrator, who is said to be a Spanish or an Italian woman, whose motive was to murder all the fallen women she could in the hope that by so doing she would remove the one that had aroused her jealousy, she not being positive as to the exact woman who had charmed her lover from her side. In addition,, it is alleged that the tigress mutilated the corpses of those she killed in order to further satisfy her crazy desire (or revenge. Flying Trains and Steamships. Professor Thurston, of CornelPuni- versity, in an article in the North American Review, expresses the opinion that the steam engine is still capable of vast improvement; that the next generation will sec the American continent spanned by flying trains in two days, and that ships of 20,000 tons will lie propelled at the rate of lorty miles an hour. The following essay on liars in Wakulla county is from tho Craw- fordvillc Times: “Wakulla boasts of about five ol the most distinguished liars thnt God, in his infinite wisdom, ever thought proper to create. The first lies about the merchants Crawfordvillo; what they have to say of the alliance. The second lies about the alliance; what they hnvo to say about the merchants. The third is a general liar, who lies about his o[ her neighbors, learning all thnt can he said thnt is bad, nnd making it a thousand times worse. The fourth is a general liar, lying about his great exploits. The fifth—last but not least—is the stinkincst liar of them all, who goes about the neighborhood lying about what he saw in the Wa kulla Times, when lie never reads tho Times, but has committed some ras cally act, and is afraid the Times will expose it. Such a liar the devil wouldn’t have.” —AT—^ LEVY’S A Topeka paper says that there are 580 empty business houses, 3,910 un occupied dwellings and 2,000 vacant offices in Kansas City. This is the reaction from the biggest town boom the West has had of recent years and is perfectly natural. Perhaps years will be required for the city to over come tlie depression that invariably follows over-speculation. Booms arc dangerous things—the boom-ernng too frequently follows. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, in trying to placate the office-hungry of his state, emphasized the hypocrisy and false pretenses of the president who was,, as a candidate, an ostentatious civil service reformer, when he said the other day: "I think we arc doing quite well. There have been four limes as many changes made in the post offices in Kansas by President Harrison as Were made by Cleveland in the same length of time. In my county there is not a democratic postmaster remaining.” And this President was elected on a platform which ‘ demanded that the civil scfvicc law should be observed in letter and spirit.—Telegraph. .In case of the projected exhibition ot 1892, the honor of first proposing such an affair is claimed for William Euclid Young, of New York who issued a pamphlet on the subject in 1884. Our Mr. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and he lias sent us word to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, and make room for our immense Fall and Winter stock that is coming. So, from now on, a 11 Spring and Summer goods go at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. Levys Dry (Ms Horn® Mitchell House Corner.