The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 03, 1889, Image 1

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■'#* fm ■* - * VOL 1-NO TO. THOMAS YILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST -L '88!) $5.00 PER ANNUM (H 01 i-H in NEW YORK LETTER. A Northern Town—The Improvements There—How They Look to a South- ener — The Application Brought Home—The Duty of Thomas- villc-lntelligent, Publio Spirit ed Action Urged-The Park and Railroad Ques tions Discussed. New York, July 1!), 1889. Editor I spent part of a day last week in the beautiful village of Englewood, distant from New York city about fifteen miles, aud containing about five thousand inhabitants, most of whom are very wealthy gentlemen whose business is in the city, and who reside by preference in this lovely place on the Jersey bank of the Hud son river. A drive, with charming and delightful company, was taken over tho entire place. One could, from the banks of the river, get a splendid view of its palisades, aud feast the eye upon the most enchant ing scenery. After a drive of several hours over the splendidly gravelled roads, winding in cveiy direction, through the immense trees of natural growth, and among the extensive grassy lawns of the many costly resi dences, we returned to the home of our hospitable host. After dining we strolled through the beautiful and ex tensive grounds of his residence, its hot-houses, its lawns and beds of flowers. I said: “Well, this is certainly much pret tier and more attractive than anything we have in our own littlo city among the pines. You leave all these beau tiful things, and for our climate, live-longer in your home there- than in the one hcreV’ • Yes,’’ ho said, “I do not like it here in the winter, and go to Thomas villc for its splendid climate, but an old gentleman who has spent ninny winters there, snid once to me that ninety per cent, of all we get in Thomnsvillc is climate.” This was a strong endorsement of the climate of our section as a winter resort, verbal and practical, and is hut what many, many say and do, and it only remains for our section, city and its citizens, to let those who come among us get more than the ninety per cent, of climate. The moral to he drawn from this is that we can offer splendid and at tractive climatic inducements, but little else. How much more beauti ful would it he to the eyes of every one, and how much more attractive as a home, if, in addition to our flow ers, our sunshine, our warm and mild atmosphere, if in each yard there were pretty, grassy lawns, us a setting to the pretty flowers, instend of the bright and barn walks of sand, for it would suggest the idea of perennial spring to those who come in search of health aud rejuvenation, if not per- rcnnial youth. Thomasville is now the most popu lnr as well as best known winter re sort almost anywhere in the southern states, and to preserve this supremacy, as well as to give attractions addition al to and apart from its climatic ones, there should he • devised means of amusement, aud pleasant and un usual things for those who come from colder regions; and there should be easier, more comfortable and more numerous means of railroad approach. Several years ago, when a propo sition to lease or purchase Paradise Park was submitted to. our city coun cil, at a public meeting of citizens, to express its voice to our municipal government in regard thereto, the writer was most emphatic in his advo cacy of lease and purchase, as an un doubted means of increasing the at tractions of our town, and indirectly ndding much to tho general and indi vidual wealth of each and every citi zen of the town, as well as county. Since that time, an extensive associ ation with many people who come here during the winter, and many who have never been here, convinces me that the position then advocated is hut strengthened and made more emphatic. No place can grow or prosper, or dcsei ves to grow and prosper, without public spirit nnd united public senti ment and action in the matter of pub lic improvements. Public improve ments mean private prosperity. Tax ation for public improvements means the creation of attractions to the resi dent citizen nnd the outside world, which means the permanency of present inhabitants and the gaining of new ones, nnd this means more money retained, brought and created, more property nnd increased values, and therefore more sources of public revenue. Every new' citizen added to a place is but so much revenue to it, even if it be but a passing traveller, for he pays his hack and hotel fare. If he be a rich mnn he wants n scr vant, and pays good wages for one, and those who arc scrvnnts n*c bene- fitted. If a laboring mnn, he wants a house and soniothing to eat. If it is even a baby they want milk and a nurse. The farmer sells his produce for man and beast, his chickens, eggs, milk, butter, beef, corn and hay; the carpenter gets work to build more houses; the scrvnnts more work and better wages; the groceryman, mer chant—all are benefitted. The large property-holder gets large increase in property values, and pays more taxes, also pays more for public improve ments by taxation. The poorer citizen, who lives by manual labor, is more than compensated for the small ad ditional tax by the increased volume of business in all branches, ns above indicated; nnd the citizen who owns no property is benefitted. All should favor public improvements, n3 it brings more work and more liberal wages. All of this suggested to me that every resident was vitally interested in the purchase of the park now while it is within our power. Aside from all other considerations, it is n good financial transaction. I hope that every citizen, white nnd black, will realize the great general nnd private monetary ndvautage this purchase will bring, ns well ns its (esthetic and hygienic advantages. Also, no one can realize the value of railroad fa cilities and competition so well ns one who is away nnd sees the prosperity^ they bring to other sections, and hear the comments of those who desire to go to other places for health, pleasure, investments or residence. Those sec tions that are healthiest, offer the greatest attractions to the visual sense aud the sensations, arc most public- spirited, and therefore most prosper ous, draw and retain the various classes of people above cited. I think there has never been a time in our history of more moment and importance than the present. Inaction means retrogression, unwise action means ruin, proper notion means rap id growth, increased population and increased wealth. We can now buy a beautiful and favorably located park. We should do so. We can now build a railroad that will bring untold advantages to all nnd each. We should build it. I have great faith in the wisdom and public spirit of all and each of our citizens, white and black. T. M. Me. The Amendments Offered to the Lease Bill. As showing the views held by va rious members of the legislature, we append below the amendments offered to the bill in the House: By Ms. West, of Habersham—To make the term of lease not less than fifty years at $45,000 per month. By Mr. Patterson, of Bibb—To devote tie entire rental to educational purposes, but not more than one-sixth to the univer sity and branch colleges. t By Mr. Iluff, of Bibb—That real estate in Atlanta and Chattanooga and along the line, not necessary to the operation of the road be n«t included* By Mr. (filbert, of Muscogee—To exclude the West Point Terminal, and the roads con trolled by it, from tlie bi tders. By Mr. Rankin, of Cordon, chairman of the Western and Atlantic committee—That before the road is offered for lease the ques tion of what property the state has to lease, and the rights of the lessees, first to be sub mitted to arbitration. By Mr. Tignor, of Muscogee—To strike from the first section the condition that the personality to be leased is subject to the right of the present lessees, nnd their option to deliver the property therein specified, if in as good condition as when received by them, or upon failure to do so, then to ac count for the same in money. By Mr. Candler, of DcKalb—To prohibit lesscoe from sub-letting the properly to any persons or corporotions. By Mr. Simmons, of Sumter—To make the lease commission the governor, attorney general and three upright business men, one of whom shall be an expert railroad man. By Mr. (Joidon, of Chatham—That the road shall he operated by the lessees a3 the Western and Atlantic railroad, with the state of Grtrgia ns the sole owner and stock holder, and that the lessees shall alone be responsible for all the nets nnd liabilities during the lease. While there may he, nnrl are, dif ferences of opinion about the terms, it is apparent that an honest effort is be ing made to preserve and protect this valuable property, nnd to make it pay into the state treasury all it is worth. The people can confidently trust the legislature iu this matter. More Room For Lunatics. The legislature does not appear to he con sidering any proposition for enlarging tin insane asylum. That asylum, however, i. fur from being equal to the demands upon it. It is full to overflowing, and yet in the county jails of the state there are patients who ought to he inmates of it. There two in the jail of this county. The sheriff says they cannot he properly cared for there. They annoy the entire neighborhood, and besides, little can be done for their comfort or improvement. The indications are that Liberty county will furnish enough lunatics for a small asy lum before the false Christ craze that pre vails there is over. That craze has already made lunatics of quite a number of the ored people. The state mint do something in tin* 1 of providing more accommodations for sane people. It is not advisable to keep the surplus in the county jails.—News. This is sensible talk. More accom modations for the unfortunate class are undoubtedly needed. The pres ent legislature should not adjourn without giving the subject attention. # Liberty’s Lunatics. Representative Mclvcr, the negro legislator from Liberty county, visited his home Sunday and Monday, and returned to Atlanta this morning. Mclver was seen by a Journal re porter and questioned about the con dition of affairs in Liberty county. The colored representative was considerably more exercised about the state ol affairs in which he found his household than about the religious frenzy' which has taken possession of his constituents. He said: "When I got home I found that my house had been broken into by negro thieves and a lot of provisions and a watch carried off. My grandson, a youth, had been terribly beaten by the negroes while trying to protect my property. I guess the stealing was done by some of King Solomon or Queen Mary’s followers.” “How about the religious excite ment?” ‘•Therc’sJ no religion in it. There are about five hundred negroes gone crazy, wh<f had better be at work. The fellow who calls himself King Solomon is half-witted, and the woman who claims that she is the Virgin Mary is old and weak-minded. The accounts in the newspapers are true. I talked to County Commissioner Snclson, who is a negro, ard he said the newspapers have not exaggerated the condition of affairs. I think when all the leaders have been put in jail order will be restored.” The most valuable book in the world is said to be a Hebrew Bible at the Vatican in Rome. In 1512 Pope Julius, then in great financial straits, refused to sell it to n syndi cate of rich Venetian Jews for ils weight in gold. The Bible weighs more than 325 pounds and it is never carried by lsss than three men. The price refused by Pope Julius was therefore about 8125,000, and that too, when gold was worth at least thrice what it is now worth. 'lhe cold chilly winds of Decem ber” may find the legislature “raslling” with the lease question. And the lease may possibly be found on top. Tin Off to Cordele. morning at 8 o’clock a party of Maconitca ami investors left iu a special car on tlie Georgia Southern for Cordele. In the party were Messrs. J. F. Hanson, W. B. Sparks, W. \V. Collins and others. These gentlemen have gone to Cordele to-day to select a site on which to erect a large cotton factory of which Major Hanson is the president. The Cordele factory will be one of the largest in this section. It is hacked by ample capital, will be supplied with the rnostupproved machinery, and is admirably located lor the manufacture of cotton goods. The Macon party will be met nt Cordele by other stockholders in the company from Americus and Cordele. With Major Hanson at the head, the Cordele factory can hut prosper and suc ceed richly. Other sites may also lie selected at Cor dele to-day for other plants.—Macon News. Cordele is setting Thomasville a goejj example in the matter ol inaugu rating manufacturing enterprises. The Brunswick Times, .referring to the rumors about yellow fever being in that city, thinks the report is trace able to Savannah, and intimates that in the future no love will be lost be tween the two cities. WHERE JAMES (JOT CREDENTIALS. Exactly how Janies, the second new Messiah* claimed to have obtain ed his credentials is explained in a letter from Sheriff Olin 0. Smith, 6T Liberty ‘county, to Hon. S. D. Brad- well, member of the legislature from Liberty. As he was carrying Bell away, while wai‘ing for the tiain, quite a crowd gathered around them. Bell began to speak, and told the crowd that bis spirit would tail upon one of them. As he said this he indicated James by pointing his finger at him. Hence forth, till imprisoned, James was the new Messiah. The letter of the sheriff corroborates nearly every item already published in The Journal in regard to the condi tion^ affairs in the county.—Atlanta Journal. Knocked Down PRICES! KNOCKED 101 PRICES -AT-, LEVY’S A Railroad Meeting. Com:mDus, Ga., July 31.—At 11 o’clock this morning a called meeting of the shareholders of the Columbus Southern Rnilway Company was held at the office of Mayor Cliff B. Grimes for the purpose of passing upon the form of mortgage to secure the bonds to he issued, aud for such other busi ness ns might be brought before it. There was a very lull representation of the shareholders, and all seemed jubilant over the prospect of the early completion of the road. A resolution adopting a certain form of mortgage to secure the bond was passed. TIIE DIRECTORS. The following hoard of dircotors was elected: T. J. Pearce, Nelson Tift, •S. A. Carter, J. P. Kyle, James A. Lewis, John Stephens, Cliff B. Grimes, T. E. Blanchard. The directors met aud elected the following officers: T. J. Pearce, presi dent; Nelson Tift, vice president; Cliff B. Grimes, secretary nnd treas urer; A. Little, attorney. The contractors have agreed to complete the road to Albany by March 1. • According to the News and Adver tiser, Albany, two young men in that city arc going to fight each other in a ring. Tho lfith Inst, is the time fixed. They arc to fight across the river. Seats for spectators will be prepared and a price of admission charged. We trust that the fair name of Albany will not be blurred and blotted by a brutal prize fight. ■ Our Mr. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and lie lias sent us word to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, aud make room for ourjmmense Fall and Winter stock that is coming. So, from now on, all Spring aud Summer goods go at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. JLjevys Dry Ms House Mitchell House Corner. Augusta wants a free bridge across the Savannah river. All right: wcv’e no objections.