The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 07, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. JOHN TRIPLETT, - • - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. WKDVKSpAY, AUGUST 1881 fbe Daily Timks-Ekteupuisk i» published every morning (Monday exempted.) The Weekly Timk.s-Kntkhwisk is pubus icd every Saturday morning. SrnsnupTit Timks-Kstkiumus Rates. Dai W ELLY “ ... Daily Advertising Rates j Transient Rates.-—$1.W> per sqm first insertion, and Mi eei ts for vt quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - One Square, two months - - * One Square, three month', - - On.: Square, six months, - - - One Square, twelve mont ns, - - •r Subject to change by special am JH. It. HI UK, IJnnlnexpi .Mnnng or Jhe subse- $ 5 oo 8 00 12 00 20 00 :iri oo '•mont. mmXFHS XOTK'E. I’jirtic? leaving Thomasville fur »ln- sum- met inn lmvi tho Timf.s-Entkiiimusk sent to any nililri-ss fur 5« cents per month. Ad dresses inn he changed ns often ns is desired. It is said that public opinion in Mississipbi favors simply fining Sulli van. It would be light punishment. Gov. Lowry interrupted an ovation to Mr. John Sullivan, in Jackson, Miss., the other day by ordering him to jail. First blood for Lowry. The Farmers Review says that the oat crop of the present season will he the largest ever harvested in this country. The total crop is estimated at 7(V>,160,442 bushels, a gain of 62,42.5,00 bushels over the crop of 1888. Mr. II. B. Plant had the distinguish ed honor of unfurling the American lag from the Eiffel tower, one thou sand feet high, in Paris, on the 4th of July. Mrs. Plant pulled it down in the afternoon, aud brought the bunt ing back home with her First Assistant Postmaster-General Clarkson invites the congratulations of the Grand Army men, on the. ground that he has cut off the heads of about 13,000 postmasters in a lit tle more than .four months. The President knew what lie was about when be appointed Clarkson. Mormon elders have been preach ing and scattering tracts in Screven county, and men and women were in vited to go to Utah, all expenses be ing paid and 83 a day offered until the convert finds something to do. This leads the Sylvania Telephone to declare that such “emigrant agents" arc subject to a tax of 8500 under the state laws, but as these wretched el ders have nothing to levy on, the Tel ephone suggests a pine log and trace chain jn vindication of the decency of the community. » The New York Herald says: We arc trying to find a laborer who has had his wages raised in consequence of the republican protection policy. When the campaign orators were on the stump they poured whole volleys of promises into the expectant multi tude, and predicted that every work ingman would have something better than “five acres and a mule” if their candidate was elected. Our office telescope is at the service of any one who thinks he sees that mule any where on the horizon line. Two masked robbers went through Pullman sleeper on Sunday night, ist after it pulled out from Kansas ity, and robbed the seven occupants l it. The plucky conductor got ou > the “racket” and smashed his glass intern over the head of one of the- jbbers. Both fired at the conduc- >r, happily missing him. The con- uetor, plucky to the last, threw his isahlcd lantern at them as they imped from the train, which was mining thirty miles an hour. The aseals escaped. Burke On His Way Back. Winnkpfji, Max., Aug.’l.—Chief Iubbard of Chicago, accompanied >y Officers Collins, Ross and Broder- ek, left here this morning for Chica- ;o with Martin Burke, the extradited >on in suspect. They expect to ■each St. Paul early to-morrow moili ng, and Chicago late to-morrow light. The witnesses kept here since he trial were also taken south with ,hc party. Burke was taken from ,hc jail by the officers early this nioru ing, and hidden in a train in the partis, disappointing a large number if curious citizens who had gathered to sec the suspected murderer. Sullivan's Movements— Great Fire in Mon tana; Millions Swept Away by the Flames—The PresidentOfffor Maine - The Atlanta and Florida Road Rattled—What Emperor Wil liam, ofGermany, thinks of his Grand-mother's Fleet —Is Kilrain Arrested, Or Is He Not ? Jackson, Miss., Aug. 4.—Sulli van’s friends who earnestly protested against his being jailed last evening, allowed but a small part of Monday morning to elapse before obtaining his release, which was effected about 2 o'clock this morning. lie was then taken to his room at the Edwards house and there remained until this morning at 11 o'clock, when ji hear ing* was had before Judge Campbell of the supreme court on a writ of habeas corpus. The judge ruled that Sullivan must repair to Purvis, Mar ion county, and give bond for iiis ap pearance Aug. 12. Sullivan and his party left this evening at 5:50 o’clock via Meridian to appear before Justice Carter to-morrow. Helena, Mont., Aug. 5.—A spec ial from Spokane Falls, says that fire broke out iu a lodging house on Bail- road avenue at 5 o’clock yesteiday afternoon, aud rapidly spread. Hie fire was soon beyond the control of the lire department, and it became evident that the entire city was threat ened with destruction. The latest news is to the effect that twenty five business blocks fell prey to the flames. The Northern Pacific railroad depot and all the public buildings in the city were carried away.. The loss is 815,000,000. The town was solidly built up with brick and stone, structures, the cost of which was varied from 825,0.00 to 8125,000. Tin banking houses, live hotels, the opera house nnd many wholesale establishments, doing busi ness estimated at 8500,000 each, were situated within the district described. The population of the city is alnut 20,000. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 5.— The jiropcrty loss by the Spokane Falls fire last flight, is estimated at 86,000,000 by the Coast Review, an insurance journal, published in this city. The same paper estimates the total insurance at 82,359,500, of which 81,840,700 is held by companies hav ing agencies in this city. The heaviest loser is the Anglo-Ncvada, 8 ; >.»0,000. Other heavy losers arc .Etna 800,000, Liverpool anil London and Globe SM),000, London and Northern nnd Queen 875,000, Commercial Union 880,000, Royal Norwich Union and Queen 875,000, Prussian National 850,000, Hartford 872,000, London and Lancashire 845,000, Gcunnn- Amcricau 842,000, and the Home Mutual 845,000. Washington, Aug. 5.—The Presi dent will leave here to morrow morn ing at 9:40 o’clock on his trip to Bar Harbor to visit Secretary Blaine. lie will be accompanied by Secretaries Windom and Proctor, Private Secre tary Halford, and possibly by Secre tary Tracy. The President expects to return to Washington by Aug. 17, for a few days’ stay, prior to his departure for Indianapolis. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5. —The pas senger schedule on the Atlanta and Florida road went to pieces to-day, all the regular trains being taken off by order of the management. Hereafter one passenger coach will he attached to a freight train running between Atlanta aud Fort 1'alley three days in the week. It is understood that the financial condition of the rood lias necessitated this retrenchment, and a meeting of the directors will he hold here next week to consider the situa tion. PoitTs.MOUTW, Aug. 5.—The review of the fleet by the German emperor took place at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The weather was clear and a high wind was blowing. As Emperor William approached the fleet in the yacht Iloheuzollcrn, the German stan dard was displayed at the mainmast of each ironclad, a salute was fired l>y the combined fleets and the yards were manned. The review was a brilliant success. Upon its conclusion Emperor William received the admirals commanding the British fleet on hoard the imperial yacht Hohcnzollern and congratulated them upon the splendid appearance of the fleets. Norfolk, Ya. Aug., ft*—Jake Kil rain was arrested this morning on the beach at Ocean City by Detective Norris and taken back to Hampton where he has been stopping several days. K ILEA in’s ARREST DENIED. Baltimore, Mu., Aug. 5, 11 i\ m. A special to the American says that Kilrain is at Hampton, Ya., and in tends staying there some days and he lias not been arrested. New York’s Big Figures. In a letter to Secretary C. E. I). Ermeyer of the New Orleans Board of Trade, < 'mnptrollcr Myers thus sum marizes New York statistics : Estimat ed population, 1,755,610 ; real estate valuation, 81,302,818,879; valuation of personalty, 8250,623,552.60; bond ed debt 8132,445,095; Sinking fund, 814,524,090; net debt, 888,120,805: Wnnamakcr hits hack at Dr. Green in two columns of’ solid lionpariel. Really this bout between the doughty president of the W. U. T. Co., and the “breeches maker,” is becoming interesting. As yet nothing but ink has (lowed. A little “claret” would make the light more interesting. Toe the mark, gentlemen. The Supreme Court has repeatedly said that a man’s right under his patent fur an invention is as absolute as under a ’patent for lands, and no one would say that one should lose the right to his house because some one else saw fa to take possession ot it against his will.- -Ex. Self-respect is the noblest garment with which a man may clothe himself —the most elevating feeling with which tiie mind can be inspired. One of I’ythagoras wisest maxims enjoins the pupil to reverence himself. Kentucky held tin election on the 4th. The democrats carried the 1 state by an increased majority over the last election. Kentucky trains with the tier of solid democratic states along the border. I**orin*iM H Yearn. Hood, Anno ami It rot mI a Solid Menli, Hack covered tvilli Norm. Hr* I Doctor- and iVIcdi* riant fail, fared by fulicura Heine- ilim at a rod of $.’1.75. 1 have used the Cuticura Remoilles with the best results. I have used two bottles of the Cuticura Resolvent, tin a bottles of Cuticura and one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp nnd skin disease known as pso riasis. 1 hail li for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would lie a solhl scab, and was at the time I be gan the use of the Cuticura Remedies, My werefoveied with senhs from my elbows shoulders, my breast was almost one sol- b, nnd toy hack covered with soils vary- sizo froiii a penny to a dollar. 1 had doc. effect. My case was hereditary, and I began think, incurable, hut it began to heal from the first application ol'Cuticura. ARCIIKR Rl'SSEb, Dcslder, Ohio. .Shin Discnnr O Years Car *«!. n thankfui to say that I have used the Cu ticura Remedies for about eight months with it rent success, and consider myself entirolv cured of saltshcum, from which I have suffered for six years. 1 tried a number of medioinos and two of the best doctors in the country, but found nothing that would effect a cure until i used vour remedies. MRS. A. MeULAFLIN, Morctte, Mo. The IVonl C’nsc of Hcrofalar Cured. We have iieen selling your Cuticura Remedies >r years, and have the first complaint yet to •ceive from a purchaser. One of the wirst ...ises of Scrofular I ever saw cured bv the use of five lmttlcs of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura JKcnicdles. 2Cure overy species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and biood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ich- ^old everywhere. Price, Cuticura, oc.; Soap, 2.’*.; Resolvent, .?!. Prepared hv the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Roston, Mass. ggTHend for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 04 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. The legislature, has tackled Mr. I’ostell’s oyster bill. This is mighty warm weather to he yanking oysters around. Have a clasp to your purse, aud a button to your pocket, but let not the one he too hard to unclasp, or the other to unbutton. Walter II. Johnson has been ap pointed collector of internal revenue (or the district of Georgia. — Columbus C. Wimbish, colored, has been appointed surveyor of the port of Atlanta. MeCorkle—It’s queer that none of these railway robbers are women. Mrs. MeCorkle (indignant i—Indeed, And why ? MeCorkle—Because they know well how to hold up the train. PIMPLES TO SCROFULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blocd Disease except Ichthyosis. jri.ES, black Iliads, red, ruugli, iliam>cd fl and oily skill prevented liy CutiouraRuniu # WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, the C first and only p? Kidneys and Utcrino Pains and Weaknesses, relieved1 in one minute by taneous, infallible. 25cents. Anti-rain Plaster, the killing piaster. Now, instan- A ST I JONG ENDORSEMENT Still they come and all in the highest praise Office Piedmont MTg Co., Piedmont, S. C. -Gentlemen: Nearly two years ago I con tracted malaria into my system, and suffer ed greatly from time to time from it in va rious form? m which it developed. Some times had severe chills and fever—indiges tion followed it, sind I was generally out of health. East spring for more than two months I was greatly troubled with a dis ordered condition of the bowels; which . I believe was the result of the maiaria still existed in my system. I visited two or three mineral springs celebrated for the -reof malarial diseases, without the slight est benefit. I was also treated as the dillor ent symptoms developed by the most skill ful physicians, but was not relieved. About two months ago; I concluded to try Calisuya Tonic, prepared by Westmoreland Pros., but 1 must confess 1 bad little confidence of being materially benefited by it 1 have taken five or six bottles of the Tonic—from the beginning I felt relief and continued to mprove until now I feel quite as well and .a as perfect health as 1 ever did in my life, and believe I am perfectly well. H. P. HAMMETT, President- The effects of nmleriu in the system is a will promptly hard thing to eradicate, bv yield to the wonderful and s Westmoreland's Calisya To New cream cheese at Pickett’s Cash Stork. Ca.sli Millinery. My cash prices on millinery arc so successful l have ordered a lot of no* tions, handy articles, needed every day. Bead the list and save money. IIair-din case— Leather, nickel frame, 4 pockets, 4 doz. hair pins, as sorted sizes aud styles, 5 cents. Sell everywhere at 10 cents. Needle cases—Folding, 5 papers and 15 large assorted, including nod- kin, 10 cents; regular price 20 cents. Florida Water—(i oz. size, pure and refreshing, iu demand this weath er, 10 cents. You never paid less than 25 cents. Sewing Machine Oil.—Best, 4 oz size at 5 cents. Any other house in town charges you 15 cents. Bay Rem—Best quality, 4 oz. bot tles at 10 e. You pay 25 c. everywhere. Crochet Needi.e Case—Leather, nicklc frame, 2 pockets, has glove but- toncr, stilletto and 4 crochet hooks, 10 c., regular price 20 c. Hammocks—Full size, complete, 75 cents, 95 cents, 81. Table cloths, doylies, towels, hand kerchiefs aud lots of other things you need every day. Caunot’quotc prices of all here, but will save you money every time. Call and see me, 1 want your trade. Mrs. Jennie fiiri’oll, Lower Broad Milliner. $75.00 to $250.00,4 S working for u». Agent* preferred who can furnish a horse and give th lr whole tlmo to the business. Spare momenta may bo profit- ably employed also. A feweauvaser* in towns and cities. IJ. F. JOHNSON k CO , 1000 Main St. Richmond, Va. . , f A. Jl —Meant state age and business experi ence. Xeccr mind about sending stamp for reply. IJ. V.J.k Co. MEEKS WANTED. I wish to purchase from 15 to 2o good mules, lor which luir ]irins will 1”- l’.xi.l Apply utlny stables on Jackson strut. lwj&w ' W. A. DAVIS. Ft 11! I!KNT. I enn rent tin riSulinn now oiiupint Ly Mr. II. tVolll, on lower llrnuil strut, lit *20 per niontli. Possession given Sept. 1,1s* , K |. ELI M. MALI.KTTK. TAILORING. There Is an end to nil things, so *bo people, say, but there is no end to the splendid lilting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning nnd repairing dono In the neatest manner. Give me call, John Kenny, Furniture, Carpets, IknMinp, Children a Carriages, Wall Paper and t\ induw Shades Straw mattings, Hugs, ete. The best style, nnd lowest prices in the city. GED. W. FORBES, 0-1 l-w2t dtt Masury Building' When you sutler from dyspepsia, heart- burn, malarial alleetions. kidney disease, lirer complaint and other wasting diseases When you w ish to enrich the Idood ami purify the system generally. When you wish to remove all tilling ot weakness, weariness, lack ol energy, try a bottle Brown's Iron Bitters, anil see how gee it will benefit you. It surpasses all know n remedies ns ail cnrichcr of the blood, and a perfect regulator of the various bodily tunc tions. Ask your druggist for it. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Siiiiot's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Headquarters lor Drugs! REID 8s CULPEPPER'S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga : School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 HEAR IN MIN I) k -THAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IUST GEORGIA- Where you can find fresh nnd pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb's preparations iu the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. UEIB) €IJIaPJEP1*EI«, 120-128 Broad SI. Sullivan &Zilrain. As Sullivan knocked out Kilrain iu seventy-live rounds, T j. Steyerman & Bro. Propose to knock out high prices in Olothing in the next twelve months. Wo offer clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Stcycrman and Bro. Owing to the4ai'gc trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. Simon Stcycrman will leave for New York Monday to take advantage of the market there. He will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. His instructions to us while lie is away tire to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, To make room for his fall purchases. Call and take advan tage of this opportunity. L. Steyerman & Bro. B. B. B. ( Botanic Blood Balm.) It'vuu try tliin remedy you will fay as ....tuv others have said, that it is the rest blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Kalin Co., Atlanta, (5a., for book of convincing testimony. , , j. p. Davis, Atlanta, (5a. (West End), rites, “1 consider that IP B. B. lias perma- LMitlv cured me o c rheumatism and sciatica.” U. R. Saul ter. Athens, Ga., says: B. B. J». ired me ot an* ulcer that had resisted all other treatment. E. (». Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : : Mv mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula* B. li. IE cured them.” Jacob F* Kponcler, Newnan, Ga., writes : P>. 11. B. entirely cured meof rheumatism in niv shoulders. I used six bottles. Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2020 Fountain Street Baltimore, Md., writes : “I suffered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that oue bottle of B. IE IE cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toecoa, (5a., writes : “IE B.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. I had been troubled several years.” A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says : One bottle ol IE 1*. IE completely cured my child of eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala, writes: IE IE IE cured my mother of ulcerated sure throat.” Theii* IliiMiiiCftMjJi'ioitiint;. Probably nothing has caused such a general revival of trade at S. J. Kassels’ Drugstore as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles xjf Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable ar ticle from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthama, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. # Mother, to euro chafing, relieving baby, use Roracinc Toilet and Nursery Powder. It costs no more, in superior and highly perfumed. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Received of the Preferred Mutual Accident Association, of Now York, Thirty-Two Dol lars for ten days' disability, resulting from accident, t cheerfully recommend this Co. for promnt payment. K. M. Smith, Casli’r Dank of Thos’villc. Thomasville, Gn., Aug. 2, 1888. ft.VOOO DEATH 1IY ACCIDENT. 5 000 I.OSS OV HANDS OK *KK J. 5 000 I.OSNOP HAND AND COOT. 0 500 I.OSNOF HAND OK POO!'. 0 500 I.OSSO, DOTH KVES. 0.500 VEBM A N ENT, Tom I Dlmbililj 050I.ONSOP ONE EVE. 05'ncr weclt, Teiupornrr total Dis ability-. EOB FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. COSTS IN THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, while other accident companies in tin* event ol serious accidental injury stop the payment ol indemnity at the end of twenty-six weeks, tin Preferred Mutual continues the sauu. for fifty- two weeks. fl-d-lmd T. Sf. HOrKINH, Agent, Tlioiiia*ivHJe, (ia IJrnec Up. You arc feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you arc fidgety, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stim ulate yon for an hour, theu in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys* restore your vitality,aud give renewed health and strength Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at & J. Camels' Drug Store, liiicltlru’M Ai uicq Nnl»e. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive’)’ cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, ban se cured the agency for all the firet-cluss Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn Ins prices aud terms. Ilcid k Culpepper are keeping up with the procession, they have secured the agency o he famous Star Mineral Water, the lines reparation known for dyspepsia. It i ur.ranteod to cure. I ^ t FOR KENT, The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Ave nue. Possession given at once. Apply to Kkv. C. I. LaRociie, tf, Fletchcrville. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave 8 Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH DRESSED LUMHEII. I. ATI IKS, I’lCKHTS, S1IINGI.KS, mouldings, BIUUK UTS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLUX, BA LUSTERS,? STAIR-RAILS Nowcl Posts, OFFICE, CIWRCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds. TO ORDER. STAIIt BUILDING, AND INSIDE ftARiUVOGD FINISH A SPECIALTY. 8®*CORI!ESPONDENCKJSOLICITED^ GEORGE FEARN HEAL ESTATE AGiNT, OFFICE IH MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. City and Comity Property for Sale, HOUSES RUNTED Aud Tilxca i*e Id. ROANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me adesc ’iiition oi your proper v FOR SALE. Ten head of young houses 'and mare?, front three to eight year? old: home-raised from the best breeds that have been brought to this county, and most of them well broke. Included is the trotting stallion, Sam Jones, four years old (sire Revoke, dam Whirlwind), Works wolf anywhere, double or single, and any woman or child can drive him that can drive any horse. Tiiey will be sold. I don’t expert to get the value for any of them, so any party who wains good stock for any purpose, will find this probably the best opportunity that will he offered m this section soon. Also a few acres of land. * W. M. SMITH, d&w . Poverty Hill Form.