The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 08, 1889, Image 1

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m VOL 1 -NO 74. THOMAS VTLLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8,*<881) $o.00 PER ANNUM '1 '' 41 CD OQ CD O M CD lo S>ts f5 09 c a h % 03 Advertising Thomasville. Tlio Hoot and Shoo Recorder, pub lished at Boston, is before us. It is handsomely illustrated with the lead ing shoe dealers in the United States. Among them we notice the picture of Mi-. C. W.i Laphnm, of ‘Chicago, though, to fell the truth, the picture docs not do Mr. Laphani justice. The gentlcmnn is younger and much bet ter looking than the picture repre sents him to be. The following brief biographical sketch of Mr. Laphnm, accompanying the picture, will be read with interest by the gentleman’s many Thomasville triends: C. IV. J.APHAM Was born the 21st of July, 1852, at Dnnby, Rutland Co., Vt. He came to Chicago before the great fire, and engaged in the retail shoe trade on his own account shortly thereafter, when but twenty years of age. In a very few years, he operated, at one time, four large shoe stores on the west side, and al ways made his enterprises undoubted suc cesses. His latest addition—the Palmer House shoe store—is ns fige a store as there is anywhere in the United States, and it is much admired by all strangers who visit it. Mr. Lnplmtn is well known as an aggressive and successful advertiser, and a man of re markable vitality, push and enterprise. Continued ill health, dating from the time of the great fire, compelled him to limit his business, and hence the sale of three of the four west side stores. - With all his success, .Mr. Lapham has never devoted more than two-thirds of his time to his business, his poor health compelling him to spend the winter in the South. On this account, he built himself a beautiful home, of which we present an illustration in this issue of the Recorder, at Thomasville. (la. Thanks to the splendid climate of this famous winter resort, Mr. Laphani has entirely recovered his health, and is now able to dovote his great energy and enterprise to the demands of the largo and growing business ot the Palmer House shoe store. There is also, in the Recorder, a handsome cut of Mr. Lapham’s Daw-' sou street residence. m An Investigating Committee. Meeting Mr. Win. Campbell, the supervising engineer of the S., F. & W. R. R. at this point, on yesterday, we resolved ourselves into an investi gating committee and went through the various departments in Thomasville. Commencing at the company’s shops wc found quite a number ot employees in all departments —machine shops, blacksmith shops, car shops and repair shops—all busy making, repairing and cleaning up Here we saw one of the finest engines on the road, the Mogul, an immense engine used for hauling freights between this point and Albany. Her engineer, Mr. Betjeman, has named ‘her the ‘-Molly McGuire,’ and thinks as much of her as it she was his best girl, and says he would not willingly part with her. She is indeed a fine engine, and in compari son with the ordinaiy size, looks im mense. Without making an accurate count we should say that the road carries in its works here as many as 25 employees in these departments. The road has a fine property in its shops and sur roundings, and contemplate some im portant changes in the near future. They are now pulling in a fine 6-foot brick sewer just beyond the depot,and between that and the shops, and will lay additional tracks, lower the grade near the shops and bridge the crossing, so as to get into pletchcrville above that point. They are preparing to erect a 30-foot water tower, near the ice house, so as get a head and pres sure of water for their works and the depot building. Having gone through the working department, Mr.Campbell kindly showed us through die depot, its various offices, &c., and the com mittce resolved that everything was in good shape-, as convenient as it could well he, and that the S., F. & W. was a first class, A No. 1 railroad, and was doing a remarkably fine busi ness; but how much,as wc would have been told, had wc asked our friend Chisholm, the agent, was none of our business. Wolff Bros, have a new advertise ment this morning, to which they in vito your attention. A Summer Resort. Isr.E OF SlIOAl.S, OFF ) Portsmouth, N. II., July 31, ’80. ) Editor Times Enterprise: This has been my summer resort for ninny years past, having first come here in 1851, These Islands—nlfout ten of them at high tide—lay about ten miles off at sea from Portsmouth, N. H. The largest, the Applcdore, covers about 300 acres. The Apple- dore House is as popular in summer as the Woods, in Thomasville, is in winter. But the. attractions of the two places are the very opposite of each other. Here we have no drives and not even a shade tree, or only one, and that rises out of and above our veranda. The Island is composed of rooks, with low shrubbery and patches of grass here and there. But wc have the sea breeze from all points of the compass, and it is always cool, so cool that we wear our thickest undercloth ing, nnd have a good fire iu the office and parlor nearly every moruiug and evening. A little steamer comes in from Portsmouth three times a day, bringing the mail and passengers. The hotel and surrounding cottages will accoininoda'e five hundred guests, and 1 think wc have that number present now. Our principal amuse ments arc cards, billiards, howling, rowing and fishing. We have a good hand of music, consisting of six- pieces, hut in point of artistic skill they rank far below the artists at the Piney Woods. Last week I went fishing with three others, and in six hours we had caught a thousand pounds of cod, haddock ami pollock! Wo heat the record for this season, thus far. The fish would range in weight from 10 fo 20 pounds each. Day before yes terday we went again, and came home with over four hundred pounds. One cod weighed 2(i pounds after being dressed. This one was “stolen,” as they say—caught himself in the eye and was drawn in. Wc fished on a rock bottom, about 120 feet deep. It is no child’s play to draw up a 20 pound fish hand over hand from n depth of 120 feet. We have no church to- go to on Sunday, hut our large music hall will seat about 100, rnd if a clergyman is here wo have preaching; if not, n gen tleman reads the beautiful Episcopal service. There is no desecration of the Sabbath here. It is so cool here that wc are never toubleil with (lies or mosquitoes. As at the Piney Woods, I meet here a great many of the same faces every year. There are more fashionable re sorts at the North than the Isles of Shoals, hut none more popular, es pecially. with these who seek a cool and health-invigorating locality. Wc have judges, lawyers, senators and quite a number of millionaires, anil all mingle and exchange courtesies without any exclusiveness. There, seems to he none of the feeling: “I am holier than thou." G. Q. Coi.ton. They should lie impartial and patient. The matter should not be used for private nmbition or party ends. In conclusion, Mr. Warner said that he did not know what to say, what advice to give. He believed that the government had done ^-ong in inflicting universal suffrage upon the country, hut he thought that it might be made less daugcrous witli an educational qualification as a safe guard. Education does not make men peaceable and law-abiding. It does not make them honest. It docs not make them orthodox in religion. It does not make them believe in sound political doctrines. At least it has not done so in Massachusetts, New York aud Illinois, three states where education is compulsory. Why, then, should anybody take it for granted that it will solve the race problem ? To do Mr. Warner justice, he docs not have very strong faith in his rem edy. He merely suggests it as an ex periment. Anil he hopcstly admits that he can’t understand the race problem, and docs not, know what to say.—Constitution. A Sensible Northerner. Mr. Charles Dudley W inner is a fair-minded northerner who is endeav oring to understand souther i problems by studying them on the spot, lie lias traveled through tlio south by rail and on horseback, Hellas sojourned in our cities and on the plantations. He hn3 mingled with all classes of our people. Under similar circumstances some men would talk very glibly about the question of the hour, and proceed to lay down the law. But Mr. Warner is different. He is not afraid to admit his inability to suggest a remedy for every evil. In his recent address before the Uni versity of the South, at Scwuncc he discussed the race problem. He said very frankly from every point of view it seemed to him insolvablc, The con stitution left it to tho action of the individual states. Outsiders, said Mr. Warner, have no business with it. “A Travesty of Civilization.” From tlio Macon Telegraph. Mr. Charles Dudley Warner is one of the most distinguished of Ameri can men of letters, but he is more than a mere literary man. He lias traveled much in every part, of the country; is a close and trained ob server, anil interested in questions of public policy of the broader sort. Moreover, lie is a New England mail, and doubtless lias his full share of the reforming, regulating spirit that tho people of that section display in their relations with*their neighbors. But if Mr. AVarner has the New England spirit lie is free from at least one bias of mind that disturbs the judgement ot most New Englanders. He looks at the Southern political problem with wide-open eyes which sec the truth. In his speech at Scwancc, Tcnn., Tuesday night lie said: “On the other hand, there rests up on you the responsibility of maintain ing a civilization, the civilization of America, not of Haytior Guatcmniila, which we have so hardly won. It is neither to be expected nor to he de sired that you should lie ruled by ail undeveloped race, ignorant of Jaw, letters, history, politics anil political economy. There is no right any where of unintclligcncc to rule intelligence. It is a travesty of civilization. No Northern state that I know of would sub mit to he ruled by nil undeveloped race, anil human nature in the South is exactly what it is in the North. That is one impregnable fact to he ta ken as the basis of all our calcula tions. The whites of the South will not, cannot, he dominated as matters now stand hv the colored race. But then there is the suffrage, the uiire- vcrsible, unqualified suffrage. Suf tinge once given cannot he suppressed or denied, perverted by chicanery or bribery, without incalculable damage to the whole political body.” Getting Plenty of Satisfaction. A short time after his election Pres ident Harrison said: “The only way to get satisfaction out of a public of fice is to please yourself while you are in it.” The president seems to be living up to this principle, so far as appointments to office are concerned. Here is the family list of appoint ments revised to date by the Albany Argus, and a very rich list it is: 1. The president's brother. 2. The president’s brother-in-law. The president’s father-in-law. 1, The president’s son’s father-in-law. 5. The president’s wile’s cousin. 6. The president’s son’s wife’s cousin. 7. The president s nephew. 8. The president’s daughter's brotlicr-in- law. P. The president’s brother’s son-in-law. 10. The president’s wjfe’s niece’s husband. 11. The president's son’s father-in-law’s niece’s husband. 12. The president’s brother-in-law. 1 ;s. The private secretary’s brother-in-law. 14. The secretary of state's son. 15. The secretary of state's nephew. H». The pension commissioner's two daughters. 17. The Indian commissioner’s wife. 18. The Indian school superintendent’s wife. It will be seen by this list that the president is getting plenty ot “satisfac- tion” out of his office. Of course the president claims that only capable and deserving members ot his family have been given positions, yet lie will find it an exceedingly difficult mnttcr to convince the public that he is right. Thomas Jefferson once said, when asked to appoint a relative to office: “The public will never lie made to believe that the appointment of a rel ative is made on the ground of pure merit alone, uninfluenced by family views, nor can they ever see with ap probation offjccs, the disposal of which they must intrust to their president for public purposes, divided out as family property.” But then Bciijuiniu Harrison and Thomas Jefferson are altogether dif ferent kinds of men.—Enquirer-Sun, Columbus. Cellars Full of Corpses. Johnstown, I’a , Aug. 5. —Two bodies were found to-day in cellars, and it is the general belief that many more will be found when the cellars are cleaned out. Some persons may not think that Grover Clcvcliuid enjoys a joke, but the Washington correspondent who called at the White House 011c day in 188(i knows better. “How are you to-day, Mr. President?” inquir ed the correspondent. "I don’t know,” replied his excellency with a significant smile. “I have not read the papers this morning.” He Was no Drummer. From the Constitution. Waycross, Ga., 111 the last few months lias become quite a city in her laws and customs, as is evident from the ordinances passed recently,among which is one tlint prohibits tlio hotel keepers from “drumming up” custom at the trains. One of the most prominent—and, *hy the way, one of the best—places to stop at is kept by a Jew named Weiss. A few days ago Weiss was seen at the depot talking earnestly with several parties just after the train had come in, and accompanied them to his house. A ease was made out against him and he was summoned before tlio mayor, where the following interview took place : “What were you doing at the train, Mr. Weiss?” asked his honor. “i vas liaf a delegrain, for n slicntle- 11 inn 111 it dc drain,” vas the reply. “Were you not drumming up cus tom?” “No sir; 1 vas not. Does 1 looks like a drummer?'’ drawing himself up proudly. “Did you ask no one to conic to your house?” persisted tlio mayor. “1 did not, your honor.” “You did not even mention the fact that you kept a hotel?” “Oh, veil,” replied Weiss, who saw what a position lie was now in, “veil I see a slicntlenian ober dcre, vat seem like he want to go to a place to shlecp, I tells him I got a nice house shustober do way, but sliudge, I does it sliust out of pity for him, and not dat I wants to make a cent out oh him.” m The court smiled, and asked the gentleman for one dollar. Columbus is fighting for a through connection with Chattanooga. And Gunby Jordan will get it. More Gun- by Jordands arc needed in towns needing better railroad facilities. Queen Victoria is reported as say ing that Russel 4 iarrisou "appeared to he a very sensible sort of a young man.” Russel must have adopted the advice of his friends, which was to the clfect that he “should keep his mouth shut.” Knocked Down PRICES! -AT-; LEVY’S Our Mr. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and lie has sent us word to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, and make room for our immense Fall and Winter stock that is coming. So, from now on, all Spring and Snmmer goods go at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. Levys Dry Ms louse Mitchell House Corner. .1 ..'v.' U