The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 08, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 11181. The Daily Timbs-Ksteri’iusb H published every morning (Monday exempted.) The Wekkly TimesJSntkrprisk is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Kates. Daily Timks-Kntkrprise, W KI.LY .... $5 00 .... 1 00 Daily Auvbrtis no Rates | Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square or the first insertion, and 50 cei ts for ea h subsc- quent insertion. One Square, one month, & ^ 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month- - - 12 00 Oi.o Square, six months, - - - * 20 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 ^.Subject to change by special arrnnj “inent. BTKK. BiwtneNn .lfniinfirr. RTSIMXS XOTK K. Parties leaving Thomasville for the sum mer can have the Timf.s-Kxtkrpmsk sent to any address for 50 rents per month. Ad dresses can be changed ns often as is desired. Among the most hopeful sign® of the times, is the apparent decadence of base ball. CofTom Ochiltree is satisfied with the administration. That do settle it. Let all complaints cease. Bibb county shows a million dollars increase of taxable property. Georgia is coming. The Chicago Journal says that when ex-Senator Kiddlebergcr is sober he is a republican, but when he is drunk he is a mugwump. Four cities, New York, AVashing- ton, Chicago and St. Louis, want the great Exposilion in 1892. New A ork seems to be the favorite. The great fire and the loss of mil lions at Spokane, AV. T., would have been averted had the Superintendent ol the water works, not been absent. Atlanta was treated to an electric storm on Monday morning. Light ning has to hump itself to hit an At lanta man. The Atlanta man is a born hustler. He always get there. Senator Allgood has introduced a bill making it an olTensc for one to gel drunk off his own premises. This leaves the citizen at liberty to get roaring drunk on bis own dirt. It is now openly charged that Col. Hawkins has sold out to the Central. Three hundred thousand dollars profit, it is alleged, was the price paid. But won’t Americus howl! Abraham Lincoln was the tallest of the Presidents of this country. He was six feet and four inches in bight. Benjamin Harrison is the shortest. He is five feet five inches, and yet he reaches the persimmon.—News, But Dudley wielded the pole. A convict named Elliot wrote some doggerel about Mr. Harrison. And now Air. Harrison has pardoned Elliot. Every convict in the country should now indite a ditty to Mr. Harri son. He appears to melt in the pres ence of the muse. The agricultural committee arc hunt at work on the dog law bill introduced by Mr. McDaniel, of Carroll. Mr. McDaniel is a philanthropist and a philosopher But the legislature will hardly accord him these honors. The slump-tail yaller dog will go untaxed. Col. Bowden, of Springfield, Mo., has been iu the city several days, stopping at flic AVhiddon House. The gentleman is a prominent attorney of Springfield, hut desires to move to a milder climate, and is well pleased with Thomasville and will, most like ly, make this his home in the near future. ——• m — The appointment of Gen. Lewis to the postmastership of Atlanta, is bear ing fruit. lie has put a negro in the registered letter department. The chief of the department says he will resign, and a young lady has already done so. The chief refused to be introduced when the General brought his protege in, and there is commotion both inside and outside of the office. AVhcn the faithful assembled in the legislature on Monday morning, and it was seen that many wcie absent— as usual—Mr. Snelson offered his usual resolution, revoking leaves of absence, unless for providential causes. Of course it was again considered a jolce. Snelson was the only member who voted for his resolution. Sonic of these members may not consider it •Uch a good joke when the time comes t o elect members again. A Test for Dr. Hammond. Ex-Surgeon-Gencrnl William A. Hammond, of Washington city, he lioves in Dr. Brown-Scqtinrd’s alleged discovery of the elixir of life. Dr. Hammond claims tint he has made some very satisfactory experi ments. Instead of compounding a mixture of sonic of the vital organs of guinea pigs and dogs, after the man ner of Brown Scquard, our AVashing- ton doctor distilled an essence from the vital organs of a lamb. He selected a feeble old man and admin istered the elixir by means of a hypo dermic injection. The patient imme diately gave signs of returning vitality, and in the course of a tew days was much younger and stronger apparent ly than he was before being treated- There is an easy way ill which Dr. Hammond can convince the public that there is something in his discov ery. He is an old man himself, and his strength is failing. Let him try his elixir, and stand up before the world in his renewed bloom of youth. Such a test would silence the doubters. But why rely upon pigs, dogs and lambs for the wonderful elixir ? Why not try animals noted for their tcnac- ous hold upon life? And in this connection what is the matter with cats? If there is anything in the doctor’s theory he should submit to a test. Let him take the concentrated essence of Thomas cat and shoot it under his skin, and then let nature cut her caper. Now is the time for Dr. Hammond to prove his devotion to science.—• Constitution. COTTON BAGGING SUPPLY. An Important Announcement from Hon. W. J. Northen of the Committee. In the hurry to place orders for cot ton bagging, farmers and merchants have asked the delivery, for the entire season, to be made in August and September. This will not give the mills any work for October and No vember. The mills cannot, ot course, meet so great a demand in such limit ed time. I am just in receipt of a communi cation from the mills, asking that they be authorized by purchasers to divide out the amount already in hand and make the distribution of bagging more nearly equal. Additional orders can be filled for the early months, if the mills are authorized to carry over a part of their orders on hand to the later months. I beg that parties who have sent in orders will accommodate this request of the manufacturers, so that all farnr- LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Kllrain Not Arrested—The Sun Shince for the Great Expo, in New York—Piling Up a Democratic Majority in Ken tucky—The Indians Bulldozed Again—Another Cloud-Burst In Virginia—The Gentiles "Get there” in Salt Lake” —Laying it on to Lew is in Atlanta. Floyd County Wheels into the Wet Column. Hozannas, Hymns and Brass Bands. Eoktiikss Monroe, Ya., Aug. 6. —The report of Kilrniu’s arrest by Detective Norris is unfounded. New Yokk, Ang. 0.—To-day the Sun forwarded lo Mayor Grant a check for ?I(H|()tt for the 1892 exposition fund. Lorisviu.K, Kv.j Aug. g.—A special to the Evening Times indicates that Stephen G. Sharp, the demo cratic candidate for treasurer of this state, has been re-elected by between .'{li.OOO and -10,000 majority. The democrats gain eight, and possibly more seats in the legislature. Standing Rock Agency, Dak., Aug. 5.—The final council was held this afternoon, at which the commis sion said good-by to the Indians. They will leave thin place for Bismarck to-day, having been successful in their efforts, and obtained ratification of the- treaty for the opening of the Big Sioux reservation. Lexington,Va., Ang. 0.—A henvy wind, rain, hail and thunder storm passed over the' northern section of this county last night, doing great damage. Something like a cloud burst or water spout is reported in the mountains near Goshen • Pass. The wheat and grass crops in all of this section arc made almost a total loss by the rains. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. G. —The Gentiles arc greatly elated over the result ot yesterday’s election. The vote gave them a majority of 41 in the city, which, it is claimed, insures a Gentile city government next Feb ruary. Six Gentiles were elected to the House of Representatives and to the council, giving them 18 out of the oG members. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 6.—Grid cisms of Postmaster Lewis for ap pointing a negro clerk in the registry department where ladies arc employ ed are. more and more freely indulged hi. One of his heaviest bondsmen, Evan 'Winkle, declared to-day that he could not indorse such a man as Gen. Lewis, and lie added that he would request the government to re lieve him from the bond. PIMPLES TO SCR0FULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis Phioriimln H Years. llcml, Arum, and Ilrrnnt n Moiitl Mcali< Hack covered trill* More*. Bent Donors and Medi cines fail. Cured by Cntieura Kemo dicN at n corn! of £.‘1.73. I have used the Cntieura Remedies with the lK*«t results. I have used two bottles of tho Cntieura Resolvent, three bottles of Cntieura and one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso riasis. I had li for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would l>e a solbl.scab, and was at the time I be- Kan the use of the Cuticura Remedies, My arms were coveted with scabs from my elbow* to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol* id seal*, and my back covered with sorts vary ing in size from a penny to a dollar. 1 had doc. toied with all the iM*8t doctors with no r dief, and used many dilTercnt medicines without effect. My case was hereditary, and I began to think, incurable, lmf it began to heal from the first application of Cuticura. ARCHER RUSSEL, Deshlcr, Ohio. NhIn ■)incline O Years Unr »d. I am thankful to say that I have used the Cu ticura Remedies for about eight mouths with great success, and consider "myself entirely cured of salt shctim, from which 1 have suffered for six years. I tried a number of medicines and two of the l»cst doctors in the country, hut found nothing that wonld offcct a cure until i used your remedies. MRS. A. McCLAFJAX, Morctte, Mo. The Worm C’nnc of Ncrofulnr Cured. We have l»een selling your Cuticura Remo dies for years, and Imre the * first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst sof Scrofular I ever saw cured by tho use of five Isittles of CutiCura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR A TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. Cnticnrn [Remedies. oCitrc every species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and piinidy diseases of the skin, scalp and Idood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ich thyosis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, oc.; Soap, _j.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. CJ^Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 04 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. HliPLES, Mack heads, red, rough, chapped llil and oily skin prevented by Cutioura Soap, WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the flrstand only pain killing plaster. >cw, instan taneous, infallible. St cents. A STRONG ENDORSEMENT Still they come and all in the highest praise Office Piedmont M’fg Co., Piedmont, S. C. —Gentlemen: Nearly two years ago I con tracted malaria into my system, and suffer ed greatly from time to time from it iu va rious forms in which it developed. Some times had severe chills and fever—indiges tion followed it, and I was generally out of health. East spring for more than two months I was greatlv troubled with a dis ordered condition of the bowels; which I believe was the result of the malaria still existed in my system. I visited two or three mineral springs celebrated for the cure of malarial diseases, without the slight est benefit. I was also treated as the differ ent symptoms developed by the most skill ful physicians, but was not relieved. About two months ngo; I concluded to try Calisaya Tonic, prepared by Westmoreland Pros., but 1 must confess 1 bud little confidence of being materially benefited by it I have taken five or six bottles of the Tonic—from the beginning I felt relief and continued to improve until now 1 feel quite as well and in as perfect health as I ever did in inv life, and believe I am perfectly well. 11. P. HAMMETT, President- The effects of nmleria in the system is a hard thing to eradicate, but will promptly yield to the wonderful and sovereign remedy, Westmoreland’s Calisya Tonic. Try it. Nety cream cheese at Pickett’s Cash Stoke. wanted. ers may have an equal chance to obtain cotton bagging for the early months. Wm. J. Northen, Ch’m. Com. Cotton Bagging. A Discovery. Hon. Bill Glenn, of Whitfield Co., who ha# introduced the bill to put a tax on railroad#, hns made a discov ery. One of the principal arguments against the bill lias been, that the Central and some other roads in the state are exempt from taxation, and that it would he unjust to the other roads—not thus exempted—to put the tax on these latter, while the others were not taxed. Mr. Glenn claims that n careful examina tion of the charter of the Central nml the other roai.3 having exemption, discloses that it only applies to the state tax. nml does not piohibit county and municipal taxation. He cites in support the Forti eth Georgia report, ordinary of Ilibli coun ty vs. the Central railroad, where the ipiea- tion went up, the court holding. Judge Warner dissenting, that the charter did not municipal and county taxation, lint only the proper legal machinery had not liven provided for such lax. According to this argument the entire property of the Central, South Western and Georgia roads would he subjected the same as all other r lads to the proposed county lax. removing the objections of unjust discrimination against roads having no charter exemptions. Shall It Be a Lease or Sale? The great lease question was taken up again yesterday, in the legislature. ’Tis said there is a growing senti- tncgt in favor of asking for a bids to buy the road also. This is not a bad idea; the legislature could then take its choice. If an amou t was bid the interest upon which would, if properly invested? produce a sum annually, equal to the highest offer to lease, then it would, perhaps, be best to sell. The road is valuable, but it will never, in all probability, be more valuable than now. Home, Ga., Aug. (i.—After a vig orous and exciting campaign of three weeks, prohibition was defeated to day in Floyd county by a majority of GUO out of a vote of 4,000. The election passed off quietly at nil of the precincts. , In Homo fully 200 ladies were present, nnd stood iu front of the court house with prohibition badges, and chaperoned each voter as lie ap proached the polls. They sang hoz- annas and hymns of praise the live long day. The “anti” and “prohibi tion” hands wore stationed about twenty-five yards apart, and when one band would strike up a tune the other would strike up a different one. Cash Millinery. My cash prices on millinery arc so successful I have ordered a lot of no tions, bandy articles, needed every day. Head the list and’save money. Hair-pin case— Leather, nickel frame, 4 pocket#, 4 doz. hair pins, as sorted sizes and styles, 5 cents. Hell everywhere at 10 cents. Needi.e cases—Folding, 5 papers and 15 large assorted, including bod kin, 10 cents; regular price 20 cents. Florida Water—0 oz. size, pure and refreshing, in demand this weath er, 10 eenL#.' You never paid less than 2d cents. Hewing Machine Oh.—Best, 4 oz size at 5 cents. Any other house in town charges you 15 cents. Bay Bum—Best quality, 4 oz. bot tles at 10 c. You pay 25 c. everywhere. Crochet Needle Case—Leather, nickle frame, 2 pockets, has glove hut- toner, stilletto and 4 crochet nooks, 10 c., regular price 20 c. Hammocks—Full size, complete, 75 cent#. 95 cent#, 81. Table cloth#, doylies, towels, linud- kcrchicts and lots of other things you need every day. Cannot quote prices of nil here, hut will save you money every time. Call and see me, I want your trade. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. I wish to purchase from 15 to 20 good mules, for which fair prices will he paid. Apply at inv stables on Jackson street. lwd&w \V. A. DAVIS. I-OR RENT. I can rent the resilience now occupied l»y Mr. II. Wolff, on lower Broad street, at $20 per month. Possession given Sept. 1, lSHO. nug-l- ELI M. MALLETTE. ’ TAILORING There is an end to nil things, .so tho people say, but thoro Is no end to the splondid fitting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning nml repairing done In the neatest manner. Give me a call. John Kenny. Furniture, Carpets, Redding, Children’s Carriages. Wall Paper and Window Shades Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The la*?t style, nnd lowest prices in the city. GEO. W. FORBES, 6-ll-w2tdtf Masnry Building* When you suffer from dyspepsia, heart burn, malarial. affections, kidney disease, liter complaint and other wasting diseases. When you wish to enrich the Idood and purify the system generally. When you wish to remove till feeling of weakness, weariness, lack of energy, try a bottle of Brown’s Iron Bitters, and sec how greatly it will benefit you. It surpasses all known remedies as an cnricher of the blood, and a perfect regulator of the various bodily func tions. Ask your druggist for it. CATARRH CURED, health ami sweet breuth secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Mother, to euro chafing, relievh'g baby, use lloracine Toilet ami Nursery Powder. It costs no more, is superior and highly perfumed. Insure against accidentsT Received of the Preferred Mutual Accident Association, of New York, Thirty-Two Dol lars for ten days’ disability, resulting from accident. I cheerfully recommend this Co. for prompt payment. E. M. Smith, Cash’r Bank of Thos’ville. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 2, 1888. £3,000 DEATH BY ACCIDENT. 3 000 LOSS OF HAND* OK FEET, 3 000 IjONNOF HAND AND FOOT. glffOO I.OMM OF HAND OR FOOT. •J,300 TjONN of doth even. 11,300 PERMANENT, Tom I Disability 03OIaOSNOF one eve. •j3 per week, Temporary Total Dis ability. FOB FIFTY.TWO WEEK*. COSTS IN THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, utlicr accident companies In tlic event nf u accidental injury slo|) tho payment ol inity at the end ol twenty-six weeks, tlic rred Mutual continues the *auie for lift,- recks. T. X.lldPUMH, Agent, Tliomii.rillr, Cim Headquarters for Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books; Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Ktc. <1 BEAR IN MIND > THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I2KT GEORGIA Where you can find fresh nnd pure drugs and get prescriptions com pounded at all hours, day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’s preparations in tlic prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REID A CULPEPPER, 120-122 JSroad «f. Sullivan & Eilrain. As Sullivan knocked out Ivilrain in seventy-live rounds, L. Steyerman &Bro. Propose to knock out high prices in doth ing in the next twelve months. We offer clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Steyerman and Bro. Owing-to the large trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. Simon Steyerman will leave for New York Monday to take advantage of the market there. He will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. His instructions to us while he is away are to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, To make room for his fall purchases. Call and take advan tage of this opportunity. L. Steyerman & Bro. THOMASVILLE , L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Headquarters for* pure ^irbonated bever ages, at wholesale and retail. Best soda water with pure fruit juice flavors. Ice Cream Parlors Specially littcil up lor the accommodation of tin* Ladies. On drought also, the new Mexican “FRTJI MIS.” Non-alcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing. A NERVE TONIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but is as well a perfect tonic and system vitali/.cr. It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func* tions. Its Properties: Prepared fronijj the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, of which the medicinal prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not a foam ing gas drink,causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, hut a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink: an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons are en Imsias- tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wauls It, • Everybody Drinks It. “FRUI MIZ,” the finest beverage in tlic world. i>ispkxsed;uy L. MUHRIDT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, llucklcn'. Arnirn Mnlrr. Tho Best Salve in tlic World for Outs Bruises, ’Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, nnd nil Skin Eruptions,and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8, J. Cassels, Drug Store. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tlic Jeweler, lias sc- eured the agency for all the Itnd-elass Pianos and Organs, which tic Is setting «t the lowest prices for casli or on long time. Those desiring to purchnse will do well to lourn Ins prices and terms. Reid k Culpepper are keeping up with tlic procession, they have secured the agency o he famous Star Mineral Water, the lines reparation known for dyspepsia. It i 11 aruntecd to cure. I 6 t Thomasville Vai’ictj WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers HOUGH .St DRESSED IAJ MllUli, LATH US, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACK KTS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLKH, BALUSTUKS* STAIR-KAILS Newel L’osts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS, Win? Screen I)uor3 und Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. B6TC0R kes pond k nck 'so l i ci t k d.” GEORGE FEARN, BEAL '.STATU AGI NT. OFFICE IK MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Citj and Coo itry Propcrti (or Sale, HOUSES RENTED Anil Taxes I*: to. K< >ANSI NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description 01 your proper 1 FOR SALE. Ten head ot young horses and mares, from three to eight years old; home-raised from the best breeds ilmt hnvtobccti brought to this comity,and most ot them well broke. Included is the trotting stallion, Sam Jones, four years old (sire Revoke, dam Whirlwind), works well anywhere, double or single, and any woman or child can drive him that can drive any horse. They will be sold. -7 don’t expect to get the value for any of them, so any party who Wants good slock for any purpose, will find this probably the best op|*ortunity that will he offered in this lection soon. Also a few acres of land. W. M. SMITH, d&w Poverty 11 ill Farm.