The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 10, 1889, Image 1

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-A- T C O S3 T ^ A. rC O O S3 T 7 A T C O S T I Preparatory to going North for my fall stock, I Will sell, for the next thirty days, my entire stock of summer clothing at. ACTUAL* COST. This, is; a bona fide closing out sale, as the goods must be sold to make room for fall purchases. This sale will be for the Spot Cash only. 2^. IbT. HHEouLse- nfet$>rt@£ VOL 1 -NO 70. THOMASYILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, '880 4 £ !> 3 CQ tl c CD h fel H CQ CQ Down With the Jute Trust. As the season approaches, and it is, even now, upon us, no subject is of more interest to the cotton grower ot the South, than the one of bagging. Shall it be jute, or shall it be cotton ? That is the question. And the planters, from the Gulf to the most remote cot ton field westward ; from the Rio Gran de, to the cotton limit eastward, comes the chorus: “Down with the jute trust.” The Atlanta Constitution has been interviewing Dr. McCume, the head of the Alliance in the United States. He says that jute must go, “Are the farmers going to sustain you ? ’ Asked the correspondent. ■ With a look of determination, Dr MeCuuc replied: “I am qpw just returning from a trip through Arknusas, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama. I find the farmers everywhere settled upon a fixed purpose of using cotton bagging. In sections where merchants have taken in stocks ot jute on com mission and refuse to order cotton, the farmers have decided to enclose their cotton in rail pens, and to hold it there until cotton bagging can be pro cured. In other sections the mer chant will be compelled to secure cotton bagging in order to cnnblc them to make collections from the cotton pro ducers. In many places the wealthy farmers will furnish funds to enable those without commercial ci edit to get their bagging. Let me tell yon the situation in one sentence : The farmers have stopped passing resolu tions to use cotton bagging ‘if they can get it,’ and now simply' pass resolu tions expressing their determination to use cotton bagging and none other.” The interview is a long and inter esting one, and it breathes, through out, a slern determination to fight the infamous jute trust to the bitter end. - The nrticle thus concludes: This closed -the authorized state ment made exclusively to the Consti tution by the president of the Nationul alliance, and it will bring cheer and hope to tlio fireside of every farmer in the south to learn that cool heads and steady hands have already moved them into the haven of success. Hut four weeks more and the cotton fields of the south will he white. At that supreme moment the trial of strength will he made. On the one side is the trust, with its jute, robbing the farm ers out of an average of eight pounds on every hale, besides, the oxtortlon on the bagging itself. On the other side is the alliances, representing the best manhood of the fields with its cotton bagging, the use of which will destroy the tare robbers as well as the jute trust squeezers. On which side are the men of tlm cotton fields? The answer comes from evert- hill and valley that the union of hearts and hands will remain unbroken, and that a firm front will he shown the enemy. When a whole, people move there is sure to be a revolution. The tramp of determined men is already heard, and when the face of nature is cotton-white in September, the fnrm ers will stand up ns the’ victors in a cause both righteous and patriotic. And the slogan whiidi shall lead them to victory will be the resolution passed to-day by the Ala bama alliance, thus: Resolved, That the members of the Farmers’ Alliance of Alabama reiter ate their determination to use pattoa bagging for wrapping cotton, and will under no circumstances use jute, and that this resolution bo. transmitted to the convention of the agricultural commissioners of the southern states, to meet in the city of Now \tark on the Uth instant, and by that body he presented to the New York cotton ex change. Knowing something of tho spirit and determination o| the Alliance men ol Thomas county, there is Jio doubt about their standing square up to the mark. It is a fight of life and death with cotton groweisof the South. They are grappling with one of the most tnfamous combinations of the day—the jute trust. Let every farm er stand shoulder to shoulder and they are certain to whip. There is no back track for them to take. Let them burn the bridges belling them and cnlis* far the tyar agqinst jute. Victory will crown them in the end. Ihit it is going to require conceit of action to achieve victory. An Alliance man who dodges this issues, is a burden tq his ortjer. He is too heavy to carry. It has been said that far mers cannot combine and agree tor self-protection Let the Alliance dis prove'this saying in their fl^t against the men who taxed them so unmerci fully last year on jute. Stand together; in this lies the secret of success. The Life Elixir. The London Telegraph has, be come convinced that there is niore in Dr. Ilrown-Sequard’s elixir of life than skeptics arc willing to concede. It says that “despite the sarcasm, gener al and professional, with which the recent experiments made by M. ISrown-Scquard were greeted, there seems to be, after all, some efficacy in the ugly elixir vitas invented by the aged and respected physiologist. A young physician, Dr. Variot, who has already been successful in removing tattoo marks from the skins ot several civilized savages, has been induced to test the efficacy of M. Brown-Se- quard’s ‘ life mixture.” He pestled together portions of the flesh-tissues of rabbits and guinea pigs; diluted them with water, and injected the compound thus obtained into the bodies of three paupers, aged respect ively su, 56, and 68. The men bad never heard of M. BroWn-Seqnard’s solution, and were merely told that they were to be injected with strengthening fluid. We have Dr. Variot's word for it that his Ihrcc patients, who, before being subjected to the wonderful remedy, were weak, worn, emaciated, and melancholy, suddenly became strong, fresh, and cheerful; took new views of life, and altogether felt as if they had received a new lease of existence. The expe riment failed, however, on two other subjects, but the indefatigable M. Vaiiot is not 10 be defeated, and lie intends to continue his trials, which in time, will be communicated in all their precision of technical detail to the biological society.” Longevity is held by philosophers to be the supreme principle ; by which is meant that the final end and aim of all benevolent exertion is to increase the life-time of every generation bey ond the one preceding it. If M. Brown Scquard has discovered an elixir that can make tile blind sec, the lame walk, and old age recover the enthusiasm of its lost youth, lie has set the world several centuries. When youth can no longer iread dose upon the heels ol age, to 'press it into the grave, age may turn round and plant kick for kick where it will do the most good But if men and women get to living forever— or within a lew years of it—some other physiologist must rise up to provide against a too rapid multiplication of the species—other wise the globe will become loo dense ly populated -.-Times Union, Jackson ville. Shadows from the Past. E. M. M., the Thomasville corres pondent of the Constitution, in an in teresting letter from St. Simon’s Island to ^tliat paper, among other things, says: There are sonic points of great historical interest on this island which may have been alluded to before in the columns of The Constitution. Just at the rear of the hotel is a little salt marsh and beyond it a clump of stunted trees. It is “Bloody Marsh," and among those trees was fought the battle of Bloody Marsh, when the traditions ot the island say the English under Oglethorpe de feated the Spaniards who had come up from Femnndina. The old oak, beneath which John Wesley is said to hare preached his first sermon in America, is still pointed out. It is a grand and sturdy liveoak, afid looks as though it might stand the storms for many centuries to come. That was a curious congregation the immortal Wesley addressed in the shad ows of the old oak. The larger part of it was Indians, we are told. There must also have been present some of those brave En glish cavaliers who settled on the coast of Georgia and gave it its early greatness and glory. Their descendants afterwards, under the slave system, developed-all this coast country, and the time was when Glynn county could have bought out Fulton coun ty ten times over. Near the Wesley oak, on the bank of Frederica river are the nnxs of old fort fhkdkrica. It was built by Oglethorpe to guard the month of the Altamaha river. The walls were made mostly of a concrete formed from broken oyster shells and oyster shell lime. This material resembles the coquinia of St. Augustine, and is as durable. There were a few brick also used, and sonic of these ban* wasted away and left the mortar be tween them Intact, forming little rude rec tangular cups; still the bricks were of good quality. The fort was in two sections, one being n hundred yards farther inland. There is still there a rusty old gun that tells a won derful story of endurance and courage of those old-time pioneers and warriors. Won der if they could rise from their grave* if they would know their country. Then Georgia spread its proud and unexplored do main Westward even to the hanks of the Father of Waters. Hum and slavery were both forbidden. There was no Atlanta, or Nashville, or Montgomery, or Memphis; there were no railroads or steamboats or telegraphs, no matches or cotton gins or buggies. In those primitive days tin* now proud city of Savannah, through whose ports now Hows the commerce of many rich and populous states, drew its supplies from Frederica, among whose decayed walls the fiddlers now piny, and nguin.-t which the waves break mournfully and desolately. Who shall sav Amehc.i has no ruins? DON’T SPIT ON THE FLOOR. A Philadelphia .statistician says the .food consumed on one of tho large steamships from New York to Liver pool is »>s follows: Nine thousand five hundred pounds of beef, -1000 pounds of mutton, HOD pounds of lamb, 250 pounds of void, 1.10 pounds of pork, U° pounds of pickled leg-of pork, 000 pounds of corned tongue, 700 pounds of corned beef, 2000 pounds of fresh fish, 0i> pounds of calves’ {hoi, 1« pounds calves’ heads, 450 fowls, 240 spring chickens, 120 ducks, 50 turkeys, 50 gecso, 000 squabs, .'!O0 tins of sardines, 800 plov ers, 175 pounds of sausages, 1200 pounds of hum, 500 pounds of bacon, 10,000 eggs, 2000 quarts of milk, 700 pounds of butter, 410 pounds of cof fee, 87 pounds of tea, 000 pounds of auger, 100 pounds of rice, 200 pounds of barley, 100 jars of jam and jelly, 50 bottles of pickles, 50 buttles of sauces, 20 barrel: of apples, 14 ho403 of leptons, 18 boxes of oranges, (i tous of potatoes, 24 barrels of flour. That is a mighty close arrangement which Col. Hawkins says he has made with Urn Central. If auv swallowing is to he done, it is not difficult to guess which system will perform the gulping act. Transmutation of Cotton Seed. Was there ever such a history as that of the cotton seed 7 For seventy years despised as a nuisance, and burned or dumped as garbage ; then lisenvered to be the very food for which the soil was hungering, and re luctantly admitted to the rank of util ities ; shortly after win'd found to be nutritious food for beast as well as for soil, and thereupon treated with some- tiling like respect. Oiieo admitted to the circle of farm industries, it is found to hold thirty-five gallons of pure oil to the ton ; worth in its crude sftte 814 to the toil; or 840,000,000 for the whole crop of seed. But then a system was devised for refining the oil up to a value of 81 a gallon, and the frugal Italians placed a cask of it at the root of ever olive tree and thru defied the Iiorenn breath of the Alps. ! And then experience showed that the ton of cotton seed was a better fertili zer and a better stock food when robbed of its thirty-five gallons of oil than before; and that the bulls of the seed made the best of fuel for feeding the oil mill engine; and that the ashes of the hulls scooped from the engine’s draft had the highest com mercial value as potash ; and that the “refuse” of the whole made the best and purest soap stock, to cany to the toilet the perfumes of Lubiu or C'ol- "ato,—Banker’s Monthly. Mrs. Bunnett’s novel, “That l-ass o' Lowry’s,” suggests to the Atlanta Constitution the dubbing of Sullivan ‘‘That Lad o’ Lowry’s” Nero made his horse a consul, and Texas has a iiogg for an attorney-gen eral. ilesidesj there are ever so many asses in office.—-Ex. Tho Marble Whiteness of the New Capitol Defiled. The once immaculate whiteness of the marble floors in the corridors of the new capital is no more. The tobacco fiend has gotten in his work, causing the erst while snowy pavement to assume a variegated browny-ycllow, pied-poison, mottled leprous look, which 1ms called forth frequent remark. The unerring aim with which the average Georgia legislator levels his mouth, in an emergency, and pulls the deadly string, is proverbial; but in this instance he has received able assistance from the general public in successfully avoidiug nr ignoring the calm but reproachful eye of the sen sitive cuspidor. Surveying the general wreck and ruin, somebody—the proper authori ties, it is to be presumed—somebody has prepared a number of fresh look ing labels attacking the time honored prerogative of the said legislature amt general public after this fashion. I.EfiENIlS FOK I.EOISI.ATIVE EYES. • “If you expect to rate as gentlemen do not expectorate on tiie flooc” “Don’t spit on the floor or steps.” “Spit only in the spittoons.” “Please observe the rules aud do not spit on the floors or stairways.” As one steps in at the Washington street entrance, on his right hand and on bis left, he is confronted by notices pasted on the columns, which read thus: “The marble floors were not made to spit on. Use the big black things called spittoons.” “Parties seen spitting upon s thi marble floors v>r stalfWays 'wU turned out of the building.” This unique legend stares members of the House in the face as they enter their chamber: “.Swallow your tobacco juice until you get out doors.” Just below some one lias written, ‘ ‘ 1 ’ats! ”—Macon Telegraph. A proper question for candidates for the legislature to answer in future: Do you chew tobacco? A New Use for Watermelons. The watermelon crop of Carolina, Georgia and Florida is rapidly getting too large—more tlum the market re quires. Col. Win. Duncan, ot South Carolina, lias therefore made a sug gestion which has received the approv al of a number of Carolina newspapers and melon growers, this is the manu facture of syrup from the watermelon. Colonel Duncan insists that the melon can be more easily and more generally raised than the sugar cane, and as it gro vs above ground it is more con veniently cultivated than the beet. He has experimented in the manufacture of syrup irom melons, and finds it excellent, more like preserves than cane syrup, he says it is likely to become popular with every one who tries it. 1 He made the syrup and sold it, and found no difficulty in getting a good price for it. Annexed.—Farmer’s boy (Illi nois)—Pop! Pop! The praire wolves are killing the stock ag’iu. Where’s the gun ? Old Farmer (sadly;—My son, it’s ng’in the law to shoot guns in the city limits. We’re in Chicago now. Tramp—Will your ladyship help a poor man who is afflicted with a ter rible disease which prevents him from working? Lady—Poor man, here's a quaitcr. What, is your disease? Tramp (pocketing the money)—Lazi ness, mum, laziness. A woman has been arrested in New Jersey for “Jawing.” That is a clear abridgement of woman's constitutional rights. Let justice be done, though —Jawing goes on. Last 'month 24,710 emigrants landed at Castle Garden, against 28,- 000 -,n July, 188,8. Every month this year has been marked by a grad ual decliue in European immigration. Our Mi*. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and he has sent us word to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, and make room for our immense Fall and Winter stock that is coming. So, from now on, all Spring and Summer goods go at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. Levys Drj Goods House Mitchell House Corner.