The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 10, 1889, Image 4

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Woman as She Travels. All women of high or low degree have a desire to travel, and since Kvc did from Eden they have been more or less on the go, and they go on the slightest provocation. Women delight in a pass, but the Interstate Commerce Law is insuffici ent in its provisions to keep them at home, and if there is - ‘a balance on hand.” A woman never starts suddenly, if she can help it, and is never in a bur ry when she does start—there must always be time to “pack,’’ or you can go and buy a pool that it will not be a pleasure trip. Women don’t read tickets or passes —they leave that to the conductor, and if they take the wrong train they blame the agent or the writer of the pass. The other day a lady held a pass to a town to which there were two routes. She git On the wrong train and had to pay her fare. Returning got on the train on which her pass was good but never presented it and paid again. She explained afterward that ,: if the pass wasn’t good going it couldn’t be returning.” She paid both ways, but she made the trip. Women’s rights on the train arc supreme—even each above the other. This is more noticeable in the sleeping car, where each has the exclusive right to the toilet room as far as the break fast station—it’s only a question of who gets there first. In a coach she has a right to any scat in the car, includ ing one for the bird cage. A conduc tor may think he has a right, to put her dog in the baggage car, but he is mistaken—if the dog can stay in her parlor, it can stay in any old passen ger car—so there. Some conductors think, too, that they can start a train at the minute the schedule says, whether the ladies have kissed everybody good-bye or not—but some conductors make peo ple tired. AVomcu arc on thorns, so to speak, for fear they will be carried beyond their station, but they seldom let the conductor forget even if he was so dis posed; he is reminded at each mile post—I was going to say cross-tic— remembering a recent lady tourist of some fifty miles. AVomen travel because they like to, and men pay fares for them because they like them to travel—and the In' .terstateLaw has not decreased the mother-in-law travel.—A Pointer. She Had a Bite. Every one had his or her line over tho rail of the boat awaiting a bite, when the freckled faced girl with au burn linir turned to the young man with a downy mustache' and two watch chains, and exclaimed : “Oh ! Augustus, I believe—I be lieve I have a bite!” “Then pull in,” he commanded. “But it may be a great big fish, and he may pull me into the water.” “I won't let him.” “But if he does?” “I will save you, or we'll perish to gether !” “Then—then I will pull.” She pulled, and brought in a sea- robin about as big as your finger. The pel il had passed. We sneered nt the catch, but they minded it not. Not until that moment dared they ac knowledge their love. lie was licr’n and she was his'n, and they were very happy as they spit on their bait for more luck. Bad Man to meet: Mrs. Brown— AVho was that you saw last night? Brown—A fellow with four aces. Kim UK.vr, The Kpiseu|«il Itcetory, on .Mcl.cun Ave nue. Possession given nt once. Apply lo tt. Unv. C. I. I.aHoviik, Fletcher vile. ASI.ECP ON THE TBACK. A little rbiid, lin'd of piny,lmtl plllnwr-d liia brad on a railroad track nml fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passim,' stranger rushed forward and saved him from a horrible death. Perhaps yon are asleep on the track, too. Von are, if you are neeleelinp the hacking? enuj?ii. the hectic Hush, the loss of appetite, growing? weakness nnd lassitude, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Waite up, or the train will bo upon you! Consumption, which thus insiduously fastens its hoid upon ils victims while they a conscious of its approach, must ho taken in time, if it is to lie overcome. Hr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery lias cured thou sands of cases of tills most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and grivrn a fair trial. I* Is jjunrniifocil to iienefit or cure in every ease of Consumption, or money paid for it will be jyrompllu refunded. Vnr Wonk T.itnfrc For Weak Lung?, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, nnd kindred nffcctions, it is an effi cient remedy. Copyright, l$8?, by World’s I)is. Med. Ass*. offered for an incurable ease of Catarrh in the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Snjrc’s Catarrh ffemrdy. (July 50 cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. Florida Central Peninsula Railroad. rly Hie F. B. Ac IV, Co. Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. c.aop 8 50 p Il 25 P | SOI THKKN DIVISION a~Lv~ Fernand I n a~ A a Lv Jacksonville A; a Lv Callaha P Lv lialdwi Al lan Starke i p Ar Waldo • p Ar Hawthorn > p Ar Ocala i p Ar Wild wood Leesburg ) i> Ar ) p Ar iV Ar Tn Orlando 12 01 p 0 20 p 7 •'>•* P 7 Od p 1 00 p | TAMPA DIVIS1 » 30 Lv Jacksonville Ar [.v Wildwood Ar \r PanasolTkco Ar \r Sumtervillo Ar St. Catherln fi.-,r.up yyu a 10 25 a I J205p ,|Ar Ar 23 \ 13 l LED AH 1 I n I -n 7 00 p f, 00 o. 5 10 a 10 45 •« 4 53 p Ar Gainesville Ar 0 40 a 2 30 p I 5 42 p Ar Archer Lv k 20 n 1213 p j C 12 j» Ar Bronson Ar 7 48 o', 18 jAr Cedar Key Lvl 5 3<) n| i 1 | WESTERN DIVISION j 2 | 10 »i 7 15uiLv Jacksonville Ar i 8(X)a Ar Baldwin Ar I yyoaAr Lake City Ar i 10 27 a A r Live O ik Ar, i!ll28a'Ar Madison Ar tipi 52 pi A r* MontieeUo Lv J 2 02 p Ar Tallahassee Lv i\ 3 03p Ar Quincy Lv i 4.00 pi A r Blver Juuc. Lv 2 15 p 1 40 p J.2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 11 Dally. 02, and 03 Daily. 8,4, 23, 24, Daily,except Sunday. 3D Dally except Sunday. 31 Daily except . KKNANDJ.NA AND 00 | C | JACKSONVILLE IlUANOil j I viUej 8 15 p-4 80 a I.v Jacks , - - — 1003 p-000 a Ar Fernandina L\-il ia-4 30 5 and G dally, except Sunday. GO Hand 01 “ Sundays only. 7 :45 a. in., New Orleans Express. Sin*) nnd quickest lino to all .Middle and \ Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile au l Orleans. 7 :15 a. m. uni 7 :30 p. in. trains iiect through to Thomnsville, Montgoiiu..,, Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrive at 2:15 p f Arrive and 3.45 p. m. 11:15 p. m. Mall nnd Express f<>r all | South, Galnesvillo, Ocala, Leesburg. Ta’ , Apopka, Orlando, BanasolTkee (St. Catharine) Dado City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:50 p. m, 7 :00 p. m. Local, conuects through for all points South, Oeala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpui Springs, s.iiuher- laud, Ht. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at 11:45 a. m. Cumberland Route Express, con nects at Fernandina with steamer City o; Brunswick, daily, for Bruuswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville,. Cincinnati KAHLY OATS. I will have a few bushels of curly outs tor sale. Theso oats are about three weeks earlier than the red rust proof, yield well, weigh heavier than the stand, ard, and so fr: have been entirely freo from disease. J. T. Cjiastain- MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Cicnnluc Suinn of Memory Trnlnln*. Four ItooUo I,earned in one reading. Mind wuitderinjf cared, ry child nnd mln't arenlly lirneffttrd. mi inducoiuonlo to C ir» ;.’p-indenco Classes, do*. With of |>r. Win. A. Jit inn. lv. tv. A*t»r,.Indge Uilfion, Judah P. , rir! , A?’l!l'>i'hfi^I;rib K T I'mhA.'»., N. T. •St. Louis and Chicago. Arriv,. ... 1:30 p. m. Fernandina Mali and Express, daily, connecting Tuesday ami Friday with Htr. Ht. Nicholas for Savannah and way land- lugs. Thursday with Mallory Hte Now York. Arrlv. loavcs Jacksonville 8:15 a. m. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandina, connecting with >Str. City ' Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlauta uid all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O MAcDONELfi, Gen. Manager, G. P. k T. A. .1. W REID. Agent at Thomasvllle. Ga. FBKSMB MEATO. We will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. I*. II. Bone a fine stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, juicy and sweet. We will he glad to receive .four patronage and will serve you with the est meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn A 15no ELDER HOUSE Indian Spring, Ga. W. A. ELDER. Proprietor. SEASON OF 1889. For rates, analysis of water and infor mation, address 6 16 tf E. A. Elder* Manger. I M 1> OllTANT IN CHICAGO PRICES, PEAR GROWERS & SHIPPERS. CoiisiiliihiU’ jour Shipments lo Houses win) lim e Slanding and Ability. AfL-r careful investigation I have rannecl- « d myself with the following reliable houses: \V. L. Snv<ler, .lolm .Stout and Win . G vmble A Co.. New York, Kedlield A Son. 1’hiladel- phia, Bennett, Baud A Co. lost on. The above houses will hi* in concei t and indeavor lo lodd the markets up. I will re main in New Volk during the shipping sea son, and give in) personal attention to the business. K» dailv quotations from each of the markets, and wire to tin Times-Knter- prise for publication. When your shipments are sraftcred it l-nds to break down the mar kets. I .Vs pert full v, .lbs. S. Norton, Oilice 329 Washington St., 7-9-tf New York. JOSI’PII PIKE’S SON, Merchant, —Ami Dealer In — Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida & Georgia Fruits & Vegetables A SPECIALTY. M IS 14. PLAC E, MEW YORK. Melons and LeConte Pears Solicited. i:-T> ited in Thomnsville by A. C. 1 John W. Mitchell WANTED, Cars Watermelons, Baskets of Early Fruits, cli I will pay Iiiiihc.-t market price nr re]! im commission, ami 1 will war.l of S2a lu tin- perron shipping •ar ol tin- largest melons tlii.s season. ai ‘l is over above the market aiiI car wlien received. a. 1'. KICKKTS Wli'ilrsalc Frnil anil Pritdiirc Driller, Cbnllanoogn, Tcun. I’i'o],li.-'s Hank nml other bank o K. (I. (bin k Ci II t.S Of llli nl I lie wholcs.-tlr ally. Crorcr llliiii, Ambrose Olivil, 1. P. C"ffper. Olivit Brothers, Commission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties. 335 Washington St., NEW YORK. Reference: .North River Bark; Halley <S Go., COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Melons a Specialty. It)7 WEST STREET, sinv leiuc. 11,1. r,-n<-.-: Now York Comity National Iiank. ’ 'liitw'iiii | Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y., 4'Oin mission Sealers Southern Fruit and Produce- PiirtiiMilar attention pniil to tfic salo of poiii’.lii’s, liviii'i iui'l melon?. .Sales nqini-teil -Irtilv ami returns promptly made. Jjfjb T. ItemicK. J.nfph W. Thorn. BENNETT & THORN, PK0DUCB Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. 0-1 i-2m KVIAI1MMII i:I> IWI«. E. IS. W04M>WAKI>, GENERAL Commission Merchant Melons ami Pours Specialties. 17-1 (J1IAM.JIERS ST.. JEW YOltli. iJemieU & Hall, < 0.11 >1KSSION .11ESU II AN IS, Fruits and Produce. Melons and -:- Pears H**KCI Al/l’I Nu. iOt WEST ST I !EET. .\KW YORK.] By shipping ycur Green and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, Or anything you may have, to its. We Im a very large trade in the above article?, a can place your shipments tons good advant age as any house on the market. We invit correspondence from all parties having any thing in our line fo ship. S I’M .ME BS, MOB BISON k GO.. Commission Merchants, 17! South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois , Reference; Metropolitan Nat. Bank, d.vw WALTER S. HILL, siion Merchant -FOB THE SALK OF- Southern Fruits S VEGETABLES, LeConte Pears and Melons a Specially. 200 IH ArVE ST,. NEW YORK. Reference?: Irving National Bank, N. Y.; Fruit Grower?' National Bank, Smyrna, Del. Represented in Thomnsville by A. C. Brown. PROFESSIONAL CAJtDS. W. C. SNODGKASS. B. F. HAWKINS ginow;iiass i-c liAWKixs, Attorneys-at-Low. orly occupied by Enterprise of- IJI M. McISroTSI-1, Physician «& Surgeon, Thomaevillo, Goorsfin. JT^'OFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. J)R. JOEL B. CljYLE. 1>13MT1WT THOMASVILLB, GEORGIA. OFl’IClk- HrojubSt.. ovorll’i.-kutt's. g McLendon, Attorney-at-Law, Prompt attention given to all hi trusted to him. Office—Over Watt’s store, coiner I Jackson streets. J II. COYLE, I). I>. S M Resident Dentist, Thomasvllle, • - - Go Offers Ills services to tn citL.cns asvillo and vicinity. ODico hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. from 2 to 6 p. i Office—On Jacks' W. I). MITCHELL, It. (i. MITCH ELI*. «J£ITCHKLL & Mmailil.l, Attorneys-at-Law, W r . KKUL’K,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. of Broad and Fletcher sir 15-’83-3yl S. DEKLE, M. I)., T. Office in il; \ycs Ruildiii". • dillcgo avenue and May Residence—C' nolla street. Tele phono comniunlaUlon, No. 25 for nigtit calls. 1ST. 8. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDE Thomasvlllo, Goorgla, I will ho glad to mako contracts foi tho construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and prlvato, in either brick or wood. I will guaranteo in every instance to glvo satisfaction. • Designs and plans drawn and cureful estimates made. MY Motto—Good, honest work nt fair prices. If you want any building dono call rill submit estimates whether contract Is awarded mo or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by mu in Thomasvlllo nnd elsewhere, nnd nil putties for whom I have worked ’ BY FAB THU R© UTSS —TO— NEW YORK OR BOSTON SAVANNAH —AXI) Till-:— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:-: LINE —OK THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rules. (!ood to return until October .’list, 1889. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the jjeat nnd dust incident to ail-rail routes. If yon are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. Go cast by sea and you'll never regret it. Rassengcr?, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may be bad by apply ing to the Agent nt your station, or to M.S.BELKNAP, W. F, SIJKLLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T.CHARLTON’. CLYDE B< KSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah Ga. "MU h?w Klhanj ACbicigo P»y. C«. TH E PEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. hrough exprens trains daily, with Bull i Palaeo Buffet Sleeping Cara by night, id (.’hair Cars by day, between Cin cinnati! and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, nnd also bo tween Loulsvlllo And Chicago, where close con* neetlons nro mndo for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmnrk, Pol- Omahn, Knusas City, San Francisco and points intermediate— Mow Fast Mail, l/Oaving Louisville, Dallycxcept Sunday, at 7 -30 a. m. Clncinnattl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago aj C :55. Tho most rapid servlco ever attempted bo- tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio Itlvor and Chicago. jOTTI hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggngo chock ed m destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, arc among tho points that have made tho MOOTOKT ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.C.VUSON, V'leo-pros't and Gon’l M; W. II. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Manager, E. O. McCOIlMICK, Gcn.l Passenger Agent R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 138 Broad St.. Thomasvllle Ga. THE PUBLIC Whiddon House (Opposite Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLK, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop This house, located in tho most desir able and central part of the city, is new ami complete in every particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. Tho menu is perfect, and the service rendered by trained andlpo- lite servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the house meet .all trains. declO-ly Fife & Beverly METGS, GEORGIA. --DCALLAS IN- General MercluiudKa Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work, Tho most elf 1 Iy and correct beat equipped Btoekofao- ■ gia. Parti by consult! tly ate designs will bo faithful executed. Wo oporato tho carry tho largest •d lumber In Southe... King lumberwlllsavo money i before placing their ordors. FIFE k BEVERLY Grlfiii & Lflrnk, Contractors & Builders TflOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will ho glad to mako contracts for, superintend, all classes of buildings, public or prlvato, In either brick or wood. Will fur nlsh plans and specifications It required. I von want any building dono call on us, and wo will submit estimates whether con trad Is awarded us or not. Wo will guaranteo satis faction In all our work. Wo refor to tho many buildings erected by us In Thoinasvlllo, and to all partlos for whom wo have worked. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3,1889. B. S. FUDGE, TIIOMASYILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Wai’o, of all kinds, andfagunt fin 1 King’s Powder Co The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This new and beautiful hotel, elegantly furnished, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, First class in all of itj appointments, by? been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former ov»J- er ami proprietor of the late “WHITLOCK HOUSE,” His table and service will satisfy the most fastidious. His beds arc delightful. Terms reasonable. Address, M. G.;\VHITLOClt, Marietta, Qa, That I have open ed, at my office on Broad st., an ex change where land lords may find ten ants, and tenants may find landlords. I will undertake to rent any class of real estate, from a negro cabin to the Mitchell House, from an acre patch to a five thousand acre plantation, and to collect the rents. Parties who have vacant rooms or furnished rooms to let, should call and see me. All wishing any thing in that line can find what they want at my office. ELI M. MALLETTE. Five room cottage on Love street, at §1,2.50 per month. Six room house on Lower Broad street, where Air. H. Wolff now lives, from Sept.], at §20.00 a month. Four room tenement, on Cal houn street, near Broad street, at §o per month, Large new house on Jeffer son street, at §25 per month. Furnished rooms on Jack: son st., near business blocks. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry, ant house, on Jackson st., bev yoml railroad. 11 Mallctte, HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Tliomasvillo. (foorda