The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 11, 1889, Image 1

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.A..T COST., .A_ T C O S T 3 -A.T OOSTI Preparatory to going North for my fall stock. I Will sell, for the next thirty days, my entire stock of summer clothing at ACTUAL COST. This is a bona fide closing out sale, as the goods must be sold to make room for fall purchases. This sale will be for the Spot Cash only. IT- IhT.©i2i.’s Esrcelsior Clotla.iza.g' Ho-iase. VO I. 1 --NO 77. THOMASVILLE, GEOHG1A, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, ’88» $5.00 PER ANNUM *1 > % CQ c U) H fei H DQ 0) LETTI-lt FROM TATF, SPRING. MUCH FOOD FOR THOUGHT IN IT. It Ought to be Carefully Read by Every Citizen of tho Town. Tate Bering, Tens., ) Aug. 8, 1889. j Dear Times Enterprise: I write to corroborate the plain truths set forth by “T. M. Me.” in his recent letter, anil more especially the accuracy with which you so fre (jucnlly picture the necessities of our town. How truthfully you have said that the city paper should mirror the business of the place. Only re cently, I wanted the address of a man doing a thriving business in Thomas- villo. My first thought was the pa lter. I found a copy of the Times- Enterprise and looked it over from Alpha to Omega, hut there was not the slightest evidence that that man or business existed, or ever did exist at all. I think the profits in this one instance would have paid for an ad vertisement for a whole year. The business men certainly stand in their own light. Not only do they dwarf their own business, hut they dwarf the growth of the town. There is nothing on God’s grten earth that pays better than printer’s ink, properly used. Take for exam ple. patent medicines. Some of them, though possessing no more virtue than Cold water, bring to their proprietors, in a short space of time, the luxuries of untold wealth. See the rapid growth of Atlanta. Birmingham and many other cities. Now, what docs this? The answer is plain: it is print er’s ink. If men could not read of these things they would not go to the villages to make them cities, nor would they purchase the useless nos trums. Now, you can bring persons to Thomnsville through use of ink, blit to make friends of them, and hold them as citizens, is a much harder thing than to bring them. The plncc must lie attractive. There must he beauty to adorn, and industry to en thuse. Wc must have entertainment for the rich and labor for the poor. We must have parks, we must have mnnufuctorirs, we must have railroads. In these things we are rfbort, notwith standing the characteristic inertia of southern towns docs not prevail there- Thomnsville tins more brain to con ceive of her necessities and make plans to produce them, than any place of like population I have ever seen. Still, she is lacking, lacking in monied men with nerve to put into action the beneficient plans produced. She so often projects devices which would redound greatly to her prosper ity—goes wild over them, and then quietly settles down with nothing done, that she may be likened unto n Christmas siz-wheel: n great splutter of scintillating fuss and fume, and in the next breath all is darkness and quiet. She is the Micawber of the .South when it comes to railroads and mnnutnetocics. She is waiting for them to come. It would be well to remember that the Lord helps most, those who help themselves. Let for eign sources produce these necessities, and she would be like a capon carry ing chickens: just as much crowing and blow ing ns though he had laid the eggs and hatched the chickens himself. “T. M. Me.” is certainly no pessi mist, or he would never have con strued that “ninety per cent, of cli mate” decision into a compliment. It parallels with a remark I heard on the road to Asheville .last week. A gentleman said he was at a certain watering place paving high board, but all he got was the water. A guest of that very house was once asked if he was a guest. He replied, “No, I am a victim.” Neither water nor eli mate goes foi much without accompa niments. , Our business lethargy may be de rided, but here it must stop. We have better churches, better schools, better drives, better livery stables, better boarding houses, bett^ kept hotels, than any place in the South, and a better winter climate than any where in America. With all this, wc are sadly lacking in productive enter prise, and it takes but a little going about to convince any one of our backwardness in this direction. No town will rise to greatness unless her citizens, each with the other, put his shoulder to the wheel and his hand in his pocket, and vies with his neigh bors in moulding attraetiohs which his city paper can herald to the world, and like the zealous cock, call others to participate in the worm, lliomns- villc is one of the most widely known resort towns in the land. All that is necessary, is to make her attractive to labor and capital, provide ready and comfortable means of access, and her prosperity is assured. Let us own Paradise Park. It will be one of the best investments the town can make. Not only do wc want Paradise, but we should have College park, and any others within the city limits which can be bought. Parks and open squares are the lungs ot a city. Without lungs there can be no life. Pew of our citizens know, as I do, the number of visitors brought to Thomnsville by that, readily access iblc piney woods, lung-healing park— Paradise. To refuse to buy it, would be one of the mist detrimental nets the town lias ever committed. •Wc cannot improve, nor can any one detract from, our climate. That is the result of nature’s immutable laws, and cannot be modified by man. Some complain of cold there. That kind of a man would abuse you if you gave him the world—if you didn’t fence it in. I wish it was colder; not because of the prevailing idea that malaria is killed by cold, for Ibis is fallacy indeed. Soothe results of ma laria in the North, where the mercury goes, below zero and remains there for weeks at a time. See Tonnawanda, X. Y.,near Niagara Palis. It is a hot bed of malarial, yes, the borne of that «,»/* Jiiluh». The microscope reveals the fact that bacteria live on after a winter’s residence in a block of ice, so wc can not hope for their destruction by cold. The truth is, we have but little ftf that sort of tiling to light, and with proper observance ol sanitary measures we will maintain a remark ably healthy city, even after we have attained the largest population in the State. We want the cold because it is inure invigorating, and with it conies dryness. This, with our already proven relative humidity and oqtii- bility ot temperature, would be the means of restoring even more diseased lungs than now is the case. It is the sudden and great changes and damp ness which hurt. In the nearly per petually cold land of the Esquimaux, consumption is al ot’nnknovu. Yours truly, .1. G. Ilni'KlNs. A NEW ERA IS DAWNING. THE SOUTH THE COMING SEC TION. Real Estate the Investment of the Future. The Towns Have Felt the Quick Pul sations, and the Country will soon Be Thrilled Into New Life. The Views of a Close Observer of Things. This is No Joke. “All! bow do you do, Smith?” “Pretty well, I thank you, Jones." "Where do you keep yourself now? I haven’t seen you for an age. The boys used to lie always speaking about you, but I never lienr them mention your name now.” “No, 1 don’t suppose you do.” “But you used to bo one of the most popular as well as one of the jollicst fellows among us.” “1 know it. When I used to go around with the hoys and spend inv money with them and neglect my wile and children,I was a splendid fellow, lint since I began to respect myself and give my wife and chil dren the attention and comforts to which they arc entitled, .and which should have never been withheld from them, 1 have lost my popularity among the boys and mu now regarded as one of those ‘meau cusses.’ But I guess I can stand it.” “I guess you can,” said .Jones. "I never saw you looking better in my - life. Ed. Ti.meh-Entekprise—This pres ent time may be fitly called the re naissance period iti the south, the re naissance of the industries which make nations great and rich, the renaissance of a property which promises to eclipse all former periods of prosperity, and astonish the peoples of the earth in its startling approach to the ideal Utopia. As a direct result ol the salubrity of its climate and the great case with which the battle of life is fought, the natural increase of its inhabitants will alone soon populate all its waste or unoccupied places. But its great nat ural resources of soil and clima'c, its incalculable wealth in mines and for ests, its marvelous opportunities for doing the manufacturing for the world, will attract henceforward to borders an army of workers from all sections and all lands. The signs of the times arc unmistakable, and thoughtful men already see the golden rays ol the ris ing sun of the sou'h’s industrial glory. One great fact should be borne steadily in mind by the people. As the country grows rich and richer, money will be necessarily more plenti ful, and the interest rates will fall low and lower. Owing to increased pro duction and improved methods, all articles of agriculture, mining and manufacturing, may be expected to decline in price. The vast surplus wealth, no longer needed in the commerce or industries of the country, will eagerly seek every form of safe or ptofnablc investment. First class stocks and bonds ol every kind will rise in value. But the great est advance will be in real estate val ues. As interest rates decline, men will naturally turn lo real estate where in to invest their surplus cash. This will bring about a competition which may be expected to rush values to a point now not dreamed of. The be ginning of this very result is already seen in many cities and sections of country. Tfib end no man can foresee. The cities and towns will feel this great movement first, but all country lands will also be stimulated after. Those lands nearest cities, and towns, and villages, and railroad lines, and water lines, will feel it first and more power fully. Tiler? is nothing over which to be gloomy. There arc no signs to please the pessimist. As a result, Georgia lands will grow in demand and consequently ifi value. To come nearer home, these old farms, these broad acres of stately pities of old Thomas, are very valuable,and the near luturc will demonstrate it. The bottom has been touched. The Ru bicon has been crossed. Henceforth! there is a crown of success for all the ; faithful. A sudden and tremendous: jump must not be expected. All great and permanent movements come slow; but once started they are sure, and the movement hitherward and upward has already begun. Wc do not advise people to bold their lands. If they have more than they need or can use, better sell; but let this fact be remem bered : the landlords of the luturc are the buyers of to-day. The tenants of i the future arc the sellers of to-day. | The youngest infant in Thomas j county will never live long cnouglt to , sec lands as cheap in this county as they arc ibis year of grace, 18S9.; There is no possible contingency that could check these results. A ten year’s j war between the races might do it,but such a war is not a possible contin gen-1 cy. In fact, a long war of any kind in ' these days ol dynamite and electricity, j is impossible. A century of peace and I prosperity is before the nation, and the | roan.who could predict this century's { achievements, wouljj be considered | crazy. j E. M. Mam.ette. j RAILROAD NEWS. Work on the Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf Railroad Bridge Across tho Ocklockoncc River Bogun. The steam pile driver Jias reached its dcstinatimi on the Ocklockonee. The piles arc all delivered and the long talked of railroad bridge is at last begun. Capt. Gibbs, who is in charge of the building of the structure, will push the work as rapidly as possible. Chief Engineer Cook is nt ilirj'ivut. The above brief but interesting overland grape-vine telegram was received by the Floridian Friday from Cara belle; it tells its own story, and those who were waiting for assurances that this road would be built to begin improvements and the establishment of new enterprises and industries in Tallahassee need not longer delay. The Floridian has every assurance that the Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf will now be pushed to rapid com pletion, and if unforeseen delays do not occur, Tallahassee and Carabcllc will be linked together by glistening hands ol steel in time to convey pas sengers and freight over Ibis new and beautiful route 10 the Gulf this winter. The completion of this road will result in developing and opening up to the world the rich phosphate beds of Wakulla ; our Gulf fisheries will be enabled to ship fresh fish and oysters to all the great markets; the rich farming and timber lands along its line will conic into active demand; new villages will spring into existence and a new and bustling era will open up for tins part of Florida. When the road is built to Augusta 4 its northern terminus, a new and pop ular route of travel will be QpfDed up and the growing demand for accom modalion, will force the erection of new and palatial hotels in Tallahas see ; manufacturing industries will come in and Tallahassee will boom as she has never boomed before. The Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf will give us better and cheaper trans portation facilities—a long felt want —and the citizens of Tallahassee and those who live along the line of this road, should do all in their power to entourage and aid the company in securing rights ol way, land for depots, and by giving them a liberal share of their shipping business when the road is completed. The stockholders of the Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf are men of large means, and, if they meet with proper encouragement in this enterprise, will invest heavily in the Tallahassee Country and aid us very materially in developing its resources. Now, a word ot advice to property owners of l.con, Wakulla and Franklin counties : Get your property in neat shape ; be ready for a rush of settlers, for there is no doubt about it—the Tallahassee Country will boom this winter. But do not get excited and frighten would be settlers away by fixing the price of your lands at too high a rate. Offer inducements lo actual settlers by selling them homes at reasonable prices, and soon ibis will develop into one of the grandest and most thriving portions ot the globe. Cut your large plantations up into small farms and sell alternate lots to energetic farmers on easy terms and at small prices: they will improve the property and in a short while your reserve lots will be in active demand at double the prices you could have obtained before the aforesaid ener getic farmers were induced to make homes among us by your liberal plan ot selling them homes at low rates. Give this plan a trial.— Floridian. Mr. Willie Flepnng is on a visit to bis mother and relatives here. Wil lie is located at Thomnsville with the \V. F. Telegraph Co., and is justly popular wherever known.—Bain- b ridge Democrat. The new Gulf has on its first coat of paint. AT—^ LEVY’S Our Mi*. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and lie lias sent us word to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, and make room for our immense Fall and Winter stock that is coming. So, from now on, all Spring aud Summer goods go at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. Igevys Dry Ws Hoist Mitchell House Corner.